This tag contain 1 blog entry contributed to a teamblog which isn't listed here.

Satisfied GDPUK Client

Satisfied GDPUK Client

We recently received a call from a client, that ran an advertising campaign last year on GDPUK. They were offering free trials of their new product for members of our community to try in their practice and also to provide constructive feedback on this particular product to the manufacturer.

Ten units were sent out by the manufacturer and each dental practice was given a couple of month's trial to see how the product performed.

Rather impressively, 8 out of 10 of these trials turned into a purchase of the product, which obviously shows the confidence the manufacturer had in giving the dentists a trial and also that the dentist received impressive results when using the equipment, that they knew the product would help improve patient care and safety.

From our perspective, it shows that an attractive offer, catches the attention of our 10,000 strong community and leads to sales for the manufacturer. The advertiser found their target audience, produced a campaign that caught the attention of our readers and turned it into sales.

Always great to receive positive feedback from our clients.

If you would like further information on how we can help you reach your target audience, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your social media marketing partner
  4445 Hits
4445 Hits

Part 2. Insight

Part 2. Insight

Insight: - "The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something."

Welcome to part 2 of our series on online advertising. In this second blog, we look at insight and what an important element of advertising it is. Insight in advertising is seen as a huge advantage of modern day advertising.

We all strive for more insight in our lives, working out why things have gone a certain way, a certain decision has been made and looking to understand things fully. This is also true in relation of social media and advertising. The modern world strives for insight and analysis into everything we do and think.

Online advertising provides you with endless insight allowing you to become a more effective marketer. Marketers went from having no data 20 years to more data than we know what to do with. Online advertising has helped solve this problem because of the visibility and access to data and of course reminds us of the famous line from John Wanamaker:


Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.

With online advertising you begin to get an idea of where your traffic is coming from and who is clicking on the banners or social media posts. This is the first major advantage of online advertising, it provides us with incredible insight and a stronger knowledge base than ever before.

Therefore, this makes online advertising unique. Running a campaign online provides us with the chance to show activity throughout the entire online consumer journey. Common activities include sales, newsletter sign-ups, the number of times an advert is displayed (ad impressions), the number of times people click on an advert to visit a microsite or landing page (click through), the number of times people have interacted with an advert, sign-ups and how much they have interacted on social media.

Although having more knowledge is not always beneficial, when we are looking to market our brand or product we want as much knowledge as possible. So therefore having access to a range of data and information about our campaigns is a fantastic improvement on marketing in the past and gives online advertising a huge advantage.

Thanks for reading.

Part 1 Here.
Part 3. Targeting. your social media marketing partner
  5075 Hits
5075 Hits

Selling an NHS contract

Selling an NHS contract



Here, John Grant of Goodman Grant Solicitors discusses the ins and outs of selling an NHS dental contract…

Unfortunately, selling an NHS dental practice is not particularly straightforward – and there are number of pertinent considerations that must be taken into account before making the sale.


Knowing what type of contract you have – either a Personal Dental Services (PDS) agreement or a General Dental Services (GDS) contract – is crucial to a successful sale. Unfortunately, PDS contracts, most commonly used by orthodontists, are notoriously difficult to transfer, since they depend entirely on the LATs somewhat unpredictable cooperation. However, dentists who have a PDS contract that is designated for general dental services can easily convert their contract to a more easily transferred GDS contract. The right to convert from one to the other is absolute and the LAT is not permitted to refuse the request.


However, while dentists have been selling their GDS contracts since 2006 without any difficulty, the actual transfer process is not as simple as many might imagine. In truth, the sale or disposition of a GDS Contract is specifically  prohibited in the GDS regulations and in the provisions of the actual contracts themselves – which technically makes it impossible to sell an NHS contract in a conventional sense. 

Fortunately, however, there are a number of provisions that make selling, or rather transferring, this type of contract possible. These provisions enable a principal dentist (or dentists) to introduce a new partner or partners into the practice. Again, the LAT must be notified – and they require a minimum of 28 days’ notice – but as long as the proposed partner is registered with the GDC, the LAT cannot refuse the request – although it would be fair to say that LATs are becoming more and more fond of introducing their own requirements before agreeing to issue a contract variation notice.

Once the new partner has then been added to the contract, the original partner – the seller – can retire, relinquishing their ownership over the contract and its goodwill. This will typically happen a couple of months after the sale of the practice has been completed.  This method has been come to be  known as “the Partnership Route” and has been successfully utilised to transfer ownership of NHS dental contracts for the last ten years.

Incorporated practices

The Partnership Route is only applicable for unincorporated practices and, if a practice has incorporated, then a principal  wishes to sell they are obliged to take a slightly different approach. The way that most incorporated practices are sold, therefore, is through the sale of the shares of the limited company. The principal, in their capacity as shareholder, must sell their shares to the prospective buyer, thus giving them  ownership over the company / practice assets. This will not change the legal status of the practice as contractor to the LAT, but will allow different principals to effectively transfer ownership of a practice.

With the majority of incorporated practices, a change of control clause will have been inserted into the NHS Contract by the LAT when the application to incorporate was given by the LAT. This allows the LAT to retain control over who is the contractor  – and means that if a certain percentage of shares are transferred, the LAT will need to be informed and their permission obtained. It is advisable to pay close attention to the wording of these clauses, however, since they are known to vary wildly – and even include stipulations that make it harder to transfer shares.

Help from the experts

Whatever the nature of your contract, the best approach is to always to employ the skills of an experienced dental solicitor, such as those at Goodman Grant, who understand the many different intricacies of buying and selling an NHS contract.


John Grant of Goodman Grant Solicitors – contact on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For more information visit or contact your nearest office:

London: 0203 114 3133

Leeds: 0113 834 3705

Liverpool: 0151 707 0090 your social media marketing partner
  5466 Hits
5466 Hits

Negative feedback isn’t always a bad thing!

Negative feedback isn’t always a bad thing!



Patients nowadays are very aware that they have every right to change their dentist if they don’t believe they are getting the standard of service they deserve – which means inter-profession competition has increased significantly. As a result, it is incredibly important for practitioners to be sensitive to the needs and opinions of their patients, to avoid losing business and reduce the risk of complaints.

But not all patients are willing to leave feedback. Admittedly, some are more than happy to make a complaint – or direct an exasperated diatribe at your receptionist – but in most cases, British people don’t like to make a fuss.

Unfortunately, while this may be the easier way out, it isn’t very helpful. Indeed, a patient who is prepared to make their opinions known is far better than one who holds their dissatisfaction back. These are the patients who you will ultimately lose, since their issues will never be addressed.

As such, it’s generally better if feedback, even negative feedback, is out in the open. That way, you can learn from your mistakes and concentrate on improving your service. Indeed, while negative feedback can be demoralising, it can also be a positive learning opportunity – and should always be seen as such.

That isn’t to say that you must feel obliged to tolerate obnoxious comments. A complaint does not have to be insulting or inappropriate and it is usually best to ignore the people who deal with issues in this manner. In fact, it may simply be more worthwhile to ask them to leave. But if a complaint is provided in a polite and reasonable manner, then it is important that you take note and respond appropriately.

The only problem, as we have already suggested, is that many people do not necessarily feel comfortable with leaving negative feedback. Therefore, it’s very important to make sure that your patients understand that you welcome their comments, both negative and positive. You must then provide them with the correct platforms through which they can easily leave feedback. Many people do not like doing this face-to-face, so a different approach should be considered.

One of the most common mediums for review and feedback these days is the internet. More people than ever before place reviews on the web, making it the ideal place for them to do so for your practice. By providing them with an easy to use platform, such as the PatientConnections system from Welltime, your patients will be able to leave vital feedback for you on your own website, allowing you to review and utilise the information as necessary.

Negative feedback can always be a bit daunting, since no one – especially dentists – likes to think that they are not doing a good job. But there is much to be learned by constructive criticism and by giving your patients the opportunity to provide feedback in a number of different ways you can begin to provide a service that is truly exceptional.


For more information, contact the Welltime team on 07999 991 337, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website at your social media marketing partner
  5540 Hits
5540 Hits

Personalisation in Radiography

Personalisation in Radiography




Author: David Claridge (pictured above) is currently the UK CAD/CAM Specialist at Carestream Dental. He began his career as a dental technician at The Briars Dental Centre, Newbury, before starting Claridge Dental Laboratory, and then Claridge Mouthguards. David has been closely involved in the digital impressioning/CAD/CAM world, through his role in the digital dentistry team at 3M ESPE, before joining Carestream Dental.

Digital technology has meant greater personalisation in our lives, including our professional life. We are no longer satisfied with being treated ‘en masse’ as the capability for modified configurations and bespoke settings are available in nearly all of the devices that we use. This capability to individualise is of great benefit in dentistry; whether it is the configuration of a dental chair for improved ergonomics, or the pre-set modes on a hygienist’s ultrasonic scaler, technology is helping workflows become simpler and quicker than ever before.


The evolution of digital radiography has put control back in the hands of the dentist by not only minimising, but also sometimes eliminating the drawbacks of conventional film radiographs. The dentist can now manipulate images that they take so they can be viewed in the way that they need to see it. With conventional radiographs, once the film had left the processing solution the image quality was determined and there was no chance of changing it.  However, the quality of digital images can be altered afterwards to allow for improvements.

There are a number of factors that make up image quality. Contrast, blur and noise can be controlled with use of software to help improve the image and therefore increase the chance of better diagnosis and treatment planning. Subtraction radiography is a useful enhancement method where the purpose is to produce two radiographs of the same view but at different times. Very small changes can be seen that would otherwise have been missed on conventional radiographs or on visual clinical inspection. Another digital capability is to zoom in on specific areas of concern; something impossible with conventional film. Other common enhancement tools include changing of the brightness, enhancing contrast, reversal of the image, embossing to create the image 3-dimensionally, the use of a multi-colour spectrum and filters.

The possibilities are vast when it comes to radiograph image manipulation. The CS Adapt module from Carestream Dental offers a whole new level of choice in extraoral image processing. Whether a panoramic or cephalometric image is required, CS Adapt allows easy adaptation depending on how the clinician wants it to “look and feel” and the intuitive Filter Library allows the clinician to select up to three favourites for a seamless workflow. 

Clinicians no longer have to be satisfied with using equipment that is not producing the results that they require, for the work that they do. Digitisation and the development of technology now allows for personalisation to ensure that the best results are achieved


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit

For the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter @CarestreamDentl and Facebook your social media marketing partner
  3937 Hits
3937 Hits

A piercing issue

A piercing issue




As dentists, we are aware that our patients are afraid of receiving anaesthetic injections. It’s the needle and the anticipation of the pain that does it – and it’s a big problem. For us, it can be a real issue. While we may be very skilled at administering anaesthetic, when faced with a nervous patient things become a little more complicated and, if the procedure goes poorly, we can be left doubting our own skills. In the case of extremely nervous patients, who we have had a great deal of difficulty injecting, we sometimes think it would just have been easy to sedate the patient from the outset. But sedation, of course, is just a short-term fix. It benefits us, as the clinician, more than the patient – it doesn’t remedy their fear.

As such, there has been a succession of different delivery systems for anaesthesia that have attempted to alleviate our patient’s fears. One of the most popular options is the anaesthetic wand. This device gives patients a much calmer and gentler injection due to its computerised delivery mechanism. It’s a great piece of kit and many dental practices have adopted it into every day procedures – mine included. I’ve actually found that my patients, who have historically been afraid of injections, have responded very positively to the wand – and have really appreciated the alternative option.

However, at the end of the day, the wand still uses a needle.

What dentists have been looking for, then, is the needleless anaesthetic – the Holy Grail of dentistry. This is why an article in the news piqued my interest recently. Apparently, a company in America has developed a completely needle-free option that consists of a simple nasal spray.

From the information we have available, this new nasal spray system looks quite promising. It induces minimal side effects (runny noses mostly) and is demonstrably effective. Unfortunately, it is only effective at numbing from one upper pre-molar to the other – and this, as we all know, is the area in which we are probably the most skilled at administering anaesthetic already.

What we need, therefore, is a system that will let us anaesthetise the lower mandibular molars – especially those with hot pulps. This is the hardest area to anaesthetise and unfortunately the nasal spray may be the wrong pharmaceutical to inhale for adequate relief.

As such, I can’t see this new system being revolutionary. I do believe that anything that helps our patients feel more at ease in the treatment room is of great value and I do not doubt that in very specific circumstances, this nasal spray will be an effective option. Patients in need of very simple restorative procedures, who are scared of the needle, will undoubtedly benefit – and this is not something to scoff at.

But for other procedures, we will simply have to rely on the tools we have available now and, for the time being, the quest for that Holy Grail must continue.



For further information please call EndoCare on 020 7224 0999

Or visit


EndoCare, led by Dr Michael Sultan, is one of the UK’s most trusted Specialist Endodontist practices. Through the use of the latest technologies and techniques, the highly-trained team can offer exceptional standards of care – always putting the patient first. What’s more, EndoCare is a dependable referral centre, to which dentists from across the country send their patients for the best in specialist endodontic treatment. your social media marketing partner
  3896 Hits
3896 Hits

Going Rogue

Going Rogue your social media marketing partner
  7944 Hits
7944 Hits

Get your free e-book for the All-On-4 treatment concept today!

Get your free e-book for the All-On-4 treatment concept today!



If you’re looking to develop your implant offerings and provide a wider range of services to your patients, get started with the All-On-4® treatment concept with your free e-book today!

From the pioneer of the globally popular concept, Nobel Biocare, the e-book offers a wealth of information, advice and top tips to help you maximise efficiency, safety and success of treatment.

The valuable tool will help you learn:


  • The four key steps to identifying eligible patients


  • Treatment planning tips


  • The four common challenges associated with the All-On-4® treatment concept and how to avoid them


  • Tips and techniques from experts, with real-life clinical cases


For this and much more, download your free e-book today! Just go to to discover more about how the innovative All-On-4® treatment concept could benefit you and your patients.

For more information, contact Nobel Biocare on 0208 756 3300, or visit your social media marketing partner
  4528 Hits
4528 Hits

Why Shares Can Be A Good Thing - Richard Lishman

Why Shares Can Be A Good Thing - Richard Lishman

Historically, stocks have achieved an average return of around 10 – 12 per cent over the long-term, and are notoriously well known for outperforming safer investments such as bonds or savings accounts. As such, having a share in the ownership of a company can be a worthwhile investment, particularly if you are willing to put your money into a riskier venture.

There are two main classes of stock: these are known as common or preferred. As the name suggests, common stock make up the vast majority of shares available and are generally considered to entail the most risk. Indeed, if the company goes bankrupt, shareholders do not receive any money until the creditors, bondholders and preferred shareholders are paid. On the plus side, being a shareowner entitles you to a portion of the company’s profits, so if the going is good, you could potentially see a significant return on your investment.

By owning stock(s) you are also entitled to one vote per share when it comes to electing the board of directors at annual meetings. So while having shares doesn't give you any power in the way the business is managed, your voting rights means you do have an opinion in who is in charge, and by association, the direction of the company.

Preferred stocks, however, don’t usually afford the shareholder the same rights, so if this is important to you as an investor, it is crucial to choose ventures that do allow you to vote. The other aspect to take into consideration is the way in which the money is paid out – unlike common shares, investors are usually guaranteed a fixed lifetime dividend, which could be ideal if you are looking for a safe, consistent income for retirement. When deciding upon which type of stock to invest in, it is always worth considering the option of a collective investment scheme. This is where shares are pooled into one investment to maximise returns and minimise tax.

There are innumerable different companies that you could potentially invest in, so before you make your move, take the time to shop around. And, if you are looking to make a much larger investment, you could consider taking over a dental practice. Indeed, if an incorporated practice is looking to sell, it will usually do so through selling their stock – as more often than not the principal owns the majority, if not all of the shares. By buying these shares you take over as the main owner of the practice, which holds numerous opportunities.

All in all, there are a number of roads to go down with shares, which if you play your cards right, can pay dividends – literally! To get the most out of your shares or for advice on buying or selling, it is best to seek guidance from an Independent Financial Adviser, such as those at money4dentists.

There is a lot to consider when trading shares, so make sure you are prepared – getting caught out will cost you.


For more information please call 0845 345 5060, 0754 DENTIST, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit your social media marketing partner
  4583 Hits
4583 Hits

BioHorizons and CAMLOG – an inspiring implant duo

BioHorizons and CAMLOG – an inspiring implant duo

BioHorizons is delighted to announce its new relationship with CAMLOG, a leading supplier of systems and products for implant and restorative dentistry.

Speaking about this development, Ken O’Brien, General Manager UK & Ireland at BioHorizons, said: ‘To me, this is the positioning of two premium systems under one umbrella, offering clinicians unrivalled choice. We are excited to share the possibilities with our customers in the coming weeks.’

Indeed, with CAMLOG and BioHorizons sharing a portfolio of products, our reps can offer a wider range of treatment solutions than ever before, combined with unprecedented added value features such as access to The Implant Hub ( and business support.

With a team of Territory Managers located across the UK and Ireland, you can be sure that whatever you need is just a phone call away.


For more information, please call 01344 752560, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit your social media marketing partner
  5596 Hits
5596 Hits

Tax-free opportunities knock - Michael Lansdell

New allowances mean that there is now the opportunity for some people to have up to £17,000 of savings income, tax-free. Along with the new £5,000 dividend allowance, that’s potentially up to £22,000 of tax-free income. So, how can you get on board?

The defined order for taxing income can make a difference. Earnings/non-savings income (such as rent) is taxed first. This is followed by savings income, then dividends.

The 0 per cent starting rate band for 2016/17 is £5,000. This is given on savings income as long as it does not exceed the personal allowance of £11,000. So if you have earnings/non-savings income of up to £11,000, you could receive £5,000 of savings income, tax-free. Dividends income does not affect your entitlement to the starting rate tax band. This gives you the option of having thousands in dividends, but also continuing to enjoy £5,000 of savings income taxed at zero.

April 2016 saw the introduction of the new personal savings allowance (PSA).
A basic-rate taxpayer will be able to earn up to £1,000 in savings income, tax-free; for a higher rate taxpayer this figure is £500. Using the PSA, a basic-rate taxpayer could take advantage of the £11,000 personal allowance, plus £5,000 taxed at 0 per cent, plus the £1,000 savings income allowance. This means a potential total of £17,000 in tax-free savings income.

Not only is basic-rate tax no longer deducted at source on bank/building society accounts since April, but the first £5,000 of a person’s dividends income is also tax-free. Why not look at how family members can be used to maximise the benefits available? For a couple, one partner may be lower earner or have less in pensions. If they hold the assets that generate the savings income and dividends, this can help the family qualify for the new opportunities.

Everyone wants to know how to maximise their tax efficiency and enjoy tax-free income. With the pressures of being a dental practice owner, it pays to get expert advice so you can get on with the business of providing high-quality care and a great place to work. Lansdell & Rose are specialists in providing tax-planning advice to dental and medical professionals, as well as business advice. Get professional support to maximise your tax efficiency – there are opportunities for tax-free income out there if you know where to look.


To find out more, call Lansdell & Rose on 020 7376 9333,

Or visit your social media marketing partner
  3506 Hits
3506 Hits

Get The Right Refurbishment

Get The Right Refurbishment




Are you thinking about refurbishing your practice? Then look no further than RPA Dental Equipment Ltd. With its extensive knowledge and experience within the dental industry, the team can help tailor your practice design to meet your specific and unique needs.

They will work closely with you to establish a suitable layout, fully utilising the space you have to ensure that you have an efficient, ergonomic and stylish work environment.

RPA Dental also provides quality Tavom cabinets to fit into your tailor-designed practice, all of which are compliant with CQC and HTM 01-05 standards and regulations.

To ensure you are happy with the refurbishment every step of the way, RPA Dental uses the latest CAD/CAM technology to provide computer-generated images of your future practice. This will give you an idea of how it will look, giving you the freedom to modify or change your plans if you wish.

If you would like to find out more about the cabinet ranges available and how RPA Dental could help you with your dental practice design, contact the team today.



To see how RPA Dental can transform your dental practice, please call

08000 933 975 or visit the website your social media marketing partner
  3757 Hits
3757 Hits

What Goes Into Candidate Screening? Luke Arnold

What Goes Into Candidate Screening? Luke Arnold



If you are looking to maximise your chances of success when applying for a role, it can pay to prepare for candidate screening. The only way to do that is to know what goes into it.


To help with screening, employers often use an initial checklist that can be used to quickly and efficiently establish whether an applicant is a suitable candidate or not. On that list will be a number of desired skills that the prospective employee must have in order to advance to the next round – these typically include the necessary qualifications, accreditations and registrations. They will also be looking out for candidates that have previous experience.


Once the employer has established which candidates satisfy all the requirements, they will examine personal qualities. If it goes down to the wire and two applicants are on an even playing field in terms of qualifications and experience, these attributes could be the deciding factor between who is selected to fulfil the position.


However, it is important to remember that no two prospective employers are the same, so there will always be variety in what practices are looking for during their screening process. Some companies, for instance, are very relaxed and will consider interviewing anyone that applies, while others are very selective. Some employers might even choose to conduct phone interviews either in place of interviewing or in addition to, though this typically depends on whether the vacancy is for a permanent or locum position.


Bearing all this in mind, there are a number of preparations that you can make to boost your chances of success during the screening process.


  • Having a good curriculum vitae is the biggest foot in the door, so it is crucial that you spend adequate time ensuring that all the necessary information is included in a clear and concise fashion.


  • You must also be sure that you have researched the company and the role thoroughly – and when you’ve done that, research some more. The more prepared you are, the higher up on their list you’ll be.


  • About 80 per cent of employers will search for an applicant on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, so whatever you put online, make sure it’s appropriate.


  • Draw on your peers’ experiences for insight and top tips.


  • Follow up on your application to confirm that it was received – it will show that you’re proactive and enthusiastic about the role.


  • Contact the employer post interview thanking them for their time to help keep your name at the forefront of their mind.


  • Employ the services of a specialist recruitment agency like Dental Elite for expert advice, support and to act as an intermediary between yourself and the employer.


Altogether, there are a great many factors that are taken into consideration by an employer during the recruitment process, all of which not only help to ensure that the right candidate gets the job, but also to streamline the process for everyone involved. To ensure that you meet the criteria and pass the screening process, take the appropriate steps to prepare today.


For more information on Dental Elite visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01788 545 900 your social media marketing partner
  3626 Hits
3626 Hits

Highly recommend whitening

Highly recommend whitening


“From the moment I started working with Enlighten, I knew I was dealing with something I hadn’t really experienced before,” says Dr Kunal Patel, owner and principal dentist of Love Teeth Dental Practice. “The team was incredibly proactive and generous – and, unlike other tooth whitening companies I have dealt with, had a vested interest in its clients and their patients.


“I think I was initially drawn in by Enlighten’s branding and marketing – which is all of a very high quality. I knew immediately that it was a product that was very much in line with the kind of practice I wanted to create.


