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A team of talented, passionate and experienced people with a fresh approach to communications, we develop highly valuable strategies for client engagement so we are always connecting you with dentistry.

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Barker PR is the leading PR and communications agency in dentistry.
A team of talented, passionate and experienced people with a fresh approach to communications, we develop highly valuable strategies for client engagement so we are always connecting you with dentistry.

Barker PR
T +44 (0)20 8673 8408


Johnson & Johnson Ltd. and BSDHT join forces to support dental students


Johnson & Johnson Ltd., the maker of LISTERINE®, is delighted to be the British Society of Dental Hygiene & Therapist’s (BSDHT) student membership sponsor for 2020. 

The BSDHT is the UK’s largest professional body for practising dental hygienists, dental therapists and associated students.  The mission of BSDHT is to represent the interests of members and to provide a consultative body for public and private organisations on all matters relating to dental hygiene and therapy, providing the highest level of information to members as well as to the general public.  This aligns perfectly with Johnson & Johnson Ltd.’s commitment to supporting dental health care professionals (DHCPs) in their efforts to improve patients’ oral health.

This sponsorship deal will support the growth of BSDHT membership by removing the financial barrier for 100 student dental hygienists and dental therapists in 2020.  Johnson & Johnson will fund five student memberships per dental school throughout the UK, until the end of March 2020 when any remaining places will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

As part of this membership, students will enjoy some great benefits, including:

  • • Access to a digital copy of BSDHT's respected scientific journal, six times per year, with a special student-focused, Johnson & Johnson Ltd. branded issue landing on all student members’ door mats in May
  • • Specially prepared guidance sheets covering a wide range of topics
  • • Preferential rates at the BSDHT Annual Oral Health Conference and Exhibition. Come and network with your peers, attend interesting and thought-provoking lectures by key opinion leaders and begin to focus your thoughts on your career.

For your chance to take advantage of this incredible offer, email the BSDHT at

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. without delay, as places are strictly limited to 100 in total.


bsdht logo hrnb

  3324 Hits
3324 Hits

Oral health – where do we go from here?




On 15 March, Johnson & Johnson hosted The OH! Panel at the British Dental Association in London.

Chaired by Stephen Hancocks, it brought together eight key opinion leaders in dentistry: Ben Atkins; Julie Deverick; Penny Hodge; Tim Newton; Anthony Roberts; Julie Rosse; Nicola West; and Helen Whelton. Each was selected for their ability to provide unique insight into how the dental profession can be best supported going forwards, given the current oral health landscape.

A vision was agreed by The Panel as something all dental professionals should work by to help improve patients’ oral health:

‘The ultimate outcome is to improve oral health and therefore systemic health. The vision is that every dental health care professional, upon seeing a patient with gingivitis and / or periodontitis, can and will:

• Make a diagnosis(es) and communicate the relevance of the condition to the patient. Explore risk factors and modify behaviour for successful outcomes

• Help every patient who receives the diagnosis(es) to be empowered to improve their oral health for life.’

Julie Deverick commented: ‘I’m excited about the vision in the statement, because it’s something we can all now bring to our Societies and to our profession.’

Johnson & Johnson have an ongoing commitment to the vision statement, and will work with that in mind, ensuring that all professional communications support the concept, to the benefit of the profession and patients.

The OH! Panel was a natural extension of The OH! Challenge, which was launched at the 2017 British Dental Conference and Exhibition. At the event, dental health care professionals (DHCPs) were invited to undertake a simple survey, created to test their knowledge in relation to key oral health topics. This provided valuable data for the creation of a communications programme to support DHCPs in keeping their knowledge current.

In total, 464 dental health care professionals took part in the survey. Overall, the average score amongst all participants was 51%.

Further key findings included:

• 46% did not know that gingivitis and periodontitis are a continuum of the same inflammatory disease

• Only 44% knew the updated BPE guidelines for code 3 sextants

Please visit to see the results in more detail, to take the test and to access the supporting programme of evidence-based content.


Panel bios

Ben Atkins is the lead clinician of a prototype practice. He is a council member for the National Association of Primary Care, a BDA Press and Parliamentary Representative, a clinical advisor to NICE, and a Trustee of the Oral Health Foundation.

Julie Deverick is a dental hygienist and President-Elect of the British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT), taking on the role of President in November 2018.

Stephen Hancocks is a dentist and Editor-in-Chief of the British Dental Journal. A well-known personality within the dental industry, he is also an accomplished speaker, lecturer and performer.

Penny Hodge is a specialist periodontist and an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Glasgow Dental School. She is also the President of the British Society of Periodontology. 

Tim Newton is Professor of Psychology as Applied to Dentistry at King’s College London Dental Institute. He has worked in behavioural sciences in relation to dentistry for over 25 years.

Anthony Roberts is Professor of Restorative Dentistry (Periodontology), Clinical and Academic Lead for the Diploma of Dental Hygiene, and Head of Department of Restorative Dentistry, all at University College Cork.

Julie Rosse is a practising dental hygienist at three dental practices. She was the President of the BSDHT between 2012 and 2014, and is a member of the British Society of Periodontology.

Nicola West is a Professor/Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry (Periodontology) at Bristol Dental Hospital, Honorary Secretary of the British Society of Periodontology, and Secretary General of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) 2019.

Helen Whelton is a Professor and Head of the College of Medicine and Health at University College Cork. She is a recent past-President of the International Association for Dental Research.

  3154 Hits
3154 Hits

OH! Challenge reveals dental profession’s knowledge gap

OH! Challenge reveals dental profession’s knowledge gap




The OH! Challenge has indicated knowledge gaps among the dental profession on a number of oral health topics, with an average knowledge score of just 51%. Launched at this year’s BDA Conference, the OH! Challenge was created to test oral health knowledge and has emphasised some interesting knowledge gaps, including:

• 46% did not know that gingivitis and periodontitis are a continuum of the same inflammatory disease

• Only 44% knew the updated BPE guidelines for code 3 sextants

• Just 3% understood that advice to rinse all traces of fluoridated toothpaste after brushing depended upon the patient's oral health needs.

These results will inform a programme of evidence-based articles for the dental team, designed to increase understanding of these all-important issues.

Iain Chapple, Professor of Periodontology, commented:

‘As a periodontologist, I was quite alarmed to see that 22% of DHCPs did not know what a BPE code 1 meant. Equally, only 23% of respondents knew that twice-daily brushing for just two minutes was likely to be insufficient for patients with periodontitis. We all benefit from continuing professional development and this is a very practical and relevant way of targeting ongoing education to keep healthcare professionals up to date.’

Dental Hygienist, Julie Rosse, also commented:

‘The results are a gentle reminder that we need to constantly revise and refresh our sources of evidence-based information in our everyday working lives.  It is obvious that we might not be using the latest evidence-based information available.’


Please visit now to see the results in more detail, to test your own knowledge and to follow the supporting programme of evidence-based content that will be released in instalments over the course of the year.


The OH! Challenge was created by Johnson & Johnson, the makers of LISTERINE®.


  4702 Hits
4702 Hits

BioHorizons and CAMLOG – an inspiring implant duo

BioHorizons and CAMLOG – an inspiring implant duo

BioHorizons is delighted to announce its new relationship with CAMLOG, a leading supplier of systems and products for implant and restorative dentistry.

Speaking about this development, Ken O’Brien, General Manager UK & Ireland at BioHorizons, said: ‘To me, this is the positioning of two premium systems under one umbrella, offering clinicians unrivalled choice. We are excited to share the possibilities with our customers in the coming weeks.’

Indeed, with CAMLOG and BioHorizons sharing a portfolio of products, our reps can offer a wider range of treatment solutions than ever before, combined with unprecedented added value features such as access to The Implant Hub ( and business support.

With a team of Territory Managers located across the UK and Ireland, you can be sure that whatever you need is just a phone call away.


For more information, please call 01344 752560, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit


  5348 Hits
5348 Hits

Expand your CPD horizons with Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson, the makers of LISTERINE®, are delighted to bring you new online content, to help support the ongoing CPD needs of dental healthcare professionals in improving and maintaining the oral health of their patients.


This is free to complete and each module accounts for 1 hour of verifiable CPD.


Through our programme, we aim to deliver recent clinical findings, useful information for in-practice management of oral diseases and patient communication strategies for improved preventive home care, as well considering the effects of lifestyle and other external influences on your patients’ oral health.


Please visit to earn verifiable hours from our continuously expanding library, including our newest pieces on:

• The adjunctive benefits of a daily use mouthwash

• Evidence-based decision making

• Communicating with children

• Dr Elizabeth Kay: Psychology in communicating with patients.


In addition, soon to be made available are CPD articles on:

• Dental care for older patients

•  In support of prevention


Upon completing each module successfully, you can either select to save and print your certificate and/ or have a copy emailed to you directly.


For further information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  3915 Hits
3915 Hits

Kerr all set to launch Maxcem Elite™ Chroma cement

Kerr all set to launch Maxcem Elite™ Chroma cement


The Kerr team is delighted to be exhibiting at this year’s Dentistry Show and excited to be launching Maxcem Elite Chroma resin cement into the UK market.


Maxcem Elite Chroma is the first self-etch/self-adhesive resin cement offering a colour clean-up indicator, dispensing as a pink colour before fading at the gel state, letting clinicians know the optimal time to clean up any excess.


In celebration of this unique characteristic, we are inviting visitors to the stand to take the Maxcem Elite Chroma challenge. Participants will be asked to try Maxcem Elite Chroma; when it is time to clean up they will be able to reach their own conclusions regarding how easy it is to remove the excess from each cemented tooth.  


Other features and benefits of Maxcem Elite Chroma include:

• Dual-cure

• Enhanced bond strength

• Radiopacity

• Dual-barrel automix delivery system

• One-Peel™ clean-up

• Easy storage without refrigeration

• Compatibility with all indirect restorations.


Also on show will be other standard-setting products that make up Kerr’s rich portfolio, including the sonically activated bulk-fill SonicFill 2 system, the elementsfree obturation system, and the TF Adaptive file system with Adaptive Motion.


For further details on the products available from Kerr Restoratives, Endodontics and Prevention, please visit stand G10. 

  9523 Hits
9523 Hits

Key opinion leaders reach consensus on periodontal health

Key opinion leaders reach consensus on periodontal health

In April 2015, a group of key opinion leaders met with a team from Johnson & Johnson at a National Advisory Panel event in Dublin to advise on the topic of ‘Improving the periodontal health of Irish population – prevention and treatment’.

At the meeting, the key opinion leaders agreed on the following periodontal health consensus statement:

• ‘Effective plaque and calculus removal is key to oral health;

• Dental healthcare professionals have a responsibility to educate patients on their disease status and to direct patients appropriately;

• Patients should receive tailored oral hygiene instruction and demonstration;

• Patients have a responsibility to act upon the advice given by dental healthcare professionals;

• For effective management optimal patient home care and professional debridement are both essential;

• Long-term periodontal maintenance with continuity of care is critical for successful treatment outcome;

•Clinically proven mouthwashes, gels and pastes should be considered for recommendation to those individuals who are not achieving optimal levels of plaque control in their home care routine.’


The key opinion leaders were:

• Professor Finbarr Allen, Professor of Prosthodontics and Oral Rehabilitation at University College Cork;
• Professor Noel Claffey, Professor of Periodontology at Dublin School of Dental Science
• Professor Anthony Roberts, Professor of Restorative Dentistry (Periodontology) at Cork University Dental School and Hospital;
• Dr Rory Maguire, Principal of Clarendon Periodontics and Implant Dentistry in Dublin;
• Dr Mark Condon, Principal of the Leeson Dental Clinic in Dublin, specialising in Restorative (Prosthodontics) and Implant Dentistry; and
• Ms Louise Fleming RDH, President of the Irish Dental Hygienists Association.
Johnson & Johnson looks forward to using this consensus statement as it continues to work in partnership with dental professionals alongside the Advanced Defence range.

For further information, please contact Johnson & Johnson Ltd on 1800 220044.


  3925 Hits
3925 Hits

Proof positive of ACTIVA BioActive-Restorative’s excellence

Proof positive of ACTIVA BioActive-Restorative’s excellence

Prestige Dental is delighted to announce that ACTIVA BioActive-Restorative from Pulpdent has received a 98% clinical performance rating from The Dental Advisor One-year Clinical Performance Report.

In summary, the ease of placement, finishing, polishing and final aesthetics of ACTIVA BioActive-Restorative was rated as ‘excellent’.

Speaking about the report, Fred Berk, Vice President of the Pulpdent Corporation, commented: ‘ACTIVA  BioACTIVE products are the most exciting development of a lifetime. They combine the bioactive ionic resin, the rubberised-resin molecule and reactive ionomer glass to mimic the physical and chemical properties of natural teeth. 

They are the first bioactive dental products with the best attributes of composites and glass ionomers but without any of the disadvantages of those materials. They are strong, durable and highly aesthetic, and they release and recharge calcium, phosphate and more fluoride than glass ionomers. They are ‘smart’ materials that respond to the pH cycles in the mouth and provide long-term prevention benefits. My team and I couldn’t be prouder to have these attributes recognised by The Dental Adviser.’

Pulpdent ACTIVA BioACTIVE products are available in the UK through Prestige Dental. For further information, please call 01274 721 567 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


  7925 Hits
7925 Hits

The politics of property

The politics of property

Harry Singh considers the repercussions of having the Conservative party in power for dentists investing in buy-to-let property....

So, it’s old news that in May the Conservatives came to power and set the UK a-flutter for all sorts of reasons in all sorts of areas. For those of us who are in the property game there was something of an initial sigh of relief – just in that regard – since the Labour party had said it would introduce rent controls, leading to fears that the property industry would become more heavily regulated and overtaxed.

But what has the reality been? Has there been the expected increase in confidence in the UK property market? Given the last few months of political shenanigans, what might we expect over the next few years?

Broken promises

The truth is that George Osbourne is now looking to restrict mortgage interest tax relief for buy-to-let property purchasers to the basic rate of income tax, even if, as many dentists do, they pay the higher tax rates of 40% or 45%. The current system, whereby buy-to-let landlords can offset their mortgage interest payments against their income, is set to be phased out from 2017.

In advance of the Conservative party conference in October, Damian Green, a Conservative MP, laid it out for us in The Telegraph. He wrote: ‘We need to reclaim the mantle of the party of home ownership, and to do that we not only to build more houses but ensure that they are available for people to buy. Too many new houses and flats are immediately snapped up by buy-to-let landlords, and never become available for first-time buyers. I am delighted that we have taken the first steps towards removing the tax advantages for buy-to-let, but I suspect there is much further to go (and therefore more political courage required).’

Well let’s face it – all of that certainly doesn’t tally with what I and others perceived we would be dealing with; namely, a political party that appeared more in favour of landlords and property investors than Labour in the run up to the election.

If you feel you may be affected by the proposed changes I would encourage you to visit There is a wealth of information on there explaining the potential repercussions in depth, and if you decide you are against what is being planned you may choose to sign the on-line petition. 

Dealing with reality

According to the experts, however, it’s not all gloom and doom. As reported in The Guardian, Andrew Montlake, a director at mortgage broker Coreco, said: ‘These changes will undoubtedly make some prospective landlords think twice about entering buy-to-let, but the response we have had from landlords suggest that while it will cut down on their profits, it is not enough to fundamentally change their views and start selling off all their properties.

‘It will just be a case of taking these changes into account when making a business decision on each property to see if the basic maths of a new purchase still works.’

We also know that earlier forecasts of interest rate hikes mid-2016 are unlikely to come to pass now, with conservative (with a lower case ‘c’!) predictions suggesting the first quarter of 2017 to be more likely. This is good news for anyone looking to source a mortgage over the coming months.

However, here’s the caveat – always be prepared for the worst. When making your buy-to-let decisions hope for the best but factor in the worst. Make sure your calculations allow for George’s tax changes to come to pass and interest rates to increase at any time, and you’ll be able to face the future with equanimity come what may.

Harry would like to share his professional property secrets with his dental colleagues free of charge. For further information, please visit


Harry would like to share his professional property secrets with his dental colleagues free of charge. For further information, please visit

The content of this article is for information purposes only and should not be relied upon when making legal or financial decisions. It is recommended you seek the help of a financial and/or legal expert to assess your needs fully before making any decisions and/or making changes.


Bio - Dr Harry Singh, BChD (Leeds), MFGDP (UK)

After qualifying from Leeds Dental School in 1996, Dr Harry Singh followed the traditional VT, Associate and Principal routes in dentistry, owning three dental practices along the way. Amongst these was ‘Aesthetics’, an award-winning private practice in Hertfordshire.

Like most dentists, Harry was making good money; however, it left him working long hours and missing out on family time, hobbies, holidays, going to the gym, healthy eating, etc. Even when Harry was away from the practice, he found himself thinking about patient emergencies or complaints, as well as staff issues.

Feeling alone on a professional level and unhappy with his lifestyle, Harry sought to make a change so, as well as practising dentistry, he started to invest in property and stumbled upon some professional property secrets that helped to develop his business interests. 

