Results to build a reputation on

Results to build a reputation on


If you want to acquire a reputation for providing the best tooth whitening, then you should be using products from Enlighten.

With a 98 per cent success rate to VITA B1, Enlighten products are the profession’s only option for a guaranteed whiter smile.

Demonstrably safe, Enlighten products utilise materials that have been in use in dentistry for over 100 years – however, if patients do experience any sensitivity, Enlighten also provides desensitising swabs and special Tooth Serum toothpaste to ensure patients are as comfortable as possible throughout the treatment

This attention to detail can make all the difference in your practice. By using Enlighten products, your patients will know that you are providing them with the very best. They know that at the end of their treatment, they will have the smile they have always wanted – and if you have the reputation for being able to provide this kind of service, there will be no end to the benefits!

To offer your patients the very best options possible, offer them Enlighten whitening.


For more information, visit, email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the team on 0207 424 3270

  3616 Hits
3616 Hits

Become excellent

Become excellent



Enlighten, the only whitening service that can truly guarantee a whiter smile, is going one step further to improve the standard of UK tooth whitening.


With it’s exciting new Regional Centres of Excellence scheme, Enlighten is giving aspiring UK practices the chance to become the go-to tooth whitening expert in your area. By offering access to Enlighten’s own extensive network of contacts and marketers, member practices will be put on the map – and enjoy increased numbers of patients as a result.


What’s more, the Enlighten team will be on hand to provide exclusive in-practice training to ensure that your staff knows exactly what is involved in the tooth whitening process. As such, your team will become one of the most useful sources of promotion, able to answer any of your patients’ queries with ease.


The Enlighten team will also offer expert marketing assistance, to ensure that your practice becomes known for excellent service and guaranteed results.


Membership to this business-changing initiative is limited, depending on regional interest and uptake, so ensure you contact the Enlighten team as soon as possible to register your interest and take the first steps towards becoming a Regional Centre of Excellence.


For more information, visit, email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the team on 0207 424 3270

  3167 Hits
3167 Hits

Selfie sticks at the ready! Jeremy Hedrick

Selfie sticks at the ready! Jeremy Hedrick



Selfies have taken over the world. It’s hard not to go anywhere without having to sidestep someone who is posing in front of their phone, or having to avoid an enthusiastically brandished selfie-stick. Likewise, we can’t log onto Facebook or Twitter without seeing someone’s face – usually displayed in front of a famous landmark, or posing alongside their dinner.

The popularity of this craze is undoubtedly due to the way technology has progressed: smartphones that include a forward-facing camera are now ubiquitous, allowing almost everyone around the world to take a good selfie.

There has also been some interesting research undertaken into the trends of selfie-taking, which show that the vast majority of selfies focus on the left-hand side of the taker. This behaviour is suggestive of an asymmetry in brain lateralisation – something which is well documented in cognitive neuroscience and is present in photos and paintings going back hundreds of years. While the reasons for this are yet to be fully understood, it is believed that the left side of the face is controlled by the right-hand side of the brain, which is responsible for emotions. This makes the left side of the face more expressive and, thus, many people consider this side their ‘better side’[1]

This is where selfies have garnered the most criticism, since many believe that there is a link between a propensity for selfie-taking and body dysmorphic disorder. Indeed, it has been reported that some people take hundreds, even thousands of selfies every day, in order to produce what they perceive as the perfect image of themselves.

In relation to this, it is also believed that selfie-culture has increased the demand for facial aesthetic procedures – including cosmetic dental treatments.[2] By putting their faces on display so readily, people are more aware of criticism – both from their audience and from themselves. As such, they want to look their best at all times and many see cosmetic work as the way to do this.

In terms of dental treatments, this is usually tooth whitening. Unfortunately, however, many people still do not realise that this kind of treatment must only be carried out by a registered professional – and continue to put themselves at risk by accepting whitening treatments from unlicensed and illegal providers.

As such, it is important that dental professionals do everything they can to ensure that patients are aware of the legal situation when it comes to tooth whitening – and of the dangerous ramifications of getting substandard treatment.