“I also discovered that Enlighten can guarantee a great result – the only whitening product I can think of that can do so. Of course, this is incredibly important to patients and helps us dentists strengthen the bond of trust we have with them. Indeed, I trust Enlighten products to achieve that ideal B1 shade – and my patients trust me.


“Now, Enlighten whitening has become an integral part of our treatment process. I undertake many smile makeovers and orthodontic cases – both of which have a natural synergy with whitening products. I’ve found that patients are happy to pay the extra cost for whitening when having their smile altered – it’s the perfect way to finish off treatment to an incredibly high standard.


“As such, I would wholeheartedly recommend Enlighten products to any dentist!”


For more information, visit, email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the team on 0207 424 3270 your social media marketing partner
  4463 Hits
4463 Hits

A tough subject: dental enamel

A tough subject: dental enamel



The outer protective layer of the teeth, dental enamel, is the hardest substance in the human body.[1] Ninety-six per cent of its composition is mineral – almost entirely a crystalline calcium phosphate, called hydroxyapatite1 – with water and organic materials comprising the rest. As such, it is an effective barrier that protects the more sensitive layers of the tooth. Indeed, enamel can withstand bite forces as high as 1,000N on a daily basis[2] and has a relatively low wear rate,[3] making it the ideal protective material for the teeth.

Enamel is formed through the process of amelogenesis, beginning in developing babies during the third of fourth month of a pregnancy.[4] After this time, the new enamel forms at a rate of about 4?m per day4 until the tooth eventually erupts from the gum. Interestingly, before this happens, at some time during the mineralisation stage of enamel development, the ameloblasts – one of the integral proteins of enamel development – begin to undergo programmed cell death. As a result, enamel has only limited ways of regenerating itself once it has been damaged, through wear, acid attack or dental decay. The repair in the mouth is governed by the intricate balance of demineralisation through day to day challenges and the remineralisation by calcium and phosphates deposited by specialised salivary proteins.

This is a prevalent issue since, due to the nature of its composition, enamel is susceptible to almost constant demineralisation.1 As we know, there are many different reasons for demineralisation, but by far the most important is the ingestion of fermentable carbohydrates. Sugars are, of course, the common culprits – particularly sucrose – and when these are introduced to the native bacteria of the mouth, lactic acid is formed, significantly lowering the intraoral pH and causing demineralisation,1 and this may lead, if unchecked, to dental decay.

Fortunately, there are a number of things that can help prevent or, at least, slow the effects of demineralisation. Perhaps the most effective – and subsequently overlooked – is saliva. By regulating the pH levels in the mouth, saliva helps prevent enamel from decaying; indeed, its importance to caries prevention can be assessed by the fact that people suffering from xerostomia generally have a higher incidence of dental decay.[5] Saliva also contains antimicrobial compounds and is hypersaturated in calcium through a group of proteins called statherins.

There are also a number of artificial prevention and remineralisation therapies that can help maintain the desired intraoral equilibrium. The fluoridation of drinking water and toothpaste is, perhaps, the most recognised – and has demonstrable results, as it leads to the formation of fluorapatite, which is much more resistant to acid challenges. Indeed, fluorapatite is an important component in tooth enamel and can be strengthened by the presence of additional fluoride ions.

Maintaining the equilibrium between demineralisation and remineralisation is one of the most important factors in preserving good oral health – and preventing dental caries. As we know, dental caries is one of the most prevalent dental health issues in the UK – and is a direct result of an imbalance in the demineralisation / remineralisation pattern. If a person’s diet or even genetic predisposition allows demineralisation to overtake the body’s natural reparative functions, caries results. Indeed, as the crystalline structure of enamel begins to break down, so called cariogenic bacteria – most commonly Streptococcus mutans – is able to gain a foothold on the tooth’s compromised surface, expediting decay and causing cavities. As we are well aware, once a patient has a cavity, there are few clinical options available other than placing dental fillings, which further compromise the tooth.

While it may be one of the most prevalent health issues in the world,[6] dental caries is still quite hard to detect, and particularly in its earliest stage, when remineralisation therapy can still repair the damage.

Fortunately, however, our understanding of dental caries has increased significantly over recent years and new technology is presenting itself that can aid dentists in early caries detection and subsequent treatment and prevention.

Cariologists have discovered that an effective way of detecting active demineralisation at its initial stage is to monitor a tooth’s calcium components at a molecular level. For example, as demineralisation occurs, calcium ions are released from the crystalline structure of the enamel. These ‘free’ calcium ions then start to collect in solution in what are known as hydration shells – small pores and pockets that increase as the enamel’s crystalline structure begins to break down. The presence of free calcium ions is indicative of the progress or active status of demineralisation, providing a means to track the process at its earliest – and most reversible – stage.

This process is the basis of the innovative CALCIVIS imaging system. By introducing a unique and highly specific recombinant, luminescent photoprotein to the free calcium ions that are a result of active enamel demineralisation, a tiny flash of light – termed as a chemiluminescent signal – can be produced. This has enabled CALCIVIS to produce a highly sensitive imaging device capable of producing a chair side map of active demineralisation, giving practitioners the necessary information to begin first-response preventive treatment before a cavity can form and more invasive treatments are required.

Preventive dentistry is regarded as the future of dentistry. Protecting a patient’s natural teeth is a paramount consideration and professionals must be prepared to focus on the early diagnosis and prompt treatment of dental caries. New technologies are making this possible by giving dental professionals the means to offer high-quality and accurate early intervention and preventive care in the first instance.


For more information visit, call on 0131 658 5152 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


[1] Ross, M., Kaye, G., Pawlina, W. (2006) Histology: a text and atlas, 5th ed., Philadelphia; London; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

[2] Braun, S., Bantleon, H., Hnat, W,. Freudenthaler, J., Macotte, M., Johnson, B., (1995) A study of bite force, part one: Relationship to various physical characteristics. ‘The Angle orthodontist.’ 65 (5): 367-72

[3] Lamrechts, P., Braem, M., Vuylsteke-Wauters, M., Vanherle, G. Quantitative in vivo wear of human enamel. (1989) ‘J Dent Res.’ 68 (12): 1752-4

[4] Nanci. A., (2012) Ten Cate’s Oral Histology, 8th ed., Elsevier

[5] Su, N., Marek, C., Ching, V., Grushka, M., (2011) Caries prevention for patients with dry mouth. J Can Dent Assoc 77: b85

[6] Vos, T. (2012) Years lived with disability for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. ‘Lancet’ 380 (9859): 2163-96 your social media marketing partner
  4793 Hits
4793 Hits

Part 1: Introduction

Part 1: Introduction


As mentioned previously, 2017 marks the 20th year of GDPUK. is for dentists and dental professionals to discuss all aspects of their profession, their practice and their business, centred on the UK. Subjects dissected have been diverse, from tips on simple techniques to guidance on buying major equipment, to discussions on the various practice management software packages, and of ongoing developments in British dental politics.

Moderated in Manchester, England by Dr Tony Jacobs BDS, the Group was started in Summer 1997, and continues to grow rapidly. also publishes UK dental news, and has had many exclusive stories, as well as being able to publish the latest news relevant to dentistry before other dental news providers. In addition GDPUK blogs, both editorial and product updates are well read throughout the dental profession and industry. A unique feature is the @DentistGoneBadd visual blog.

The group now has nearly 10,000 members, and attracts interest and sponsorship from major companies involved in the dental trade.

Blog Series

To mark this anniversary, we thought we would put together a 20 (get it!) part series of blogs about online advertising and all the advantages of it. Over the next 19 blogs, I am going to look into detail at the reasons that online advertising is effective and why a medium like an online community can be perfect for your brand …. Especially If you are looking to reach a target audience.

Over the series of blogs, we will explore all the elements of online advertising from how you can be creative, the opportunity to increase brand awareness, plus the adaptability and flexibility of online advertising.

Advertising online can no longer be viewed as a new medium, it is extremely well established but we hope this series can convince the sceptics but also prove useful to anyone who is looking to do some powerful marketing of their brand or product in the year ahead. Please get in touch we any queries or questions.

Hope you enjoy this series of blogs. Thanks for reading.

Happy New Year. your social media marketing partner
  3918 Hits
3918 Hits

Dental Wishlist for 2017 by @DentistGoneBadd

2017 - A Dental Wishlist your social media marketing partner
  7554 Hits
7554 Hits

Time to question the Holy Cow

Time to question the Holy Cow
Image Alt here

Discussions on GDPUK forum often stimulate my thinking and my thoughts in this blog are for the nation to consider in 2017. This blog uses dentistry for some of its examples, but is about the future of the NHS, and asks if the marketplace could help development of a different type of health care system, funded not just centrally. I have tried to keep this a short piece, so I have abbreviated the steps for my intelligent readers. your social media marketing partner
Continue reading
  10797 Hits
10797 Hits

Become a Centre of Excellence with Enlighten

Become a Centre of Excellence with Enlighten



Enlighten is excited to announce the start of an exciting new initiative – through which it means to improve the standard and quality of tooth whitening around the country.


With the Regional Centre of Excellence scheme, Enlighten will reach out to its trusted clients, offering them exceptional training, support and marketing assistance. Partner practices will also receive regional exclusivity, ensuring that they are the number one choice for tooth whitening in their area.


The Enlighten team will be on hand to provide in-practice training, ensuring your entire staff know exactly what is involved in the tooth whitening process. This way, they can provide your patients with precise and friendly advice and information whenever it’s needed.


Enlighten will also help promote your practice as the go-to expert in tooth whitening – through its own nationwide network of contacts, as well as dedicated and personalised advertising and promotion campaigns.


Membership to this exciting initiative is limited, depending on regional interest and uptake, so ensure you contact the Enlighten team as soon as possible to register your interest and take the first step to becoming a Regional Centre of Excellence.


For more information, visit, email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the team on 0207 424 3270 your social media marketing partner
  4429 Hits
4429 Hits

The case of the missing F mug, how it has devastated JFH Law, and how you can prevent it happening to your practice

The case of the missing F mug, how it has devastated JFH Law, and how you can prevent it happening to your practice

At the start of 2017, we thought we would take a look back at one of the major events of the past year, and the dramatic effect it has had on both us and …the World.

When the team at the JFH Law’s offices were asked for their views on what this should be, everyone was in agreement that ‘Mug Gate’ was that very event.

‘Mug Gate?’ we hear you all asking, ‘how did I miss that?!’

Fear not; in this blog we will set out the issues surrounding the controversial ‘Mug Gate’ and how you can prevent it happening at your practice. 

It all began on 14th December 2016, when John Howey, Partner at JFH Law, announced he had broken a J mug washing up. ‘The handle just came off when I was washing out the inside’ he confirmed. At first we all laughed and there was some light hearted banter about Mr Howey not knowing his own strength; but things then took a turn for the worst.

Julia Furley, Partner at JFH Law, recalls:

At first it was all a bit of fun. We were laughing away, but then I looked around the room and noticed that everyone was drinking from a J mug. It became immediately clear to me that John couldn’t have broken a J mug. I therefore made the management decision to investigate further, attending the kitchen and conducting an audit of the firm’s J, F and H mugs.”

After Ms Furley had completed the stock-take it was discovered that all of the F mugs had mysteriously disappeared. It might be helpful at this point for the reader to note that we have a variety of mugs with the letters J, F and H on them. With the F mugs all gone, we no longer had our identity!

On 15th December 2016 Ms Furley vigorously interrogated all the staff as to their movements over the previous year and whether they had had any accidents involving an F Mug. Everyone denied having broken a mug. The plot thickened.

Anges Biel, paralegal, was tasked with making enquires with the cleaner, after completing her investigations she confirmed ‘the cleaner is denying any breakages but I have my doubts. I found out his name is Franz Ferdinand’. We were certainly suspicious. Could it be that Mr Ferdinand supplementing his own collection of mugs with our Fs?  

Whilst we now have the expense of re-stocking our kitchen with F mugs, we are also left wondering; what if M&S no longer stock lettered mugs?

Everyone at the office has been left unsettled by these unfolding events. Jigna Verakia, solicitor, provide us with this quote:

I just don’t know why someone would want to take all of our F mugs. We are a close team but I am now left suspicious of those around me. I have my own mug and I now take this home to protect it. I just don’t know what I would do if anything happened to it.

The mystery continues here at JFH Law but what lessons can your dental practice learn from Mug Gate?

Laura Pearce, employment solicitor at JFH Law, advises:

The morale of this story is; don’t trust your staff. Theft is theft is theft. Make sure all surgery property is under lock and key and only the managers can access it. Have a signing in and out form for each time staff members want to use a mug or a pen. Search bags as staff are leaving and undertake random stripe searches. If you find that anyone has taken anything, shout very loudly ‘you’re fired’ and escort them off the premises.

We also spoke to Duncan Roberts, criminal solicitor, to get his take on the situation:

Don’t bother phoning the police; deal with it yourself. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth has always been my motto.

If you need any advice about marching staff of your premises or medieval punishments, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance. And if anyone sees any of our F mugs, please let us know immediately; there will be a reward for anyone who helps in their safe return.

How to deal with gross misconduct

On a more serious note, dealing with gross misconduct can be difficult; when you work in a small practice, if a member of staff has taken something that does not belong to them, trust can break down and emotions may run high.

Before you jump the gun and start firing staff, take a step back and follow this simple 3 step process to help you avoid landing in hot water.

Step 1 – Investigate

Call the employee into a meeting and question them about the incident. This should be informal and a meeting to gather information not make allegations. You do not need to write to the employee beforehand inviting them to the meeting. They do not have any right to a representative at the investigatory meeting.

After the meeting, consider whether you need to suspend the employee. This should be a last resort and not an automatic response to allegations of misconduct.

If someone else reported the incident, obtain a statement from them too. Is there any other evidence you can obtain to help you make a decision?

At the end of this process gather together the information you have and decide whether there is sufficient evidence to take the matter via a formal route.

It is at this point you can weigh up the seriousness of the allegation and decide whether an informal chat with the employee would be enough to rectify the behaviour. Some companies take a hard line and consider any theft amounts to gross misconduct, whilst others may view the theft of a pen as less serious and give a simple ‘slap on the wrist’ warning not to do it again. Remember whatever line you take make sure you treat all employees the same.

Step 2 – Disciplinary Meeting

If you consider the allegation is serious enough to take formal action, write to the employee and invite them to a disciplinary meeting. The letter needs to clearly set out the allegations and state that if found prove it could result in summary dismissal. At this meeting, the employee is entitled to be represented by either a trade union representation or work colleague, and you should remind them of this in the letter. Finally, make sure all evidence you have obtained is sent to the employee so they can comment on it.

You should give the employee time to prepare for the disciplinary meeting; how much time you give will depend on how much information there is. 

At the meeting put the allegations to the employee and give them a chance to respond.

We would recommend adjourning the hearing to make your decision. If you do this and carry out any further investigations, you will need to re-convene the hearing and give the employee a chance to comment on any new information that comes to light.

Write to the employee with the outcome. Set out in detail why you have come to your decision. If you do dismiss the employee, offer the right of appeal.

Step 3 – Appeal

If the employee appeals the decision, you should invite them to an appeal meeting. This should be heard by someone different to the disciplinary hearing and more senior if possible.

Again the employee is entitled to be accompanied at this meeting.

Hold the meeting and let the employee put forward their grounds of appeal. Following the meeting, write to the employee with the final outcome.

The above three step process is based on the ACAS code of practice, which you should always look to follow. You should also consider what your own policies say and try to follow them where possible.

If you need advice or assistance on dealing with a disciplinary procedure, please contract Laura Pearce on 0207 388 1658 or email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your social media marketing partner
  9105 Hits
9105 Hits

Rentokil Initial raises more than £100K for charity

Rentokil Initial raises more than £100K for charity



Rentokil Initial – of which Initial Medical is a subsidiary – is thrilled to have raised more than £100,000 for the company’s chosen charity, Malaria No More UK, in the past three years!

The company and its employees achieved this fantastic milestone through a wide variety of events and fundraising activities. From marathons to car washes, Pestaurant challenges to car boot sales, and even a gruelling three-day cycle ride from the Rentokil Initial HQ in Camberley to Paris. 

Phill Wood, Managing Director – UK, Ireland, Baltics & Rest of World, Rentokil Initial  – commented: “As a global leader in pest control and washroom hygiene, Malaria No More UK is an important organisation for Rentokil Initial to support. We are delighted to contribute to such a great cause and our colleagues look forward to taking part in further challenges in the future.”

Malaria No More UK is part of the global effort to wipe out malaria and there has been phenomenal progress in recent years with deaths from malaria slashed by 60% since 2000. The charity works to save lives by building business partnerships; encouraging governments to place malaria at the top of their international development agendas, and through investing in lifesaving malaria control programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa, currently in Kenya and Namibia.

Proud to have broken through the £100,000 milestone, Rentokil Initial remains committed to raising donations for such a worthy cause in 2017!


For further information please visit

Initial Medical is a division of Rentokil Initial plc.




About Initial Medical

Initial Medical is an expert in healthcare waste management, providing a complete collection, disposal and recycling service for hazardous and non-hazardous waste and offensive waste produced by businesses and organisations within the UK.

The safe management of healthcare waste is vital to ensure your activities are not a risk to human health.  Initial Medical’s healthcare waste services ensure that all of your waste is stringently handled in compliance with legislation and in accordance with Safe Management of Healthcare Waste best practice guidelines, providing you with the peace of mind that you are adhering to current legislation. your social media marketing partner
  7683 Hits
7683 Hits

All I Want...

All I want for Christmas. your social media marketing partner
  7877 Hits
7877 Hits

Rearranging the Deckchairs on the Titanic...

Rearranging the Deckchairs on the Titanic...

Another New Year rolls towards us with still nothing particularly concrete planned regarding the new new new NHS Dental Contract. Ok, so there are prototypes running, but there doesn't seem to be any actual date that will see the beginning of a brave new world where all things NHS Dentistry will be rosy once again.

Prototypes seems to be the new buzz word rather than pilots, but unlike a pilot flying a new course, a prototype seems to be something cobbled together that might just possibly fly, but then again might not. The British are pioneers at making prototypes actually fly, but usually in the aeronautical sense. For this to happen it involves a degree of advance planning on the drawing boards, before making models, testing them in a wind tunnel, before finally making a version that might actually fly. There are some occasions where a test pilot has taken the front seat in a prototype only to have met a swift end when something has not quite been right with the design. At least the engineers then can go back to the drawing board and hopefully redesign a problem out of the next version.

But this is where the analogy with the NHS prototypes ends. Instead of learning from the mistakes and problems with the prototypes and design out the problem, the DoH apparently just ignore the data they don't like and carry on with the data they do like. All still fuelled by the ubiquitous UDA. Going back to the analogy, this would be like the designing a solar powered plane expected to fly at 600mph where the wings fall off at 500mph and you can only fly it at night. But since it looks really really good and the Government like it, you can get loads of people on board, so they'll order them. Anyhow, if it crashes, the Government will always blame pilot error. 

People working in the prototypes seem to have varying experiences; those in the blend A models (having a capitation for all band 1 treatments and claiming band 2 and 3's)  are reporting more issues than those in the Blend B (Both band 1 and 2 as capitation and band 3 to be claimed). But what is being reported generally is that access is going to go down with these new ways of working, whilst it is increasing difficult to keep the capitation numbers to target. Access is the only mantra the DoH have, and whilst they pay lip service to quality outcomes, you can rest assured that the only bit of quality they will be interested in will be how much they can claw back when the quality outcomes can't be met. Some of those in the prototypes don't even know how the quality aspect is being calculated as there don't seem to be figure made available (particularly to associates). Given that this is 10% of the contract value, not having the information on what you are being measured on seems to be a significant problem to me.

Having an entirely capitation based system (which will be what the BDA will try for) is better for practitioners ONLY when you have a government that isn't obsessed with output and not interested in the actual quality. By expecting the practitioners to provide the quality as part of their obligations ethically to their patients, and regulated by the GDC, the DoH can quite happily still place the blame at the door of the individual performers on any contract. Its win-win for them still. Anyone who thinks any new contract will be a dental utopia should probably consider leaving the profession now. Almost all commentators say that there is already little enough time to provide the output expected to meet UDA targets; the new system seems even more geared to allowing practices to struggle to hit the new targets. Even successful prototype practices are struggling with the capitation element, as they need many ore new patients to ensure the targets are boing met, but with no space to treat these often high needs patients until 2 or more months down the line, one must wonder how these increase targets are going to benefit good patient care in the brave new world.

Here is now data that shows the amount of principals in practice is reducing, with the increase in associates being proportional to that. However the change is quite extreme, with something like 83% of dentists now working as associates. This will be the norm in the future in my opinion, as with a downward pressure on the income of dentists generally it will become more and more difficult for associates to begin to invest in a practice of their own. I can see parallels with the optical and legal industries here, and incomes of £30,000 for associates becoming routine. Not only that, with the change in the way the new contract may be calculated, and the 'UBER' ruling recently about when self employed might not actually be self employed, then I can foresee a time in the near future when associates become true employees, with the associated increase in liability the employer then has (national insurances, sick pay etc) to cover reducing the wage structure still further. I am also aware of practices who have had to make members of the team redundant, such as therapists as they cannot make the system work for them due to the economics and logistics that seem to be inherent. Still, that's not going to be the DoH's fault is it? Just the dentists who don't run their practice the way the DoH want them to.

Don't get me wrong though; there will still be some highly entrepreneurial dentists out there who will continue to make a very good income from the NHS, but they will be at the head of larger practices or mini-corporates, and backed either by the fortunes made in this system, family money, or outside investors who can see the business model working. There is nothing actually wrong with this either, because fundamentally dentistry is going to be a service industry in the same way as a mobile phone company is, and you don't see all the employees in that industry getting the same salary as the chief executive. It becomes almost irrelevant that many of the 'fee earners' in dentistry are highly educated individuals supported by a well trained team; dentistry is just another 'widget' producing industry for investors to make a profit out of at some point.

One of the reasons that the profitability of corporate practices has been lower has to be due to the income proportions taken by associates. I have no issue personally with what associates earn, but the days of 50% are long gone in this new world, and probably 35% is more realistic for the future. Many law firms expect their fee earners to generate at least 3 to 4 times their salary in order to justify their continued employment. Only in this way will the corporates become as profitable as they need to be to survive long term, and they know this. Coupled with an increased difficulty in earning the udas if the new contract is like the prototypes, with quality frameworks and increased access, then a downward pressure on the highest cost base that can be influenced is certain. In any dental business of a certain size with associates, then I would be pretty sure that the highest 2 costs will be associate wages and staff wages. Only by controlling this aspect, and in an even harsher manner than previously, will the profitability that is needed for continued business survival start to be produced. How fast this will then follow in the smaller practices which have proportionally higher cost bases due to the lack of bulk buying powers is an academic argument.