Over a 2-year period Harry bought 27 properties and sold 6. The profits from these deals allowed him to buy into dental practices and set up 2 squat practices.

The passive income that these properties brought in covered all of his financial commitments, enabling him to reduce his clinical dentistry hours and to spend more time with his family and on himself.

Eventually he found that he was making more money from property and practising dentistry two days a week, rather than full-time. Two years ago he retired from dentistry to concentrate on the property side of his work.

He now has a property portfolio valued at around £7 million, yielding a passive income of £8000 per month.



  4573 Hits
4573 Hits

Why stress can lead to tooth loss…

Why stress can lead to tooth loss…

Almost half of British adults say they feel stressed every day – that’s according to the Mental Health Foundation. It is generally well known that stress can contribute to health problems such as depression and heart disease. What is less well known – but imperative to address for emotional and physical well-being – is that it can also damage your teeth.

This is what happens – one of the more common signs of stress is tooth grinding but there’s a good chance you don’t even know you’re doing it, as it often happens in your sleep. However, its effects cannot be underestimated, often resulting in physical symptoms such as tooth sensitivity, gum problems, difficulty chewing, headaches and neck ache, as well as the possibility of ultimately losing teeth, which can have a devastating emotional effect.

If a dentist examined your mouth, they might find teeth that are:

• Sharp or chipped

• Broken

• Shortened

• Loose

• Wearing flat and looking shiny and pitted.


The good news is that making a few simple lifestyle changes can be a big help, such as:

• Doing something relaxing before bed, such as yoga, reading or having a bath

• Learning to brush effectively yet gently with a relatively soft toothbrush and a toothpaste that is low in abrasivity (ask your dentist for advice on this if you’re not sure).

In addition, if you’re suffering from sensitivity (which should be diagnosed by a dentist to ensure there is no underlying condition that needs treatment), using a fluoridated mouthrinse every day at a different time to toothbrushing is an effective first line of defence. A desensitising toothpaste used when brushing or applied directly onto a sensitive tooth can also be helpful to calm any sensitivity.

Commenting on this growing problem, Professor Andrew Eder, an expert in tooth wear and Clinical Director of the London Tooth Wear Centre®, said: If you’re worried that your teeth may be wearing, tell your dentist. They are, after all, there to help and will be able to make a diagnosis, provide guidance or refer you, if appropriate.

‘Possible treatment options include the provision of a suitable mouthguard to be worn at night to relieve pressure on the teeth and jaw, prescribing muscle relaxants or recommending care from a physiotherapist or osteopath with specialist knowledge of the muscles involved.

‘If there was one piece of advice above all others I’d offer, it would be this – don’t delay in seeking help. If damage resulting from tooth wear is diagnosed and addressed in its early stages, you can avoid extensive and expensive dental treatment that might otherwise be necessary to correct the situation. The bottom line is that you needn’t suffer alone or long-term.’

If you have any concerns about your oral health or would simply like some preventive advice, please contact your dentist. If you prefer, the team at the London Tooth Wear Centre® is happy to help. For further information, please visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 020 7486 7180.


  9657 Hits
9657 Hits

A Prestige prize for a prestige student

A Prestige prize for a prestige student


Dentist Alexandra Henderson is the proud recipient of the annual Prestige Dental Prize, having been deemed the best performing student on the Postgraduate Certificate element of the MSc in Restorative Dental Practice, at UCL Eastman Dental Institute. The deputy programme director Dr Neil Nathwani  of the Postgraduate Certificate element of the course was delighted at Alexandra’s great all year round performance.


Receiving her prize – a Denar Mark 2 articulator provided by sponsor Prestige Dental – Alexandra said: ‘I am so thrilled and thankful for this award. I had already set my sights on a Denar articulator, having used it and seen the benefits in practice, so to be given one as a prize is amazing. I don’t doubt it will make a huge difference at Croydon Dental Care, where I practise.’


A spokesperson from UCL Eastman Dental Institute added: ‘Prestige Dental has always been very supportive of our programmes, providing equipment – including articulators – benefitting not only our students but also their patients for years to come. That Prestige then also supplied a Denar Mark 2 articulator as a prize to reward Alexandra’s hard work and commitment is just wonderful. We offer our hearty congratulations to Alexandra and would like to thank Prestige Dental for their on-going patronage.’


Denar articulators, available exclusively in the UK from Prestige Dental, are engineered for superior performance, tested thoroughly and are based on proven methodology. They bring a new level of interchangeability with the innovative 300 Series, offering a range of features to suit the needs of any practice or laboratory.


The MSc in Restorative Dental Practice at UCL Eastman Dental Institute is a part-time, four-year programme that enhances students’ ability to provide high-quality and comprehensive restorative management for the majority of patients. Students are able to assess, plan and provide quality treatment at an advanced level, forming a sound foundation for the restoration or rehabilitation of a compromised dentition in their own clinical practice. For any further information about the content of the programme please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 020 7905 1234 or visit


If you would like to know about the range of quality products available from Prestige Dental, please call 01274 721567, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit



In the picture above from left to right:


1) Dr Neil Nathwani: Deputy Programme Director of restorative dental practice certificate course, senior clinical teaching fellow, specialist Prosthodontist

2) Peter Nutkins from Prestige Dental

3) Alexandra Henderson

4) Dr Chris Louca: Head of Education, Eastman Dental Institute, Head of Department of Continuing Professional Development, Programme Director MSc in Restorative Dental Practice

5) Andrew Croysdill: Specialist in Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics, Senior Lecturer, Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, Eastman CPD,



  3966 Hits
3966 Hits

Prestige broadens the M62 corridor’s opportunities


Prestige Dental is delighted to announce the appointment of Jennifer Ball as its Product Specialist for the M62 corridor and surrounding areas.

Never one to rest on her laurels, Jennifer, who has an extensive dental nursing background, is in the process of rolling out an exciting programme of learning opportunities in individual practices. 

Whether lunchtime, first thing or after the practice closes is best for you, armed with sandwiches and in the space of just one hour Jennifer can provide invaluable information on products such as ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE, as well as vacuum forming and Medentika’s implant range – obligation free. 

Speaking about her new role, Jennifer commented: ‘I am really looking forward to meeting customers – new and old – and learning what support I  can offer individual dental practices so that dentists and their teams can remain focused on what they do best – delivering excellent patient care.’

To make an appointment for Jennifer to visit your practice or for more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01274 721567.

  7341 Hits
7341 Hits

The politics of property - Harry Singh


The politics of property - Harry Singh

Harry Singh considers the repercussions of having the Conservative party in power for dentists investing in buy-to-let property.

So, it’s old news that in May the Conservatives came to power and set the UK a-flutter for all sorts of reasons in all sorts of areas. For those of us who are in the property game there was something of an initial sigh of relief – just in that regard – since the Labour party had said it would introduce rent controls, leading to fears that the property industry would become more heavily regulated and overtaxed.

But what has the reality been? Has there been the expected increase in confidence in the UK property market? Given the last few months of political shenanigans, what might we expect over the next few years?

Broken promises

The truth is that George Osbourne is now looking to restrict mortgage interest tax relief for buy-to-let property purchasers to the basic rate of income tax, even if, as many dentists do, they pay the higher tax rates of 40% or 45%. The current system, whereby buy-to-let landlords can offset their mortgage interest payments against their income, is set to be phased out from 2017.

In advance of the Conservative party conference in October, Damian Green, a Conservative MP, laid it out for us in The Telegraph. He wrote: ‘We need to reclaim the mantle of the party of home ownership, and to do that we not only to build more houses but ensure that they are available for people to buy. Too many new houses and flats are immediately snapped up by buy-to-let landlords, and never become available for first-time buyers. I am delighted that we have taken the first steps towards removing the tax advantages for buy-to-let, but I suspect there is much further to go (and therefore more political courage required).’

Well let’s face it – all of that certainly doesn’t tally with what I and others perceived we would be dealing with; namely, a political party that appeared more in favour of landlords and property investors than Labour in the run up to the election.

If you feel you may be affected by the proposed changes I would encourage you to visit There is a wealth of information on there explaining the potential repercussions in depth, and if you decide you are against what is being planned you may choose to sign the on-line petition. 

Dealing with reality

According to the experts, however, it’s not all gloom and doom. As reported in The Guardian, Andrew Montlake, a director at mortgage broker Coreco, said: ‘These changes will undoubtedly make some prospective landlords think twice about entering buy-to-let, but the response we have had from landlords suggest that while it will cut down on their profits, it is not enough to fundamentally change their views and start selling off all their properties.

‘It will just be a case of taking these changes into account when making a business decision on each property to see if the basic maths of a new purchase still works.’

We also know that earlier forecasts of interest rate hikes mid-2016 are unlikely to come to pass now, with conservative (with a lower case ‘c’!) predictions suggesting the first quarter of 2017 to be more likely. This is good news for anyone looking to source a mortgage over the coming months.

However, here’s the caveat – always be prepared for the worst. When making your buy-to-let decisions hope for the best but factor in the worst. Make sure your calculations allow for George’s tax changes to come to pass and interest rates to increase at any time, and you’ll be able to face the future with equanimity come what may.

Harry would like to share his professional property secrets with his dental colleagues free of charge. For further information, please visit

*          *           *             *


The content of this article is for information purposes only and should not be relied upon when making legal or financial decisions. It is recommended you seek the help of a financial and/or legal expert to assess your needs fully before making any decisions and/or making changes

Bio - Dr Harry Singh, BChD (Leeds), MFGDP (UK)

After qualifying from Leeds Dental School in 1996, Dr Harry Singh followed the traditional VT, Associate and Principal routes in dentistry, owning three dental practices along the way. Amongst these was ‘Aesthetics’, an award-winning private practice in Hertfordshire.

Like most dentists, Harry was making good money; however, it left him working long hours and missing out on family time, hobbies, holidays, going to the gym, healthy eating, etc. Even when Harry was away from the practice, he found himself thinking about patient emergencies or complaints, as well as staff issues.

Feeling alone on a professional level and unhappy with his lifestyle, Harry sought to make a change so, as well as practising dentistry, he started to invest in property and stumbled upon some professional property secrets that helped to develop his business interests. 

Over a 2-year period Harry bought 27 properties and sold 6. The profits from these deals allowed him to buy into dental practices and set up 2 squat practices.

The passive income that these properties brought in covered all of his financial commitments, enabling him to reduce his clinical dentistry hours and to spend more time with his family and on himself.

Eventually he found that he was making more money from property and practising dentistry two days a week, rather than full-time. Two years ago he retired from dentistry to concentrate on the property side of his work.

He now has a property portfolio valued at around £7 million, yielding a passive income of £8000 per month.

Understanding that many dentists feel as isolated and trapped as he did, Harry wants to ‘give something back’ to his dental colleagues via the Dental Property Club, which is designed to share with members the information, expertise and knowledge he has gathered along the way.





  5895 Hits
5895 Hits

A model lunch and learn

A model lunch and learn

Vacuum forming is a dental technique that many a dental team has found invaluable once brought into the practice, and Prestige Dental makes that journey as simple and as pleasant as you could possibly want with its lunch and learn gatherings.

Led by Jennifer Ball, a product specialist for Prestige, this is an event not to be missed! As an ex-dental nurse with plenty of experience, Jennifer knows exactly what it’s like to work in a busy team whose members strive to excel in everything they do. 

While lunch is enjoyed, Jennifer introduces the team to the day’s topic, during which she shows them how to cast up a study model. Then, while that is setting she shows a previously fabricated study model and explains how to use the vacuum forming machine to make a whitening tray. By then, the original study model is set and it’s time for everyone to gain some hands-on experience. Normally one or two members of the team cast up models while others try making a whitening tray.

Speaking about these fun meetings, Jennifer commented: ‘Obviously some introductory information is essential but the real learning happens during the hands-on sessions. I believe that is the best possible way to understand how vacuum forming works, and the feedback I’ve received confirms that.

‘It offers the opportunity for me to teach everyone attending how to overcome issues that could arise – for example, a broken model and a patient waiting, an air bubble in the study model, or how to shape the study model so that it creates a tighter whitening tray.

‘Also very important is that I communicate the legal aspect of this type of work. For example, every dentist, nurse or hygienist can make a whitening tray as long as it is within their scope of practice, but if you want to make retainers you need to register the practice with the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency for a small cost.

‘I know it’s a lot of to take in, so I also provide documents that support the information I’ve shared.’


If you would like to know more about this event or would like to book a lunch and learn at your practice, please call Jennifer on 07341 127608 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Alternatively, you can ring Prestige Dental’s head office on 01274 721567.

  3863 Hits
3863 Hits

Leading the way in cosmetic dentistry


Prestige Dental’s product specialist, Jennifer Ball, was delighted to be in attendance at the grand opening of Andrea Ubhi Cosmetic Dentistry’s new practice in York earlier this year.

As well as rubbing shoulders with the likes of model and former Miss England, Georgia Horsley, who officially opened the practice, Jennifer was able to meet the award-winning “Team of the Year North 2015” (Dental Awards) and bring everyone up to speed on the extensive range of quality dental products Prestige Dental can supply.

Commenting on the event, Jennifer said: ‘It was a great evening – warm and inviting. The practice seamlessly combines the lovely original features of the building with state-of-the-art dental equipment. It has a huge wow factor!

‘You could see they have worked hard to create a relaxing environment; a recipe for success for both happy staff and happy patients.’

The new premises are run by a team of 18, housing four ultra-modern surgeries, two waiting rooms and the latest technology, including CT scanning equipment and a Seiler microscope.

In particular, Jennifer was taken by the glass ‘pods’, where the treatment co-ordinator can sit down with patients to discuss their needs and wants, as well as consultation rooms that allow for patient/dentist interaction without the pressure of a clinical setting.


If you would like to know about the range of quality products available from Prestige Dental, please call 01274 721567 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  3450 Hits
3450 Hits

Wearing more than a new school uniform

Wearing more than a new school uniform

With the new school year just around the corner, there’s a good chance some of your younger patients may well be exhibiting stress-related symptoms, including grinding and clenching that will cause wear beyond that which we would expect for their age.


Given the potential to affect their oral health for a lifetime – especially once the permanent dentition starts to erupt – this is an issue that needs to be tackled as quickly as possible.


Signs and symptoms associated with bruxism in children might include changes to their facial symmetry, inability of the lips to form an adequate seal, pain in the area of the masseter or temporalis muscles upon palpation, headaches and earaches, dentine sensitivity, and temporomandibular disorders, as well as anterior and posterior cross bites and tooth wear.


If a child presents with warning signs that may be attributed to bruxism, it will be helpful to ensure he/she is brushing effectively yet gently with a relatively soft toothbrush and a toothpaste that is low in abrasivity, as well as suggesting they do something relaxing before bed such as reading or having a bath.


In addition, a soft mouthguard to be worn at night may be customised to prevent further damage to the dentition, which will need to be changed regularly for younger patients as the child and their teeth develop.


The London Tooth Wear Centre® offers an evidence-based and comprehensive approach to managing tooth wear. To request advice, make a referral or for further information on the work of the London Tooth Wear Centre®, please visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 020 7486 7180.

  3928 Hits
3928 Hits

Calling all dental professionals! Have your say...

Calling all dental professionals! Have your say...

The third NHS Confidence Monitor survey is now live for all dental professionals to share their views. Its aim is to provide a better understanding of the profession’s confidence levels in NHS dentistry.


The preceding NHS Confidence Monitor, conducted in May and June of 2015, solicited over 300 responses from dentists across the UK. To reflect the profession’s growing interest in the NHS Confidence Monitor, this latest survey has been opened up to enable all members of the dental team to share their thoughts, providing a deeper and wider understanding of the whole profession’s perception of NHS dentistry.


As previously, the survey will monitor the profession’s confidence in:

•               The future of NHS dentistry as a whole

•               Future career prospects

•               Remuneration levels

•               Getting the balance of treatment versus prevention within the NHS right

•               The ability of the team to work effectively within the NHS

•               Whether patients will be happy with level of care provided.


In addition to widened access, the survey has increased in scope to explore a number of new topics. Those taking part are invited to respond to questions concerning their proposed age of retirement to gauge the possibility of a staffing crisis in the future, and whether they would feel happy encouraging a family member or friend to pursue a career in dentistry.


‘Finding out about team members’ retirement plans should offer an interesting insight into whether there might be a Provider crisis when it comes to asking dentists to sign up to a reformed NHS contract. In addition, asking whether one might encourage a family member or friend to pursue a career in dentistry really brings the overall mood of the profession into focus,’ remarked Andrew Lockhart-Mirams, a specialist in business advice and structures in healthcare and co-founder of Lockharts Solicitors.


Also commenting on the survey, Judith Husband, who sits on the BDA’s Principal Executive Committee, said: ‘I think it is very important to understand the landscape of what is going on. That is why I believe the ongoing, enhanced NHS Confidence Monitor survey is so important and I would urge team members to have their say.