Of course, one of the main factors that deters patients from seeking tooth whitening from their dentists is the perceived price. But this does not need to be the barrier that many people think it is, because dental professionals can offer hard to beat offers on this type of treatment. This includes Munroe Sutton’s Healthy Discounts scheme, which gives patients a 20 per cent discount on tooth whitening, as well as a range of other treatments.


For more information please call 0808 234 3558

or visit

[1] The Daily Mail: Is your left side your best side? Published online February 2014; link: [accessed 19/09/16]

[2] The Telegraph: Rise of the selfie leads to huge increase in people seeking dental work. Published online: February 2016; link: [accessed 19/09/16]


  4320 Hits
4320 Hits

Highly recommend whitening

Highly recommend whitening


“From the moment I started working with Enlighten, I knew I was dealing with something I hadn’t really experienced before,” says Dr Kunal Patel, owner and principal dentist of Love Teeth Dental Practice. “The team was incredibly proactive and generous – and, unlike other tooth whitening companies I have dealt with, had a vested interest in its clients and their patients.


“I think I was initially drawn in by Enlighten’s branding and marketing – which is all of a very high quality. I knew immediately that it was a product that was very much in line with the kind of practice I wanted to create.


“I also discovered that Enlighten can guarantee a great result – the only whitening product I can think of that can do so. Of course, this is incredibly important to patients and helps us dentists strengthen the bond of trust we have with them. Indeed, I trust Enlighten products to achieve that ideal B1 shade – and my patients trust me.


“Now, Enlighten whitening has become an integral part of our treatment process. I undertake many smile makeovers and orthodontic cases – both of which have a natural synergy with whitening products. I’ve found that patients are happy to pay the extra cost for whitening when having their smile altered – it’s the perfect way to finish off treatment to an incredibly high standard.


“As such, I would wholeheartedly recommend Enlighten products to any dentist!”


For more information, visit, email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the team on 0207 424 3270

  4372 Hits
4372 Hits

Become a Centre of Excellence with Enlighten

Become a Centre of Excellence with Enlighten



Enlighten is excited to announce the start of an exciting new initiative – through which it means to improve the standard and quality of tooth whitening around the country.


With the Regional Centre of Excellence scheme, Enlighten will reach out to its trusted clients, offering them exceptional training, support and marketing assistance. Partner practices will also receive regional exclusivity, ensuring that they are the number one choice for tooth whitening in their area.


The Enlighten team will be on hand to provide in-practice training, ensuring your entire staff know exactly what is involved in the tooth whitening process. This way, they can provide your patients with precise and friendly advice and information whenever it’s needed.


Enlighten will also help promote your practice as the go-to expert in tooth whitening – through its own nationwide network of contacts, as well as dedicated and personalised advertising and promotion campaigns.


Membership to this exciting initiative is limited, depending on regional interest and uptake, so ensure you contact the Enlighten team as soon as possible to register your interest and take the first step to becoming a Regional Centre of Excellence.


For more information, visit, email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the team on 0207 424 3270

  4304 Hits
4304 Hits

Quality whitening from Sparkle

Quality whitening from Sparkle

Award winning laboratory, Sparkle Dental Labs now offers comprehensive Professional Tooth Whitening Kits.


These functional kits are specially formulated, manufactured and packaged in the UK to ensure quality and comfort for all your patients. The whitening gels are available in three strengths – 6% HP, 10% CP and 16% CP – all of which are proven, effective and predictable.

What’s more, Sparkle Dental Labs creates the custom-made bleaching trays as standard, so there is no longer any need for you to purchase or hold reserves of whitening stock, leaving you with more room, less hassle and expense.

Sparkle Dental Labs is dedicated to maintaining high quality workmanship and service at every stage. The best materials are sourced and experienced technicians using the latest equipment expertly craft products in the state-of-the-art facilities. Furthermore, Sparkle Dental Labs meets all ISO and DAMAS accreditation to guarantee consistently safe and reliable products.