To finally top this, the BDA  released a press release in the last week indicating just how poor the morale is within the profession. Although this has been known by the profession since at least the time Sheffield United last won a football trophy, they have now decided to let the public know the blindingly obvious. Once again the BDA's public condemnation of a system has been about as vocal as a mute mouse with a sore throat. It should be front page news that half of the UK's NHS dentists are thinking of leaving the NHS, but I haven't seen it in the papers today, but if it does appear it will be spun against us. I was informed (as I was writing this piece) that the BDA are now threatening legal action against NHS England for the patient charge revenue deductions made due to their interpretation of the 2 month rule. But will they get the spin right when they tell the public? Or will the Daily Mail run the 'Greedy Dentists Sue Cash Strapped NHS for more money' headlines because we haven't got a good PR image? At least the BDA are starting to do something positive, but the message has to be managed to our benefit.

So it remains to actually be seen just what might happen in the brave new world of NHS dentistry. Is morale going to improve, or will the DoH continue the beating of the profession until it does? Will there be more time for the quality that our profession is expected to provide? Will there be the correct funding for a First World service?

 Sadly, I think we all know the answers to those questions if we are honest with ourselves.


 your social media marketing partner
  12219 Hits
12219 Hits

'tis the Season....

'tis the Season....

Tis the season to be jolly
Fah la la la lah, la lah la lah


Well after an autumn break to see how the land takes up the fertiliser of restful thought, we approach the Christmas break with a need for reflection.

What has 2016 thrown at us?

A reason to be cheerful? A season of Goodwill? A sense of hope?

There are three major areas that seem to be affecting the profession at this time.


There is the issue of the GDC and its new Case Examiners.

It is too early to say if this will genuinely make a difference. What we want is for the GDC to stop trying to be a Complaints House, taking everything on no matter how trivial.


Dr Colin Campbell, a widely-respected colleague in the Midlands, with a personal history of the dealings of the bludgeon that is FtP, clearly thinks not – again with personal experience.

But then again, why would CEs make a difference? They have been tasked and trained by the very organisation that had the problem in the first place.  And the problem is that the GDC do not reject anything.

Some of the recent cases suggest that the GDC still do not know what a proper complaint is. The whole list of FTP is awash with material that is either better managed locally and or indeed a simple internal disciplinary matter.

So, if you have not done so, get your £900 out for another year of outrageous wasteful use of your money. But do so with a good grace. It could be worse. 

Couldn’t it?

Is it me or have we become so numb and subservient that we just accept it as a nuisance nowadays?



NHS Pilots – self funded by dentists!!

Meanwhile, perhaps all is well with new NHS Pilots. We all know there is new money, and we all know that the DH wants to get bodies through the doors, never mind whether anyone does any dentistry.  But the idea of a Care Pathway appears to be well received on its own merits.

But there appears to be strange anomaly that the pilot practice may face up to 10% - YES TEN PERCENT – clawback – which if your profit is running at 20% reflects HALF THE PRACTICE PROFIT -  which for most Pilot Principals suggests a cold winter looms.

Good on the BDA for highlighting this matter, on stage at the Local Dental Committees Officials Day , with the DH Head of Finance and the “fabulous” Dr Sara Hurley [You did see the Good Morning interview spat between our CDO for NHS England and Dr Tony Kilcoyne didn’t you?] sitting along side as Dr Henry laid into them in no undertain terms.

Indemnity in Crisis?


Maybe all is well with our support network, the Medical Indemnity Organisations. You know – Dental Protection, DDU, MDDUS and the newer companies such as Taylor Defence Services.

Well, who knows?  There are stories of some colleagues finding their cover withdrawn in a discretionary manner halfway through a case.  There are many stories of colleagues finding their annual cover suddenly approaching 5 figures and beyond.  There is still no clear method for subscription calculation although one hears mutterings about the legendary ‘grid’.  A sort of Spot the Ball for Indemnity subscriptions!


Whatever the truth, there is a financial crisis in Indemnity, driven by a combination of commercially proactive lawyers and an overzealous GDC. So much so that there is a one day crisis conference being held in January

After many discussions about rising Indemnity and concerns some colleagues have been left with no cover or representation etc., A 1-day Seminar is being organised by Dental Practice at the Hilton Metropole, Birmingham NEC, on Friday 27th January 2017 from 08.30 to 17.30pm.

Concerns are being expressed across the dental sector about the delivery of Professional Indemnity cover and what is and is not included in the various offerings from the MDO’s. As a result, and in conjunction with many key decision makers, it has been decided to hold this 1-day seminar to look at the current situation, with much time for Q&As.

Places will be limited and are expected to be in high demand so, to avoid being disappointed, contact Rodney Pitt, Editor and Conference Organiser at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Well that all makes for an energetic start to 2017.

It must be time for another letter to educate the public again, if the recernt rubbish written  by Hunter Davies in the Times is anything to go by!


I suggest we all turn to our loved ones and count our blessings.  In the year that we have lost Leonard Cohen, AA Gill and Greg Lake, we will not be short of words and music.


Put your practice to bed, and come back refreshed after a nod to the year, raring to go – unless of course you rely on Southern Railway in which case, the very best of luck!

If Christmas is your celebration, may yours be peaceful and joyful. That much we can be assured of
Dr Colin Campbell – the GDC have failed at their first hurdle
Henrik Overgaard-Nielsen, Chair, BDA General Dental Practice Committee, has posted an update about the prototype contracts on the BDA website

Also here for BDA members  for NHS report of Motivation

Dental Working Hours, 2014/15 and 2015/16 Motivation Analysis, Experimental Statistics your social media marketing partner
  9071 Hits
9071 Hits

Weasel words by @DentistGoneBadd

Weasel Words by @DentistGoneBadd your social media marketing partner
  7697 Hits
7697 Hits

Are you looking for verifiable CPD that will fit into your busy lifestyle?

Are you looking for verifiable CPD that will fit into your busy lifestyle?



A recent, pan-European study has revealed that as many as 41.9% of young adults suffer from dentine hypersensitivity.1 Due to the often sporadic nature of the condition, patients may fail to mention it at the dental appointment. It therefore lies with the dental professional to identify this painful condition which can cause patients to avoid food and drink triggers they may otherwise enjoy and even neglect their oral hygiene.2,3

Discover the new interactive Sensodyne® with NovaMin® distance learner module! Through a series of short video clips and interactive activities, refresh your knowledge of this prevalent condition before learning more about Sensodyne®’s clinically proven innovation for dentine hypersensitivity treatment, Sensodyne® Repair & Protect.

The module is free of charge, easy to use and available 24 hours a day. There’s no time limit so you can complete the module whenever you like, in your own time and at your own pace. What’s more, completion of the module can contribute up to 1.5 hours towards your verifiable CPD.

Sensodyne® Repair & Protect toothpaste with NovaMin® builds a dynamic, hydroxyapatite-like layer over and within exposed dentine tubules.4,8 It repairs your patients’ dentine, to provide clinically proven sensitivity relief with twice daily brushing. 4,6 The robust NovaMin® layer binds firmly to collagen in dentine,6,9 and resists daily physical and chemical oral challenges,4,6,8,10,11 helping to protect against future dentine hypersensitivity pain.


Visit to complete the module now!





  1. West NX et al. J Dent 2013; 41: 841-851.
  2. Schiff T et al. Am J Dent 2009; 22 (Spec Iss): 8A-15A.
  3. Schiff T et al. J Clin Dent 2009; 20 (Spec Iss): 131-136.
  4. Burwell A et al. J Clin Dent 2010; 21 (Spec Iss): 66-71.
  5. LaTorre G, Greenspan DC. J Clin Dent 2010; 21 (Spec Iss): 72-76.
  6. West NX et al. J Clin Dent 2011; 22 (Spec Iss): 82-89.
  7. Earl JS et al. J Clin Dent 2011; 22 (Spec Iss): 62-67.
  8. Earl JS et al. J Clin Dent 2011; 22 (Spec Iss): 68-73.
  9. Efflandt SE et al. J Mater Sci: Mater Med 2002; 13 (6): 557-565.
  10. Parkinson CR & Willson RJ. J Clin Dent 2011; 22 (Spec Iss): 74-81.
  11. Wang Z et al. J Dent 2010; 38: 400-410.


Trade Marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies your social media marketing partner
  4354 Hits
4354 Hits


Don't Tweet & sniff the hand rub your social media marketing partner
  8428 Hits
8428 Hits

GDPUK Media Pack 2017

GDPUK Media Pack 2017

Advertising opportunities are now available on GDPUK in 2017.

Please get in touch to be sent our latest media pack and we will be glad to send all the information over. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

As part of the advertising experience, we feel we can offer you more than traditional advertising mediums. GDPUK offers a value added experience.
  • Exposure on the site or daily digest for a full month or as long as you want. Pricing is on a per month basis. This generates a large number of impressions of your message.
  • Opportunity to post PR or blogs onto the site to accompany your campaign, these are then shared with our thousands of followers on social media. So as well as reaching our community audience, you are reaching another audience through social media.
  • By posting content and information to our blog pages, you can be seen as an opinion leader in your sector.
  • Our ad serving software can display more than one ad at a time, instead of having all your impressions on one message, you can split the exposure between as many messages as you want. This works well for a dental business that has a number of product or service offerings eg. a business that does dental repairs and sells equipment, can advertise both services at once. This is a fabulous way to test what works and experiment with which ads gain the best response.
  • Click throughs can be to a dedicated landing page on our website, where you can collect data or provide further information to the audience.
  • Advert can appear on our front page and our news / blog pages, which get viewed thousands of times in a month.

How can you use GDPUK to reach your target audience?

  • Promote a course that is looking for dentists to attend.
  • Launch a new product or service to the dental sector.
  • Special Offers.
  • Make dentists aware of a service your company offers.
  • Brand Awareness.
  • Surveys. We can host surveys on our site.
  • Promote attendance at a trade show.

To be sent a copy of our latest media pack, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. your social media marketing partner
  5012 Hits
5012 Hits

Challenging mainstream Media? CNN buys Beme

Challenging mainstream Media? CNN buys Beme


I have mentioned Casey Neistat and his interesting YouTube channel in the past. A year on, he has 5,902,950 subscribers which is a rather impressive following! Last week he announced that he would be ending the daily vlogs that documented his life and will now be focusing on a new project. This was obviously big news and dominated social media for a few hours.


Casey has always been consistent in always striving forward and taking on new projects. He often talked on his blogs about being fiercely ambitious.


On the back of his “retirement” from YouTube, on Monday it was announced that CNN would be buying the social media platform owned by Neistat called Beme and the 11 person team that run the app for a reported $25 million. But the really intriguing part is that CNN plan to shut down the app and allow Casey to create a new project to attract his 6 million followers to this new media company. Neistat will have full creative control, that lets the audience share “timely and topical videos” and start conversations around current events.


“Casey has tapped into nearly six million really powerful viewers, most of which do not tune into CNN,” Andrew Morse, global head of CNN Digital, told NYT. “To build this audience authentically, we believe we need to build something new.”


Casey will attempt to build engagement around news topics.


“It’s going to be very different from Beme and bigger than a single product,” Neistat told The Verge in a phone interview.

“There is a tremendous distrust between the audience that watches my content online and the information that is put out by traditional media. Our broad ambition is to figure out a way with tech and media to bridge the gigantic divide.”


Along with his own video projects, Neistat wants to find more opportunities to help his audience learn more about the world and how they can help make it a better place. He's already done this to some extent in the past, such as in 2013 when he used the $25,000 budget from 20th Century Fox to help with typhoon relief in the Philippines. He also wants to come up with a way to help the next generation of content creators use technology and find their voice.


So why am I writing a blog on this?


Younger generations do not believe everything in the mainstream media as past generations certainly did and so what intrigues me about this latest move from Casey is how will he present news / stories in a way that engages people and gets them interacting with the latest news from around the world.


Video is proving a very popular medium, as the number of subscribers to Casey’s vlogs demonstrate but I certainly can’t wait to see how he will take the opportunity of working in a big mainstream media organisation and put his unique spin and perspective on things. As a major cable TV news channel, CNN is likely trying to formulate content in a way that speaks to younger, more cynical audiences and based on his previous form of effortlessly appealing to his viewers, Neistat seems the perfect man to reach the younger audience.

I am looking forward to seeing how this devolops and if Casey can truly produce something different that influences and engages his followers.

Below I have included one of his famous YouTube productions. Looks like fun to me :)

His Youtube channel can be found here. your social media marketing partner
  5259 Hits
5259 Hits

Join the revolution with Dentally

Join the revolution with Dentally


Ever wished for an intuitive practice management experience? Want software that is updated regularly and supported by real humans that care?

Now is your chance.

Dentally is revolutionising practice management software in the UK.


We offer full practice management in a user friendly package:

-       Streamlined clinical design - customisable tools for charting, treatment planning, perio and BPE. Record medical histories and clinical images.

-       Easy communication and efficient time management - stay in touch with your patients from appointment to post-surgery care.

-       Full integration so you can expand beyond your practice - Financial, iPad, automation, imaging and more!


What’s more is that we offer a human service. Whether it’s training, support or feedback we’re always available at the end of a phone or even directly in-app.



Right now we’re offering a free iPad with every order*.

Dentally for iPad can assist your practice in going paperless.

Patients can fill out medical history forms, review and sign treatment plans whilst reception can check patients in and set medical alerts. Saving valuable time in the practice.



Find out more at and share your details with us for a personalised tour of our software.


*when purchasing a Dentally iPad subscription your social media marketing partner
  5178 Hits
5178 Hits

Denplan announces successful completion of its first two 50/50 dental partnerships

Denplan announces successful completion of its first two 50/50 dental partnerships


Denplan has announced today that it has completed its first two 50/50 dental partnerships with dental practices in South Yorkshire. Plans to set up a pilot scheme to enter into equal partnership with individual member practices were revealed last year by Denplan and Simplyhealth. 

The new partnership model ensures that both partners have equal rights in practices and enables dentists to retain day-to-day clinical management of the practice. The business model has been created to reduce the barriers to an associate taking over a practice and supports the eventual transition to a new owner, who will then acquire the retiring dentist’s 50% share of the practice.

The first two new partnership practices are: The Dental Practice, based in Dronfield Woodhouse, in Sheffield; and Mapplewell Dental Centre in Barnsley. The Dental Practice is a family run private practice, owned by Dr Colin Doody, and has been in business for over 36 years. Mapplewell Dental Centre is owned by Dr Mark and Dr Elizabeth Bishop who have been in business for over 21 years.

The Partnership Programme offers peace of mind to dentists as it sets out the basis on which the remaining 50% of the practice will be valued, providing certainty to the dentists who participate at a time when they might have concerns over retirement and what might happen to their practice. It also helps dentists to enjoy their hard earned success by immediately freeing up some of the finances that would otherwise be reserved to fulfill the obligations of running a successful practice – and continuing to allow them to take responsibility for the day to day management of the practice, clinical activity and patient care.

The Partnership Programme resulted from a strategic review from Simplyhealth, of which Denplan is a part, who are focusing on further investment and innovation in the dental market.


Steve Gates, Managing Director of Denplan, commented: “We are delighted that we have completed our first two dental partnership agreements with The Dental Practice and Mapplewell Dental Centre.  Succession planning for retirement is an increasing priority for many dentists and one which we believe Denplan and the Simplyhealth team can play a positive and active role in. We are well positioned to partner with member dentists due to our existing strong relationships with them and our expertise in the dental marketplace.  

Romana Abdin, Chief Executive of Simplyhealth added: “This is a really exciting development that has attracted a great deal of interest from dentists looking to secure the right future for themselves, the practice and their patients. Our sole focus is everyday health and this demonstrates an ongoing commitment to dentists and the market as a whole.”

Dr Colin Doody, owner of The Dental Practice, said: “I was thinking of my exit strategy as I am getting to ‘that age’, and I wanted to ensure that I was leaving my practice in good hands for my son, who is our associate dentist, and also my wonderful long standing staff and patients – many of whom have been coming to see me for the last three and half decades! This Partnership Programme offered me the ideal solution.”

Dr Mark Bishop, owner of Mapplewell Dental Practice, commented: “We decided to partner with Denplan to ensure that there would be a legacy of high quality dentistry after we retire. Denplan are a respected and trusted brand who have always had the same ethos of customer care as we have.  As we really care about our practice team, this model allows a smooth transition and ensures they will be well looked after in the future.”

The new businesses have been set up as ring-fenced partnerships. These will operate separately from Denplan, bringing in additional expertise from across Simplyhealth, with their own governance to ensure that there is no potential for any conflicts of interest to arise.





About Denplan 

Denplan Limited is the UK’s leading dental payment plan specialist owned by Simplyhealth; with more than 6,500 member dentists nationwide caring for approximately 1.7 million Denplan registered patients. Established in 1986 by two dentists who pioneered the concept of dental payment plans, Denplan has been at the heart of dental care for nearly 30 years. Today, Denplan has a wide range of dental plans for adults and children, enabling patients to spread the cost of their private dental care through a fixed monthly fee. Denplan supports regular attendance and preventive care, reducing the need for clinical intervention and helping patients to maintain healthy teeth and gums for life. Patient enquiries telephone: 0800 401 402   Dentist enquiries telephone: 0800 328


·         Denplan Care: all routine and restorative care + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover 

·         Denplan Essentials: routine care only + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover 

·         Plans for Children: routine and other agreed care + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover 

·         Membership Plan: registered with the dentist + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover 

·         Denplan Emergency: worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover only 

·         Corporate Dental Plans: company funded, voluntary and flexible benefit schemes 


Denplan also provides a range of professional services for its member dentists and their practice teams, including the Denplan Quality Programme, Denplan Excel Accreditation Programme and Denplan Training.  Plus regulatory advice, business and marketing consultancy services and networking opportunities.


For more information about Denplan: 

Kate Maybank

Denplan Press Office 

Tel: 01962 829 179

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  5533 Hits
5533 Hits

12 days

the 12 days of Christmas your social media marketing partner
  7873 Hits
7873 Hits

A different story

A different story


Michael Lansdell is a founding partner at specialist dental and medical accountants Lansdell & Rose. As a chartered accountant, here he discusses the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement and how it could impact on dental practitioners and practice owners…


It could be the understatement of the century to say that we have had ‘quite’ a year here in the financial sector! We barely had time to draw breath after the result of the EU referendum when, on 8th November, the global political and economic landscape had another shock with the election in the US of Donald Trump. 


As far as the UK is concerned, not only do the people in charge now look different, the numbers do too. Back in March, ex-Chancellor George Osborne was still talking about his goal of turning the deficit into a surplus by 2020; by November his successor Philip Hammond had the (unenviable?) task of embracing the current reality by setting out careful fiscal targets that leave “significant flexibility to respond to any headwinds the economy may encounter”. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) now forecasts the 2016/17 deficit will be £68.2bn, with 2019/20 producing a deficit of £21.9bn. Most worrying is that by end of this parliament, total government debt is forecast to be just short of £2 trillion!


Still, in the real world we have to press ahead with resolve and get on with the job in hand. For dental practice owners, this means trying to maintain a sustainable, successful business that looks after its employees and provides top-notch standards of patient care. So, in Mr Hammond’s first – and last – Autumn Statement, what were the stories that could impact on the dental sector?


First, there was some continuity. The previously announced staged reduction in corporation tax, from the current rate of 20% to 17% by 2020, will stay.


Employers would naturally be interested in any changes to National Insurance Contributions (NICs). From April 2017, the primary (employee) threshold and the secondary (employer) threshold will be aligned at £157 per week. Also, the tax and NI advantages of most salary sacrifice schemes will be removed from April 2017 (as previously proposed). Exclusions include packages relating to pensions, childcare and cycle to work schemes. Some arrangements will also be protected up until a specified date (the devil is in the detail, as ever). So, if you currently offer employees the opportunity to swap salaries for benefits you may decide to think again as they could end up paying the same amount of tax as individuals who pay for these things out of their post-tax salary. There will also be a call for evidence on tax relief for employees’ business expenses.



With regards to personal taxation and finance, Mr Hammond confirmed an increase to the personal allowance to £11,500 and the higher rate threshold to £45,000 for 2017/18. He also remains committed to a goal of a £12,500 and £50,000 (higher rate) personal allowance by 2020, he said. Of interest in the area of pensions, the Chancellor also announced proposed changes to the Money Purchase Annual Allowance (MPPA), a reduction from £10,000 to £4000. MPPA applies to anyone who has drawn income benefits under the current pension flexibility rules. The new guidelines are intended to limit the amount of pension income being ‘recycled’ as tax-relieved contributions (future consultation could result in some exemptions). There will also be other changes to the tax rules for pensions of people who move overseas, aligning them more closely with the UK’s tax regime; pensions/lump sums will be taxed to the same extent as they would have been domestically. Finally, the much anticipated further restriction on pension contributions by higher rate taxpayers did not materialise, so no changes there (mercifully)!


What about your other savings and investments? The band of savings income that is subject to the 0% starting rate will remain at £5000 during the next financial year. As previously announced, if you have an Individual Savings Account (ISA), the subscription limit will increase to £20,000.


This is just a brief summary of what dental practice owners may find interesting and/or applicable to their circumstances. Now more than ever, it is essential to enlist a specialist accountant when you are making any financial decisions, whether it relates to you or your business. In a year of shocks, now is time to be vigilant, be flexible, be organised and most of all to use the experts!


To find out more, call Lansdell & Rose on 020 7376 9333,

Or visit your social media marketing partner
  3651 Hits
3651 Hits

Patient Plan Direct Awarded Outstanding Business of the Year

Patient Plan Direct Awarded Outstanding Business of the Year




Patient Plan Direct has been awarded Outstanding Business of the Year (under 25 employees) at the 2016 Dental Industry awards, hosted at the Royal Garden Hotel in Kennington earlier this month.

A judging panel of leading industry clinicians and figures, chaired by Dr David Houston, selected patient payment plan provider – Patient Plan Direct, as the winning company from a wide array of entrants.

The judging panel, which included; Julian English, James Goolnik, Peter Rees, Chris Orr and others, selected Patient Plan Direct as the company that demonstrated, throughout 2016, the strongest development, growth, competitive edge, staff loyalty, culture and first-class service.


Pictured Above:- Simon Reynolds and the team at PPD receiving the award for Outstanding Business of the Year


Simon Reynolds, commercial director of Patient Plan Direct, commented “We have worked hard throughout 2016, expanding our team and further enhancing our patient payment plan solution whilst maintaining our low-cost fee structure – enabling practices to retain more of their payment plan income.

“Cost management is an important focus for many dental practices in consideration of uncertainty surrounding Brexit and the rising costs associated with running a modern day dental practice. As a low-cost plan provider, PPD meets this market demand and ensures we have a strong competitive edge, whilst other providers are pressured to justify the value of their fees. 

“I’d like to extend my congratulations to the rest of the dental industry award finalists and winners, as well as a big thank you to all of the Patient Plan Direct team for their hard work and commitment as we look towards a highly successful 2017.”