‘No one wants to stop positive progress – but, from the Government’s perspective, this should be in the context of open and honest debate and a willingness to listen to what we, as a profession, have to say. This is a great opportunity to help facilitate that dialogue.’


To take part in the latest NHS Confidence Monitor and share your thoughts, please visit before the closing date of 31st January 2016. The survey should take approximately three minutes of your time.


Once the results of the latest survey have been independently verified, they will be presented to an ‘Insights Panel’ made up of key opinion leaders and experts from the dental profession who will explore and debate their significance and their implications for the future of NHS Dentistry. The panel’s findings will then be shared with dental professionals throughout the UK.


For detailed results from the last two surveys, as well as to gain access to the discussions from our previous Insights Panel meetings and interviews with our panel members, visit


  4024 Hits
4024 Hits

Behind the headlines – a review of dentistry in the press in 2015


Practice Plan presents a round-up of news items published in the general media on dentistry in 2015, offering insight into the public’s perception of both NHS and private dentistry.

The dental news year kicked off with many print and online news outlets detailing the results of a Which? report, which found that dentists were not being sufficiently transparent with their treatment fees. What seemed most obvious about the results was that people were confused. For example, 40% said they were not clear about what treatments they were entitled to on the NHS. 
These findings were somewhat unsurprising given, as Mick Armstrong, the chairman of the British Dental Association (BDA), was quoted as saying in a BDA press release: ‘Unfortunately the rules determined by government have proved a recipe for confusion. Neither the NHS contract nor what the NHS will pay for is clear enough. It's a system that is failing patients and practitioners alike.’
‘In the narrow window available in a time-pressed NHS, a dentist must explain not just the technical details of clinical treatment options, but also the workings of the payment system and where the NHS and private treatment cross-over.’
‘With such a muddled set of arrangements, the system almost sets up the dentists working in it to fail.’
 Building on this, in February The Scotsman, among other media sources, informed us that private dentist charges were akin to a postcode lottery, according to a survey by Putting a positive spin on what was essentially negative PR for private dentists up and down the UK, Emily Ross, director of, suggested there were ‘huge savings’ to be made if patients were willing to shop around.
Springtime reports
Come March, the name Desmond D'Mello hit the headlines, with the BBC reporting that five people treated by the dentist, who was investigated for poor hygiene, had tested positive for hepatitis C. This was the result of the largest ever patient recall in NHS history, involving 22,000 people. As the resulting BDA statement quite rightly indicated: ‘Dentists across the UK are setting high standards, and any exceptions are both regrettable and rare’, but perhaps the damage had already been done in terms of public perception.
April saw the publication of the results of a Freedom of Information request made to the NHS Business Services Authority about the pensionable pay of dentists who perform NHS dentistry. The Independent shared with its readers that: ‘The pay of the top five NHS dentists has been revealed to be nearly five times the Prime Minister's £142,000 pay packet.’ Clearly there is more to this report but, alas, the dental professionals’ side of the story was not shared. 
May brought with it headlines that everyone scared of the dentist could relate to – a woman apparently used superglue to stick her teeth back in as she was too afraid to make an appointment to have the situation treated appropriately. The Mirror reported that ultimately 11 teeth had to be removed and implants placed. 

Summer highlights
This patient’s story was subsequently covered in June in the BBC documentary, The truth about your teeth. On it, she said: ‘Wonderful, isn’t it? I feel amazing and there are no hands over my mouth or embarrassment and the difference people have said in me, noticed in me, my friends, things like that, they’re just like, oh my God, you’re more outgoing.’ This was a great outcome for the patient but as it was clear that the treatment was provided privately, it left some wondering if NHS dentistry was private dentistry’s poor, frightening relation.
Despite this report, on the whole The truth about your teeth presented a relatively positive view of dentistry, including the capability of dentistry to transform lives for the better, as well as the clinical and interpersonal skills of those who performed the treatment shown.
Then, on 16 June, The Daily Mail came up with the shocking headline of: ‘How greedy dentists are fleecing families: Investigation reveals that they hide prices, block NHS treatment and needlessly pull out teeth’. Despite this most unfortunate headline firmly placing blame at the dental practice’s door, the article itself did impart some semblance of sense for those who read beyond the attention-grabbing introduction, highlighting the access problem dogging NHS dentistry. This article was followed up the next day in the same newspaper, in the form of an opinion piece written by Sarah Vine, who criticised the NHS system rather than dentists. 
Balancing the sensationalism, Mick Armstrong said: ‘These arbitrary targets have proved a real obstacle for new NHS patients. Many dentists would like to see more patients, but this is impossible within rigid contracts. For far too long oral health has been left out of the health debate and this new evidence provides fresh impetus for government to reassess its agenda.’
July saw The Guardian highlighting the suggested link between oral health and systemic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Carrying that all-important message that ‘…twice-daily brushing with a fluoride toothpaste is the best route to healthy teeth and gums, combined with regular trips to the dentist’, this was certainly a positive story for the dental profession and the public alike.
In August, Guardian Weekly asked: ‘Why does going to the dentist feel like a trip back in time to the stone age?’ Linking in to what appears to be a common misconception, author Carloyn Johnson explored why this view continues to dog the dental profession, investigating whether it is the result a public relations problem. After all, dentistry has moved on in leaps and bounds; yet, as Denis Kinane, Dean of the Dental School at the University of Pennsylvania, said in the piece: ‘This kind of cleaning that means someone has got to spend time scraping every tooth is laborious and antiquated but we’re working on that right now.’ 
Also in August, The Daily Mail and other news outlets picked up on new figures revealing that every week in the UK, 500 children aged between five to nine years old are admitted to hospital as a result of tooth-related problems. The paper also reported that experts considered the problem was likely to get worse, because access to a dentist is a growing problem. 
Placing the blame firmly in the lap of the Conservative party, Professor Nigel Hunt, Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons, was quoted as saying: ‘This data reveals a decade of inertia in access to dentistry. It's appalling that tooth decay remains the most common reason why five-to-nine-year-olds are admitted to hospital – in some cases for multiple tooth extractions under general anaesthetic – despite tooth decay being almost entirely preventable. Visiting the dentist regularly is crucial in providing rapid diagnosis and treatment to prevent both children and adults from being hospitalised due to tooth decay. The new Government needs to urgently review why access is not improving and launch a national campaign to stress the importance of seeing a dentist.'
It would be remiss to produce an article on dental news in 2015 without touching upon Cecil the lion and US dentist Walter Palmer, since it took up so many column inches over the summer. One man’s pursuit of big game, which had nothing to do with dentistry, suddenly demonised the profession in a most unfair and unfortunate way. 
What this has the ability to teach all of us, as reported by The Huffington Post, is that the importance of public relations should not be underestimated: ‘….it used to be said that you shouldn't say something you wouldn't want reported in The Times tomorrow. Today, the danger is much greater. Walter Palmer damaged his own livelihood because of an inability to understand the importance of online social networks and collective value. Social capital matters. Whether you are an individual or an organisation, your voice online will be heard, and by a greater audience than who you market to offline. Long gone are the days of having complete control of your image and perception. Like Mr Palmer now realises, the power of people is huge and the conversation is two-way.’ 
September brought headlines concerning an alleged link between going to the dentist and Alzheimer’s. The Daily Mail blamed the connection on contaminated instruments but failed to cover the fact that dental professionals’ employ stringent infection control protocols. The same article also suggested that severe periodontitis can trigger Alzheimer’s. 
In October, thanks again to The Daily Mail, we met Natalya Rosenschein, who wants to be ‘Britain's toughest dentist’. With the dental student reported to ‘juggle teeth-pulling with weightlifting’, it was something of a shame that an opportunity had been missed to use more positive language to boost the profession’s hard work both in the surgery and out of it.
Looking to the future
For dentists looking to the future and trying to decide whether NHS, private or mixed practice holds the key to success for their practice, keeping an eye on public perception can help. Alongside the issues that need be considered to reach an informed conclusion, such as financial viability and strategic direction, there has to be a public desire for what you are planning to offer.   
There is no crystal ball that is going to provide dentists with a definitive answer, but with 2015 coming to a close, this year’s news reported in consumer media about dentistry has taught us that despite imparting a considerable amount of negativity – especially if readers don’t get past the mostly sensationalist headlines– dentistry is a topic of interest. It therefore seems that the challenge is to capitalise on this curiosity by considering what this means for your practice’s future.
Practice Plan is the UK’s number one provider of practice-branded dental plans. They have been supporting dentists with NHS conversions for more than 20 years, helping them to evaluate their options and, for those who decide to make the change, guiding them through a safe and successful transition to private practice. So, if you’re thinking about your future and would like some expert advice you can trust, then call 01691 684165 or visit
  10651 Hits
10651 Hits

12 top tips for the 12 days of Christmas


12 top tips for the 12 days of Christmas

According to charity Addaction, 54% of men and 41% of women are expected to drink over the recommended guidelines at Christmas, and so it is important to raise our patients’ awareness of the increased potential for tooth damage at this time of year.

As we dental professionals know all too well, alcohol is acidic and therefore highly erosive, especially when consumed frequently, in large quantities over an extended period of time. It may also be that the high alcohol intake occasionally causes vomiting, which can exacerbate the damage to the dentition.

To help prevent tooth wear, advise patients to:

1. Drink still water or low fat milk between meals

2. Limit fruit juice to once per day

3. Avoid carbonated drinks

4. Swallow any acidic drinks immediately to reduce contact time with the teeth

5. Use a wide-bore straw to drink acidic drinks to limit the contact time with the teeth

6. Dilute and keep any acidic drinks chilled, as this reduces the damaging low pH potential

7. Rinse the mouth after acidic foods and drinks with water for 15-30 seconds to dilute any remaining acids

8. Snack on cheese or drink some milk following consumption of an acidic beverage

9. Wait at least an hour to brush teeth after consuming any acidic drinks

10. Use a toothpaste that is fluoridated to 1400ppm and low in abrasivity

12. Use a fluoridated mouthwash every day at a different time to tooth brushing, as well as before or after acidic drinks to help limit the erosive potential

12. Chew sugar-free gum, especially that containing xylitol, after drink to help neutralise the acidic environment in the mouth.


If you are concerned that any of your patients are showing signs tooth wear, simply visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 020 7486 7180.


  4106 Hits
4106 Hits

The next generation in bulk filling reaches the UK


With SonicFill, Kerr provided clinicians with THE fast and easy composite filling system for posterior restorations.

And now there’s SonicFill 2, which enables clinicians to perform posterior restorations with an easy-to-use, one-step procedure that provides everything you need for reliable bulk filling: the adaptation of a flowable during placement, a high depth-of-cure, low polymerisation shrinkage stress, and the strength and aesthetics you would expect from a posterior restorative.

SonicFill 2’s composite incorporates a highly-filled proprietary resin with special modifiers that react to sonic energy. As sonic energy is applied through the handpiece, the modifier causes the viscosity to drop (up to 84%), increasing the flowability of the composite, enabling quick placement and precise adaptation to the cavity walls. When the sonic energy is stopped, the composite returns to a more viscous, non-slumping state that is perfect for carving and contouring.

The result is:

• No voids, gaps or seams

• Excellent marginal integrity

• Outstanding adaptation to cavity surfaces

• High depth of cure

• Excellent strength, polishability and wear resistance

• Low sensitivity to ambient light.


SonicFill’s technology is unlike any other composite material on the market. To experience why for yourself, please call 01733 892292, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit


  3887 Hits
3887 Hits

A restorative that goes with the flow...


Kerr’s team knows that direct procedures require multiple technological solutions. That’s why we have created a robust family of universal composites with a variety of different handling characteristics and property values.


Take, for example, Herculite™ XRV Ultra Flow, a medium viscosity light cure nanohybrid resin restorative that combines the long-standing expertise of the Herculite brand with an innovative flowable composite.


Formulated with Kerr’s rheological expertise, Herculite XRV Ultra Flow, thanks to its Smart Placement Technology, is able to flow easily when used as a base/liner and maintain its shape when used in small restorations.


Other features include:

• Outstanding flexural strength

• Low shrinkage

• Easy polishability

• Excellent gloss retention.


The Herculite XRV Ultra range offers the best of both worlds – strength and aesthetics – to give you long-lasting, beautiful restorations.


For further information, please call 01733 892292, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit


  3825 Hits
3825 Hits

Demi™ Ultra – the inside view

Demi™ Ultra – the inside view

Luisa Roncoroni shares with readers the benefits of using Demi Ultra LED curing light in practice.

A curing light should be ready to go when you need it, even if you forgot to charge the battery the night before. You need your curing light to work while the patient is in the chair, and with the cordless curing lights that run on batteries that kind of availability can be a challenge.

Shining a light on technology

Demi Ultra solves this issue; it’s available at all times. Instead of using batteries, we created the U-40 ultracapacitor, enabling Demi Ultra to re-energise in fewer than 40 seconds.

The ultracapacitor maintains energy capacity over time and lasts eight times longer than a battery. It will last for the life of the light, and you don’t have to worry about battery performance, buying a new battery or charging it for long periods of time. What’s more, if you do leave it on the charger it won’t shorten the lifespan, as with other curing lights.

Then there’s our C.U.R.E. (curing uniformity and reduced energy) technology that allows Demi Ultra to deliver uniform depth of cure rapidly, combined with industry-leading low temperatures. Many curing lights have LEDs in the handpiece, generating light that travels down a glass light guide. That’s inefficient, and you lose 50% of the output. So we moved the LEDs to the tip to avoid all that waste.

That’s how we can create the same output with half the energy, and that means less heat for the patient.

In addition, we recognise that a glass light guide blends light, so you do lose that effect a little when you put the LEDs in the tip. To counteract this loss we’ve added a Total Internal Reflector (TIR) lens. It’s like a prism and it blends the light at the tip, so it radiates as a more uniform beam, which means you’re getting a uniform cure with less heat.

Another important aspect of the Demi Ultra is that it is fully sealed. We didn’t want to sacrifice ergonomics; we knew we needed to keep the handpiece lightweight but that we still needed to protect its electric components from being damaged by fluids. We ended up with a frame that is made of metal and plastic that fits together to seal the handpiece completely without sacrificing the weight or handling.


Demi Ultra also offer peace of mind in the form of a radiometer built into the charging dock. The radiometer instantly communicates charging output and lets dentists know if they need to clean the tip before curing.

The user interface is another great feature. We wanted to keep it very simple, so we have one mode and three curing durations. You turn it on and it’s ready to go. We also have a silent mode feature, which many people appreciate.

Demi Ultra in practice

In practical terms, with Demi Ultra the dentist and staff have one less thing to worry about. They can focus on completing their restorations without fretting about whether the lamp is charged sufficiently to complete the case. Always ready, the team doesn’t have to worry about whether someone charged the light overnight. They don’t have to buy new batteries or worry about battery/energy degradation in the light. It’s efficient all life long. Thanks to CURE technology, the dentist can rest assured that consistent uniform depth of curing is being delivered while minimising the amount of heat on the tooth. And all of this is without any risk of thermal shutdown.

As for the patient, the result is reduced incidence of pulpal inflammation, which could cause extended post-op sensitivity and is often blamed on other aspects of the restoration. This will therefore reduce the risk of re-treatments.

Guaranteed for success

Demi Ultra, like our Demi Plus, has a 3-year standard warranty from the date of purchase. If a unit goes wrong, customers can report the issue to a Kerr representative or their dealer and we will put in place all the necessary steps to have the issue fixed quickly.

What is unique in the market is that Kerr offers an additional opportunity; at the time the dentist purchase a Demi Ultra, (s)he may elect to take advantage of an extended 2-year warranty and ‘accidental damage from handling’ coverage. This gives the dentist the peace of mind that their investment and budget are protected from the stresses of unexpected expenses.

Making the right choice

The choice of curing light is crucial, as well as its maintenance and the operator’s technique.

What we have experienced is that dentists are not always giving sufficient weight to the ‘curing step’, which converts into a high number of restoration failures.

The dentist also needs to be aware that a poor distribution of energy may result in inadequate depth polymerisation. They should look at the irradiance values carefully, which are sometimes misleading if not ‘correctly sized’ to the tip area.

As for budget lamps, they are not always the right solution for the job. Some don’t even conform to electrical or safety regulations, for example. The truth is that minimising the expense may lead to failure. Instead a dentist should invest in success!

And while dentists do that, we are fully invested in listening to our customers. Since its launch in September 2013, we have been collecting feedback and suggestions on how to improve Demi Ultra. All of these comments are collected and passed on to the development team, which is surely actively working to improve the lamp, so watch this space! 


Luisa Roncoroni joined Kerr three years ago as the Product Manager for Prevention across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Since then she has also taken on responsibility for the company’s curing lights, including working on the launch of Demi Ultra.

‘With Demi Ultra, heat development towards the end of a complex restoration is considerably reduced compared to everything I have used in the past.’

Dr Alex Kottenhahn, UK

 ‘No more worries with discharged batteries, because Demi Ultra is fully charged in less than 40 seconds! It is ideal for a busy practice.’