For first-class whitening products at a competitive price, free pick up and delivery, and fast turn around times contact Sparkle Dental Labs today.


For more details about Sparkle Dental Labs, please call 0800 138 6255, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit:

  4357 Hits
4357 Hits

Illegal Whitening - clamp down on the suppliers

Illegal Whitening - clamp down on the suppliers

The Mirror recently reported a story as a consumer interest item, about a beautician who paid for training and supplies for a tooth whitening system but then failed to get her money back from the company when she found the practice was illegal. Megawhite continue to trade as suppliers to the beauty salon industry. The Mirror story is benefiting the dental profession in reminding again both the public and the beauticians that whitening teeth is part of dentistry, that is the law, it remains in the domain of the highly regulated dental profession. In this way the public are protected.

But the supplying company continue to advertise, make sales and attend consumer shows, they continue to dupe beauticians into "investing" in training and materials they cannot legally use.  The article goes on to suggest the GDC is getting to grip with this, by writing strong letters to alleged law breaking beauticians. But the wholesaler is quoted as saying "all our customers have had this GDC letter and all ignore it".

Common sense tells us the average beautician, with a salon, or working at their client's premises, does not wish to break the law. They do not want trouble and they certainly do not want to harm their clients. However, it is the suppliers who have vested interests who now need to be brought to task.

The dental profession should not call for the beauty industry and its suppliers to be regulated. However, this news story and the established trade in knowingly selling whitening products for illegal use shows how gullible people can be, and on the other side, it reminds us how persuasive sales tactics can be, particularly when one side of that trade tells blatant untruths to their potential customers.

To conclude this personal view, I do call for Trading Standards and exhibition organisers to clamp down on the activities of the suppliers of illegal whitening materials. Dentists must also ensure they stay well clear of these companies too - don't let your name be sullied by their poor reputation.

Mirror story

Facebook campaigns

Recent news stories:

  10533 Hits
10533 Hits

The Top Ten Stories of 2013



We thought we would reminisce over the popular dental news stories published by GDPUK in 2013. Overall in 2013, we have published 286 different news stories.

We have focused on the articles which as well as having a large number of hits, they also make our top ten because they caught the imagination of the forum and the wider dental community. It is unsurprising that the majority of the articles chosen for the top ten, are an indication of ongoing issues, politics and controversies in UK dentistry that are likely to rumble on till 2014 and beyond....


1.       Olympic Health Survey – news story published on the surprisingly poor oral health of Olympic Athletes -


2.       Problems at the BDA – An example of a story that caused pages of debate on the forum pages and will there be more to come?  -


3.       NHS / Private Gaming – Another extremely popular / contentious issue on the GDPUK forum – This news item was about a dentist who got struck off for “gaming”


4.       Teeth Whitening - A number of articles published on the issue, something that is still happening illegally, will we see this subject reappear in 2014? & &


5.       NHS Pilot Scheme – This is an area we will all be watching in 2014, the direction of NHS Dentistry is still unclear and will lead to continued debate next year -


6.       Corporate Dentistry – Corporate Dentistry continues to dominate the landscape in UK Dentistry, next year it is expected that supermarkets will look to expand their dental coverage. Oasis Dental Care sold for £185m -



7.       Direct Access – An area of dentistry that is still being understood and digested but the BDA’s response was strong -


8.       HTM01-05 amended –


9.       Dentist Commit Suicide – A topic that unfortunately does not go away, with a number of recent cases being in the news -


10.   Dental Graduates – It was confirmed that UK Graduates would be given preference for Foundation Training – Common Sense Prevailed -


Thanks for having a look at our top ten news stories published by GDPUK in 2013. Next year we would expect to see similar topics reappear with many issues in UK Dentistry still to be resolved. Watch this space for further GDPUK Exclusives!


Please let us know if you think we have missed important dental news from 2013?


What do you expect to see in the dental news in 2014? Predictions welcome...


On a lighter note, dentist Abi Sampa who was one of the stars of The Voice is still pursuing her singing career. Story can be found here and on twitter @Abi_Sampa


  6328 Hits
6328 Hits

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