Patient Plan Direct is a highly cost effective dental plan provider embracing 21st century web-based technology to offer a sophisticated solution to running practice-branded dental plans.

Thanks to an administration fee of £1.20 per patient per month (including A&E cover and VAT), Patient Plan Direct often proves to be 2-3 times more cost effective than working with other plan providers.

A highly-experienced team has helped over 400 practices nationwide either; launch a dental plan for the first time, utilise a plan to convert from NHS to Private, or transfer from another plan provider to make huge cost savings!


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: 0844 848 6888 your social media marketing partner
  4181 Hits
4181 Hits

Dental Nurse Lizzie Boon wins ‘Spot the Fake’ Competition

Dental Nurse Lizzie Boon wins ‘Spot the Fake’ Competition


The BDIA is pleased to announce that Lizzie Boon, qualified dental nurse and Quality Assurance Auditor for the National Examining Board of Dental Nurses (NEBDN) has won the latest ‘Spot the Fake’ competition, which was held at BDIA Dental Showcase 2016.

The competition challenged members of the dental team to correctly identify genuine and counterfeit dental devices as part of the BDIA’s award winning Counterfeit and Substandard Instruments and Devices Initiative (CSIDI), which has recently partnered with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to help stamp out counterfeit and non-compliant equipment.

As the winner of the competition, Lizzie was awarded £500 to spend with a BDIA member of her choice, and put the money to good use by choosing to purchase subscriptions to Dental Nursing for herself and colleagues at NEBDN.

Commenting on the competition, Lizzie said, “Seeing the fake equipment next to the real thing definitely makes you think about where the products come from and how important it is to purchase quality equipment from a reputable supplier in order to safely protect users and patients”.

The CSIDI campaign continues to highlight the danger of counterfeit and non-compliant dental equipment and the risk involved in purchasing from unknown sources. BDIA Policy and Public Affairs Director, Edmund Proffitt, commented, “Counterfeit dental devices pose a real risk to patients as well as the professionals using them. We’re pleased that the competition and CSIDI campaign have had such a positive response from the dental team and look forward to continuing this important work in partnership with the MHRA”.


Notes for editors:

Picture attached: BDIA Spot the Fake competition winner, Lizzie Boon.

Established in 1923, the British Dental Industry Association (BDIA) represents and supports manufacturers and suppliers of dental products, services and technologies. BDIA members gain access to a range of services designed to benefit them and promote the well-being of the industry as a whole and the profession gains the reassurance of dealing with like-minded individuals who are committed to providing a high quality standard of service.

For more information please contact Edmund Proffitt on 01494 781183 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your social media marketing partner
  8807 Hits
8807 Hits

Update your team with mobile software by @DentistGoneBadd

If you could fix dental staff with mobile software your social media marketing partner
  9540 Hits
9540 Hits

It’s all about the patient

It’s all about the patient



“The conference provided a very informative day, covering a varied range of topics and I found it interesting to see all the new developments and research. It was great that so many speakers who are top of the profession worldwide came to Dublin and I found it useful to get reaffirmation that we’re following good protocols and achieving the same success rates as those international leaders.” – Dr Eoin Fleetwood, Eyre Square Dental Clinic in Galway


Entitled Osseointegration Reimagined, Nobel Biocare’s Dublin Team Conference 2016 highlighted just how far dental implantology has come since those early days.


The full-day programme brought a piece of June’s Global Symposium in New York to Ireland, demonstrating Nobel Biocare’s total commitment to education and innovation. An array of world-class speakers took delegates on a journey through the development of dental implants, with lectures in the morning and smaller masterclasses and workshops in the afternoon.


From where it all began, Professor David Harris kicked off proceedings by paying tribute to Professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark, before Dr Bertil Friberg reminisced about what dental implantology was like in the 80s. It seems strange to realise that only 20 years ago, patients had to wear a denture for one year before implants could be placed in healed extraction sites!


Professor Hannes Watchel, Dr Ana Ferro and Dr Paul O’Reilly then offered their own experiences from Munich, Lisbon and Ireland, each emphasising the benefits of implants for patients and their quality of life. Modern treatment options for compromised patients were also discussed, with Dr Dawood considering situations where customised implants, cutting-edge 3D printing and innovative ideas were combined to deliver truly life-changing solutions.


Exploring the height of implant innovation, the final plenary session challenged the status quo with respect to the digital integrated workflow and CAD/CAM restorations and highlighted the importance of respecting the soft tissue. Dr Rompen also introduced the exciting new On1 concept, which brings the restorative platform from bone level to tissue level for maximum soft tissue attachment and optimised healing.



Throughout the morning’s lectures, a clear trend developed. All speakers – regardless of specialism or nationality – were passionate about simplifying the clinical workflow for a faster, more predictable and more cost-effective procedure for the patient.


Dr Robert Bowe from Bowe Dental Clinic in Limmerick commented:


“This was a very well-organised conference, where speakers provided different, innovative solutions to implant problems we face every day. Throughout the morning sessions there was a lot of new evidence presented, as a result of which I will look to modify my own practice. As with all Nobel Biocare events, I learnt something new and came away with a renewed enthusiasm for implant dentistry. It is also great to have the opportunity to talk with colleagues – it’s reassuring to know that we all face the same challenges and that there are solutions out there!”


In addition to all this, there were plenty of opportunities to network with industry-leading professionals, while also catching up with friends and colleagues. The Innovation Evening saw delegates and speakers come to together to enjoy a fantastic meal and entertainment, and a great time was had by all.


Paul O’Reilly, Scientific Co-Chair, added:


“Nobel Biocare is to be commended for assembling an impressive array of national and international speakers for this conference. As well as some outstanding lectures, a programme of hands on workshops and masterclasses allowed attendees to try innovative products, learn new techniques and gain an appreciation for the rapid advances that are occurring in treatment options for our patients.”




For more information, contact Nobel Biocare on 0208 756 3300, or visit your social media marketing partner
  9178 Hits
9178 Hits

Denplan wins ‘Marketing Campaign of the Year’ at Dental Industry Awards

Denplan wins ‘Marketing Campaign of the Year’ at Dental Industry Awards




Denplan is celebrating another successful award win after their NHS if campaign was named ‘Marketing Campaign of the Year’ at today’s FMC Dental Industry Awards 2016. (Denplan Marketing Team Pictured above.)

Denplan has been running the if (“In Front”) marketing campaign since March 2016. The aim of the campaign has been to inform and engage dentists about NHS dental contract reform and help them consider how any future changes to the present NHS contract could impact their practice going forward, both in terms of patient care and profitability

The NHS campaign was featured across the dental trade press in 2016, as well as featuring prominently on 

The award ceremony took place at lunchtime on Friday 18 November at The Royal Garden Hotel in Kensington and was a well-dressed event attended by many of the dental industry’s leading names.

The judging panel was led by renowned dentist Dr David Houston and over 20 of the dental industry’s most experienced professionals. 

The Dental Industry Awards were created in 2015 to acknowledge excellence in the UK dental industry and to reward progress, effort and enterprise across a number of different categories from marketing and PR, social media, events, teams and customer service.

The ‘Marketing Campaign of the Year’ award category was created for the company or brand who were judged to have used the most effective mix of marketing in its promotional work over the last year. Denplan were up against stiff competition in their award category from Implantium, Leca Dental Laboratory, Oasis and Stockdale Martin.

Jolian Howell, Head of Marketing at Denplan, said: “I am delighted that the Denplan marketing team has won this award and received the recognition that they deserve. Our ‘if’ campaign has demonstrated the thought leadership centred around NHS contract issues within the dental industry. We have used a wide mix of activity from trade press advertising, online banners, PR and social media, to seminars and research, and plan to continue developing the campaign throughout 2017.”


For more information on the if campaign, visit






Notes to Editors: 

About Denplan 

Denplan Limited is the UK’s leading dental payment plan specialist owned by Simplyhealth; with more than 6,500 member dentists nationwide caring for approximately 1.7 million Denplan registered patients. Established in 1986 by two dentists who pioneered the concept of dental payment plans, Denplan has been at the heart of dental care for nearly 30 years. Today, Denplan has a wide range of dental plans for adults and children, enabling patients to spread the cost of their private dental care through a fixed monthly fee. Denplan supports regular attendance and preventive care, reducing the need for clinical intervention and helping patients to maintain healthy teeth and gums for life. Patient enquiries telephone: 0800 401 402   Dentist enquiries telephone: 0800 328


·         Denplan Care: all routine and restorative care + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover 

·         Denplan Essentials: routine care only + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover 

·         Plans for Children: routine and other agreed care + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover 

·         Membership Plan: registered with the dentist + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover 

·         Hygiene Plan: A dental payment plan without dental insurance for all types of practice from NHS, mixed and private to support patients commit to a consistent hygiene programme.

·         Denplan Emergency: worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover only 

·         Corporate Dental Plans: company funded, voluntary and flexible benefit schemes 


Denplan also provides a range of professional services for its member dentists and their practice teams, including the Denplan Quality Programme, Denplan Excel Accreditation Programme and Denplan Training.  Plus regulatory advice, business and marketing consultancy services and networking opportunities.

 your social media marketing partner
  12334 Hits
12334 Hits

Career development opportunities and support

Career development opportunities and support



Sarah Weston (pictured above) has been working for {my}dentist – a member of the Association of the Dental Groups (ADG) – since 2013 and currently works in Woodbridge, Suffolk. Here, she explores what a normal day entails…


I qualified from Guy’s hospital in 1996 and have worked in Australia, New Zealand and the UK. I have worked across most sectors of the profession – as a house officer in New Zealand, in NHS and private practices and as a partner and an associate.


At my current practice in Woodbridge, we are predominately NHS in a small market town, but do offer a range of private services. With an interesting demographic of patients we get the chance to utilise all our skills. It is a busy practice as we routinely see 25-30 patients a day. I am lucky that I work with a really great team and most of us have worked together for a while now. It’s good to be with other people who understand the stress and strains of the job and can have a good laugh together at times.


I work full time so my days tend to be fairly similar. I start with a coffee then move on to checking day-lists, patient records and lab work etc. I hate surprises so I like to know what’s coming. I spend my day performing a mix of examinations and treatments with the odd interesting case thrown in.


I also offer facial aesthetic procedures and have recently been on the denture excellence course. It is great to be able to offer such a wide choice of treatment options to patients and the denture excellence has really taken off. It’s an area I really enjoy as a good denture can make so much difference to someone’s quality of life. I am hoping to undertake an implant restoration course soon as well, so I will be able to restore the implants placed by colleagues at local practices in the group.


Since working for the corporate I have also become a mentor, which has definitely been a highlight for me. It is a role I really enjoy, as after 20 years in the job it is nice to pass on some of my experience to the younger generation. I had a great VT instructor when I started and I hope I can be as good to new associates as he was to me. It’s a job that is mutually beneficial – it is extremely rewarding to see a mentee improve and gain in confidence and it does the same for the mentor.


Within the corporate we are so lucky to have a high level of support from practice and area managers through to clinical support managers (CSM) and clinical directors. They are there to help prevent small problems becoming larger ones. I know that the ‘red flags’ and KPIs can feel intrusive at times, but I do feel they are there to help clinicians above everything else. A visit from the CSM should be seen as a positive thing and I am lucky to have a great CSM in my area. One thing I have learned is that it can be lonely in the independent sector and there is no-one looking out for you in the same way. I think the support network available is the real strength of corporate dentistry.


We are also incredibly lucky to have the online academy and the reminder to complete CPD when it is required. This can be a burden for dentists and if there is any way to make it easier then we should be grateful! My practice manager keeps us in check with when our CPD is due and the opportunity to complete it online is a great help, especially when I am busy in practice five days a week. Overall, I feel that my move to {my}dentist was the best thing I could have done for my career. The opportunities are there to further my career in ways that I didn’t feel existed in the independent sector.


Having worked for most of my career in the independent sector I was aware of the negative press surrounding corporate dentistry before I joined the group, but I have to say that those rumours were all unfounded. In fact, I feel quite passionately that new graduates are still being given that negative message and as a company we should try to give the next generation the facts and talk to them directly.


I enjoy my job enormously but I would relish the chance to move out of the surgery environment a little in the coming years. I would like to expand on my mentoring role and continue with more training and support of new dentists and I hope I can achieve this within the company.



For more information about the ADG visit your social media marketing partner
  3896 Hits
3896 Hits

Tooth wear – facing the future

Tooth wear – facing the future



Pathological tooth wear (also known as tooth surface loss) is on the increase, as indicated by the most recent Adult and Children’s Dental Health Surveys.1,2


Recognising that tooth wear has the potential to be a serious issue in the UK in the future if preventive action is not fully embraced, its incidence and significance was recorded in the Adult Dental Health Survey (ADHS) for the first time in 1998, and this exercise was repeated in the latest offering. Comparison of the two surveys shows that in just 11 years the incidence of tooth wear in England has increased by 10%.1


As for the Children’s Dental Health Survey, it tells us, for example, that 33% of 5-year-olds

demonstrated tooth surface loss (TSL) on one or more of the buccal surfaces of the primary upper incisors, while a quarter of 12-year-olds were reported to have TSL on the molars and the buccal surface of the incisors. In addition, 15-year-olds were shown to be more adversely affected than the 12-year-olds when TSL on the occlusal surface of molars was measured (31% compared to 25%).2


So, what does this mean in reality for dental professionals and patients looking to the future? As Poyser and colleagues (20015) so succinctly stated: ‘The prevalence of tooth wear is likely to escalate as life expectancy continues to increase. As people expect to retain their teeth throughout life this has important implications on the type of preventative and restorative care that the profession will need to provide in the future. This also has an implication for training and funding for dental services. The management of TSL and the eventual failure of restorations placed to manage this problem are likely to be a significant issue in future years.’3


Commenting on this worrying trend, Prof. Andrew Eder, said: ‘Irrespective of age and circumstance, patients need to be aware that, amongst other issues, poor drink and food choices, eating disorders, stress-related bruxism and traumatic oral hygiene measures can all cause considerable tooth wear.


‘Once the first signs of tooth wear are recognised, a partnership approach offers the most effective way in which to prevent further damage. Left in the dark, patients – especially those in the younger age groups – are likely to continue in ignorance with their destructive habits, which will have nationwide dental health repercussions for many years to come if the figures published in the most recent surveys are anything to go by.


‘So, if we are to have any chance of subverting the oral health outcome that the statistics indicate, it is incumbent upon all dental professionals to meet this challenge head-on.’


The London Tooth Wear Centre® offers an evidence-based and comprehensive approach to managing tooth wear, using the latest clinical techniques and an holistic approach in a professional and friendly environment.


For further information on the work of the London Tooth Wear Centre®, please visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 020 7486 7180.



1. Adult Dental Health Survey 2009. Report 2: Disease and related disorders. Health and Social Care Information Centre 2011

2. Children’s Dental Health Survey 2013. Report 2: Dental disease and damage in children: England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Health and Social Care Information Centre 2015

3. Poyser NJ et al. The Dahl Concept: past, present and future. BDJ 2005; 198: 669-676



Professor Andrew Eder is a Specialist in Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics and Clinical Director of the London Tooth Wear Centre®, a specialist referral practice in central London. He is also Professor/Honorary Consultant at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute and Pro-Vice-Provost and Director of Life Learning at UCL. your social media marketing partner
  9799 Hits
9799 Hits



Welcome to our latest blog. Below are 5 reasons that we believe make GDPUK a unique place to market your business and reach your target audience of dentists. G.D.P.U.K.




G = Growing


Established in 1997, GDPUK continues to grow

  • 20 years of hosting dental discussion chat and opinion

  • The home of dental opinion in the UK

  • Just under 10,000 members, who are all part of the profession

  • Since beginning of 2014, we have had 3500 new members, the site is constantly growing.

  • Approx 1,000 different people contribute to our forum discussions in a calendar year.

  • In 2016, we are averaging over 4,000 unique visitors a month to the site.

D = Debate

GDPUK is the home of dental opinion and information.

  • The site is proud that it gives a medium for dentists to discuss dentistry in the UK and give their opinion of what matters to them.

  • The site can be controversial but we see that as a good thing. We exist because the content in our news, blogs and forum pages is interesting to read. We continue to attract an audience.

  • This tradition continued at our conference in November 2016 and our 20th anniversary celebrations in 2017.

P = Publisher

Publisher of Daily Dental News and Blogs

  • Large audience follow our news and blogs

  • GDPUK has a news editor, plus a number of paid content writers

  • News stories receive thousands of readers a week

  • A range of blogs are published weekly, full of opinion, humour and insight.

  • Our news is published instantly, so the site carries the latest stories, no monthly deadlines, no print nor post delays….

  • @DentistGoneBadd our comedy blogger attracts around 5,000 readers per week, 100,000 in the last twelve months.

U = Unique Opportunities

Reach your target audience

  • GDPUK offers unique advertising spaces to get in front of your target audience

  • Dentists are reading our site every day of the week.

  • The site is like a dental exhibition every day!

  • Feature on our daily digest email, which gets sent 3 times a day, every day

  • Ask us about what we can offer for a 12 month marketing campaign.

K = Kinship

Become Part of the GDPUK Family

  • We are a small, close knit group and business at GDPUK

  • Work with us and we can help any problems or issues and come back to you instantly

  • We can provide full accountability on everything and we are always available to speak or help.

  • GDPUK loves to build close relationships, with our users, colleagues and also our customers who help to keep the site running.

For more information about GDPUK and how we can help to market your business, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Thanks for reading. your social media marketing partner
  5267 Hits
5267 Hits

Mysteries of The Prototypes Explained

The New Contract your social media marketing partner
  8137 Hits
8137 Hits

Insure Your Home For Peace of Mind - 4 dentist group

Insure Your Home For Peace of Mind - 4 dentist group

Today, the assurance that home insurance can provide is invaluable, particularly as it can offer peace of mind to homeowners that their house and contents are protected.

There are a number of different types of home insurance available from standard cover to more bespoke, specialist policies. Buildings insurance covers both the structure of the house as well as the replacement or repairs of permanent fixtures such as bathrooms and kitchens as well as the roof. Contents insurance protects your declared belongings, including electronics, jewellery, clothes, furniture and so on from incidences like theft, fire and flooding. Accidental damage cover, which can be used to repair or replace items that have been damaged – such as a smashed TV or wine stain on the carpet – is classed as an extra, so be sure to specify what you require when selecting your policy. More specialist policies can cover holiday homes, listed buildings, high-value homes and belongings and non-standard houses.

Regardless of which policy you choose it is crucial that you are aware of what it covers and the restrictions that are applied within the small print, otherwise you could find yourself unable to make a claim. 

Statistics show that the most common claims made by policyholders in 2015 were weather (25 per cent), escaping water (21 per cent), fire (13 per cent), theft (13 per cent), accidental damage (10 per cent), domestic subsidence (4 per cent) and other domestic claims (14 per cent). [i]

Claims for floods have increased in particular over recent years. At the end of 2015, start of 2016 alone, storms Desmond, Eva and Frank are thought to have resulted in payouts of £1.3 billion, with each claim thought to average at £50,000 – in 2013/14 the average was £31,000.[ii] With research showing that heavy rainstorms are on the rise due to manmade climate change – one in five extreme rain events experienced globally are as a result of the global rise in temperature[iii] – it is possible that we could be seeing a lot more claims for bad weather and flooding in the coming years; something to think about if you are not currently protected against these events.

If you don't have an existing policy or you are looking to change or upgrade, it can be prudent to enlist the services of a specialist agency such as insurance4dentists that can advise you on products that would be best suited to you. By going at it alone you run the risk of selecting cover that might not be sufficient or correct for your needs, which could result in a subsequent claim being rejected. Thus, for peace of mind, contact an expert adviser today.


For more information please call 0845 345 5060 or 0754 DENTIST. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit


[i] UK Insurance and Long Term Savings Key Facts 2015. Accessed online August 2016 at

[ii] Association of British Insurers. New figures reveal scale of insurance response after recent floods. Published January 2016. Accessed online August 2016 at

[iii] Fischer EM, Knutti R. Anthropogenic contribution to global occurrence of heavy-precipitation and high-temperature extremes. Published online 27 April 2015. Accessed online August 2016 at your social media marketing partner
  4676 Hits
4676 Hits

Equipping UK dentistry - Christopher Cox A-dec

Equipping UK dentistry  - Christopher Cox A-dec

With over one thousand students enrolling in the UK’s dental schools last year, it is vitally important that each and every one of them receives quality training from the very moment they begin their education. After all, it is they who will be responsible for the future of dentistry – a future which, it must be said, is looking ever more challenging.

With an ageing population, the needs of patients are changing, placing new pressures on dental professionals that must be addressed from the very beginning of their careers. This can then be juxtaposed against the shifting needs of dental professionals themselves, prompted, in part, by an increasing understanding of the ergonomic requirements of dentistry.

Having access to the latest technology and equipment is particularly important, after all this reflects the direction in which dentistry is going. For young dental students, it sets an early precedent which may be continued throughout the rest of their career – and this is why so many of the UK’s dental schools are choosing A-dec equipment.

Designed to meet the challenges of modern dentistry, A-dec dental units are renowned for both their reliability and functionality. With years of testing and retesting invested into their creation, each product is devised to provide practitioners with precisely what they need to practice excellent dentistry. Whether it’s ease of maintenance, cost efficiency, the capability of integrating necessary ancillaries or providing an ergonomic workplace solution, A-dec chairs are developed with a keen understanding of what practitioners need and want from their dental equipment. 

With high quality equipment available to train on, dental students are more likely to learn to practise in a way that greatly benefits both themselves and their patients. With A-dec stools and dental chairs, for example, students will be able to acquire the correct working posture early on, meaning that the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders later in their careers will be mitigated.

Fully committed to ensuring that the next generation of UK dentists have the very best start in their careers, A-dec works closely with the country’s best training facilities, providing quality equipment on which students can perfect their skills. A-dec UK has worked closely with the majority of UK dental schools and has installed literally thousands of dental units and training simulators across the country.

Aiming to provide support to the dental community at all stages, A-dec is also proud to work alongside some of the biggest and most celebrated dental hospitals in the country. The team has, in the last several years, installed over a thousand dental chairs (the majority being the premier A-dec 500 model) into many dental hospitals across the UK and Ireland, including Birmingham Dental Hospital, the Royal London Dental Hospital, Bristol Dental Hospital, the Peninsula Dental Hospital and the Charles Clifford Dental Hospital.

The quality of the services provided in these facilities necessitates the use of nothing but the most reliable and multi-functional equipment available – which makes A-dec the perfect choice. The A-dec 500 is one of the most cutting-edge dental chairs on the UK market, boasting a design that meets the challenges of modern dentistry – in all scenarios. With optimum ergonomics, excellent mobility and access, reliable internal mechanisms and the clinical adaptability, the A-dec 500 is changing the way in which the UK’s dental hospitals have been treating patients.

In addition to the provision of exceptional equipment, A-dec also offers each of its institutional partners unparalleled support. With a keen understanding of how important each and every piece of equipment in any of these facilities is, the A-dec support team is available to support and advise with any query.