Dr Filip Keulemans, Belgium

‘The working intensity at the light tip is as good today as when we first started using Demi Ultra, providing us with confidence of good depth of cure at each use.’

Dr Michael Evans, UK

‘There are no problems with curing times and the quick charge-up is excellent. The design is great; we can get right back to tube the 7s during orthodontic procedures.’

Theresa Morgan, senior dental nurse, UK


To discover more about Demi Ultra, please visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01733 892292.

  7478 Hits
7478 Hits

Bridge2Aid training in new areas of Tanzania

Bridge2Aid training in new areas of Tanzania

In June, Bridge2Aid sent two teams of UK dental volunteers to deliver emergency dental training in two new parts of rural Tanzania.

June also saw Bridge2Aid complete their 71st training programme, meaning that they have now trained 369 rural health workers in emergency dental care. This sustainable model means that once the UK volunteers have left the country the health workers are able to continue treating their local communities for years to come.

The first area where training was delivered was Morogoro which is one of the poorest and most densely populated parts of Tanzania.  Most of the inhabitants are subsistence farmers who rely heavily on the surrounding forests for timber, medicinal plants and fuel. The other location was Pangani in the north-east of the country, bordered by Kenya and the Indian Ocean.

There is a desperate need to tackle oral disease, infection and chronic pain in communities throughout the developing world – to enable people to work, attend school and care for their families.  Bridge2Aid works hard to deliver the necessary skills in these communities so that local people are able to function free from pain, and avoid the risk of preventable infections and diseases.


If you would like to get involved, either by volunteering or donating to help fund this vital training, please visit Bridge2Aid’s website here (

  4093 Hits
4093 Hits

Moving forward in partnership

Moving forward in partnership

Sonia Rishi explores the world of Future Health Partnership to discover why it offers such a strong alternative to corporate dentistry for practice owners looking for a little extra support. 

As someone who has always had a socially aware ethos and a strong interest in the community, when Future Health Partnership (FHP) creator Simon Gallier told me all about his business model I couldn’t help but be interested. I have a real belief that if you support local businesses you are supporting the resident community both societally and economically, which, in my mind, dovetails really well with healthcare provision.

At Simon’s invitation, when the time was right I visited one of the FHP practices and saw how it could work in reality. I saw that it offers a viable alternative to the corporates, providing community-based healthcare.

In a nutshell, FHP is incorporated as a community interest company (CIC) and serves as a not-for-profit healthcare organisation. FHP is similar to a ‘John Lewis’ style of business, offering a viable, ethical future for healthcare. Each practice becomes part of the group, and will be held for the benefit of all staff – not just the practice owner.

A passion for dental care

I have a real passion for dentistry and providing the best possible care for patients. There aren’t many options out there for dentists looking for an alternative business model beyond the corporates, and what FHP wants to do is to enable practice owners to maintain community-based practices in areas that really need them, as well as benefit from economies of scale. So while FHP is committed to each practice retaining their particular local identity, there is the added advantage of joining together when buying from suppliers. 

However, we’re not just talking affordable dentistry. It’s an important element, and I think the corporates will make dentistry affordable. However, FHP is also about dentists who care and who want to spend more time with their patients to build rapport and trust, understand what patients need and want, and be able to provide the care they were trained for and want to do.  

One element that is certainly attractive for many dentists is that the administrative burden is reduced by the FHP partnership. We want to standardise the regulatory aspect of dental practice, so that our template can be used across the group but be tailored to each business. Every FHP practice has access to our central folders. We provide the tools, training and skills, and personnel are available at FHP to help complete the paperwork, but the practice’s team remains very much involved.

Our dental partners also very much like the ethos that FHP will care for patients, and be sympathetic to the culture of the practice, which means the provision of clinical treatment isn’t affected.

Embracing change

At FHP we recognise that change is difficult, but the truth is once the dental team sees the benefits change suddenly doesn’t seem so hard! Processes are being put in place all the time to make the transition and on-going partnership as easy and beneficial as possible. In addition, we are going to work with external leaders in dentistry to make sure we get the best of everything for our practices, from regulatory compliance to team motivation and career progression.

FHP’s proposition allows dentists to continue with their dentistry and really care for their patients and their team. If this seems like an attractive proposition for your practice, please visit or call 08000 789 402.


  3895 Hits
3895 Hits

Prestige broadens the M62 corridor’s opportunities

Prestige broadens the M62 corridor’s opportunities

Prestige Dental is delighted to announce the appointment of Jennifer Ball as its Product Specialist for the M62 corridor and surrounding areas.

Never one to rest on her laurels, Jennifer, who has an extensive dental nursing background, is in the process of rolling out an exciting programme of learning opportunities in individual practices.

Whether lunchtime, first thing or after the practice closes is best for you, armed with sandwiches and in the space of just one hour Jennifer can provide invaluable information on products such as ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE, as well as vacuum forming and Medentika’s implant range – obligation free.

Speaking about her new role, Jennifer commented: ‘I am really looking forward to meeting customers – new and old – and learning what support I  can offer individual dental practices so that dentists and their teams can remain focused on what they do best – delivering excellent patient care.’

To make an appointment for Jennifer to visit your practice or for more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01274 721567.

  8679 Hits
8679 Hits

Have you got any questions to ask Mark Oborn? Now's your chance!

Mark Oborn will be available for one hour from 6pm on 13th October for a live Q&A session to answer your questions on how you can best market your practice to help grow your implant business.

Register now to have your questions answered in this live session where Mark will answer as many questions as he can within the hour.

Mark spent 25 years as a dental technician working exclusively within the high quality sector of the private market.  After 15 years of running his own laboratory he now also has a Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA) majoring in marketing, innovation and creativity. Mark is also a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Master Practitioner of Hypnosis which further assists him in the skilful art of marketing communication.


  3159 Hits
3159 Hits

Hangout with your own personal marketing coach at The Implant Hub

Next week, 9th July at 7pm The Implant Hub will launch the first of its Google Hangouts, starting with expert marketing coach, Mark Oborn.

Offered free to all, the Google hangout will explore the relationship between seeking a transaction versus a relationship, and why you need to make sure you choose the right one. Issues that will be covered include:

1. The distinct difference between a product and service, and why it is vital you understand this when helping patients to replace missing teeth.

2. The different ways of marketing a product and service, and why getting it wrong in restorative dentistry can be catastrophic.

This hangout is ideal for anyone responsible for, or interested in, attracting patients with missing teeth to a dental practice, as well as any dental professional seeking to help more local people with their oral health.

Speaking about his involvement in this exciting new aspect of The Implant Hub, Mark said: ‘

’ "One of my values in business is to be genuinely helpful. It's not about making money or increasing sales, that happens as an outcome of genuinely caring and providing an excellent service to people that need it. Working with The Implant Hub is a first-class example of how this is being put into action by BioHorizons. It's an opportunity for implant dentists to learn, to develop and to grow their own skills and their practice. It's an absolute pleasure to work with an organisation that shares my value of being genuinely, how much are YOU ready to learn?"

In addition to Mark's hangout, future activities for The Implant Hub members will include LIVE Q&As and hangouts with all coaches, including:

·         Chris Barrow, Business Coach, LIVE Question and Answers – 27th July, 6pm

·         Dr Nav Ropra, Inspirational Coach, LIVE Questions and Answers – 5th August, 7.30pm

·         Google Hangout with Chris Barrow – 7th September, 6pm

·         Mark Oborn, Marketing Coach, LIVE Questions and Answers – 13th October, 6pm

·         Google Hangout with Dr Nav Ropra  - 4th November, 7.30pm


The Implant Hub is a unique and exciting new online resource for dentists looking to grow their dental implant business.

Simply visit for exclusive support and advice in implant dentistry through articles and blogs to Google Hangouts, as well as LIVE Q&As from our three top coaches: Chris Barrow (Business Coach), Mark Oborn (Marketing Coach) and Dr Nav Ropra (Inspirational Coach).

For more information and to register for Mark's FREE hangout, please visit

  3686 Hits
3686 Hits

Bridge2Aid training in new areas of Tanzania

In June 2015 Bridge2Aid sent two teams of UK dental volunteers to deliver emergency dental training in two new parts of rural Tanzania.

June also saw Bridge2Aid complete their 71st training programme, meaning that they have now trained 369 rural health workers in emergency dental care. This sustainable model means that once the UK volunteers have left the country the health workers are able to continue treating their local communities for years to come.

The first area where training was delivered was Morogoro which is one of the poorest and most densely populated parts of Tanzania.  Most of the inhabitants are subsistence farmers who rely heavily on the surrounding forests for timber, medicinal plants and fuel. The other location was Pangani in the north-east of the country, bordered by Kenya and the Indian Ocean.

There is a desperate need to tackle oral disease, infection and chronic pain in communities throughout the developing world – to enable people to work, attend school and care for their families.  Bridge2Aid works hard to deliver the necessary skills in these communities so that local people are able to function free from pain, and avoid the risk of preventable infections and diseases.

If you would like to get involved, either by volunteering or donating to help fund this vital training, please visit Bridge2Aid’s website here

  4012 Hits
4012 Hits

Post-holiday blues and bruxism - London Tooth Wear Centre

Post-holiday blues and bruxism

It won’t be news to you that stress can damage the dentition in the form of attrition, but did you know that statistics indicate that one in three workers experience post-holiday blues? It makes sense that this can then exacerbate bruxism.

If a patient presents with pain and/or tooth wear that can be attributed to bruxism and they tell you that they are stressed, it is a good idea to let them know that making a few simple lifestyle changes can be of significant benefit, including:

• Doing something relaxing before bed, such as yoga, reading or having a bath

• Learning to brush effectively yet gently with a relatively soft toothbrush and a toothpaste low in abrasivity.

Further, prescribing muscle relaxants and the use of a suitable mouthguard, such as a Michigan splint, may prove useful. Such splints help to protect the teeth against bruxism and reduce TMJ pain by encouraging the patient’s mandible to assume the most comfortable and reproducible position. The overall aim with such a guard is to protect against any damage that may be caused by a habitual grinding pattern and to break the cyclical habit, if at all possible.

In addition, recommending care from a physiotherapist or osteopath with specialist knowledge of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) might be appropriate to prevent further damage.

The London Tooth Wear Centre® offers an evidence-based and comprehensive approach to managing tooth wear.


To request advice, make a referral or for further information on the work of the London Tooth Wear Centre®, please visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 020 7486 7180.

  4061 Hits
4061 Hits

Have your say in the next NHS Confidence Monitor

Have your say in the next NHS Confidence Monitor

The second NHS Confidence Monitor - a survey designed to capture how confident the profession are in the future of NHS dentistry - is now open for dentists to take part and share their views.

The first survey was conducted at the end of 2014 and is being repeated to monitor how confidence levels ebb and flow as new information about the contract reforms emerges and the selected prototype practices reveal their thoughts and findings on the potential new systems. The results will then help to provide a snapshot of how the profession perceives the future of NHS dentistry.

The survey explores the profession’s thoughts on the future of:

• Career prospects

• Remuneration levels

• Getting the balance of treatment versus prevention within the NHS right

• The ability of the team to work effectively within the NHS.

Among other findings, the first survey revealed that 39% of the respondents asked were less confident about their career prospects within NHS dentistry over the next 12 months than they were a year ago.

Commenting on the opportunities the survey presents, Eddie Crouch, Vice Chair of the British Dental Association Principal Executive Committee, said:

‘It will be very interesting to see how confidence levels in NHS dentistry have changed, particularly in light of the General Election, and I look forward to the results. I hope to see even more NHS dentists taking part in this survey so the profession has a greater insight into the possible future effect of NHS dentistry.’

As an NHS dentist, how do you feel about the future of dentistry? To have your say and help to inform your colleagues, please visit

 It will take just two minutes of your time to take part in this unique opportunity, while the results may inform the long-term future of many.

If you would like to see the results from the first survey, please visit

The NHS Confidence Monitor is an independent survey commissioned by Practice Plan.

Practice Plan is the UK’s number one provider of practice-branded dental plans. They have been supporting dentists with NHS conversions for over 20 years, helping them to evaluate their options and, for those who decide to make the change, guide them through a safe and successful transition to private practice.

  4037 Hits
4037 Hits

Do your patients know that alcohol and oral health don’t mix?

London Tooth Wear Centre - Dental Health and Alcohol

With barbecues getting stoked up for summer, it may be a good time to help raise awareness among patients that their alcoholic drink of choice accompanying their chargrilled chicken may contribute to tooth wear.

Patients need to know that alcohol is acidic and therefore highly erosive, especially when consumed frequently, in large quantities over an extended period of time. It may also be that the high alcohol intake occasionally causes vomiting, which will exacerbate the damage to the dentition.

It’s also worth sharing with them that carbonated drinks, including sugar-free varieties, will have a similar effect on their dentition.

As well as coronal height being reduced, patients may also suffer with hypersensitivity due to the wear. In such cases, using a fluoridated mouthrinse every day at a different time to toothbrushing is an effective first line of defence. A desensitising toothpaste and/or prescription fluoride toothpaste can be helpful in alleviating sensitivity, while use of a calcium phosphate paste, applied in carriers, is an additional option if the symptoms are severe. Also, placing protective covering restorations can eliminate sensitivity and minimise further wear.

Further advice includes:

• Guiding the patient in brushing effectively yet gently with a relatively soft toothbrush and a toothpaste low in abrasivity

• Not swishing drinks around the mouth and waiting an hour after consuming an acidic drink before brushing to avoid damaging the softened enamel

• Rinsing the mouth with fluoride mouthwash or water before or after acidic drink consumption to help limit their erosive potential

• Chewing sugar-free, xylitol- or sorbitol-sweetened gum to help neutralise acid in the mouth.


The London Tooth Wear Centre® offers an evidence-based and comprehensive approach to managing tooth wear. To request advice, make a referral or for further information on the work of the London Tooth Wear Centre®, please visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 020 7486 7180.


  4666 Hits
4666 Hits

The Implant Hub goes live!

The Implant Hub - Supporting the Business of Implant Dentistry

On Wednesday 27th May the dental industry came together to launch The Implant Hub, a unique and exciting new online resource for dentists looking to grow their dental implant business. 

The Implant Hub - Launch

This brand new digital hub, at, provides information on topics that will directly impact profitability for both GDPs and specialists, supporting the business of implant dentistry.

A venue where you can gain valuable insight into growing your dental business, The Implant Hub delivers exclusive support and advice in implant dentistry through articles and blogs to Google Hangouts, as well as LIVE Q&As from our three top coaches: Chris Barrow (Business Coach), Mark Oborn (Marketing Coach) and Dr Nav Ropra (Inspirational Coach).

The Implant Hub - Launch

Speaking about The Implant Hub, Ken O’Brien, General Manager of BioHorizons UK, the team behind this new offering, said:

‘Always mindful that we provide unparalleled support for our clients in the business of implant dentistry – and beyond the sale of implants – The Implant Hub was the natural development in our offering to this industry. We are delighted to launch The Implant Hub and, together with our three coaches, our aim is to provide a resource that helps our clients develop their practices from a business perspective.’

Recently added content includes:

- White Paper Marketing in Implant Dentistry

- How to differentiate yourself from the practice down the road

- Why online marketing is more powerful than conventional marketing techniques.

To see for yourself what The Implant Hub has to offer your implant dentistry business, please visit

The Implant Hub is currently available free of charge to all BioHorizons customers. For  those who are not BioHorizons customers, please register your details on the website to find out how you can gain full access.



  5624 Hits
5624 Hits

CPD programme continues to support dental healthcare professionals

Johnson & Johnson, the makers of LISTERINE®, are delighted to bring you new content following the successful introduction of our CPD programme in 2014, with the aim of supporting the ongoing CPD needs of dental healthcare professionals in improving and maintaining the oral health of their patients.

Through our programme, we aim to deliver recent clinical findings, useful information for in-practice management of oral diseases and patient communication strategies for improved preventive home care, as well considering the effects of lifestyle and other external influences on your patients’ oral health.

Please visit to earn verifiable hours from our expanding library, including our newest pieces on:

• The challenge of dental anxiety 

• Gum health: a systematic review update

• Meeting the oral health need of an ageing population.

In addition, soon to be made available are CPD articles on:

• Successfully delegating care

• Health-related technology in the dental care setting.

Upon completing each module successfully, we will send you a CPD certificate via email within 14 days.


For further information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



  4060 Hits
4060 Hits

Innovation and inspiration from Kerr

Kerr is excited to announce that Arshad Ali and Gill Callaghan will be offering a SonicFill lecture, demonstration and participation opportunity at this year’s Scottish Dental Show on Friday 29 May.

SonicFill enables clinicians to perform posterior restorations with an easy-to-use, single-step technology that combines the advantages of a flowable composite with a universal composite. SonicFill reduces the time needed for placing, packing and sculpting restorations by an incredible 30%. 