Led by Christopher Cox, A-dec’s Sales and Marketing Manager, the team provides unwavering assistance from the very beginning of an installation project, including design and fitting, to continuing maintenance and engineer support. Christopher says: “I’m very proud of the work undertaken by A-dec in the UK’s dental hospitals and schools and look forward to continuing to support their success.”

With so many fantastic institutions now recognising the benefits of A-dec equipment, it must be remembered that A-dec offers the same exceptional products and support to independent dental practices. Simply contact the team to find out precisely how they could help you.


For more information about A-dec Dental UK Ltd, visit or call on 0800 2332 85

 your social media marketing partner
  3732 Hits
3732 Hits

Uber drivers found to be workers: What are the implications on the dental world?

Uber drivers found to be workers: What are the implications on the dental world?

Uber drivers scored a massive victory against their bosses last week, by challenging the company’s assertion that they are self-employed. However, the London Central Employment Tribunal were not determining whether Uber drivers were employees or self-employed, but rather whether they were somewhere in the middle; were they in fact “workers” for employment law purposes. And the answer was yes.

Uber now faces mass litigation as drivers are being advised to issue claims.  Deliveroo staff are jumping on the band wagon too; they are taking legal steps to unionise and gain worker status. And these are not the only companies that are likely to have claims issued against them. With an ever expanding GIG economy the Uber case is of huge importance.

It also highlights the importance of categorising staff correctly from the outset of any contractual relationship and ensuring contracts are not drafted by lawyers to merely try to avoid claims but are drafted to reflect the reality of the situation.

The distinction between employees, workers and the self-employed is particularly relevant within dentistry. Dentists engaged as associates have traditionally been labelled self-employed, however, the contractual reality is often very different. Practices must now review their contracts and ask themselves what it is they want to achieve from their working relationships. As a practice owner, if you do not want to be liable for employment rights such as sick or holiday pay, now is the time to act. Some simple changes in the way you run your business will make all the difference.  As for associates, it is now worth considering your status to see whether you have been missing out on some of the paid benefits that come from being a worker.

Remember; simply because an associate has signed a ‘self-employed’ contract without complaint for a number of years, does not prevent future claims being issued against your practice.  

This decision is also likely to have a massive impact on the dental community and in particular the classification of associates, especially with the rise of corporates. Here we look at why.  


On 28th October 2016 the London Central Employment Tribunal sent out its long awaited judgment in the case of Aslam & ors v (1) Uber BV (2) Uber London Limited and (3) Uber Britannia Limited.  The Tribunal held that Uber drivers should be considered workers, as opposed to self-employed contractors.

Uber has already confirmed its intentions to appeal the decision, and the case is expected to go all the way to the Supreme Court given the huge ramifications of the decision, and the implications on a number of business models based on a similar ethos to Uber.

Legal Definition of Worker

Firstly, it should be noted that the Uber drivers were only seeking to establish themselves as workers; not employees. As such we are only considering this category here. For detailed guidance on employment status you can read our October 2016 blog here.

Workers lie in between employees and self-employed contractors, gaining some rights afford to employees but not all of them. This table steps out the rights of each.

To determine worker status, the Tribunal will ask:

  • Personal service: Did the individual undertake under the contract to personally perform work or services?
  • Business undertaking: Was the status of the ‘employer’ under the contract that of a customer of a business undertaking carried on by the individual?
  • Mutuality of obligation: was there mutuality of obligation between the individual and the ‘employer’?

The courts have made it clear that ‘the question in every case is…what was the true agreement between the parties.’ It is therefore the reality of the situation that is analysed in line with the above three questions, not just the contractual documents.

Key Findings

  • Personal Service. It was not disputed that the drivers undertook to do the work personally. In any event the Tribunal found that the essential bargain between the parties was that, for a reward, the driver makes himself available to carry passengers of Uber to their destinations.


How is this relevant to dentists?

This is similar to a contract between associate and dental practice, in that the associate must make himself available at agreed times, and for a fee, to treat the patients of the practice.


  • Business Undertaking. Uber argued that it was not in business as a supplier of transportation services. It was merely a platform which connected passengers to drivers. Uber claimed to be a a customer of the drivers, as drivers paid a fee to use the platform. However, the Tribunal disagreed. It found that Uber offers a range of services, UberX, UberXL, UberEXEC, UberTAXI and UberWAV. Whereas the drivers only offer one of the services. Crucially, Uber marketed itself as offering a range of transport services, not as a platform service. This was for its benefit; not the benefit of the individual drivers. The Tribunal therefore held that Uber is a transportation service and not a customer of the drivers. Interestingly this is a similar argument Uber put forward before the North California District Court, namely that it was a technology company and not a transportation services. This argument was resoundingly rejected by that court too.


How is this relevant to dentists?

Dental practices are not a conduit by which patients access their dentists. Instead they market themselves as the end supplier of a range of services, such as hygienists and therapists or specialists and dentists with specialist interests, whereas not all staff will be providing those services.


  • Mutuality of obligation. Once an individual becomes a driver, they have access to the App, which sends passenger requests to available drivers. A driver is not required to turn the App on but when they do there are certain requirements that the driver must adhere to, including the number of cancellations they can make, the number of fares they reject when online and in terms of their ratings. The Tribunal found this meant the drivers were required to work for Uber when online and that Uber had an element of control over the work the drivers carried out.


How is this relevant to dentists?

Dental practices must have associates in place to undertake dental treatment on the patients booked into the surgery. As such the practice requires the dentist to be available during surgery opening hours. This is even more applicable in relation to practices with NHS contracts, where the practice will require associates to complete a minimum number UDAs per annum. Associates also must comply with the practices policies and procedures.


  • Reality of the relationship. The contract and agreements between Uber and the Drivers referred to Uber providing platform services to connect customers with drivers. Of this the Tribunal said ‘the notion that Uber in London is a mosaic of 30,000 small business linked by a common ‘platform’ is to our minds faintly ridiculous…Ms Bertram spoke of Uber assisting drivers to ‘grow’ their businesses, but no driver is in a position to do anything of the kind, unless growing his business simply means spending more hours at the wheel. The Tribunal went on to state how Uber do not supply leads for drivers, as drivers are not free to negotiate a deal with the customer.


How is this relevant to dentists?

Often Dental Practices set the rates for the dental treatment offered and dentists are not free to negotiate those prices.  Also dental practices will often promote the services they offer as a whole and the associate is therefore not free to grow their own business. However, if an associate has their own client list, sets their own hours and/or is able to send a locum in their stead without restrictions, then the reality of the relationship is something different.

We feel that the tide is turning against the broad brush approach to defining ‘self-employment’ and the Tribunals and HMRC will be considering how to crack down on employers seeking to avoid their duties. In a nut shell, in order to protect your practice from costly litigation, make sure your contracts reflect the true relationship of the parties and if you are not sure, then seek advice from an expert.

Laura Pearce, Senior Solicitor your social media marketing partner
  9354 Hits
9354 Hits

Award winning laboratory goes from strength to strength

Award winning laboratory goes from strength to strength


Relocating to offices 4 times larger than before, the success of S4S (UK) Limited and Smilelign Limited has meant that they needed to go bigger and better! 


Watch below for a video invite from Matt Everatt, S4S Technical Director!



S4S and Smilelign are hosting a laboratory launch to celebrate their move to Rutland Road and their continuing success. Featuring tours and a thank you by the Directors, the Signing Dentist will also be in attendance! With a mission to promote oral health in a fun and entertaining way, and as seen on Good Morning Britain, Dr Milad Shadrooh has his own YouTube channel and over 20 million Facebook views. 


Doors will be thrown open at 4pm on the 7th December at 151 Rutland Road, S3 9PT. The planned launch will consist of tours of the lab space, a talk from the Technical Director about the business - how it has remained strong despite factors such as the economic crisis, and the first-class staff that they employ - and a session with the aforementioned Singing Dentist, Dr Milad Shadrooh, explaining how he intends to continue delivering a positive message for the UK dental industry as well as sharing his experience of using S4S and Smilelign in his practice. Followed by drinks and nibbles, the afternoon should prove to be a popular event amongst the business and dental scene. 


S4S and Smilelign have grown significantly since their conception and have won a number of national awards including Best Dental Laboratory in both 2014 and 2015, and are up for the award again this year. “Eliminating the space constraints of our previous home will allow our team to continue to provide the excellent service that our clients expect” says Neil Bullement, Commercial Director, “with close to 9,000 sq ft, we now have space for further growth”.


About S4S (UK) Limited & Smilelign

An award-winning dental laboratory S4S and Smilelign provides clinically proven treatments to dentists and patients in the fields of snoring & sleep apnoea, bruxism and orthodontics as well as offering educational opportunities to GDPs and others in the surrounding fields. To learn more visit or call us on 0114 250 176. your social media marketing partner
  4400 Hits
4400 Hits

Market your business online, work with GDPUK in 2017

Market your business online, work with GDPUK in 2017


Ask us, How we can help you?


There has been a recurring theme this week (other than the US Presidential Election) and that is clients or prospects asking how we can help them in 2017?

We see GDPUK as an integral part of a dental companies opportunity to market themselves to dentists in the UK. We believe we have a large, active and engaged audience on the site, which we are very proud of. This is important because dental professionals in the UK are using social media more than ever and GDPUK is at the centre of that.

So we have put together a short list of the ways in which we can help our clients engage with potential customers.


  1. Banner Ads - We offer a range of banner ads on the site and our daily digest emails. Further info can be found in our media pack and by getting in This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  2. 12 month packages of advertising. We have a number of deals with clients that run for 12 months, which offer the client excellent exposure, good value and builds a great working relationship between GDPUK and the client.

  3. Product / Service Launches - We can help launch a new product into the market, with blogs, news articles and banner ads.

  4. Special Offers - Entice new or old customers with a special offer / or sample offer

  5. Case Studies - We can publish case studies for you of products that are working for patients in dental practices. A case study can be a great way of demonstrating how your product works and how it will help the dentist improve his or her skills.

  6. Forum Reviews / Tests - Put your product to the test, use members of the GDPUK forum to test your product and receive honest reviews that can be shared on the forum and published as a blog post.

  7. Surveys - Run a survey, which can be hosted by our site or your site. Use it to do product research etc

  8. Social Media Competitions - Combining promotion on GDPUK and other social media channels, we can run a competition that helps collect data and potential new users of your product.

  9. Promotion of Courses / Events - There are a large number of events, meetings, courses that are scheduled in the UK dental calendar on an annual basis, we can help with promotion and even the sale of the tickets.

  10. 2017 Conference. Next year we are pleased to be hosting an event to celebrate our 20th year of a space for dentists in the UK to talk and share opinion. This milestone, will be marked with conference towards the end of next year. Exhibition and sponsorship opportunities will be available.


If you would like to try any other marketing ideas on our site, we are always interested in new methods and always looking to learn. Look forward to hearing from you soon, helping your business thrive in 2017.

Thanks for reading. your social media marketing partner
  5937 Hits
5937 Hits

Compliance made easy - Martin Gilbert

Compliance made easy - Martin Gilbert

‘Compliance’ may be one of the most hated words amongst dental practitioners these days. Indeed, whether it’s HTM01-05 or CQC, it pervades almost every aspect of the profession – and there really is no escaping it.


However, while we may not want to like compliance, there can be no denying that it has helped us improve our service, protect our patients and ourselves. Certainly, without HTM01-05, our practices would not be nearly as safe as they are today, and without the CQC, many more cases of malpractice might go unnoticed, undermining the integrity of the dental profession.


These days, however, compliance extends far beyond the clinical aspects of our work – decontamination, patient consent and case documentation, for example; indeed, as mentioned above, it is integral to almost everything we do within the walls of our practice.


This also includes our finance options. Patient finance is by no means a new feature in modern dentistry, but it is certainly becoming increasingly more popular as patient demands begin to change. Certainly, as more and more patients seek out elective, cosmetic treatments – many of which necessitate higher value procedures – the need to provide cost-effective credit options is essential. Indeed, if there is one thing that we have all learnt since the recessionary years, it’s that ‘affordability’ is golden. As the demand for different treatments rises, so too does the competition between professionals – both inside and outside the UK. As such, it is vitally important to offer ways for patients to financially access the treatments they want.


Of course, by offering finance options in practice, dental professionals are introducing themselves to yet another form of compliance – and a particularly stringent one at that. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulates all consumer credit, and its guidelines are strict.


Indeed, the FCA does not distinguish between a dentist, who has built up trust and who may have a long-term relationship with their patients, and a company that deals with patients on an entirely ad hoc basis. The result of this is that dental professionals who want to offer their patients finance options for treatment will be subject to the same stringent regulations as any payday loan company or bank.


As one might imagine, therefore, the amount of administration involved in maintaining compliance with the regulations can be something of a nightmare – especially for independent practices that do not have the resources of manpower to dedicate a specific member of staff to its maintenance.


In fact, just applying to the FCA for finance authorisation can be an excruciating process – not to mention the subsequent reporting and reviews that the FCA requires on a regular basis. All this can be particularly disruptive – and is unlikely to really be one of the highest priorities in a busy practice that already has to deal with many other compliance issues on a day-to-day basis.


Of course, this does put practices at risk of falling foul of the regulations – and represents a real threat to the reputation and financial wellbeing of any practice.


So, unfortunately, dental professionals may find themselves in something of a catch-22 situation. As more and more patients demand affordable dental treatments, practitioners may feel as though they need to offer credit options, but by doing so, they will have to devote time they probably do not have to the appropriate compliance protocols and regulations. And if they cannot, they will not be able to meet the demands of their patients at all – and run the risk of losing business.


Luckily, however, there are a number of solutions. In light of the increased interest in dental finance options, a number of third party companies have appeared that will handle all aspects of finance compliance for the practice – for a fee. These fees can be quite high, but they do buy practices the chance to leave all matters of compliance in the hands of the company they have chosen to work on their behalf. The problem with this, though, is that FCA authorisation is still in the name of the practice owner, who will ultimately be responsible – and liable – for the authorisation overall.


Another option is to work with a company that can offer exemption from authorisation through its own FCA arrangements. This means practitioners will not need direct authorisation through the FCA – and all matters of compliance and liability will be lifted from the practitioner’s shoulders.


Now there is a company in the UK that offers this type of service to dental professionals: Chrysalis Finance. Their expert team works to ensure dentists have access to easy, safe and cost-effective credit options, which they can then offer to their patients with absolute peace of mind.


In a profession as tightly controlled by compliance as dentistry, every little helps. Offering credit options to patients may be becoming a very real aspect of the profession, but stressing over the compliance does not have to be. Contact the team at Chrysalis Finance to find out more.


For more information about Chrysalis Finance call us on 0333 32 32 230 or visit your social media marketing partner
  4228 Hits
4228 Hits

A Day in the Life of a Clinical Lead

A Day in the Life of a Clinical Lead


Dr Mark Hughes is a Clinical Lead for Bupa Dental, which is a member of the Association of Dental Groups. Here, he discusses how his daily life has changed since joining the corporate…



It has been just over two years since Bupa Dental acquired our group of practices. I was previously a partner in the business, based in the City, West End and Canary Wharf. Our focus was primarily corporate dental clients, with an emphasis on dental insurance schemes alongside private patients. 


I took on the role of Clinical Lead for the group, while also caring for a full patient list. Having been involved from 1998 to 2014, I had become very busy with regular and new clients covering all aspects of general dental care. In addition, I was liaising with the other dentists, dental nurses and hygienists regularly to identify any issues. We prided ourselves on responding to clinical and personal concerns quickly, despite the increasing size of the group.


When we announced the change of ownership, there were varied concerns from both the clinical and administrative staff. I suppose we all have an image of a faceless, financially driven, uncaring business when the word ‘corporate’ is linked with dental practice, so there was a degree of scepticism to manage. As there had been a long consultation process prior to the sale, however, we were convinced that the new group shared our goals and beliefs in how to care for patients and move the business forward. As such, we were pleased to find these concerns did not come to fruition.


I was offered the role of Clinical Lead within Bupa alongside my usual clinical duties. This has involved being a part of the clinical governance process including audits, interviewing new clinicians, complaint handling and acting as a link between practitioners and management. I was keen to undertake this role to facilitate the transition between private and corporate ownership, as well as helping the continuity of patient care.


Which brings me to the main question many will ask – what is it like working as part of a large organisation?


First the caveats; I came from a relatively large group practice where, whilst clinical autonomy was valued, there was a sense of team and shared attitudes to patient care. We had a very low turnover of staff and encouraged meetings and communication in what we hoped was a relaxed working environment.

Also the experience we had joining the corporate were, it goes without saying, unique to our situation and the attitudes and approach of the management team.


I hope that I can comment from a relatively impartial standpoint despite being pro-takeover from the outset. In addition, part of what I can report comes from the opinions expressed to me from other staff members after 18 months of new ownership.


So what has changed? On a day-to-day basis, very little. Bupa Dental has great belief in clinical freedom while remaining aligned with mainstream dental thinking. This extends to a very broad, though not limitless, choice of materials, along with keeping individual dentists’ favoured laboratories open to them. In fact, when the practices meet for CPD evenings, exploring new techniques and materials is actively encouraged. This is not to say that the commercial aspects of the dental business are overlooked, rather that the importance of high clinical standards is a priority. This leads to another plus of operating within a larger group; the depth of clinical experience available across the whole spectrum of general and specialist dentistry. The ability to send an email out across such a large number of dentists asking for opinions cannot be underestimated. What’s more, a larger corporate can market and promote its services, skills and individual practices to a much wider audience than could be achieved by a single practice.


I think some of the benefits of working for a large organisation depend on your perspective – for example, a practice owner will drastically reduce their paperwork by selling to a corporate and becoming an associate. In my experience, other members of the team have reported seeing little difference in their administrative responsibilities, or indeed a slight increase in line with the corporate’s emphasis on self audit and appraisal. Whether this is symptomatic of working for a large organisation, or merely representative of the increasing governance faced by all clinical staff, is debatable ­– similarly, some people appreciate the email reminders and others find them intrusive!


Ultimately, the fact that the practice I work in is owned by a corporate has made little impact to the way I approach my clinical day – I have retained my clinical freedom and responsibility to patients. However it’s great to know that I have the support of a larger healthcare company backing me up so I can focus on being a dentist.


To find out more about the ADG and member groups, please visit


NB: The views expressed in this and similar columns by individual ADG members are intended to stimulate constructive debate about current issues in dentistry. Thoughts are the authors’ own and not necessarily those of the ADG. your social media marketing partner
  7681 Hits
7681 Hits

A day in the life: a young associate dentist

A day in the life: a young associate dentist


Christine Gordon is a young associate dentist at Putney Bridge Dental Centre in London, a MyDentist practice which is a member of the Association of Dental Groups (ADG). Since graduating from The University of Sheffield in 2012, she has worked in both an independent and now a corporate practice. Here, she discusses her career so far and how the move into corporate dentistry has impacted on her working life…

“I completed my foundation training at an independently-run practice, which I very much enjoyed. It was in North London, with three surgeries. After finishing my foundation training I took a maternity cover position within a corporate; and have since been lucky to secure a full-time position when another associate left. I've been working at my current practice for almost two years now.

“Working in an independent practice was a little different to where I work now. Firstly, I would say the principal had more control over the associates in terms of materials and their hours. I now have increased flexibility regarding both how I work and the products I work with. For example, I can put in a request for the materials I would like to order and, within reason, these are usually authorised so that I can use the materials I prefer.

“For me, one of the main benefits of a corporate is knowing that all the relevant protocols such as health and safety and cross infection control will be followed to a high standard across the board. We have a CQC inspection coming up and I am not concerned about it in the slightest. I can simply get on with my job with total peace of mind and no last-minute panic that the practice won't pass and will need to implement any big changes! 

“Also, when I finished the initial maternity cover with the corporate, there was about a month before my full-time role began and I was worried about having no Units of Dental Activity (UDAs) to do during that period. But then I was told about a nearby practice in the group that I would be able to work with in the meantime. Once you begin working within a corporate, it is easier to pick up more work and opportunities at different locations, should you wish to – which is great.

“At my current practice there is good private potential. I have taken the Inman Aligner course so I can provide simple orthodontic treatment to patients, which has been quite popular. I'm also now offering anti-wrinkle treatments (using Botulinum Toxin) which I'm really enjoying - it helps to keep things interesting. I have a private target every month, separate to my UDA target, so I try to zone my diary to allocate time methodically and ensure I meet both targets. 

“In terms of my typical day, it doesn't differ too much from life in an independent practice. I start at 9am, but try to get in early to review my diary and check any lab work. I took on a list from a dentist who had been there for 15 years, which was a challenge initially as patients were so familiar with her but I think they're used to me now. I see a lot of new patients now too, mostly young professionals, which reflects the area the practice is in; with lots of flats and new builds. My other daily responsibilities are essentially the same as  an independent dentist: working closely with other members of the team to make the patient journey as pleasant as possible and record keeping is very important so I spend time making sure this is accurate. The MyDentist special app reminds me whose notes I still write and this is so helpful, especially when I'm very busy.

“There is a great, friendly atmosphere within my practice – I certainly don’t feel like there is someone miles away, controlling everything, which I think certainly used to be a common misconception regarding dental corporates. I appreciate the clinical support too. We have a Clinical Director and if I have any problems I can just fire off an email and he will help in any way he can. I feel I have access to a lot of people who will help me to develop my career and because I am just three years out of university, this is really important to me. There is obviously a degree of personal preference here, but the strong support network I have found within the dental corporate makes going out into the big, bad world of work a lot less scary for young dentists.”


To find out more about the world of ADG please visit your social media marketing partner
  4896 Hits
4896 Hits

A worthy cause

A worthy cause



At this year’s showcase, A-dec gave delegates the opportunity to take part in their Chair Building Puzzle, for a chance win a pair of A-dec stools.

The worthy winner was a member of Leidos – the  procurement team for the MOD – and, selflessly, they opted not to accept the stools, but asked for a donation to a brilliant charity instead.

And, of course, A-dec was more than happy to help out.

Therefore, in lieu of the stools, A-dec will be making a £1,000 donation to Paul King’s ‘Brave the Shave’ challenge, in support of Macmillan cancer support. Paul had  his hair and beard shaved completely off in order to raise money. This is a great cause which will help those who have been affected by this terrible disease.

The whole team at A-dec are humbled by Leidos’ show of generosity – and wish Paul all the best in his challenge. Let’s hope it doesn’t get too cold!




For more information about A-dec Dental UK Ltd, visit or call on 0800 2332 85 your social media marketing partner
  3679 Hits
3679 Hits

GDPUK Conference 2016 - A Huge Success - Join us in 2017!

GDPUK Conference 2016 - A Huge Success - Join us in 2017!


Over 60 members of the GDPUK Community gathered at Hotel Football in Manchester on Friday 4th November to enjoy a day of learning, networking and thinking time away from the dental practice!

The mix of education, personal stories and music made for an incredibly diverse and interesting day.



Chris Tavares remarked;

“Thanks to the GDPUK Team for the absolute wonderful day I had today. Dentistry's been tense lately due to 'non-dental' things. Usually when I go on a course I'm really tired at the end of day due to the intensity of the lectures. Today was different. I really needed a chill out day and today absolutely nailed it. The speakers did a fantastic job keeping to their remit and the delivery was excellent. The topics were all very relevant to dentistry but in, oh so different a way, than the usual intense clinical procedures lectures. It's what I call the 4th Dimension of educational topics. The outside of the box topics. Each speaker spoke for the right length of time and kept us all very much glued to our seats. There was education, there was humour, there were personal journeys, there was music. Very much how the humanity of being a registrant is all about. Each topic was very 'functional' in creating a great chill out, educational and social event. Also great to put so many faces to posters. Unfortunately did not manage to meet everyone.”


Mike Powell via the GDPUK forum stated:-

“An excellent day with a variety of topics covered, not all "look how excellent my work is"......The catering was also massively better than the norm, fillet of beef with peppercorn sauce anyone? Thanks Tony and all the others involved in organising the day.”


Tony Jacobs, MD of GDPUK was really pleased with the outcome of the day:-

“We are so pleased with the positive feedback from everyone who attended the conference. As always, it was fantastic to meet old and new faces from the forum. We believe the mix of speakers from within dental circles and a couple from other sectors, helped form a day that was insightful, entertaining, unusual and thought provoking. We look forward to hosting another conference in 2017, which will mark the 20th year of GDPUK.”
Thanks to all our members who supported the event and thanks to all the sponsors for taking part. Dental Elite, Denplan and DDU all enjoyed the day thoroughly and we appreciate their support which makes a conference like this possible.
As you can see the 2016 GDPUK Conference was fantastic but 2017, promises to be even better!
If you would like to join us for the 2017 Conference for what will be an awesome day, please follow this link and book today. Further info on speakers can be found on the site. your social media marketing partner
  8072 Hits
8072 Hits

Unreasonable behaviour - dental students in the 80s

How did we survive without GDC guidance your social media marketing partner
  8995 Hits
8995 Hits

An enlightened solution - Dean Hallows

An enlightened solution - Dean Hallows

For dental professionals, the need for an effective lighting solution is paramount. Eyestrain is a common problem; by having to concentrate on a fixed point inside the oral cavity for long periods of time, or by constantly adjusting their sight to the different ambient lights in and outside the oral cavity, dental professionals increase their chance of suffering from aesthenopia.

For years, practitioners have tried to combat this issue with effective lighting. By utilising high-quality products, professionals can not only reduce the risk of eyestrain, but improve the accuracy and consistency of their clinical work.

Traditionally, dentists have used halogen lights to illuminate their patients’ oral cavities; indeed, many still do – but increasingly, these halogen systems are being replaced by LED alternatives. Light emitting diodes have become more and more popular across a wide range of different fields and environments in recent years – from domestic living to clinical and scientific settings – and they do have a number of compelling advantages over other light sources.


1. Longevity

LED lights have an outstanding operational lifetime expectancy – approximately 100,000 hours. This equates to around 11 years of continuous operation. In other words, if an LED light is left on for around 8 hours a day it would take about 20 years before the ‘bulb’ would need replacing. In a dental surgery, where the clinical light would only be used during appointment times, the potential longevity of a single fixture is incredible.


2. Energy efficiency

Compared to traditional lighting, LED lights are exceptionally efficient. Estimates suggest that high-quality lights are approximately 80-90 per cent more efficient, meaning that almost all of the electricity expended on powering one is converted to light. Only the remaining 10-20 per cent is lost and converted to heat. This will ultimately save a dental practice a significant amount of money on electrical bills and, when considered alongside the life expectancy of a single LED fixture, the savings can be substantial.


3. Ecologically friendly

Unlike many other fluorescent light sources, LED lights are completely free of toxic chemicals. As such, they can be easily recycled[1] and enable a dental practice to dramatically cut its carbon footprint. Again, thanks to their exceptionally long life expectancy, an LED light can save the material and production of at least 25 incandescent light bulbs.


4. Durability

LED lights are also extremely durable when compared with more traditional lighting solutions. They are particularly resistant to shock and vibrations which, in a dental scenario, can offer real peace of mind.


5. Instant lighting

When switched on, an LED light will brighten immediately. This helps save time when performing a dental examination and improves efficiency.


6. Frequent switching

Unlike other light fixtures, LED lights are not negatively affected by being switched on and off frequently. In the dental surgery, where a light is being turned on and off many times throughout the day, this is an important consideration.


7. Low-voltage

A low-voltage power supply is more than sufficient to power an LED light, which is excellent for safety and more cost effective than other alternatives. 


8. Quiet and cool

Thanks to their aforementioned energy-efficiency, LED lights do not produce a great deal of heat. This is not only safer, but also eliminates the need for an integral fan, meaning the whole fixture is quieter during operation. This is a great help for anxious patients, who may be discomforted by the sounds of a dental surgery – and is also less annoying for practitioners who must be around their light for long periods of time.


9. Design flexibility

LED lights can be combined in a dynamic range of shapes to produce highly efficient and adaptable illumination solutions – and can offer incredible amounts of control. A well-designed fixture can achieve highly effective, focussed lighting that will allow a dental professional to have complete visual freedom during an examination.

LED lights are becoming increasingly popular on the UK dental market as their advantages are being recognised. It is always best, however, to compare competing brands to ensure the right choice is made – since an LED light will last for the majority of a dentist’s natural career. A light that is ergonomic, effective and easily positioned is ideal, as is one that can be easily integrated into an existing space with little disruption or difficulty.

The LED light from A-dec, for example, is a high-quality lighting solution that adds fluid manoeuvrability, improved lighting for better shade analysis and delivers 25% more illuminance at one fifth of the power consumption.


To discover more about the benefits of an LED light, contact the expert team at A-dec UK today.


For more information about A-dec Dental UK Ltd, visit or call on 0800 2332 85

 your social media marketing partner
  3313 Hits
3313 Hits

Seasonal Stress Busters

Seasonal Stress Busters



The festive season seems to creep up on us every year. You may try to keep it low key, but it all takes up a lot of time, money and effort and often gives way to ‘seasonal stress.’ On the plus side, online shopping has provided a welcome reprieve from parking problems, trudging around crowded shops and standing in long queues. However, less than one in five people actually look forward to shopping for presents during the lead up to the festive season.[i] Added to this, is the worry of absorbing the extra expenditure - it is believed that most families will spend around £800, mostly on food and drink. There is also more pressure to overspend at this time of year and there is an increase in the proportion of people turning to credit to cover the cost of presents and food.[ii]

We all look forward to having the family together and eagerly waiting for everyone to arrive for the celebrations brings great joy. Nevertheless, some family gatherings can easily turn into an airing of grievances and there is always the worry that one relative could become awkward or drunk. These occasions can become exhausting and overwhelming, with festive cheer turning into festive fear for many people.

The pressure of Christmas can just be too much for some and the mental health charity Mind, states that one in four adults feel anxious about social gatherings during the festive period.[iii] It can be a tough time of year for everyone but if one feels under pressure to be sociable, to join in or to be on good form because everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves, social gatherings and parties can be uncomfortable and overpowering.

A lot of people suffer from low self-esteem or lack of confidence and chatting, dancing or getting up close to others is totally off limits for some individuals.

One of the reasons for this is that around 25 per cent of the entire population suffer from halitosis at some point in their lives[iv] and a great many others believe that they have it. In addition, to cope with the pressure directly associated with the festive season, there is a lot more alcohol and comfort food consumed. Some people even turn to smoking in their hours of need as insecurities become intensified. It is little wonder then that while stressed and tired, people might forget or skim over their normal oral health routines and end up with embarrassingly unpleasant smelling breath.

Nine out of ten cases of malodourous breath have an oral cause,[v] which is why dental professionals are ideally placed to help. When delivering instructions to improve oral hygiene levels, you can also recommend CB12 mouthwash to prevent unpleasant breath for up to 12 hours. Used each morning as a daily oral deodorant, this clinically proven formula is quick and easy to use - ideal during the busy holiday season. You could also encourage your patients to carry CB12 boost chewing gum - discreet mouth refreshment to power through any worrying breath inhibitions after meals and on the go.


Save your patients from ‘seasonal stress’ with sound advice and recommendations to bring little more cheer and good health to this time of year.


For more information about CB12 and how it could benefit your patients, please visit



[i] Ipsos MORI. Dealtime Christmas Shopping Survey. November 2000. [Accessed 7th September 2016]

[ii] Money Advice Trust 2016. Borrowing up this Christmas, as one in four feel pressure to overspend. [Accessed 7th September 2016]

[iii] Mind. Brits experiencing social anxiety at Christmas. December 2015. Poll conducted by Populus. [Accessed 7th September 2016]

[iv] Franziska Struch et al. Self-reported halitosis and gastro-esophageal reflux disease in the general population. J Gen Intern Med 23(3):260–6 DOI: 10.1007/s11606-007-0486-8 [Accessed 7th September 2016]

[v] Andrea Zürcher, et al, Dept of Oral Surgery, University of Basel. 'Findings, Diagnoses and Results of a Halitosis Clinic over a Seven Year Period'. Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed. [Swiss Monthly Journal of Dentistry] 3/2012 Vol. 122 pp. 205-210 [Accessed 7th September 2016] your social media marketing partner
  3641 Hits
3641 Hits

How The Other Half Live

How the other half lives your social media marketing partner
  8764 Hits
Recent comment in this post
Graham John Nichols

This is so true

An amusing blog except it is so true. I also work for a corporate and recognise the scenarios. I wonder how they get away with it.... Read More
Sunday, 06 November 2016 07:42
8764 Hits

Keep ‘Up To Date’ with Oral-B Seminars

Keep ‘Up To Date’ with Oral-B Seminars



Oral-B has released the dates for their next series of Up To Date seminars.  Each of these popular evening sessions will be comprised of two 45-minute lectures.

Prof Nicola West will be exploring clinical strategies to prevent and manage dental erosion. She will unveil the aetiology, susceptibility and impact of erosive toothwear as well as giving advice on preventative management and when to refer. (pictured below)


Dr Phil Ower will be reviewing the aetiology and classification of gingival recession, showing how to manage recession defects for different groups of patients and giving guidance on when it is appropriate to refer patients and what specialist care may be appropriate. (picture below)

Clinical dental professionals are invited to attend this complimentary CPD accredited evening event at one of seven locations:


London -3rd November 2016 – Hilton Hotel (Watford)


Edinburgh - 14th November 2016 – Houston Hotel


Bristol – 21st November 2016 – Aztec Hotel


Birmingham - 20th February 2017 – St Johns Hotel (Solihull)


Leeds - 9th March 2017 – Village Hotel (North)


Manchester – 27th April 2017 – Copthorne Hotel


Newcastle - 4th May 2017 – Hilton Hotel (Gateshead)


As well as two and a half hours of verifiable CPD every delegate is invited to enjoy a complimentary meal at the beginning of the evening.  Registration and buffet is from 5.45pm with the first lecture starting at 6.30pm.  The evening will finish at 9.00pm.


Spaces at these events are limited and are allocated on a first come, first served basis.  If you would like to attend register online at

For enquiries please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0870 2421850. your social media marketing partner
  11532 Hits
11532 Hits

GSK champions erosive tooth wear and Dentine Hypersensitivity identification

GSK champions erosive tooth wear and Dentine Hypersensitivity identification




GSK is leading a campaign to raise awareness among dentists, DCPs and patients about two common conditions – erosive tooth wear and Dentine Hypersensitivity (DH).

Over ¾ of British adults - 77% exhibit signs of tooth wear and moderate tooth wear has increased1. It can lead to changes in tooth shape, yellowing of teeth and translucency at the tooth edge. You can now download the BEWE app for a comprehensive guide to erosive tooth wear diagnosis and condition management.


The optimised fluoride formulation of Pronamel® strengthens your patients’ demineralised enamel to help protect against the effects of erosive tooth wear2


DH is characterised by short, sharp pain in response to stimuli and needs to be diagnosed differentially. 41.9% of adults have experienced it3 and, according to the Dentine Hypersensitivity Experience Questionnaire (DHEQ), over 70% of sufferers consider the sensations to take pleasure out of eating and drinking4.


Sensodyne® Repair and Protect combines NovaMin® technology and sodium fluoride in a single formulation, which creates an even harder hydroxyapatite-like layer over the exposed dentine and within the exposed dentine tubules2, 5-7, providing sustained protection and relief.


For more information on these conditions and other CPD materials, visit:




Trade marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies.





1.        Disease and related disorders – a report from the Adult Dental Health Survey 2009, The Information Centre for health and social care, 2011

2.        Fowler C et al J Clin Dent 2006; 17(4): 100 - 105

3.        Addy M. Int Dent J 2002; 52: 367-375.

4.        GSK Data on File RH02026

5.        Greenspan DC et al. J Clin Dent 2010; 21: 61-65.

6.        La Torre G and Greenspan DC. J Clin Dent 2010; 21(Spec Iss): 72-76.

7.        Earl JS et al. J Clin Dent 2011; 22(3): 62-67(A). your social media marketing partner
  4490 Hits
4490 Hits

GSK Online Education Modules help DHCPs gain over 3000 hours of free verifiable CPD

GSK Online Education Modules help DHCPs gain over 3000 hours of free verifiable CPD



In April 2016 GSK, the manufacturer of Corsodyl®, Poligrip®, Sensodyne® and Pronamel®, launched four free certified CPD modules. Each provides 1.5 hours of verifiable CPD and so far over 2000 modules have been completed, meaning GSK has provided over 3000 hours of free, verifiable CPD to DHCPs across the country.

The modules focus on a range of topics including gum disease and the Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE), the effects of tooth loss and dentures for patients, the mode of action of NovaMin® in Sensodyne® Repair & Protect and the Basic Erosive Wear Examination. All modules can be completed remotely at a pace that suits the user. There is a selection of multiple-choice questions at the end of each module and, upon answering the questions correctly, the user is issued a certificate for completing the CPD module. 

GSK sees delivering quality education and CPD as a core part of its mission and strives to continuously meet the needs of DHCPs through online learning as well as face to face lectures.

Access to all modules, as well as information on GSK products, is available at




Product Information

Corsodyl Mint Mouthwash


Active Ingredient: Chlorhexidine digluconate. Indications: Plaque inhibition; gingivitis; maintenance

of oral hygiene; post periodontal surgery or treatment; aphthous ulceration; oral candida. Legal Category: GSL. Licence Holder: GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare (UK) Trading Limited, Brentford, TW8 9GS, U.K.


Information about this product, including adverse reactions, precautions, contra-indications and method of use can be found at:


Trade marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies.

CHGBI/CHGOC/0036/16 your social media marketing partner
  6522 Hits
6522 Hits

The world’s only invisible dual retention system – meeting the needs of dentist and patient

The world’s only invisible dual retention system – meeting the needs of dentist and patient



The SOLID Retainer System – it stands for Single-visit Orthodontic Lingual and Invisible Dual Retainer System – is an all-new concept in orthodontic retention. 


In a bid to prevent post-alignment relapse, SOLID combines an invisible fixed-lingual retainer with a removable acrylic retainer, which means clinicians can place two different types of retainer in only one appointment.


And even better, SOLID has revolutionised retainer placement so dentists can now place this retainer WITH the orthodontic fixed brackets still in place on the teeth, thus ensuring zero tooth movement before or after the traditional bracket de-bond process.


The system also satisfies advice from members of both the British Orthodontic Society and American Association of Orthodontics who recommend provision of fixed-lingual and removable retention for more security in limiting the potential of orthodontic relapse.


Created by Dr Thomas Sealey, the Cfast SOLID Retention System is a hybrid-designed retainer that utilises fibre-reinforced composite technology and modern bonding techniques to create a virtually invisible fixed lingual retainer, that’s complemented by a traditional removable acrylic retainer.


Thomas explains: ‘I developed the SOLID retainer to be placed before brackets are removed to ensure absolutely no tooth movement can occur from your final and perfect end positioning. The SOLID retainer can also be used after clear positioner orthodontics. In this scenario, once you have achieved the correct alignment of your final positioner, you can simply send the last 3D-printed model to Cfast and they will make you the SOLID retainer – you don’t even need to see the patient for an impression.


‘Without having to remove orthodontic brackets, you can place and polish a SOLID retainer in less than 10 minutes.’


He adds: ‘Cfast SOLID is not only the fastest placed invisible dual-retainer system in the world, it also provides a second removable Essix retainer – this spare retainer is also a great sales point for the patient as new retainers can usually cost them around £100.


‘The SOLID invisible retainers are kept at least 1.5mm from the incisal edge and from the gum level to ensure ease of cleaning. In the past, the final cosmetic result was often spoiled with visible wire retainers or ceramic retainers that made the lower teeth look twice as thick as they should. SOLID is discreet, easy to clean, totally smooth and requires no additional cost to the dentist or patient. As the “ortho-dentist” has evolved to provide short-term tooth alignment for the cosmetically focused patient, so orthodontic retention has evolved to meet the needs of the modern patient in the form of SOLID.’


• For more about SOLID, visit, call 0844 209 7035 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your social media marketing partner
  10975 Hits
10975 Hits

Have you ever microwaved your ice cream? Find out why your patients might!

Have you ever microwaved your ice cream? Find out why your patients might!


GSK, manufacturers of Sensodyne®, invite you to join their webinar event – ‘How can we measure the true patient impact of sensitive teeth?’ on Thursday 10th November from 6pm.

The presentation will be delivered by Professor Peter Robinson and is based on insights from the development of the ground-breaking Dentine Hypersensitivity Experience Questionnaire (DHEQ).

To register for the webinar online visit     NOW!

As many as 1 in 3 patients may be suffering from Dentine Hypersensitivity (DH).1 Research using the DHEQ amongst over 900 people highlighted the impacts that patients with the condition may experience:2

·         70% consider the sensations to take the pleasure out of eating and drinking*

·         59% try to avoid pain by biting food into small pieces*

·         32% think that having sensitive teeth makes them feel old*


Find out more about the impacts on your patients with Dentine Hypersensitivity by joining the webinar. Register online now to ensure your place –



*pooled analysis of 7 clinical studies involving 905 participants aged 18-65 (mean 39.7 years) in Canada, Europe and USA before treatment. All participants who gave the ratings of 5, 6 or 7 (agree a little, agree, strongly agree) on a 7-point impact scale were considered to have the impact in question.




1.      Addy M Int Dent J 2002; 52: 367-375

2.      GSK data on file, RH02026 your social media marketing partner
  2961 Hits
2961 Hits

Caring for the Dental Team

 If You Find An Injured Co-Worker, Ring 011 456 5674 your social media marketing partner
  8548 Hits
8548 Hits

Denplan wins ‘Best Dental Benefits Provider’ for the seventh year running

Denplan wins ‘Best Dental Benefits Provider’ for the seventh year running



Denplan, the UK’s leading dental payment plan specialist, is celebrating another successful award win, after winning ‘Best Dental Benefits Provider’ for the seventh consecutive year at the 2016 Health Insurance Awards.


Held on Thursday 13 October at London’s Grosvenor House Hotel, the Health Insurance Awards gathered together around 900 industry leaders in the health insurance and protection industry to recognise the achievements of exceptional individuals, providers, and intermediaries across a range of categories.


At the glamorous black tie event, guests celebrated the best achievements in the industry and were treated to a champagne reception and three course meal. They were entertained throughout the evening by popular prime-time TV presenter Stephen Mulhearn.

Pam Whelan, Head of Corporate at Denplan, is in centre right with a pink flower dress on holding the prestigious award


Head of Corporate at Denplan, Pam Whelan, said: “We’re over the moon and extremely proud to win the award for Best Dental Benefits Provider for the 7th year in a row. The fact that these awards are won thanks to the votes from intermediaries means a great deal to us, and we would like to thank everyone that voted again for us this year.  It’s important that we don’t get complacent so we are always looking for fresh inspiration in order to continually develop new and innovative ways to enhance our services for the employee benefit market. We are also keen to continue our success in the future and achieve an eighth award so will continue to work hard to support our much valued intermediaries and clients throughout the year.”


For more information about Denplan’s range of corporate plans, please call 01962 828 008 or go to your social media marketing partner
  10774 Hits
10774 Hits

NHS Dental Stats made simple

Statistics your social media marketing partner
  7919 Hits
7919 Hits

Intuitive practice management system solution proves popular with visitors at 2016 BDIA Showcase …

Intuitive practice management system solution proves popular with visitors at 2016 BDIA Showcase …


Last weekend marked the return of the British Dental Industry Association (BDIA) annual showcase.

And for those interested in reviewing how best to boost efficiencies and the profit of their practice with the help of practice management system solutions, then a visit to Systems for Dentists on stand J34 proved time very well spent.

As one of the longest established practice management system design specialists in the UK, the enterprising company offered an exciting forum for Dentists looking to gain an in depth insight into their latest technologies and innovations.


Not only was it an opportunity to meet personally with members of their team, but for many, it proved the perfect forum in which to get hands on with the latest developments in practice management system solutions.

And in addition to getting close up and personal with all that was new from the latest version of their flagship system software, to the benefits it stands to offer, the dynamic team of developers were certainly looking to inspire and impress with everything exceptional about the latest interfaces and functionality on offer this year.

As beyond all that was practical and leading edge about their carefully designed practice management solutions, the backdrop of stand J34 at BDIA also provided all the knowledge visiting Dentists needed to increase their practice bottom line through the help of their V6 Practice Management System.

And for those dental practices who managed to attend, taking valuable time out of their busy day, the BDIA Dental Showcase presented a great platform once again to meet alongside over 350 leading dental companies and to provide the perfect setting to re-ignite a shared passion for the UK Dental market.

Ranging from global brands to industry newcomers, Dentists were presented with one of the widest selections of industry related products and innovations demonstrated under one roof in the UK this autumn.

As a well-respected and credible arena for providing the opportunity for dentistry teams to immerse in the present and future of our industry, the BDIA Showcase 2016 was certainly a great arena in which to explore new innovations, and to discover everything brilliant about Systems for Dentists practice management system design.

As ever, Systems for Dentists were just one exhibitor who relished the opportunity to exhibit to showcase their portfolio. And with a genuine care for speaking to practitioners about how they could look to partner with them to drive up profits and further streamline their practice management efficiencies.

And for those Dentists looking to review how practice management could make a valuable difference to their practice moving forward, not only that, but to keep pace with the industry and to catch up with friends and associates, they were sure to fuel not only their knowledge of practice management system benefits, thanks to the help of Systems for Dentists experts, but also a love of all that makes the UK dentistry market so special!

Systems for Dentists will return to exhibit at BDIA 2017 live from stand I60 at The NEC to present and showcase all that’s new and exciting as they continue to shape and develop their practice management system technologies for the benefit of the UK dental market.