Also on show will be the Elements™ Free obturation system, which has all the great benefits of the original Elements system, plus it’s cordless! Designed for accuracy, it also offers a 360° activation ring to improve your experience and clinical outcome, and digital temperature control for procedural accuracy.

For further details on these products and so much more, please visit Kerr’s team at stand F09, where you can be sure of a warm welcome and expert advice.



  3523 Hits
3523 Hits

Bridge2Aid at the British Dental Conference and Exhibition

What if your child had toothache and no hope of help?   

With this message, dental charity Bridge2Aid hopes to increase vital support this year, making it possible to provide access to safe emergency dental treatment for millions more people in need in East Africa.

Chief Executive Mark Topley commented: ‘With not even the most basic dental service available for the majority of people living in the rural areas of places like Tanzania, there are countless untreated dental problems. And more than half of people with toothache and no access to basic treatment will develop complications; sometimes, very sadly and shockingly, the complications lead to death.’

However, Bridge2Aid is making a big impact – by training local health professionals already based in villages to extract teeth and relieve pain. And it works – over the past 10 years Bridg2Aid has demonstrated success in both Tanzania and Rwanda, making access to treatment available to over 3 million people. Health professionals trained by Bridge2Aid have shown they can immediately address 98% of dental problems.

To find out how you can help people in pain today, please visit the team at stand D20, where you can be sure of a warm welcome.

Alternatively, Please visit to join with Bridge2Aid in its mission to make access to simple, safe, emergency dental treatment available to all.

  3814 Hits
3814 Hits

Activities worldwide will celebrate a ‘Smile for life’ this World Oral Health Day, 20 March

  • This year sees more innovative events than ever before. They range from screenings of Charlie Chaplin’s ‘The Dentist’ to a marathon to raise awareness of oral health.



Geneva, 10 March 2015 - As World Oral Health Day 2015 approaches countries worldwide are preparing to celebrate in their own way. The theme is ‘Smile for life’.


Planned activities in 2015 include: a media campaign on local radio stations and free dental check-ups for over 500 children in Senegal; a selfie contest under the theme ‘Smile for life’ in Spain; free oral health assessments and fluoride treatments for all children attending a camp in Liberia; and an attempt to achieve a world record for the most amount of voluntary dentistry done in one day in Australia.


The challenge is for National Dental Associations, Student Dental Associations and World Oral Health Day Partners to match or outdo last year’s vast array of activities, which included an attempt on the World Record for the number of people brushing their teeth simultaneously.


Also this year, a new application provides participants with the means of customizing their World Oral Health Day campaign poster with pictures and other features adapted to their local, regional or national needs.


‘It’s wonderful to see the enthusiasm of so many different groups in the pursuit of raising oral health awareness within their communities,” said FDI President Dr Tin Chun Wong. “World Oral Health Day 2015 is set to be bigger and better than ever before, helping to spread the message of a ‘Smile for life’ across the globe.”


To find out if there is an activity near you or to get involved yourself, visit the World Oral Health Day website, which offers the latest news and a range of downloadable material to help celebrate a ‘Smile for Life’ on 20 March 2015.


WOHD is celebrated throughout the world on 20 March each year with a wide range of awareness-raising activities organised by dentists, dental students and National Dental Associations (NDAs). It offers the dental and oral health community a platform to take action and help reduce the global disease burden of oral disease.


Ninety per cent of the world’s population will suffer from oral diseases in their lifetime and many of them can be avoided with increased governmental, health association and society support and funding for prevention, detection and treatment programmes.


About FDI


FDI World Dental Federation serves as the principal representative body for more than 1 million dentists worldwide, developing health policy and continuing education programmes, speaking as a unified voice for dentistry in international advocacy, and supporting member associations in global oral health promotion activities. FDI is in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and is a member of the World Health Professionals Alliance (WHPA).


For more information, visit:


About World Oral Health Day


World Oral Health Day is celebrated every year on 20th March. The theme of World Oral Health Day 2015 is ‘Smile for life’. It reflects the major contribution oral health makes to our lives. Around the world, FDI member dental associations, schools, companies and other groups will celebrate the day with events organized under this single, unifying and simple message.


For more information, visit:




World Oral Health Day 2015 partners


LISTERINE® brand Mouthwash, part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies

As the world’s number one daily mouth rinse, LISTERINE® Mouthwash has been used by more than one billion people in more than 85 countries. Professional dental organizations around the world have awarded LISTERINE® Mouthwash with their seals of acceptance.

LISTERINE® is distributed by Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc., a part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies, which is the world’s sixth-largest consumer health company and is a segment of Johnson & Johnson, the world’s most comprehensive and broadly based manufacturer of health care products.



Unilever Oral Care is a leading global manufacturer of oral care products, including toothpaste, toothbrushes and mouthwash, represented by brands including Signal, Pepsodent, Close Up, Mentadent, Aim, P/S and Zhong Hua. Unilever recognizes that good oral health and the sense of well-being and confidence it brings, is a vital element to making people look good, feel good and get more out of life and that small every day actions, such as twice daily brushing with a fluoride toothpaste, add up to make a big difference for the world. Through its science, products, partnerships and international network, Unilever Oral Care is privileged with the power to make a sustainable and measurable improvement to oral health around the world.


Henry Schein

Henry Schein, Inc. is the world's largest provider of health care products and services to office-based dental, animal health and medical practitioners.  A Fortune 500®{C}[1]{C} Company and a member of the NASDAQ 100®{C}[2]{C} Index (NASDAQ Ticker: HSIC), Henry Schein employs more than 17,500 Team Schein Members and serves more than 800,000 customers. Headquartered in Melville, N.Y., Henry Schein has operations or affiliates in 28 countries. Through Henry Schein Cares, the Company’s global corporate social responsibility program, Henry Schein helps expand access to health care for underserved and at-risk communities around the world. For more information, visit the Henry Schein Web site at


Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program (WOHP)

WOHP partners with dental professionals worldwide, helping them improve their patients’ oral health through one extra simple and enjoyable step in their daily routine: chewing sugarfree gum after eating and drinking on-the-go. WOHP supports independent clinical research into the benefits of chewing gum, including saliva stimulation, plaque acid neutralization and tooth strengthening. For more information, visit:


[1]{C} The Fortune 500 is an annual list compiled and published by Fortune magazine that ranks the top 500 U.S. closely held and public corporations as ranked by their gross revenue after adjustments made by Fortune to exclude the impact of excise taxes companies incur. The list includes publicly and privately held companies for which revenues are publicly available. The first Fortune 500 list was published in 1955.

{C}[2]{C} The NASDAQ Stock Market, commonly known as the NASDAQ, is an American stock exchange. NASDAQ originally stood for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations. It is the second-largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization, after the New York Stock Exchange. The exchange platform is owned by NASDAQ OMX Group, which also owns the OMX stock market network.


  13863 Hits
13863 Hits

FDI call for a preventive focus in the pursuit of a ‘Smile for life’

Geneva, 18 February 2015 - In the weeks leading up to World Oral Health Day on 20 March, the FDI is calling for a focus on prevention to help achieve a healthy ‘Smile for life’.


Governments, national dental associations, schools, communities, and families all have an important role to play in effective prevention strategies, in particular by raising awareness of good oral hygiene and habits contributing to good oral health.

Globally, oral disease affects most adults and as many as 90% of schoolchildren. Oral diseases are a significant burden on overall health, with the greatest burden falling on disadvantaged and poor populations. The principal problems are: dental caries, periodontal diseases and oral cancer.

Relatively simple, inexpensive measures can largely prevent these conditions and thus reduce the high burden of oral disease, including brushing with a fluoride toothpaste twice a day; however, research has revealed that the poorest populations of developing countries have the least access to affordable toothpaste.

Water fluoridation, therefore, may be particularly appropriate for such populations demonstrating moderate to high risk of dental decay. It confers positive health savings and contributes to reducing disparities in the rates of dental decay in communities.

Also of preventive value is reducing the intake of sugary foods and drinks, and limiting their consumption to meal times, as well as cutting tobacco use and reducing how much alcohol is drunk.

Oral health can also be improved by rinsing with a fluoride-based mouthwash and chewing sugar-free gum after meals when on-the-go.

FDI President Dr Tin Chun Wong said: ‘The FDI recommends a comprehensive preventive approach as the most appropriate method of reducing the heavy burden of dental decay worldwide.

‘This is particularly important given the unequal access to care worldwide. For example, in Ethiopia the population per oral health professional is 1.3 million, while in Croatia this figure is just 560. These statistics show just how much work needs to be done to address this issue, which compromises quality of life, as quickly as we can.

‘Ideally, a good oral health regime includes regular check-ups with a dental practitioner so, where there is access, the FDI urges individuals to talk to their dentist about best means of prevention.’

WOHD is celebrated throughout the world on 20 March each year with a wide range of awareness-raising activities organised by dentists, dental students and National Dental Associations (NDAs).


About FDI

FDI World Dental Federation serves as the principal representative body for more than 1 million dentists worldwide, developing health policy and continuing education programmes, speaking as a unified voice for dentistry in international advocacy, and supporting member associations in global oral health promotion activities. FDI is in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and is a member of the World Health Professionals Alliance (WHPA).

For more information, visit:

About World Oral Health Day

World Oral Health Day is celebrated every year on 20th March. The theme of World Oral Health Day 2015 is ‘Smile for life’. It reflects the major contribution oral health makes to our lives. Around the world, FDI member dental associations, schools, companies and other groups will celebrate the day with events organized under this single, unifying and simple message.

For more information, visit:















FDI Policy Statements

Need and Demand for Oral Health Care (2005).

Preventing Oral Diseases’ (2008).

Promoting Dental Health Through Water Fluoridation (2008).

Promoting Dental Health through Fluoride Toothpaste (2008).

Sugar Substitutes and their Role in Caries Prevention (2008).

Improving access to oral care (2009).

Oral Health and the Social Determinants of Health (2013).

Index of FDI Policy Statements at

As well as

Global Affordability of Fluoride Toothpaste (2006). -



World Oral Health Day 2015 partners


LISTERINE® brand Mouthwash, part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies

As the world’s number one daily mouth rinse, LISTERINE® Mouthwash has been used by more than one billion people in more than 85 countries. Professional dental organizations around the world have awarded LISTERINE® Mouthwash with their seals of acceptance.

LISTERINE® is distributed by Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc., a part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies, which is the world’s sixth-largest consumer health company and is a segment of Johnson & Johnson, the world’s most comprehensive and broadly based manufacturer of health care products.




Unilever Oral Care is a leading global manufacturer of oral care products, including toothpaste, toothbrushes and mouthwash, represented by brands including Signal, Pepsodent, Close Up, Mentadent, Aim, P/S and Zhong Hua. Unilever recognizes that good oral health and the sense of well-being and confidence it brings, is a vital element to making people look good, feel good and get more out of life and that small every day actions, such as twice daily brushing with a fluoride toothpaste, add up to make a big difference for the world. Through its science, products, partnerships and international network, Unilever Oral Care is privileged with the power to make a sustainable and measurable improvement to oral health around the world.


Henry Schein

Henry Schein, Inc. is the world's largest provider of health care products and services to office-based dental, animal health and medical practitioners.  A Fortune 500®[1] Company and a member of the NASDAQ 100®[2] Index (NASDAQ Ticker: HSIC), Henry Schein employs more than 17,500 Team Schein Members and serves more than 800,000 customers. Headquartered in Melville, N.Y., Henry Schein has operations or affiliates in 28 countries. Through Henry Schein Cares, the Company’s global corporate social responsibility program, Henry Schein helps expand access to health care for underserved and at-risk communities around the world. For more information, visit the Henry Schein Web site at


Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program (WOHP)

WOHP partners with dental professionals worldwide, helping them improve their patients’ oral health through one extra simple and enjoyable step in their daily routine: chewing sugarfree gum after eating and drinking on-the-go. WOHP supports independent clinical research into the benefits of chewing gum, including saliva stimulation, plaque acid neutralization and tooth strengthening. For more information, visit:


[1] The Fortune 500 is an annual list compiled and published by Fortune magazine that ranks the top 500 U.S. closely held and public corporations as ranked by their gross revenue after adjustments made by Fortune to exclude the impact of excise taxes companies incur. The list includes publicly and privately held companies for which revenues are publicly available. The first Fortune 500 list was published in 1955.

[2] The NASDAQ Stock Market, commonly known as the NASDAQ, is an American stock exchange. NASDAQ originally stood for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations. It is the second-largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization, after the New York Stock Exchange. The exchange platform is owned by NASDAQ OMX Group, which also owns the OMX stock market network.


  5622 Hits
5622 Hits

Taking care of oral health

Johnson & Johnson, the makers of the LISTERINE® Advanced Defence range, are delighted to sponsor Professor Nicola West speaking at this year’s Dentistry Show.

LISTERINE® Advanced Defence Gum Treatment is a twice-daily mouthwash clinically proven to treat gum disease as an adjunct to mechanical cleaning and to offer an alternative to chlorhexidine based remedies.

It is formulated with unique LAE (Ethyl Lauroyl Arginate) technology that forms a physical coating on the pellicle to prevent bacteria attaching, and so interrupts biofilm formation. When used after brushing, it treats gum disease as shown by the reduction of bleeding by 50.9% (p<0.001) in only 4 weeks.1

Designed to help you treat and/or prevent specific oral care conditions, this range also includes LISTERINE® Advanced Defence Sensitive and LISTERINE® Advanced Defence Cavity Guard.

With this range of expert daily mouthwashes, Johnson & Johnson is looking forward to working more closely with dental professionals to help deliver advanced treatment outcomes for patients, for expert care when you’re not there.

For information on the LISTERINE® Advanced Defence range, please visit stand D72 to speak to a member of the LISTERINE® Professional team.





1. Bleeding Index Reduction DOF 1 – 2013 (LAEBBA0001), 50.9% Reduction in whole-mouth mean Bleeding Index at 4 weeks



  4000 Hits
4000 Hits

Prestige products for prestige results hit the road

The team at Prestige Dental is delighted to announce they will be exhibiting at both the Dentistry Show and the ADI Team Congress this year.

On 17 and 18 April, we will be at the NEC in Birmingham on stand 546.

Then, between 14 and 16 May we’ll be welcoming delegates to stand 45 at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow.

Among the products available will be ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE , the first dental resins with a bioactive ionic resin matrix, shock-absorbing rubberised resin component, and reactive ionomer glass fillers that mimic the physical and chemical properties of natural teeth.

Prestige Dental’s model making and bleaching tray system will be on view too, which enables the dental team to fabricate trays in the practice in just one hour, allowing for significant cost savings.

A range of Denar articulators will also be on the stand. Engineered for superior performance and tested thoroughly, they offer features to suit the needs of any practice or laboratory.

Also available is The Pointer, a breakthrough innovation offering a new way to detect the exact location of buried implants under soft tissue without the need for an invasive procedure.

Whatever you need, Prestige Dental has the solution, covering areas such as:

• Impression trays and materials

• Implantology

• Rotary and diamond instruments

• Restorative

• TMJ/occlusion

• Model-making and vacuum forming

• Small equipment.

Please visit the Prestige Dental team at either Birmingham or Glasgow – or both – where you can be sure of a friendly reception and expert advice.

  3974 Hits
3974 Hits

The dental profession raise concerns over the balance between treatment and prevention

Almost half of dental professionals (NHS performers, Providers and Business Owners) working within the NHS (44%) are less confident that practising dentistry within the NHS will offer the right balance of treatment versus prevention over the next 12 months than they were a year ago, according to an independent study conducted on behalf of Practice Plan.


Despite this worrying statistic, 61% of respondents were as confident that patients will be happy with the outcome of attending an NHS dental practice over the next 12 months as they were in the previous 12 months.


Also worthy of note is that smaller practices appear to have concerns about their future financial success within NHS dentistry. The study reports that 65% of practices consisting of up to three dentists are losing confidence that practising dentistry within the NHS will offer an appropriate level of remuneration over the next 12 months - which is considerably higher than the percentage of respondents across all practice sizes (54%), who felt the same.


In addition, 39% of the respondents asked are less confident about their career prospects within NHS dentistry over the next 12 months than they were a year ago.


These figures are of particular interest in light of the potential for change within NHS dentistry over the next 12 months and beyond.  The Department of Health recently announced that prototypes of a reformed contract will start later this year, with practices testing a possible new system in its entirety. 


The aim of this NHS Confidence Survey, comprising 80 telephone interviews with a range of practices offering NHS treatments to adult patients, was to gain insight into the confidence levels in NHS dentistry over the coming 12 months.


This means that as time moves on and the selected prototype practices reveal their thoughts and findings on the system, the NHS Confidence Survey, which is scheduled to be carried out at regular intervals during this time of change, will help to provide a snapshot of the general consensus within the dental profession.


What’s more, each NHS Confidence Survey will be followed up with a gathering of key opinion leaders, to explore the results in greater depth and place them in context, and then share their views with dental professionals throughout the UK. 