For further information, contact:

Nathan Ross at Systems for Dentists on 0845 643 2828

Email; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. your social media marketing partner
  10167 Hits
10167 Hits

BDIA Dental Showcase – Another great success

BDIA Dental Showcase – Another great success

BDIA Dental Showcase has again delivered a show worthy of its reputation as the premier event on the dental industry calendar.


With many exhibitors reporting excellent on-stand sales, visitor figures for this year’s Showcase have also shown that the dental industry is in good health with practices and practitioners happy to apply many of the technological advances they have discovered at BDIA Dental Showcase 2016. 


Michael Cann, President of the British Dental Industry Association (BDIA) and Managing Director of Septodont, is delighted with the numbers of visitors that they have seen at this year’s show and said, “Our stand this year has focused on our new online CPD training that will allow practices to be compliant with the 2013 Sharps Legislation using our new needle-stick injury prevention devices, which has had a very good response from visitors.”

Sonia Tracey, Vice President of the BDIA and Managing Director of W&H, commented, “The visitors we have seen at our stand this year have done their homework before coming to the show, which makes our work so much better as we can offer them more detailed information and products that are useful back in their practice.  This has also allowed us to spend quality time with them to ensure they get all the information they need.  We couldn’t have asked for better.”


Charlie Fuller, Sales and Marketing Manager at OralB, is very happy with year’s Showcase, saying “BDIA Dental Showcase is an incredible event for us.  It gives us one-to-one time with practitioners who work with our products and who will be advising patients on which of our products will work best for them.”

Alun Dabner, Brand Manager of Colgate, said “We have had an excellent show this year with visitor and sales figures at our stand looking really healthy.  Our on-stand lectures have been very well attended which has fitted in really well with our education focus for the show.”


With the announcement that next year’s show will be organised under the auspices of the Mark Allen Group and George Warman Publications, 2017 will certainly be a very exciting year to look forward to.


Related news story on GDPUK - your social media marketing partner
  10409 Hits
10409 Hits

The Corsodyl® Daily range – helping to keep gums healthy

The Corsodyl® Daily range – helping to keep gums healthy




According to Delivering Better Oral Health, daily effective plaque removal is more important to periodontal health than tooth scaling and polishing by the clinical team.¹ As a dental professional, you are in a position to recommend a good daily oral care routine.

Recommend the Corsodyl® Daily range to support your work and help keep patients’ gums healthy. The range includes:

-          Corsodyl® Daily mouthwashes

-          Corsodyl® Daily toothbrushes

-          Corsodyl® Daily Expanding Floss

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For further support, order your Gum Care Pack today for patient and expert educational materials. Visit to order your pack.



Reference: 1. Delivering better oral health: an evidence-based toolkit for prevention. Third edition. Available at Accessed on 20/07/2016.


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10030 Hits





Previously on this very blog, I have written about the power of storytelling but how we use stories and imagery are still incredibly important when we get up in front of an audience.

If you want people to remember what you say, tell a story. Paint a big visual picture. Don’t just say you deliver great customer service, find a surprising or funny story about how you delivered amazing customer service. Link it to our emotions.

This evening is the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur, which is a 25 hour fast that commences at sunset. The central themes of the day are atonement and repentance. At certain points of the service (both tonight and tomorrow) there will be a sermon from the Rabbi or Minister of the Synagogue. At every synagogue around the world there will be similar themes. From experience of some bad sermons over the years, those that keep the attention of the audience will involve a number of stories that can be linked together to form an overall message that the speaker wants to get over to their audience or congregation. If parts of the biblical texts or transcripts are just read out then people will just switch off. Stories will keep the hungry audience, entertained and engaged!

Groups don’t need more facts. We definitely need more stories – especially good ones.

So with 4 weeks to go to the GDPUK Conference, I want to remind you that all our speakers on the day will have excellent stories to tell, that we believe will keep you engaged and interested. The conference promises to be slightly different to a normal day at a dental conference. Why not come along and join us. We look forward to seeing you on the 4th of November. There will be plenty of chance on the day....for us all to share our stories.

Thanks for reading :)


Speaker lineup -

Conference and ticket information -


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  5007 Hits
5007 Hits

An appointment with success

An appointment with success


Did you manage to talk to the Welltime team at this year’s BDIA Dental Showcase? If you didn’t, you truly missed out.

That’s because the expert Welltime team were showcasing the innovative online booking system, AppointMentor. Delegates were keen to learn how this state-of-the-art solution enables patients to book, reschedule and cancel appointments easily, from anywhere, at any time.

The benefits of such a system were clear. Providing greater accessibility for patients, AppointMentor helps practices boost their business. Easily integrated into a practice’s existing website, the clever system allows a practice to remain in complete control of their appointment book, whilst giving patients the control and flexibility to choose the appointment slots that are best for them.

Delegates were enthusiastic about the AppointMentor option and how it could help practices take the next step into the future of dentistry.

If you didn’t manage to talk to the Welltime team at the BDIA Dental Showcase, you don’t need to worry. They are always happy to help – simply contact them today to discuss your options.


For more information, contact the Welltime team on 07999 991 337, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website at your social media marketing partner
  3522 Hits
3522 Hits

Balancing Probability

Case Examiners your social media marketing partner
  13016 Hits
13016 Hits

Employed or self-employed, that is the question

Employed or self-employed, that is the question

The question of employment status regularly crops up amongst the dental community. Most consider associates to be self-employed because that is the industry norm and how HMRC view associates. However, that may not always be the case.

It is a common misconception that because a contract states it is ‘self-employed’ that will be the end of the matter. However, from an Employment Tribunal perspective the question is a question of fact; not just what is set out in the documents; meaning your contract may not be worth the paper it’s written on.

Given the vast amount of employment rights that employees have, getting this wrong can be a costly mistake to make.  

In addition to ensuring you get it right from the outset, in a modern society people want more flexibility in how they work; as a result hygienists, technicians and therapist are seeking self-employed opportunities. Being able to offer such roles could make you more appealing as an employer, helping you attract and retain the best possible talent for your business.

In this blog we take a look at the legal test of employment status for the purpose of an Employment Tribunal, the common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

The question of employment status is a minefield.  It is therefore not surprising that this issue regularly pops up before Employment Tribunals. There is no hard and fast rule that can be used as the issue is always case sensitive. Judges have tried to give guidance and here we set out the points you should ask when considering the position within your practice. 

It should be noted that the test for employment status for the purposes of employment rights is different to the test that HMRC use. In addition, HMRC allow some professions, such a dentistry, to utilise self-employment status, even if the Tribunals may not agree with this. This article only deals with the question of employment status for the purposes of employment rights.

Types of Employment Status

There are three types of employment status:

1.      Employee:

2.      Worker;

3.      Self-employed.

Employees have the best employment protection, workers have some protection, and those who are self-employed have very little protection. However, those who are self-employed have much more freedom as to how and when they work, compared with employees. As such there are pros and cons with each category, and which is right for you will depend on individual/business circumstances.

You can find out what rights workers and employees have here.

Identifying Status

When looking at whether the individual is an employee, Tribunals will ask:

  1. Must the person personally provide the service or can they send a substitute?
  2. Is the company obliged to provide work and is the person obliged to accept it?
  3. How much control does the company have over the individual?
  4. Who has the risk in relation to the business?
  5. Who provides and maintains the tools?
  6. What degree of management does the individual have in the business?
  7. Does the individual profit from performance?
  8. How is the individual paid?
  9. Does the individual receive holiday and sick pay?

This is not an exhaustive list and the Tribunal does not approach it as a tick box exercise. They consider all the facts and then determine the point. This is why following the industry norm may not always be the best approach, especially with the introduction of corporates and chains.

For worker status there are just three questions:

  1. Must the person personally provide the service or can they send a substitute?
  2. Is the company obliged to provide work and is the person obliged to accept it?
  3. Was the status of the "employer" under the contract that of a customer? 

There is no definition of a self-employed person. They are simply anyone who doesn’t fit into either of the above two categories.

In Issue 12 of JFH Law's Dental Bulletin we highlighted the case of the Hospital Medical Group Limited v Westwood [2012] EWCA Civ 1005 in which the Court of Appeal held that a GP working as a self-employed independent contractor for a private clinic was a worker, even though they had two other positions elsewhere. In our opinion, this case has a lot of similarities to dentists and highlights the dangers of getting it wrong.

Avoiding the Pitfalls

First and foremost make sure the contract reflects the true position of the relationship between the practice and the individual. If you try to avoid the question and/or use pro-forma contracts, the Tribunal will see through this and will scrutinise the matter in detail, potentially leaving you with a hefty legal bill and a payment of compensation to make. Many pro-forma associate contracts try to deal with all eventualities and refer to both NHs and private work. Remember one size does not fit all.

And vice versa; if you have spent money on a contract to reflect a self-employment relationship, make sure what is said in the contract is actually being carried out. If your contract states the individual can send a substitute then you must allow this. Whether this right should be unfettered is likely to depend on how the clause is worded. Given your duties as a dental practice, you will need some assurances as to who the substitute is. If you can avoid a clause that allows you to vet any locums but states a minimum standard of substitute this will give you less control and will make the contract less likely to be deemed an employment one.

As a dental practice you will no doubt have a number of policies and procedures in place for running your business. Make sure you distinguish the ones that apply to employees (mostly likely all of them) and the ones that apply to those who are workers or self-employed. This may mean having a separate set of documents for those who are self-employed in certain areas, such as conduct or performance. However, overall the cost of amending policies compared to the cost of litigation will be worth it.  

If you want advice on the status of anyone in your workforce or need assistance with re-drafting contracts or documents, please contact Laura Pearce on 0207 388 1658 or email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Image by Caitlin Childs under CC licence. your social media marketing partner
  11750 Hits
11750 Hits

Are You Struggling to Recruit?

Are You Struggling to Recruit?

At the end of 2015, there were 41,095 dentists registered with the General Dental Council (GDC) – a small increase from the previous year.[i] Despite these growing numbers there is evidence to suggest that some practices are struggling to recruit associates. This is particularly true for those offering NHS services.

One of the reasons behind this is a shortcoming of dentists with Performer Numbers, which means there is an undersupply of licensed candidates available to work in the NHS. Obtaining a Performer Number can be somewhat of a long winded and drawn out process with a lot of paperwork involved.

Because the process can be time-consuming and practices are often on a tight schedule, employers can sometimes end up just requesting applicants that already have a Performer Number. As a result, some dentists end up getting overlooked and practices miss out on taking on a promising individual that could have been an asset to the business. Smaller, more rural practices on the other hand are much more likely to offer a job to someone without a Performer Number due to lack of choice. As I’ve seen many times before, though, these practices run the risk of an employee handing in their resignation shortly after receiving their Performer Number to pursue a job in the city.

Because UK dentists automatically graduate with a Performer Number after the completion of their foundation training, there are no restrictions as they enter the world of employment – unless they leave the UK for 12 months, in which case their number is often archived and they are back to square one. In contrast, some foreign applicants have to pass the overseas registration exam (ORE) before they can register with the GDC, apply for their Performer Number and take on jobs. For some, this process can take up to two years and leaves a number of dentists without a job and practices without great applicants.

The other possible reason why practices occasionally struggle to find suitable staff despite a superabundance of dentists is that too many applicants either require mentorship or don’t have enough experience. At the end of the day practices have UDAs that must be completed and if a dentist with little experience cannot meet their allocated target, the practice will end up with a UDA deficit. In my experience, NHS practices also tend to prefer dentists with UK experience and knowledge of the NHS and UDA systems.

Then there is the matter of dentists that are looking to specialise somewhere down the line. It can be difficult for a general practice to take on someone who has ambition to become a specialist, because they are either going to leave or request that they go part-time to practise elsewhere. As such, some businesses are reluctant to take on such individuals, which in turn means they are required to consider applicants that might actually be less suitable for the vacancy.

And that’s not to mention the impact that competition has upon the recruitment process, not just from an associates perspective but also from an employers. To attract the best dentists in the profession, practices are now offering what is known as a golden hello – a one off payment of anywhere between £1,000 and £10,000 to entice them into joining the practice. This is usually tied in with a clause so that if they leave within the first 24 months of their contract, they’ll be required to pay that money back.

We have also noticed a rise in the price being offered to dentists per UDA, which is also likely to attract a high calibre of ambitious dentists. Before, the going rate was £10 per unit in most cities and towns. In an effort to make contracts more appealing to top tier candidates, however, some practices are now offering £10.50 to £11.00 per UDA – and that number could well creep up over the coming months. The other popular financial incentive is to offer commission for referring a patient to the hygienist.

A tactic used by larger, more established practices is to offer more clinical freedom to associates looking for a less regimented work environment. From what I’ve seen, the practices that tend to be most successful are usually those that are more forward thinking in their approach with staff. This includes allowing staff to have more flexibility in their working hours to attend training and to continue with their studies.

It is also important to remember to be forthcoming with applicants about the patients that are on the books, for instance, the ratio of private to NHS, demographics and so on. This can help to give them an idea of what it would be like working for the practice.

With so many factors to take into consideration, recruiting an associate is no easy feat. For that reason it can be prudent to enlist the services of a specialist agency such as Dental Elite. With the right help and expertise, the profession can operate at its full potential.

For more information on Dental Elite visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01788 545 900 your social media marketing partner
  4828 Hits
4828 Hits

GDPUK Conference - Music announced

GDPUK Conference - Music announced
The GDPUK Conference in Manchester on the 4th of November was promised to be slightly different to the standard dental conference. We are pleased to announce the addition of the musician and artist Gideon Conn to the lineup on the day. Below you will find a short bio of what he will bring to the event in November.
Gideon Conn is a singer-songwriter, originally from Manchester but currently based in London. He tours extensively around the UK, having played at many UK festivals including Glastonbury Festival. Gideon is also an accomplished painter, drawer and sculptor, Gideon sells his artwork and accepts commissions through his website and his official Facebook page.
Conn's songwriting combines fingerpicking acoustic playing with jazz-inspired chord progressions and hip-hop rhythms. His vocal delivery encompasses singing, rapping and scatting. His music varies between a synth-laden modern sound and a more lo-fi production. He takes inspiration from a wide range of influences, primarily in soul and jazz music, and has expressed admiration for artists such as Stevie Wonder, Badly Drawn Boy, OutKast, Nat King Cole and The Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
At the GDPUK Conference, Gideon will be performing two short acoustic sets where he will showcase his range of talent. He will also be doing some drawings of the day in his unique style.
For further information on the day and the line up of speakers, please follow this link -
If you would like to purchase tickets for the conference - click here
Further information on Gideon can be found on his facebook page your social media marketing partner
  4296 Hits
4296 Hits

Its OK, I'm listening

What we say, what the patient hears your social media marketing partner
  10858 Hits
10858 Hits

Missed Opportunity

Missed Opportunity

Missed opportunity?


The Chief Dental Officer for NHS England recently found herself at the forefront of dental media storm. Playfully referred to as “Recallgate” her reported comments drew widespread criticism across a range of the profession’s leading Clinicians, and a lame response through her PR Outlet, Dentistry Online.

All this arose from her presence at the NHS Expo on a stage with some leading colleagues of the Medical and allied professions for a question and answer session.

Expo is an interesting gathering of the great and the good from the world of the NHS and industry.  The proudly proclaim

Health and Care Innovation Expo 2016 is a unique event that showcases innovation and celebrates the people who are changing the NHS, with high-profile speakers and a real focus on learning and sharing.

The NHS you’ll see at Expo on 7 and 8 September is a forward-thinking organisation, staffed by clinicians and managers who welcome innovations in technology and information because they recognise the difference this will make to their patients’ lives. Expo also welcomes and involves partners from across the public, voluntary and commercial sectors, recognising and promoting the role they play in keeping people and communities healthy.

Health and Care Innovation Expo attracts around 5,000 people across two days, the majority of whom are leaders and managers with real ability to lead and drive change in health and social care


So when the opportunity for Dr Hurley to speak, she chose to focus on  one of the most exciting developments in dentistry.


The Recall Interval.


What she said of course was hardly earth moving.

Ration the availability of NHS dentistry for the healthy in order to create space in the system for those who are not healthy and have higher needs.  This is hardly big news, is certainly not innovative, and of course was not presented as rationing by the back door. Instead it was reminder of the NIHCE Guidelines and an opportunity for some predictable side swiping at dentist.

In particular Roy Lilley made the really quite amusing quip that “Dentistry has become a rich man's hobby” The former NHS trust chairman Roy Lilley went on: “It has gone off the high street into lavish surroundings.”  

Thanks Mr Lilley, if your understanding in depth of dentistry reflects your understanding of medicine, the NHS is safe in your hands.  Oh, you are not a manager anymore?

You may follow Mr Lilley on Twitter at and contact him direct at @RoyLilley. Judging by his response to the leading BDA member Dr Eddie Crouch taking him to take, he only has a sense of humour on a public stage. Judging by his activity, he has given up NHS Management in favour of tweeting …  83,300 in 7½ years and counting!!


But look: there is a serious point here


Dentistry needs a Cheerleader

Mr Lilley is patently one of many self-appointed cheerleaders for the NHS and its achievements. Good on him. Nice money if you can get it

Dr Hurley had half a chance to really put out there what dentistry as a microbusiness, brimming with technology, can achieve for people. She could have even homed in on the Infant Caries crisis and its attendant GA costs. But no… she chose …. RECALLS!! 

The media just loved her use of the MOT analogy and the Car Mechanic.  If that is the case, I presume that Dr Hurley sees herself as in charge of Service Reception.

On a quiet news day, just feed the hacks a dental story. Works every time!

While smoking is on the decrease, and lifestyle amongst the healthy is improving, there is a section of the population who do not see a dentist and for whom Oral Cancer is a rising trend. If you are going to keep your teeth for 80+ years of adult life, getting the health of the mouth optimal and the habits established when young are critical.


What opportunity did we miss?


No mention of 3D CAD CAM Dental technology [self-invested by the laboratories and dentists – no Government subsidy there]

No mention of the investment dentist as business owners make in their facilities – no government subsidy there, and by and large no financial crisis inflated by excessive management layers.

No mention of the amazing results being offered to rehabilitate oral function using all-on-4 and all-on-6 techniques.

No mention of the amazing dental implant industry. Not a Government subsidy in sight.

No mention of the predictability of endodontics and periodontics being driven by technology of instrumentation and scientific understanding of the biology, and the ever stronger links to general health.  Little Government input there.

No mention of the aesthetic desire of the wider public now being met by a host of non-invasive whitening systems allied to orthodontics. No Government funding there.

No mention of the unsung achievement of orthodontics in lifting the psychologic wellbeing of younger patients by creating the smile that allows a young person the mature into a confident go getting adult.  OK some Government input here.

No mention of the parafunctional diagnosis meaning that dentist can frequently solve chronic pain issues long before the team of neurologists, physicians and chronic pain clinics with their MRI scans and raft of blood tests fail to diagnose and simply write the patient off to a lifetime of expensive medication.

No mention of the almost eliminated need to use mercury containing restorative materials nowadays.

No mention of the fact that Caries is preventable, and excessive sugar for infants is akin to smoking.f course no mention of all of this occurring painfree on nervous patients in one of the most difficult to access, most biologically hostile  parts of the body.  Diistinct lack of real funding here.


No, our CDO in her massive role on that stage at NHS Expo chose to ramble on about a 2-year recall.

We may think Mr Lilley is a “bit of a plonker Rodney” but dentistry needs someone like him.

Dentistry needs a cheerleader to shout our achievements from the roof top, and remind people that nearly all of them are self-funded by dentists and not subsidised by the government at all.

Sadly, Dr Hurley has missed her vocation in the role, choosing instead to follow her Civil Service guide on “How not to rock the boat”

I wonder if there is someone out there , possibly many of you, who could cheerlead our profession? Someone who, like Mr Roy Lilley, is so noisy, so irritating as to be impossible to ignore?

Please step forwards if you are those persons ...


So it’s down to you.  Will YOU be the professions cheereleader?


Have YOU done your bit to cheerlead for our proud profession today?

If not, crack on.  Our younger colleagues will depend on it in the future.



NHS Expo Programme

The Innovate stage hosted

Sir Bruce Keogh and the Chief Professional Officers
(Main stage sessions)
10:00 - 10:50 in Innovate Stage

Sue Hill - Chief Scientific Officer
Sara Hurley - Chief Dental Officer, NHS England
Sir Bruce Keogh - National Medical Director, NHS England
Suzanne Rastrick - Chief Allied Health Professions Officer , NHS England
Keith Ridge - Chief Pharmacy Officer


Sarah Hurley responded

The origins of the something-gate language
Since the recall speech last week ["recallgate"], the profession has realised who's side she is on, who pays the salary and benefits of the CDO.

The honeymoon period is over.

GDPUK has blogs from
Alun Rees


Simon Thackeray your social media marketing partner
  9105 Hits
9105 Hits

Those were the days

Fings ain't what they used to be. your social media marketing partner
  10014 Hits
10014 Hits

GDC Watch Summer 2016

GDC Watch Summer 2016

Having been somewhat distracted by the school holidays, my latest blog considers some of the cases that managed to pique my interest, and gathers my collective thoughts during the months of both July and August. So that you are looking through the same lens, I’ll start off with the ‘legal definitions’ of misconduct:

Lord Clyde described misconduct in Roylance v the GMC (2002):

‘misconduct is a word of general effect, involving some act or omission which falls short of what would be proper in the circumstances. The standard of propriety may often be found by reference to the rules and standards ordinarily required to be followed by a medical practitioner in the particular circumstances’.

This definition was expanded in Nandi v GMC (2004), in that misconduct means a serious departure from the acceptable standard that is not just below the acceptable standard but:

‘conduct which would be regarded as deplorable by fellow practitioners.’

It has been further clarified in Meadow v GMC (2006) that misconduct sits at the same threshold for disciplinary intervention as the historic phrase ‘serious professional misconduct’:

‘As to what constitutes "serious professional misconduct… is inconceivable
that "misconduct" – now one of the categories of impairment of fitness to practise…..
should signify a lower threshold for disciplinary intervention’

On reading some of the recent charge sheets it appears that we have perhaps lost sight of misconduct, and moved on from the days where urinating in the spittoon, assaulting nurses or openly breaking wind in front of staff in the surgery sat at the threshold of deplorable conduct. If you have ever accidentally squirted water from the 3 in 1 towards a patient, you ought to be extremely concerned. We now have examples of unprofessional behaviour individually and collectively leading to a charge of misconduct such as:

  • on occasion spraying water on the patient’s bib;
  • throwing gloves at a patient;
  • drinking out of a glass left in the surgery.