Practice Plan is the UK’s number one provider of practice-branded dental plans. They have been supporting dentists with NHS conversions for over 20 years, helping them to evaluate their options and, for those who decide to make the change, guide them through a safe and successful transition to private practice.


The first gathering of key opinion leaders will be held in February and includes Eddie Crouch, Michael Watson, David Houston, Tony Jacobs, Sarah Franks and Andrew Lockhart-Mirams. Information on their thoughts will be released soon.


 For those dentists thinking about their future within NHS dentistry and wondering about what a move to private dentistry might look like for them, then specialist and expert support and guidance is available from Practice Plan’s NHS Change Support Team without obligation.


The NHS Change Support Team provides advice in the key areas of strategic direction, financial planning, commercial finance, business support, team development, marketing and branding.


The NHS Change Support Team can be contacted at 01691 684120 or visit for further information.

  4062 Hits
4062 Hits

Taking care of oral health

Johnson & Johnson, the makers of the LISTERINE® Advanced Defence range, are delighted to sponsor Professor Nicola West speaking at this year’s Dentistry Show.

LISTERINE® Advanced Defence Gum Treatment is a twice-daily mouthwash clinically proven to treat gum disease as an adjunct to mechanical cleaning and to offer an alternative to chlorhexidine based remedies.

It is formulated with unique LAE (Ethyl Lauroyl Arginate) technology that forms a physical coating on the pellicle to prevent bacteria attaching, and so interrupts biofilm formation. When used after brushing, it treats gum disease as shown by the reduction of bleeding by 50.9% (p<0.001) in only 4 weeks.1

Designed to help you treat and/or prevent specific oral care conditions, this range also includes LISTERINE® Advanced Defence Sensitive and LISTERINE® Advanced Defence Cavity Guard.

With this range of expert daily mouthwashes, Johnson & Johnson is looking forward to working more closely with dental professionals to help deliver advanced treatment outcomes for patients, for expert care when you’re not there.

For information on the LISTERINE® Advanced Defence range, please visit stand D72 to speak to a member of the LISTERINE® Professional team.




1. Bleeding Index Reduction DOF 1 – 2013 (LAEBBA0001), 50.9% Reduction in whole-mouth mean Bleeding Index at 4 weeks


  3685 Hits
3685 Hits

Kerr set to hit the right cord at the Dentistry Show

Kerr’s team is excited to meet up with dental professionals at the forthcoming Dentistry Show.

In addition to exhibiting the brand new Elements™ Free obturation system, which has all the great benefits of the original Elements system, plus it’s cordless, you can expect to see:

·         SonicFill™, the fast and easy composite bulk fill system for posterior restorations

·         MetaFix™ all-in-one matrix system for Class II – MO/OD/MOD composite fillings in the posterior area

·         OptiBond XTR self-etch, two-component dental adhesive, for use in all direct and indirect procedures, and with all cements and substrates.

We are also delighted that highly respected endodontist Bill Seddon will be joining us on the stand to answer any questions, as well as lecturing on endodontics and Elements™ Free, and leading several hands-on workshops throughout the event.

To speak to Bill, see Elements™ Free in action or to view Kerr’s other products, please visit stand P72.

  3634 Hits
3634 Hits


For your chance to win an iPad, simply visit to fill in Future Health Partnership’s (FHP) survey and share your opinions on the business of dentistry.

FHP community interest company (CIC) is a not-for-profit healthcare organisation.  It is similar to a ‘John Lewis’ style of business, offering a viable, ethical future for healthcare. Each practice becomes part of the group, and will be held for the benefit of all staff – not just the practice owner.

Simon Gallier, the Managing Partner of FHP, commented: ‘I’m a dentist. I believe in dentistry. I believe in the future of healthcare, and I think the best people to run it and deliver it for patients are the staff themselves.

‘I feel this is the logical step in running the business of dentistry.  What would be the ideal model for dentistry in the future? I think FHP is it. If people do care and believe in better, they will ultimately thrive. Please let us know what you think by filling in our survey and, who knows, you might even be the iPad winner.’

The iPad winner will be chosen on 27th February 2015.

For more information on Future Health Partnership, please call 08000 789 402.


  3732 Hits
3732 Hits

‘It’s time to smile’ for World Oral Health Day 2015 - and take care with how often we consume sugary foods and drinks

Geneva, 19 January 2015 – As World Oral Health Day (WOHD) 2015 approaches, FDI World Dental Federation is advising people to consider the impact of frequent sugar consumption on their ‘Smile for Life’.

Dental caries is the most common non-communicable disease in the world. Research has demonstrated that sugars are the main cause of tooth decay (holes in your teeth).


When you eat or drink something sugary, the bacteria in the plaque (the sticky film that keeps forming on your teeth) feeds on the sugar and releases acid that attacks teeth for about one hour. Frequent consumption of sugar allows prolonged acid ‘attacks’, weakening the protective outer layer of the teeth.


Speaking about this process, Dr Jaime Edelson, Chair of the FDI World Oral Health Day Task team, commented: ‘Sugar reacts with bacteria in the mouth, which together form an acid that damages the enamel. When this keeps happening, a hole is formed in the tooth, which then requires filling and may over time lead to an extraction. By paying close attention to how often we are consuming sugary foods and drinks, the number of acid attacks on our teeth can be reduced.’


WOHD is an opportunity for FDI to draw attention to proven oral care behaviours that people can adopt to protect their teeth –for life. These include brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, cutting down consumption of sugary1 foods and drinks between meals and chewing sugar-free gum after meals and snacks when on-the-go and brushing is not feasible.


FDI President Dr Tin Chun Wong commented: ‘World Oral Health Day 2015, “Smile for life!” and has a double meaning - lifelong smile and celebrating life. Smiling implies self-confidence and having fun, as people only smile if they are happy and have a healthy life. Please take the time to consider your oral health and bring a smile to everyone around you.’


FDI supports the World Health Organization’s guidelines on reducing sugar consumption, based on evidence of its association with dental caries and obesity.


WOHD is celebrated throughout the world on 20 March each year with a wide range of awareness-raising activities organized by dentists, dental students and National Dental Associations (NDAs).


About FDI


FDI World Dental Federation serves as the principal representative body for more than 1 million dentists worldwide, developing health policy and continuing education programmes, speaking as a unified voice for dentistry in international advocacy, and supporting member associations in global oral health promotion activities. FDI is in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and is a member of the World Health Professionals Alliance (WHPA).

For more information, visit:

About World Oral Health Day

World Oral Health Day is celebrated every year on 20th March. The theme of World Oral Health Day 2015 is ‘Smile for life’. It reflects the major contribution oral health makes to our lives. Around the world, FDI member dental associations, schools, companies and other groups will celebrate the day with events organized under this single, unifying and simple message.

For more information, visit:


  7500 Hits
7500 Hits


For your chance to win an iPad, simply visit to fill in Future Health Partnership’s (FHP) survey and share your opinions on the business of dentistry.

FHP community interest company (CIC) is a not-for-profit healthcare organisation.  It is similar to a ‘John Lewis’ style of business, offering a viable, ethical future for healthcare. Each practice becomes part of the group, and will be held for the benefit of all staff – not just the practice owner.

Simon Gallier, the Managing Partner of FHP, commented: ‘I’m a dentist. I believe in dentistry. I believe in the future of healthcare, and I think the best people to run it and deliver it for patients are the staff themselves.

‘I feel this is the logical step in running the business of dentistry.  What would be the ideal model for dentistry in the future? I think FHP is it. If people do care and believe in better, they will ultimately thrive. Please let us know what you think by filling in our survey and, who knows, you might even be the iPad winner.’

The iPad winner will be chosen on 27th February 2015.

For more information on Future Health Partnership, please call 08000 789 402.


  4145 Hits
4145 Hits

FDI calls for a tobacco-free New Year and a long-lasting ‘Smile for life’

Geneva, 17 December 2014 - As World Oral Health Day (WOHD) 2015 approaches, FDI World Dental Federation wants people to make a healthy New Year’s resolution and reduce their use of tobacco – or give it up completely - as part of the 2015 World Oral Health Day ‘Smile for life’ campaign.

There are many types of tobacco available worldwide, including manufactured cigarettes, roll-your own cigarettes, snuff and chewing tobacco, and all are addictive and detrimental to health. The use of tobacco can significantly increase the risk of many serious oral health problems, including:


•         Oral cancer

•         Gum disease

•         Premature tooth loss

•         Tooth discolouration

•         Bad breath

•         Reduced ability to taste and smell


Oral cancer is amongst the most prevalent cancers worldwide and incidence rates are higher in men than women[1]. The use of tobacco, including smokeless tobacco and excessive consumption of alcohol, are the key risk factors in oral cancer and together are estimated to account for 90% of oral cancers worldwide. This percentage could be significantly lowered through a reduction in the use of tobacco and alcohol intake[2].


Speaking about the severe risks of tobacco use, Dr Patrick Hescot, FDI President-Elect, said: “To help tackle the increased risk of oral cancer, tooth loss and antisocial effects such as bad breath, it's time to reduce or, ideally, give up tobacco use. Tobacco use in all forms is dangerous for health and oral health; what better reason could you have for giving up tobacco as a New Year’s resolution?”


The FDI would also like to encourage health professionals to participate in tobacco prevention activities. Dentists and their teams can help communicate important messages to patients about the threats posed by tobacco use and help them to identify the key risk factors and the early signs of oral cancer, as well as gum disease and other oral health problems, in their early stages. Patients may not always recognise early symptoms, so the FDI and its partners encourage people of all ages to schedule regular check-ups with their dentists.


Dr Tin Chun Wong, FDI President, said: “Prevention is key and most common oral diseases, including those linked to tobacco use, are largely preventable. Alongside personal effort, oral healthcare providers can play a role in promoting healthy lifestyles by incorporating tobacco cessation programmes into their practices. This January, it’s time to give up smoking and have something new to smile about.”



About FDI


FDI World Dental Federation serves as the principal representative body for more than 1 million dentists worldwide, developing health policy and continuing education programmes, speaking as a unified voice for dentistry in international advocacy, and supporting member associations in global oral health promotion activities. FDI is in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and is a member of the World Health Professionals Alliance (WHPA).


For more information, visit:


About World Oral Health Day


World Oral Health Day is celebrated every year on 20th March. The theme of World Oral Health Day 2015 is ‘Smile for life’. It reflects the major contribution oral health makes to our lives. Around the world, FDI member dental associations, schools, companies and other groups will celebrate the day with events organised under this single, unifying and simple message.


For more information, visit:



World Oral Health Day 2015 partners


LISTERINE® brand Mouthwash, part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies

As the world’s number one daily mouth rinse, LISTERINE® Mouthwash has been used by more than one billion people in more than 85 countries. Professional dental organizations around the world have awarded LISTERINE® Mouthwash with their seals of acceptance.


LISTERINE® is distributed by Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc., a part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies, which is the world’s sixth-largest consumer health company and is a segment of Johnson & Johnson, the world’s most comprehensive and broadly based manufacturer of health care products.




Unilever is a leading global manufacturer of oral care products, such as toothpaste, toothbrushes and mouthwash, represented by brands including Signal, Pepsodent, Mentadent, Aim, P/S, Zhong Hua and Close Up. Unilever believes that good oral health is a vital element for people to look good, feel good and get more out of life and uses its oral care brands to encourage children and their parents to brush in the morning and at night using fluoride toothpaste. Through its science, products, partnerships and international network, Unilever is privileged with the power to make a sustainable and measurable improvement to oral health around the world.


Henry Schein

Henry Schein, Inc. is the world's largest provider of health care products and services to office-based dental, animal health and medical practitioners.  A Fortune 500®[3] Company and a member of the NASDAQ 100®[4] Index (NASDAQ Ticker: HSIC), Henry Schein employs more than 17,000 Team Schein Members and serves more than 800,000 customers. Headquartered in Melville, N.Y., Henry Schein has operations or affiliates in 28 countries.  Through Henry Schein Cares, the Company’s global corporate social responsibility program, Henry Schein helps expand access to health care for underserved and at-risk communities around the world. For more information, visit the Henry Schein Web site at


Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program (WOHP)

WOHP partners with dental professionals worldwide, helping them improve their patients’ oral health through one extra simple and enjoyable step in their daily routine: chewing sugar-free gum after eating and drinking on-the-go. WOHP supports independent clinical research into the benefits of chewing gum, including saliva stimulation, plaque acid neutralization and tooth strengthening. For more information, visit:


[3] The Fortune 500 is an annual list compiled and published by Fortune magazine that ranks the top 500 U.S. closely held and public corporations as ranked by their gross revenue after adjustments made by Fortune to exclude the impact of excise taxes companies incur. The list includes publicly and privately held companies for which revenues are publicly available. The first Fortune 500 list was published in 1955.

[4] The NASDAQ Stock Market, commonly known as the NASDAQ, is an American stock exchange. NASDAQ originally stood for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations. It is the second-largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization, after the New York Stock Exchange. The exchange platform is owned by NASDAQ OMX Group, which also owns the OMX stock market network.


  4443 Hits
4443 Hits

Unlock your potential with facial aesthetics

You are invited to the Botox Training Club at, following its recent launch.

Created by aesthetician and dentist Dr Harry Singh, the Botox Training Club offers dentists the opportunity to attend accredited clinical workshops. In addition, one free team member is allowed to attend per delegate as an observer, to help further your pursuit of facial aesthetics success.

Worth 6.5 hours of verifiable CPD, delegates can expect to learn how to treat the three areas most commonly requested by patients – the forehead (frontalis), frown lines (glabellar) and eyes (lateral canthal lines).

Offering support before, during and after the workshop, you can be sure that everything will be in place to allow you to concentrate on treating facial aesthetic patients.

For further information on the Botox Training Club and to download the video ‘Getting Started In Facial Aesthetics’ free of charge, please visit Alternatively, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 07711 731173.

  4486 Hits
4486 Hits


Dental professionals with links to Rotary International are being urged to encourage their club to support the dental charity Bridge2Aid in its mission to ease dental pain and suffering in East Africa.

Speakers from Bridge2Aid would welcome the opportunity to talk about the charity’s work of providing emergency dental training for health workers in remote communities. Dental pain in rural Tanzania doesn’t just hurt – it’s destructive and is a threat to lives and livelihoods.

Bridge2Aid is very excited to be working on a Rotary Global Grant with one of its advisors, Dr Iain Corran, a member of Bakewell Rotary Club in Derbyshire.

B2A’s operations director, Shaenna Loughnane, said: “We hope to encourage Rotary Clubs to support us with a commitment to fundraising around £500 in the 2015-2016 Rotary financial year. Our grant is being sponsored by Bakewell Rotary Club and is being supported in Tanzania by Bahari Rotary Club.

“We already have a number of Rotary Clubs on board, which is fantastic. The grant will fund the extension of our Emergency Dental Programmes to Lindi, in the south east of Tanzania, one of the poorest areas of the country. In July 2016, we will train six Health Professionals and provide sustainable access to vital emergency dental treatment for more than 60,000 people.”

To introduce B2A to your local Rotary group or to arrange a talk, please contact Andie Wilson on 07970 633230 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  3997 Hits
3997 Hits

Paying Pulpdent a visit

Dentist Kirkwood recently paid a visit to Pulpdent’s HQ in Boston. Here, he shares his experience with readers….


Kirkwood Young qualified from the University of Dundee in 1978. Following graduation, he worked as an associate in Doncaster before starting Young’s Dental Practice in Yorkshire in 1981. The size of the practice has increased over the years and now focuses on providing private treatment. Young’s Dental Practice won the title Preventive Practice of the Year in 2009. Kirkwood gained the MFGDP in 1996, was a VDP trainer between 1997 and 2004, and lectures on the topic of minimal intervention dentistry (MID).  


ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE products combine all the benefits of composites and glass ionomers without the disadvantages, delivering strong, aesthetic, bioactive products that mimic the physical and chemical properties of teeth. Bioactive materials are moisture friendly, interact with saliva and tooth structure, release and uptake calcium, phosphate and more fluoride than glass ionomers, and react to changes in the oral environment.


ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE products are available in the UK through Prestige Dental. For further information, please call 01274 721 567 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Kirk Young is an advocate of minimal intervention dentistry. On this he says: ‘It is something we strive to achieve in our practice, and I am always on the lookout for new products that may help us achieve our clinical aims. Not too long ago, I read in the dental press about a new bioactive restorative product that really piqued my interest.


‘I contacted Prestige Dental about the advertised product, ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE (Pulpdent USA), to find out more. Having benefited greatly in the past from seeing other dental companies’ manufacturing centres, not only was I interested in seeing ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE’s evidence base but also hoped one day to visit Pulpdent in the States.’


As it happened, Kirk was due to visit his daughter in Boston in the autumn of 2014 and, having put the idea of a visit to Pulpdent via Prestige, an invitation was extended to him and his wife Sheena, also a dentist.


On the day


It was a bright and early start for Kirk – just one day after flying over! Picked up by Larry Clark, Pulpdent’s Director of Marketing and Clinical Affairs, it wasn’t long before Kirk was touring the factory and discussing ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE at length with the people who researched and developed it.


Kirk says: ‘Something like that really reinforces what we had read about. It also gave them a chance to ask my wife and me what we thought of it. We now have a thorough knowledge of what it’s been tested for, the evidence behind it and the studies. We learned the uses for it and shared how we use it on a day-to-day basis for various things. I think it would be fair to say we all learned something new that day!’


More than meets the eye


One of the things that struck Kirk was how happy the staff appeared to be. From manufacture to shipping, everywhere he went he felt very welcome and got the impression that everyone was very proud be part of Pulpdent.


‘That’s always really interesting,’ comments Kirk. ‘When the people at the heart of the process seem happy with what they are doing, it really boosts my confidence in what’s on offer.’


Kirk was also impressed by the extent of Pulpdent’s range of products. From a fluoride varnish that is awaiting a licence to disposable mirrors, etching gels and calcium hydroxide, he and his team are now looking to use more of Pulpdent’s products than they had previously. In fact, armed with samples they’re off to a flying start at the practice in Yorkshire.


Says Kirk: ‘We were treated wonderfully by the people at Pulpdent and what I’ve learned is invaluable. Having materials like ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE – used as part of a total preventive, restorative and minimally invasive treatment plan – is a real step forward and, having seen how everything works over there in Boston, I couldn’t be more confident to take that journey with Pulpdent.’



  4774 Hits
4774 Hits

Gaining Prestige on the internet

Prestige Dental is delighted to announce the launch of its new website at

Offering an easy way to find out more and to purchase Prestige’s range of products it is well worth a visit – time and again!

Products from brand-leading companies have been carefully selected and undergone rigorous investigation to ensure they conform to the highest standards.

Lucy Gabbitas and Paul Martin, the two directors of Prestige Dental, commented: ‘We’re delighted to present this up-to-the-minute internet offering, combining innovative new products with tried and tested old favourites. Alongside CE marking and safety and quality of products, it is our policy to ensure that all customers’ requirements are fulfilled in terms fitness for purpose, timeliness of delivery and subsequent customer service – an ethos that we have incorporated into the website.’

Whether you’re looking for materials and equipment for the surgery or laboratory, has it all.

  3612 Hits
3612 Hits

Christmas smiles under attack

Even we health professionals enjoy a little extra food and drink over the festive period, but we would be remiss not to warn our patients of the potential for tooth damage.

Tooth erosion caused by alcohol, snacking between meals and increased consumption of sugary foods has the potential to escalate over Christmas.

According to the charity Addaction, Britons consume more than 600 million units of alcohol during December and 14% drink more than they intend to over Christmas. Meanwhile, Mars has historically reported that 65% of boxed chocolates are sold in the run up to Christmas.

If advice is to be focused on limiting the damage of a lifestyle harmful to the dentition, the following can be recommended:

• Drink erosive drinks through a straw to direct liquid to the back of the mouth and avoiding swishing drinks around the mouth

• Avoid carbonated and fruit juice mixers (which may be difficult as there is little else available and wine also has a low pH at around 3.5)

• Drink water between alcoholic beverages helps buffer their acidic potential

• Chewing sugar-free, xylitol- or sorbitol-sweetened gum to help neutralise acid in the mouth

• Never brush teeth immediately after acidic exposure, but waiting at least an hour. If this is not possible, rinsing with a fluoride mouth rinse and then applying a paste containing high fluoride or calcium phosphate to the teeth without rinsing before bed is worthwhile

• Use a fluoride mouthrinse throughout the day

• Use of a toothpaste low in abrasivity and a soft toothbrush.


If you are concerned that any of your patients are showing signs tooth wear, simply visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 020 7486 7180.


  3533 Hits
3533 Hits

FDI launches its World Oral Health Day 2015 ‘Smile for life’ campaign


Geneva, 5 November 2014: FDI World Dental Federation is today launching the World Oral Health Day 2015 (WOHD 2015) ‘Smile for life’ campaign to remind people everywhere about the importance of looking after their teeth and gums.

World Oral Health Day is celebrated throughout the world on 20th March each year with a wide range of awareness-raising activities organized by dentists, dental students, National Dental Associations (NDAs) and corporate partners.

Over 90% of the world’s population will suffer some form of dental disease in their lifetime but many of these can easily be treated or prevented with a good oral care routine. The WOHD 2015 ‘Smile for life’ is supplemented by the call to action ‘It’s time to…’, which campaigners can adapt to their local needs and circumstances.

Dentists at the FDI Annual World Dental Congress in New Delhi last September endorsed the ‘Smile for life’ campaign both literally and figuratively when they took turns to ‘Smile for life’ in front of WOHD 2015 campaign poster.

FDI President Dr Tin Chun Wong commented: “The ‘Smile for life’ campaign reminds us that oral disease can be prevented by practising good oral hygiene throughout life, from childhood to mature adulthood.

After tripling the number of countries celebrating World Oral Health Day between and 2013 and 2014, we are now looking to reach an even larger audience in even more countries as well as online.”

FDI’s Executive Director Jean-Luc Eiselé added: “We want to encourage everyone to celebrate this important day. Participants can download materials such as logos, posters and toolkits to plan their activities from the ‘Smile for life’ campaign website – where they can also read inspiring stories from last year’s campaign to help them plan their World Oral Health Day 2015.”

In addition, FDI confirmed that the four key global partners of World Oral Health Day – LISTERINE®, Unilever, Henry Schein and Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program – have renewed their commitment to support the campaign in 2015.

“The continued support from our partners is essential in ensuring that World Oral Health Day keeps on having a global impact, and that our message can reach as wide an audience as possible”, emphasized FDI President Dr. Tin Chun Wong.

About FDI

FDI World Dental Federation serves as the principal representative body for more than one million dentists worldwide, developing health policy and continuing education programmes, speaking as a unified voice for dentistry in international advocacy, and supporting member associations in global oral health promotion activities. Over the years, it has developed programmes, initiatives, campaigns, policies and congresses, always with a view to occupying a space that no other not-for-profit group can claim.

FDI works at national and international level through its own activities and those of its member dental associations. It is in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and a member of the World Health Professionals Alliance (WHPA).

For more information, visit:


About World Oral Health Day


World Oral Health Day is celebrated every year on 20th March. The theme of World Oral Health Day 2015 is ‘Smile for life’. It reflects the major contribution oral health makes to our lives. Around the world, FDI member dental associations, schools, companies and other groups will celebrate the day with events organized under this single, unifying and simple message.


For more information, visit:


World Oral Health Day 2015 partners


LISTERINE® brand Mouthwash, part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies

LISTERINE® Mouthwash is the world’s number one daily mouthwash with antibacterial properties to clean the mouth, freshen breath and fight plaque.   Over 50 clinical studies support the plaque reduction efficacy of LISTERINE® Mouthwash when used routinely as an adjunct to mechanical plaque removal. LISTERINE® Mouthwash has been used by more than one billion people in more than 85 countries.  Professional dental organizations around the world have awarded LISTERINE® Mouthwash with their seals of acceptance.

LISTERINE® is distributed by Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc., a part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies, which is the world’s sixth-largest consumer health company and is a segment of Johnson & Johnson, the world’s most comprehensive and broadly based manufacturer of health care products.



Unilever Oral Care is a leading global manufacturer of oral care products, including toothpaste, toothbrushes and mouthwash, represented by brands including Signal, Pepsodent, Close Up, Mentadent, Aim, P/S and Zhong Hua. Unilever recognizes that good oral health and the sense of well-being and confidence it brings, is a vital element to making people look good, feel good and get more out of life and that small every day actions, such as twice daily brushing with a fluoride toothpaste, add up to make a big difference for the world. Through its science, products, partnerships and international network, Unilever Oral Care is privileged with the power to make a sustainable and measurable improvement to oral health around the world.


Henry Schein


Henry Schein, Inc. is the world's largest provider of health care products and services to office-based dental, animal health and medical practitioners.  The Company also serves dental laboratories, government and institutional health care clinics, and other alternate care sites.  A Fortune 500® Company and a member of the NASDAQ 100® Index, Henry Schein more than 17,000 Team Schein Members and serves more than 800,000 customers.


The Company offers a comprehensive selection of products and services, including value-added solutions for operating efficient practices and delivering high-quality care.  Henry Schein operates through a centralized and automated distribution network, with a selection of more than 96,000 branded products and Henry Schein private-brand products in stock, as well as more than 110,000 additional products available as special-order items. The Company also offers its customers exclusive, innovative technology solutions, including practice management software and e-commerce solutions, as well as a broad range of financial services.


Headquartered in Melville, N.Y., Henry Schein has operations or affiliates in 28 countries.  The Company's sales reached a record $9.6 billion in 2013, and have grown at a compound annual rate of approximately 16 percent since Henry Schein became a public company in 1995.  For more information, visit the Henry Schein website at


Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program (WOHP)


The Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program (WOHP) partners with dental professionals worldwide, helping them improve their patients’ oral health through one extra simple and enjoyable step in their daily routine: chewing sugarfree gum after eating and drinking on-the-go. For more than 25 years, WOHP has supported independent clinical research into the benefits of chewing gum, including saliva stimulation, plaque acid neutralization and tooth strengthening to help dental professionals and their patients understand the role of sugarfree gum as a convenient tool for everyday oral care. Today, Wrigley operates oral healthcare programs in 47 countries worldwide. WOHP is one example of how we make a difference to people and the planet through performance, and how we incorporate our principles based approach to business into all that we do.


For more information, visit:




  6126 Hits
6126 Hits

Cfast is the solution

Do you want to extend the range of services you offer, attract new patients and generate additional income from your existing patients? If the answer is ‘yes’, we invite you to visit stand P10 at the BDIA Showcase to find out why Cfast is the solution!

Cfast is a fast, minimally-invasive and discreet orthodontics system that straightens the front six teeth in about six months.


With devices priced at only £199, Cfast makes a great smile affordable for more patients, as well as generating revenue for the practice.


Cfast is kinder to the occlusion than some other systems, and therefore more appropriate for general dental practice, while its unique retention protocol allows for predictable long-term results.


Cfast provides affordable courses, as well as UK specialist back-up and experienced one-to-one guidance and advice from experts in cosmetically-focused orthodontics.


For further details, please visit stand P10 @ the BDIA Showcase, call 0844 209 7035 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


  3929 Hits
3929 Hits

Implant excellence and incomparable value

Within the dental implant sector Medentika serves customers with care, meeting clinical needs as well as offering great value.


Medentika supplies customised abutments fabricated from different materials, offering a wide range compatible with 16 separate premium implant systems. In addition, Medentika offers high-precision, custom-made bars and bridges.


Medentika also manufactures an implant system of its own, which provides an unusually comprehensive variety of prostheses.


Medentika’s scan and design service enables customers to design (either on the computer or manually wax-up) custom prostheses easily (abutments, bars and bridges) and receive high-precision components for 15 different implant systems. This helps the laboratory and the dentist to provide both aesthetic and functional solutions for patients.


Medentika’s milling system enables any laboratory that uses a mid-size milling machine to manufacture individual abutments in titanium and chromium cobalt using prefabricated, high-precision interfaces.


For more information, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01274 721 567.


  3255 Hits
3255 Hits

Dental charity celebrates 10 year birthday

This October will see Bridge2Aid’s Dental Training Programme celebrate its 10th anniversary at the magnificent Wembley Stadium.

Since the charity’s very first training programme back in 2004, with the support of many, Bridge2Aid has accomplished some incredible achievements changing the lives of thousands in East Africa. 10 years of Dental Training Programmes have seen:Bridge2Aidlogo

-          315 rural-based Health Workers trained in emergency dental care

-          26,000 people directly treated during the training programmes

-          Over 3.1 million people provided with long-term access to emergency dentistry

The 10 year Birthday BASH! will take place on Saturday, October 4th2014, and will consist of fantastic food, great company and live entertainment throughout the night, as well as a tour of the stadium itself for each guest.

Volunteers, Fundraisers, Supporters, family and friends (old and new!) are most welcome to attend the event, which promises to be one of the dental calendar’s biggest of 2014.

More details and tickets available at: www.bridge2aid.or/birthdaybash

  3965 Hits
3965 Hits

Comprehensive Care Courses

An international trainer, Dr Raj Ahlowalia is bringing his high level of expertise in functional and aesthetic dentistry to the UK. 

A highly regarded teacher in the US with the Pankey Institute, and following his invaluable educational work in Romania, Dr Ahlowalia now wants to bring his approach to functional-based aesthetic dentistry back home. 

Dr Ahlowalia's modular Comprehensive Care Courses focus on complete dentistry, encompassing both occlusion and aesthetic dentistry to achieve long-lasting results. 

A very practical course combining presentations with hands-on elements, dentists will be provided with a thorough understanding of the mechanics and appliances involved in achieving dental longevity, techniques which can be used in practice straight away.

Consider the benefit of applying such techniques, for example, to short-term orthodontic treatment, maintaining or building stability into the dentition for long-term success. 

For further information, please go to or to book email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  4579 Hits
4579 Hits

Innovation shines through at dentistry symposium

Kerr is delighted, alongside Sybron Endo, Henry Schein Dental and KaVo, to report that the Innovations in Dentistry Symposium – ‘For the Art of the Smile’ – was a huge success.

The two-day symposium, held on 3rd and 4th July in London, provided dental team members with the opportunity to hear leading speakers discuss restorative dentistry, endodontics and new equipment that have transformed the way modern dentistry is practised, as well as attend restorative and/or endodontic hands-on sessions worth 3 hours of verifiable CPD.

In addition, there were live demonstrations throughout the two days and plenty of opportunities to get hands-on with the equipment.

Claudio Massoli, Country Manager Kerr UK commented: ‘We couldn’t be happier with how the symposium was received by delegates. We achieved everything we hoped to, including helping dental professionals to improve their understanding of materials and equipment available in the 21st century, allowing for superior results to be achieved.’

Robbie McConnell speaking at the Symposium. 

  3696 Hits
3696 Hits

Barker PR launches in dentistry

Friday 13th June saw the coming together of the great and the good in dentistry for the launch of Barker PR at the Cinnamon Club in Westminster.

Formerly known as GG Communications (GGC), Barker PR was launched last week to focus on its core business: PR and communications in the dental industry.

Gemma Barker, Managing Director, said: "This launch was to celebrate our last six years in dentistry and to mark the start of a new and exciting era as Barker PR.

“We feel passionately about our industry and work hard to create content for our clients’ brands that the dental profession is genuinely interested in and can connect with.”


The team at Barker PR shares a strong vision to impact the public perception of dentistry and is proud to make that difference through the many communications they write and distribute for their clients.


Barker PR’s perfectly formed team of passionate and experienced writers, marketers and dental journalists look forward to making an even greater impact in the dental industry in the years ahead.



For more information, please visit or email the team on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  4212 Hits
4212 Hits

Property – a wise investment (Part 3)


Property – a wise investment

(Part 3)

When it comes to investing in property, having a good team backing you can make all the difference.

There’s more to investing in property than finding the money, clearly. Sometimes just having a mortgage to pay on your own home can be a source of worry, never mind that of additional properties, as well as meeting landlord responsibilities, finding tenants, chasing rent, being available to take a tenant’s calls 24/7 – the list goes on.

To ensure you stay on top of all this ‘red tape’, the best thing you can do is adopt a team approach to share the burden. Some of the extended members your network will need are:

• Letting agent – it is often wise to let someone else manage your property rather than managing it yourself. You can waste a lot of time in the little things required to let a property

• Insurance broker – you will need buildings insurance for any properties you rent out. You can also consider rent guarantee insurance. A company that has specialised knowledge helps, and one that reduces their premiums for multiple properties is a must

• Gas safety checker – it is a legal requirement for any rented property to have an annual gas safety test. (A good tip is to get the details of the company your letting agent uses and approach them directly; you will save the premium the letting agent will add to their bill)

• Various tradespeople – when doing remedial or maintenance work on a property you rent out, you will require tradespeople to carry out the necessary works

• Mentors – why learn the hard way and make your own mistakes and waste money?

Learn from someone who has been there, done it and still does it. You will save a lot of heartache and money

• Surveyors – they will value the property, so you can know the true market value. Then you can make an offer with confidence because you know your numbers. It may be prudent to accompany them when they visit; then you can communicate your criteria and thus avoid any unnecessary marking down of the value of the property

• Property finders – they can do the legwork and find you leads/deals, but you will have to pay them a few thousand pounds.


Dentists new to the idea of investing in property with the aim of accruing additional income are often worried about the implications of making investments. So, the final message is a caveat of sorts. The truth is, of course, that investments can go up or down.

Property investment is not a ‘get rich quick scheme’ but with proven, reliable tools you have an improved chance of success. One element of that is to work with the right team; by combining time, talents and expertise, all of you can benefit from stress-free, money-making property investment.