And let’s not forget the beauty from a couple of months ago about bouncing balls of impression material down a corridor. How the panels keep a straight face through these types of charge is beyond me, but well done to them. Truthfully, I feel it is a bit embarrassing for the GDC to have it in the public domain. I may be wrong, but I believe that the barristers instructed by the GDC are involved in setting the final charges. With that thought in mind, I took a look at the Bar Standards Association and barristers’ fitness to practice hearings to see what allegations of professional misconduct are levied against them. Here is an example of a concluded Bar fitness to practice tribunal:

Observe how it is kept to one side of A4, extremely succinct, and there is nothing in it that may give any third party reading it anything to chuckle about? I also noted the lack of any published charges before the hearing for the sum total of 3 barristers presently listed as awaiting a hearing. This, along with the MPTS hearings begs the question of why does our regulator operate on a different set of rules that on the face of it appear more punitive to their registrants than those applied to equivalent professionals? Although it may give me nothing to write about, I would really urge the GDC to look at paring down their charge sheets and not making them public until after the facts have been determined in both their interests and those of the registrants facing a hearing.
One hearing saw a registrant face a charge of failing to:

adequately treat an on-going adverse oral hygiene condition.

It may just be me, but I can’t work out what this charge is supposed to mean and there is no explanation in the determination. In 17 years of practise I have not been aware I was obliged to ‘treat’ an adverse oral hygiene condition; I was taught that my duty was to offer appropriate preventative advice and oral hygiene instruction. It is, I believe, the patient’s duty to ‘treat their oral hygiene condition’ and I can think of at least one periodontist who would take issue with this allegation. I am not sure how anyone can ‘treat an adverse oral hygiene condition’ save for pitching up at the patients house a couple of times a day and doing the cleaning for them, or bringing them to the surgery daily to see the hygienist. Nevertheless, as is often the case with these hearings, we are made to feel that we have been doing it wrong all along, and nobody bothered to tell us until a hearing.
On that note, charges relating to alleged radiographic record-keeping failings have also been appearing more and more of late including not adequately or properly recording in the clinical record:

  • the justification for taking a radiograph;
  • the grading of the quality of a radiograph;
  • and even: the justification for not taking radiographs.

I looked at IRMER(2000), and the NRPB Guidelines which are the legally authoritative documents on radiation last month having been asked to consider the validity of this type of charge. In my opinion, the charges indicate a misunderstanding of what justification is; because it is not the same as the clinical indication for taking a radiograph. In the words of an RPA (with a PhD in clinical physics) I consulted over the matter of justification:

‘ "Justification" as required by IRMER is the process of weighing the probable benefit of a radiation exposure against the probable detriment. It is quite separate from "indication" - the clinical history, provisional diagnosis and intended treatment - and "authorisation" - the decision by the Practitioner that the proposed exposure is of sufficient merit. Both indication and authorisation must be recorded, because these are data, but not justification, which is an intellectual process.’

And his reply with regard to the question of where does IRMER(2000) state that we have to record QA score in the clinical record?:

'Nowhere. However Clinical Audit 8. The employer’s procedures shall include provision for the carrying out of clinical audit as appropriate. and The written procedures for medical exposures shall include— (e)procedures to ensure that quality assurance programmes are followed; Thus it is incumbent to occasionally review image quality, patient dose and clinical relevance, and since there is no other means of assuring the quality of the next image, it is important to check the quality of each image and resolve any anomalies before taking the next one. It can be argued that in order for audit to be properly objective, there should be no contemporaneous written assessment of quality: you audit by picking past images at random and assessing them "cold"'.

You should therefore record any faults or failures that demand corrective action, to provide an audit trail for that action, but images deemed acceptable should be filed without comment in order not to prejudice the audit.

Interesting stuff. I am baffled as to why anyone should be criticised for not recording an intellectual process. It is also clear that we do not have to record a grade in the clinical record, in fact we do not even have to grade every radiograph it seems, just check that the quality is acceptable in preparation for the next exposure and do an audit from time to time. So not only do we face issues with the bar of misconduct being stealthily raised, we are now also being tried and tested on doing things that are not actually required of us. This is why every registrant should be represented at a hearing in my opinion, and should only agree to charges that are indefensible. To admit to a frivolous or spurious charge purely to be seen to be ‘showing insight’ is not a position registrant should ever be put in, but I sadly suspect that is where we presently are.

There was, however, some positive evidence of a panel flagging up a GDC-appointed expert using non-mandatory guidelines as non-negotiable standards:

‘The Committee considered that Ms K’s approach was, at times, rather academically orientated and inflexible. In particular, she relied on a number of guidance sources, including the Faculty of General Dental Practice (FGDP) 2006 guidelines and the British Society of Periodontology guidelines relating to Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE), which, the Committee noted, are not mandatory. Furthermore, when alternative approaches regarding clinical matters were put to Ms K, she did not seem to acknowledge that it might be acceptable to deviate from these guidelines.’

It was last October I recall that the issue of guidelines and misappropriate use was raised by Dental Protection. This, along with the ‘gold standard bar’ really means that too many registrants are having their careers put on the line when there is a lack of clarity over where the threshold for misconduct really sits, and no universally agreed clinical guidelines. I remain in hope that the GDC FtP department is looking at this closely in the pursuit of proportionate regulation.

Moving on to some other cases, in the High Court, a registrant erased earlier in the year was successful in having his case remitted back to the PCC for reconsideration of an erasure. The registrant had got himself in to bother that might have been avoided by having to reapply to the register after his direct debit had failed, and was found to have been dishonest by fudging responses over two convictions for driving whilst under the influence of alcohol. It was held that the PCC had failed to consider relevant mitigating circumstances, namely that the employer had been informed of the convictions but the appeal failed on the challenge of the findings of dishonesty. You can find the judgement here.

Another noteworthy case involved a newly qualified dentist who wound up at an FtP hearing based on performance issues that arose within months of qualification. The question that I am sure on everyone’s minds is ‘how could this happen when the GDC-accredited dental school have allowed him to pass finals?’. Nevertheless, it is nice to see that whilst the GDC-instructed barrister recommended he should be given a reprimand for being let out of dental school too early, there was good evidence of remediation so no current impairment was found. The chap has now completed his VT year and is understandably ‘elated’.

The final case I am going to look at involved another registrant who was erased. This was the second GDC hearing Mr Idris has faced in his career. Having been told by his indemnifiers team during the first hearing that he was facing erasure and this having come rather as a shock they parted company. He instructed his own legal team and the case concluded with conditions. However, self-funding representation for the next hearing was not viable so after several years of reported wrangling with the GDC Mr Idris declined to attend this particular hearing, advising the GDC by email that he would be cleaning up his dogs’ mess instead. As a dog owner I can empathise with this and agree it is a taxing and time consuming task. Mr Idris’s absence was very diplomatically written up into the determination, but should anyone would like to read the unedited version of the email, it can be found here:

I’ll leave it here for now. My dog is barking to go out. Duty calls…. your social media marketing partner
  10983 Hits
10983 Hits

Get on the bus with All Med Pro at the Dental Showcase 2016

Get on the bus with All Med Pro at the Dental Showcase 2016



Back in April this year All Med Pro teamed up with Hiscox Insurance to provide indemnity cover for Dental Professionals across the UK.

With indemnity costs on the rise and the well-publicised issues around discretionary indemnity and in particular the payment of claims we believe our offering provides a true alternative to the medical defence organisations. 

We are exhibiting at this year’s BDIA Dental Showcase at the London Excel on the 6-8 October. We will be located at stand C70 in a red route master bus. Our aim together with Hiscox Insurance is to offer support to Dental Professionals throughout their career and we invite you to join us and discuss your indemnity requirements.

Just one of the ways we have assisted our clients is by partnering up with a specialist provider of verifiable CPD - for dentists by dentists. This provides online CPD, resource library and access to training courses.

For Dentists who are claim free premiums start at £1,642.00* including insurance premium tax. We can also assist those who may have had claims, refused cover or GDC enquiries. The policy with Hiscox includes the following:


·        Up to £10,000,000 limit of indemnity

·        Run-off cover

·        Reputation protection

·        Good Samaritan acts

·        Data protection cover 

·        Loss of documents cover

·        Contract certainty 

·        12 month interest free direct debit for the medical negligence cover


We can also provide indemnity cover for hygienists, therapists, technicians and dental nurses.



For further information click here -


*This does not include the cost of medico legal expenses and CPD. your social media marketing partner
  4001 Hits
4001 Hits

MC Dental Special Offers - October 2016

MC Dental Special Offers - October 2016

Latest offers from MC Dental below. Click on the images for further information.

Handpiece repair also available from the team at MC Repairs. your social media marketing partner
  2732 Hits
2732 Hits

MC Dental Special Offers - September 2016

MC Dental Special Offers - September 2016

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  3639 Hits
3639 Hits

MASS OBSERVATION – Your profession, Your experiences, Your opinions

MASS OBSERVATION – Your profession, Your experiences, Your opinions


This October the FGDP(UK) is undertaking an ambitious initiative called the ‘Mass Observation’ project. Subtitled ‘Your profession, Your experiences, Your opinions’ the project aims to capture a snapshot of the dental profession in 2016. 

Everyone in dentistry, from receptionists to practice owners, is invited to submit their experiences about one particular day working in dentistry. The official Mass Observation Day is Wednesday 12th October but people can choose to talk about any day in the week of the 10th to the 16th October. 

Although a small amount of demographic data will be gathered all submissions are anonymous, enabling people to be as candid as possible. The two main questions are deliberately very open: 


  • What did you do today? 
  • What are your thoughts on the profession? 

Within the parameters of those two questions people can write whatever they want, providing they do not breech patient confidentiality. 

The main anticipated outcome from the project is a wealth of anecdotal evidence about dentistry in 2016, and what those involved in the practice of dentistry think about the profession. Whatever themes emerge will be examined in a report to be produced as part of the FGDP(UK)’s 25th anniversary celebrations in 2017. 

Dean of the FGDP(UK) Dr Mick Horton said: 
“This project was inspired by the Mass Observation Project that ran for nearly three decades from 1937. Ordinary people shared snapshots of their lives, and in doing so created an invaluable treasure trove of social history. The FGDP(UK) now wants to create something similar to help us celebrate general dental practice during our 25th anniversary next year. 

We want the whole profession to get involved, not just Faculty members. Dentistry is a wonderful and diverse profession, full of people with fascinating experiences and strong views to share. We want to hear from them all.” 



To take part visit

People will have until the 31st October to submit their contributions. your social media marketing partner
  13032 Hits
13032 Hits

The Honeymoon is Over

The Honeymoon is Over

Political leaders are often said to have a honeymoon period at the very beginning of their new post. At a time where their political capital as at its highest, there tends to be a degree of ‘benefit of the doubt’ given and political opponents treat them well. I get the impression that due to the lack of political opponents to currently wrestle with means that Theresa May has had less of a honeymoon, and more like a ‘swift registry office wedding and straight back to work on Monday’ type of period. There has been no particular need to allow her into the post gently, and indeed she hit the ground running it appears.

It wasn’t quite the same with the new Chief Dental Officer. An initial period of cautious approval and hope that the new incumbent might be a less dogmatic and more approachable one than previously was supported initially by in increase in visibility, and the right kinds of sound bites the made many think this could be someone who is more in tune with dentists than was previously the case.

Well, it certainly looks like the honeymoon is over for our new Chief Dental Officer after the comments this week about routine examinations is anything to go by. Once again it appears the CDO has trotted out the underlying political message desired by the paymasters at DoH. What appeared to start out as a marriage that could work with the profession now appears to be heading for a divorce already.

The comments that were published in the Telegraph and the Daily Mail appear to rehash of those made in 2004 by Raman Bedi, and again in 2011 by Barry Cockcroft, both gleefully published by the Daily Mail, and no doubt trying to reinforce the opinion that the majority of the profession are money grabbing charlatans. The same old mantra is being rolled out by yet another incumbent of the CDO post, which despite its downgrade by government now to a junior supporting role, is nonetheless listened to by the press and therefore the public in order to give more ammunition to the incessant deprofessionalisation of dentistry as a whole. (Or so it seems to me).

In addition, the comments by former NHS Trust Chairman Roy Lilley in the same article that dentistry has become ‘a rich mans hobby’ provided in ‘lavish environments’ would be quite frankly laughable if it weren’t for the fact that they are so offensive. I’m sure he didn’t sit in an office furnished from a secondhand furniture store in a cold draughty office block, so why the hell should we? I could wax lyrical for a long time about my opinions of such people in NHS high office, but I’m sure much of it would give the legal profession many hours of extra work. Suffice to say the ignorance of comments such as this are what I would expect from a member of the ‘profession’ that continually commissioned excessive amounts of UDA’s year on year from D’Mello, and oversaw the disasters at Stafford amongst other things. Perhaps Mr. Lilley would be happier receiving his routine dentistry in the kind of environment that charities such as Bridge2Aid find they have to work in? Perhaps then he might be grateful for the small luxuries his salary allows him to experience. I would suggest he puts some of his money where his mouth is and donates to such deserving causes so they could ever hope to achieve a level of care that even the worse off in our society take for granted.

But I am more concerned the comments made by Col. Hurley seem to go deeper and are potentially more damaging to the profession than any crass comments made by an NHS apparatchik. Comparing the profession to garage mechanics is crude and whilst part of me can always find parallels with any other industry, it is highly disingenuous to make that comparison without thinking more closely. The analogy can be torn apart so easily on many levels.

With the GDC and CQC breathing down the necks of professionals all the time, I’m sure many of them would wish to have a working environment more akin to the relaxed nature (comparatively) of working in a garage. I can’t quite remember the last time the General Garage Council struck a mechanic off for using the wrong oil, or not explaining the different kinds of windscreen washer fluid before servicing a car. In addition, Col Hurley seems to forget that likening the situation to an MOT is also a bit silly, since it is a legal requirement that you have to submit your car for that test every year. Her comparison fails hugely at this point. Perhaps the situation with dental problems (especially that of the huge number of children admitted for GA’s) wouldn’t be as bad if people were compelled by legislation to see a dentist yearly as part of their responsibility to the others contributing to the cost of state run care? But then of course the state wouldn’t be able to afford it and would have to admit as such.

On the other hand, whilst continuing the garage comparison, preventative maintenance is the responsibility of the driver, and there is indeed a whole host of legislation in place to ensure this happens.  So if my garage (ethical and professionally run) recommend I get something rechecked in a period because the vehicle might be dangerous, then I would be foolish to ignore that advice both from a safety and legal point of view. I’m also not likely to blame the mechanic if my car breaks down because I haven’t looked after it.

That there are dodgy garages will be no surprise, but then we all know there are dodgy dental practitioners who, amongst other things, blatantly game the system because the lack of clarity in the current contract makes it possible for them to do so. I suggest however that there are a higher proportion of mechanics that are not ethically guided than dentists due to their lack of professional regulation, and to make an analogy between them therefore is somewhat clumsy and misguided.

Comments like these have more than likely damaged the working relationship between the CDO and the profession in my opinion, and shown that her

Honeymoon period is well and truly over

The open letter to the profession published in January in Dentistry from Col. Hurley suggested that budgeting the NHS funds appropriately was at the forefront of all the planned changes that she would suggest. No one would argue that this is appropriate and should be the way forward. In an era of austerity we have to look at how the finite funding is spent, and I personally agree that much of the NHS budget could be better spent than recycling the same healthy patients.

However, these are often those patients who take an interest in their dental care. When we have 50% of the population not attending a dentist at all, then the budget is going to be spent on those that do. Couple this to the failed UDA system that makes it a financial risk to take on too many high needs patients (who are often those who don’t value the service and miss appointments), then is it any wonder that the small businesses of dental practices need the repeat business of regulars to survive? The screaming lack of clarity that is present in the current contract, and in my opinion will remain in any new contract (purely because of the benefit to the Government and no-one else) is not likely to be addressed anytime soon. There is no appetite for the Government to officially admit dentistry is rationed, yet we all know it is, and instead a press release such as this could have helped both the patients and the profession by being honest about the amount of money the NHS has to spend on routine examinations.

For the first time, it appears an NHS manager (Chris Hopson writing in the Observer) has this weekend finally admitted that that aspirational wishes of the NHS are not met by the funding needed to provide them and rationing is likely in the future. Perhaps the ‘worried well’ that Col. Hurley is referring to as being seen so regularly should actually make way for those who cannot access treatment. Perhaps by publically endorsing a core service that is equitable for all would go a long way to meeting her desire to target the resources of the NHS more appropriately rather than once again making it the dentists fault as usual for the perpetual lack of funding to provide ‘world class’ healthcare for everyone.

So, instead of therefore criticising the dentists for seeing patients more often ‘than needed’, why didn’t she take the opportunity to actually say that the NHS can’t actually afford to fund this type of regular recall, and that it only has the funds to see patients once every two years? A comment such as this is more likely to get the support of the profession since we all know how poorly funded the system is, and yet it doesn’t alienate the profession so much. Suggesting then that the patients are still free to see their dentist 6 monthly, but under a private arrangement, would both inform the public of the truth about the parlous state of NHS funding, and gain the support from the vast majority of dental professionals by talking it out of their hands. Instead of encouraging the patients to question the integrity of the professional caring for them this would be more appropriate surely? It is a chance for her to stand together with the profession she is part of whilst still fulfilling the government need to obtain value for money with its funding.

What is amusing is the same papers ran a story only the week before stating that soldiers face a week in jail for missing dental appointments in a bid to reduce the amount of personnel unavailable for military deployment due to dental disease. Is this a not double standard? Coming from the military back ground she does, I’m sure Col. Hurley was aware of this issue before she became CDO. So when the public read these conflicting stories, how are they to make a decision? Is it that dental problems can be so bad that the army punishes offenders who don’t take responsibility for their dental care with jail; or that you don’t actually need to go to the dentist for 2 years? Which is the message about dental health that is correct?

We all have cases to robustly shoot down the 2-year interval theory. For instance, I have a low risk patient who I have been seeing for many years now. Probably one restoration every 6 or 7 years, good oral hygiene etc., and is in the early 40’s. At a routine 6 monthly I spotted a lesion under the tongue. This turned out to be a squamous cell carcinoma. It wasn’t there 6 months previously. They would be one of the patients that fit in the criteria of a biennial examination. I’m sure that would be of great help to a spouse and children if the patient had listened to the advice. Fortunately for the patient we expedited the referral appropriately. However, at the next 6 monthly, there was still some nodal involvement that we picked up. This fell between the review appointments at oncology, was pointed out to them, and now a neck dissection has been performed. Once again, the DENTAL problems were minimal.

What about the increase in the HPV+ types of Oral Cancer that are now being seen in younger lower (traditional) risk patients? Or subtle diet changes that misguided approaches to a healthier lifestyle involve that create more dental problems and more long term cost to the state? I can go on, and I’m sure there are many other examples that people can give.

I can think of NONE of my patients that I would be confident leaving for 2 years without some form of assessment. When you ‘get out of the mouth’ and look at patients as a whole it is astounding how many things can impact their oral health in so many ways, and 24 months is a long time indeed…Whilst I admit there are those patients who never seen to need anything doing, how do we know they won’t suddenly suffer a need for medication or have health issues that change their dental risk? Since the Government seem to fail to take responsibility for educating the population about the risks of the links between health and dental issues then many patients will not automatically seek our advice. When they then return with a mouthful of problems because of some misguided attempt to save the state money because we’ve had to accept the demand for a longer interval between assessments, then I know that we are going to get the blame, and the GDC and ambulance chasers are going to be rubbing their hands together in glee, whilst the DoH wash their hands of the responsibility.

I unfortunately have to keep hammering out to many of my local GMP colleagues that we are not blacksmiths any more, but highly trained medical and surgical colleagues who take a full view of the patient in a holistic manner, but concentrating on the head and neck. It would appear that solely concentrating on just the teeth and gums is what even our CDO feels we are doing given the tone of the comments in the press. I wonder when the last time she actually fully assessed and treated a patient from start to finish, and whether of not the pressure of a real (and not with an institutionalized cohort of patients) dental practice has been experienced.

The BDA press release the same day was suitably pithy; but in reality the message wont be important to the public given they usually jump on any chance to further hate our profession.

But if the headlines actually said something like ‘Dental Trade Union refuse to negotiate with Government’s ‘Top’ Dentist’ then this might allow us to start to get our message across. The DoH is perfectly happy to sensationalise headlines to further their own ends, so it’s about time we did.
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  12014 Hits
12014 Hits

The CDO Speaks

The CDO Speaks your social media marketing partner
  9757 Hits
9757 Hits

Bridge 2 Aid Charity auction for A-dec Chair

Bridge 2 Aid Charity auction for A-dec Chair


UK dental practices are being offered the unique opportunity to take part in a charity auction to win a brand new A-dec Performer dental operating unit. This chair has been donated by Adec and SPS Dental in support of the charity Bridge2Aid.  It’s your opportunity to win a top class chair for a very reasonable price – and for all the money to go towards an amazing cause. And as part of this great opportunity SPS have offered to deliver and install the chair for no cost to anywhere in the mainland UK

You can make a bid today on this fantasic A-dec Performer chair by visiting the Bridge2Aid charity ebay auction site -

A-dec are long term partners in the work of Bridge2Aid and SPS Dental are now joining them as another piece of the important support structure for the charity.  Bridge2Aid works to free communities in the developing world from chronic pain by teaching vital new skills to rural health workers.  Over 70% of the world has no access to any form of safe treatment for oral diseases and infections.  People are abandoned to agony for months and years.  They face life-threatening infections and pain that is so severe that they cannot work, go to school or feed their families.  Bridge2Aid’s unique solution is providing intensive practical training to existing health workers in emergency dental skills to treat and educate.  The support of companies such as A-dec and SPS Dental is vital in carrying out this work.

A-dec are the world’s leading manufacturer of dental operating units, with over 30 years experience supplying to the UK high street practices, NHS centres, educational facilities and HM Armed Forces.  A-dec Dental UK has been a major supporter of Bridge2Aid for over a decade.  A-dec have also helped Bridge2Aid to equip and design the fee paying ‘Hope Dental Centre’ in Tanzania which raises additional funds to help get rural communities out of pain.

In addition to the amazing fundraising and project support that A-dec give to Bridge2Aid they also regularly host training & interview sessions and other large meetings at the four A-dec showrooms across the UK. In 2016 A-dec will once again host the Bridge2Aid team on their stand (I20) at BDIA Showcase 2016.

A-dec are supported in the UK by an extended distribution network, of which SPS Dental form a key part, SPS Dental have over 50 years’ experience as a specialist provider of dental equipment and dental surgery design. Providing its services to both the public and private sectors SPS are a proud supporter to the A-dec brand in the South East of England. SPS Dental has an enviable reputation as a highly regarded and respected company that provides its clientele with the very best in advice and service. Chris Knight’s drive and dedication is a pivotal part of the success of the partnership that has been built between A-dec and SPS over the years.  

Visit stand I30 at the BDIA Showcase to find out more from the SPS team and see the chair that is being auctioned. your social media marketing partner
  4343 Hits
4343 Hits

Digital dentistry made easy with Planmeca!

Digital dentistry made easy with Planmeca!


Join Planmeca and special guests on stand E70