If you want to know more about making property investment work for you, the Dental Property Club is hosting a three-day ‘Property Advanced Workshop’ on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 September, plus Saturday 18 October 2014, in Stevenage, Hertfordshire. This programme is designed to empower delegates with the cutting edge systems, skills and strategies needed for creating an invincible advantage in the professional property game.  You can find out more here:

The content of this article is for information purposes only and should not be relied upon when making financial choices. It is recommended you seek the help of a financial adviser to assess your needs fully before making any decisions and/or making changes.


  6918 Hits
6918 Hits

Property – a wise investment. Part 2


The key to successful property investment is to approach it in the same way as the professionals. Here, we present an overview of what this means in practical terms.

A recent report, published by the Economic Voice, suggests that the UK is one of the cheapest places for property investment1. Nonetheless, this alone does not provide the recipe for success. You need to choose your property carefully and have a savvy approach when it comes to your financials.

Nobody knows this market better than those who deal in property on a full-time basis, so what might they know that we, as yet, don’t?

Let’s consider, first, sellers’ motivation; fundamental to success is acquiring property below market value. For the most part, successful investors will consider who is selling the property, not just the property itself. So, who do you want to buy from? Well, certainly not someone who is comfortable and has the time and money to wait for what they consider to be the ‘right’ offer.

We’re looking for someone in financial straits. Perhaps they’ve missed a few mortgage payments and their credit is on the line. Maybe they are getting divorced and need to split the proceeds quickly. What these types of seller have in common is that they are open to an offer below market value. Come in low (but not insultingly so), and see where it takes you; don’t be shy to negotiate. Essentially, you are looking for a win-win situation, for example to help sellers avoid repossession, which can affect their financial standing for years to come, and for you to get a good deal. Always consider what the sellers want from their situation and see if your requirements tally.

Also consider how you are going to finance these properties. The professionals know that there is more than one route for this, so let’s consider four of the simplest options:

• Apply for a buy-to-let (BTL) mortgage where, for example, you would put in 25% of the purchase price and the lender would loan you the remaining 75%

• Cash purchase is where you – the investor – pay the entire price up front

• Partial private investor input – a private investor would, for example, pay the 25% deposit (£25K) and the remaining 75% (£75K) comes from a mortgage lender

• Total private investor input, whereby you get all of the money from a private investor, so to complete a cash purchase they would lend you the entire purchase price.

The critical element is not how you finance the deal, but how quickly you can recycle your money to start the whole process again. No matter how much capital you have, you will eventually run out of money. If you use a combination of funds from private investors and advanced strategies that enable you to withdraw all your money after six to nine months, you are free to go on to another deal.

Always remember, property is a long-term investment; you’re not going to make money overnight. However, if you have the wherewithal to invest in the future, you may well be setting the scene for your financial freedom.

Please keep an eye out for Part 3 in this series, which will consider the benefits of a good team approach.



1. Accessed 19 May 2014


If you want to know more about making property investment work for you, the Dental Property Club is hosting a three-day ‘Property Advanced Workshop’ on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 September, plus Saturday 18 October 2014, in Stevenage, Hertfordshire. This programme is designed to empower delegates with the cutting edge systems, skills and strategies needed for creating an invincible advantage in the professional property game.  You can find out more here:

The content of this article is for information purposes only and should not be relied upon when making financial choices. It is recommended you seek the help of a financial adviser to assess your needs fully before making any decisions and/or making changes.

  6798 Hits
6798 Hits

Oral health in developing nations – Mark Topley, CEO Bridge2Aid

This week marks the official start of National Smile Month – 31 days of campaigning by the British Dental Health Foundation, to promote oral health across the country.

This year we are delighted to be officially partnering with the BDHF, launching our first annual National Bridge2Aid Day – Smile in Pink for Bridge2Aid on 6th June.

This will be a fantastically fun event for dental practices up and down the country to take part in, and it’s very simple - just wear pink and host a collection box on the day to help raise money for our work in East Africa.  In addition, practices will be learning about and promoting to patients, the challenges of the lack of access to simple basic emergency dentistry for most of the world.

The sad thing is that oral health education and indeed even emergency dentistry are low on the list of priorities when it comes to health care in developing countries.  This is further compounded by most countries choosing to use the little money they do have for oral health on traditional approaches is of employing a very small number of fully trained dentists along with complex equipment and expensive materials. This makes even simple treatment inaccessible to the vast majority of the population. 

In response to this, WHO launched in 2004 the Basic Package of Oral Care.  This was intended to be a community based approach to oral health which would replace the traditional western model and focus on affordable, community based delivery of basic treatment and education.

The global health community is becoming increasingly aware that oral health education is extremely important.  As well as dental caries being the number one disease of the 261 identified conditions global  there are more and more links emerging between poor oral health and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Unless we root out the causes of poor oral health and the subsequent prevalence of pain which results (which is what we get mostly involved in) then the problem will always persist.  This is why upstream interventions to teach people about oral health and get them cutting out things like sugary soft drinks and brushing regularly with fluoride toothpaste are so important.

However, if we focus solely on oral health education then this ignores the millions of people that are already in pain.  In my generation, and probably the one to come, we will not be able to see a dentally qualified person available and located within the vicinity of most people living in the developing world.  This means that for the next 100 years or so these people face a life of pain without the hope of treatment - unless we do something different.  This is why our approach to training local health workers in basic emergency dental skills is so important.

Of course it is not an either/or situation.  What we want to do at Bridge2Aid is not only to treat people through the free training clinics that we offer on our training sites, and train local health workers, but we also want to educate.  Recently we ran an interesting pilot where free toothpaste and toothbrushes were distributed during our training programmes to around 1000 patients. Our aim, and that of the sponsor, was that in being relieved of their pain and then given an education message as well as the tools and understanding of how to use them, people could prevent future problems by establishing good brushing habits with affordable fluoride toothpaste. The combination of treatment with education is key - distributing free product without a context is in my opinion not effective. Sadly that partnership is not continuing, but we are hopeful of finding partners in the future to help us build a rounded upstream and downstream strategy that tackles the pain people are currently in, provides a sustainable access to ongoing pain relief, and also educates people on how to prevent dental problems in the future.

We are very proud this week to be officially partnering with the BDHF – a fantastic organisation who work hard all year round to promote awareness of good oral health and its importance in people’s lives.  Smile in Pink will hopefully be a fantastic fun day for everybody who takes part, I will certainly be donning my pink t-shirt in Tanzania on 6th June and helping to raise awareness of 2 fantastic causes pursuing the same aims.


Sign up your organisation by visiting:



  10518 Hits
10518 Hits

Live ‘n’ Learn in Cuba

Amarjit Gill is delighted to invite you to attend the Greater International Live ’n’ Learn Dental Conference in Cuba this October.

The aim of the event is to offer delegates new insights into modern dentistry to help make dental practice easier and more enjoyable.

An oft-undervalued Caribbean island, Cuba is a sight to behold. Staying at the all-inclusive Hotel Melia Marina in Varadero, which is located in an ecological reserve, delegates and their families will find every facility they could wish for!

Part of a £50m development, Hotel Melia Marina is the newest 5-star hotel in the locale. All-inclusive, of course, means no more expenditure within the hotel’s vast grounds but that doesn’t mean a lack of options! Enjoy the cuisine of five separate restaurants, unlimited free drinks and great live music every day.

The conference itself is great value at £200 while, for a departure date of 23rd October 2014 based on two adults sharing for 10 nights at Hotel Melia Marina the cost is just £1249 per person. This price also includes return flights with Virgin Atlantic, meals on board the flight, return transfers and visas. 

At the time of publication, headline speakers include Prof. Eddie Lynch and Jennifer de St Georges, with more to be confirmed shortly…. 

This learning opportunity is ideal for any dental professional looking to learn and have fun at the same time.

For further information, please contact Gemma Barker 07595 282678 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  3283 Hits
3283 Hits

Property – a wise investment (Part 1)


Patience is a virtue, especially if you’re looking to make the most of your money in this economy! However, armed with the right knowledge and, of course, patience, property investment can make a real difference to your future.

Dentistry can become an all-consuming career, particularly when you’re the principal or partner of a practice and, as we all are, committed to improving the health of our patients. The lines between work and leisure can easily start to blur and your own health and happiness begin to suffer.

There are a number of ways to address this challenging issue, one of which is to find a path to help secure your financial future in a way that is not overly time-consuming. One such possibility is to capitalise on property market conditions that, if done cleverly, can result in a happy balance between work and home.

Now, property investment is no quick fix and there are rules, regulations and taxes to take into consideration, to name just a few potential stumbling blocks. However, with a little ‘inside’ information, all of this can be wisely addressed and, in fact, pose no hindrance.

Nonetheless, it would be remiss not to state at this point that there is no such thing as a risk-free investment; what we’re aiming to do is reduce the probability of making a poor deal and increase the likelihood of making instant equity when buying property below market value.

So, where to start? As it takes time to become an expert in one area, it makes sense to stick to your neighbourhood, as you know the good and bad areas, where parents want to send their children to school, what the transport links are like, where people find it hard to park, etc. Even knowing all this in your own area will take some time and research, but once you have done the hard work it will be a lot easier for you to spot a bargain – or not!

This is a business venture, so treat it as such. You need to:

• Have clear written goals on what you want to achieve from property

• Know how much money you have at your disposal

• Have the right team on board

• Work out how much time you want to spend on the business

• Know what marketing activities you’re going to do

• Know what strategies you will use after you have bought the property

• Know how to manage the properties.

For tips on how to approach the above-mentioned all-important points in the same way as the professionals, look out for Part 2 in this series.

If you want to know more about making property investment work for you, the Dental Property Club is hosting a three-day ‘Property Advanced Workshop’ on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 September, plus Saturday 18 October 2014, in Stevenage, Hertfordshire. This programme is designed to empower delegates with the cutting edge systems, skills and strategies needed for creating an invincible advantage in the professional property game.  You can find out more here:

The content of this article is for information purposes only and should not be relied upon when making financial choices. It is recommended you seek the help of a financial adviser to assess your needs fully before making any decisions and/or making changes.


  8898 Hits
8898 Hits

Advanced Defence Gum Treatment

Advanced Defence Gum Treatment is a twice-daily mouthwash clinically proven to treat gum disease as an adjunct to mechanical cleaning and to offer an alternative to chlorhexidine based remedies.


It's formulated with unique LAE (Ethyl Lauroyl Arginate) technology that forms a physical coating on the pellicle to prevent bacteria attaching, and so interrupts biofilm formation. When used after brushing, it treats gum disease as shown by the reduction of bleeding by 50.9% (p<0.001) in only 4 weeks.1


In addition, Advanced Defence Gum Treatment is designed to not cause staining.2


Advanced Defence Gum Treatment is part of the LISTERINE® Advanced Defence range from Johnson & Johnson, a scientifically proven adjunct to your professional treatment.


Designed to help you treat and/or prevent specific oral care conditions, this range also includes LISTERINE® Advanced Defence Sensitive and LISTERINE® Advanced Defence Cavity Guard.


With this range of expert daily mouthwashes, Johnson & Johnson is looking forward to working more closely with dental professionals to help deliver advanced treatment outcomes for patients, for expert care when you’re not there.


For more information on LISTERINE® Advanced Defence, please visit  or call 0800 328 0750.



1. Bleeding Index Reduction DOF 1 – 2013 (LAEBBA0001), 50.9% Reduction in whole-mouth mean Bleeding Index at 4 weeks

2. DOF 2-2013 (UNKPLT0006)


  4382 Hits
4382 Hits

Working in partnership with dental professionals to provide expert care

Johnson & Johnson Ltd, the makers of LISTERINE® Advanced Defence, were proud to sponsor two presentations at the 2014 British Dental Conference & Exhibition.


Dr Maria Mantzourani offered advice how to translate complex microbiological concepts into clinical practice, and provide factual oral health education and treatment to patients.


Professor Anthony Roberts examined common management challenges for patients with periodontitis, offering suggestions on overcoming these issues in practice.


On show was LISTERINE® Advanced Defence Gum Treatment, an alternative to chlorhexidine-based remedies. This twice-daily mouthwash is clinically proven to treat gum disease as an adjunct to mechanical cleaning. When used after brushing, it treats gum disease as shown by the reduction of bleeding by 50.9% (p<0.001) in only 4 weeks.1 In addition, Advanced Defence Gum Treatment is designed to not cause staining.2


LISTERINE® Advanced Defence Gum Treatment is part of the Advanced Defence range from Johnson & Johnson, a scientifically proven adjunct to your professional treatment.


Designed to help you treat and/or prevent specific oral care conditions, LISTERINE® Advanced Defence range also includes Advanced Defence Sensitive and Advanced Defence Cavity Guard.


For more information on LISTERINE® Advanced Defence, please visit  or call 0800 328 0750.



1. Bleeding Index Reduction DOF 1 – 2013 (LAEBBA0001), 50.9% Reduction in whole-mouth mean Bleeding Index at 4 weeks

2. DOF 2-2013 (UNKPLT0006)


  4464 Hits
4464 Hits

Offering a foundation in wealth management

Dr Harry Singh, CEO of the Dental Property Club, is delighted to invite you to attend his ‘Wealth Creation Day for Dentists’ on Friday 4 July 2014 in Radcliffe, Manchester.

Harry is looking to share his knowledge of the property market to empower dentists to create, build and manage their own property portfolio to provide an additional income, pension or to become financially free and work reduced hours.

Like most dentists, Harry was making good money; however, it left him working long hours and missing out on both family and ‘me’ time. Even when Harry was away from the practice, he found himself thinking about patient emergencies or complaints, as well as staff issues.


Feeling alone on a professional level and unhappy with his lifestyle, Harry sought to make a change so, as well as practising dentistry, he started to invest in property and stumbled upon some professional property secrets that helped to develop his business interests.  Harry has acquired a number of properties over a 24-month that are now worth much more than he paid for them and bring in a valuable income.


Harry would now like to share his secrets with his dental colleagues.

Spaces on the 'Wealth creation day for dentists' course are limited, so don’t delay. For further information, please visit or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  3580 Hits
3580 Hits

Win a team ticket to attend Kerr's Innovations in Dentistry Symposium, 'For the art of the smile', completely free of charge.

For over 120 years Kerr's inspiration has been to develop and manufacture a wide range of high quality dental products for your practice.

Kerr is committed to advancing aesthetic dentistry through education and sustainable solutions in consultation with wet-gloved clinicians.

This partnership approach is the inspiration behind decades of standard-setting products that make up Kerr’s rich portfolio.

Why attend the Innovations in Dentistry Symposium?

The materials and equipment available to dental professionals in the 21st century allows for superior results to be achieved – as long as clinicians embrace the opportunity to understand how these products have been designed to work.

With this in mind, the two-day Innovations in Dentistry Symposium offers visitors the opportunity to hear leading speakers discuss restorative dentistry, endodontics and new equipment that have transformed the way modern dentistry is practised.

On Thursday 3 July 2014 at Altitude 360 in Westminster, each dental team member can choose from a comprehensive range of lectures to suit their needs, accruing six hours of verifiable continuous professional development (CPD).

Then, on Friday 4 July 2014, dentists can attend restorative and/or endodontic hands-on sessions (up to a maximum of 20 delegates in each) worth three hours of verifiable CPD at Henry Schein’s Marble Arch showroom.

These interactive sessions will allow participants to hear, see and perform various cutting-edge techniques, developing skills of immediate use in the dental practice.

The speakers

Among those speaking will be Dr Chris Orr, one of the UK’s most prominent cosmetic dentists.

His first presentation will cover a structured approach to aesthetic treatment planning and delivery, as well as knowledge of simple risk management examination tools that can be applied chairside.

Taking to the podium for a second time, Dr Orr will discuss modern posterior composite and indirect restorations, covering indications and techniques to achieve successful restorations without amalgam.

Dr Orr’s third session will address the two adhesion strategies that are at the heart of today’s bonding agents, in addition to sharing how to avoid the common problems and pitfalls.

Professor Robbie McConnell, an authority on new dental materials, will be covering a review of enamel and dentine bonding systems, including which bonding techniques work best for both conventional fill and bulk filling techniques.

In addition, he will offer guidance on simplified preparation and placement techniques for anterior and posterior composites.

Following the lecture, participants will have the opportunity to place a class two composite restoration using Sonicfill.

Dr Gianluca Gambarini, professor of endodontics at the University of Rome Dental School, will show the latest improvements in nickel titanium instrumentation, describing a new approach – TF Adaptive.

The advantages of the new technique will be shown, explaining the key features.

The creation of an endodontic glide path with reciprocating stainless steel (SS) instruments will also be presented and discussed.

Kerr’s big competition

Kerr is inviting two practices – one from the north and one from the south – to attend this incredible event free of charge, to include travel by train to London and accommodation for up to 10 attendees in a hotel close to the venue (terms and conditions apply, see box for details).

For your chance to win a team ticket to the Innovations in Dentistry Symposium, simply answer the following three questions and send your answers to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before the closing date of 18 June 2104:

1. For how long has Kerr been developing and manufacturing a wide range of high quality dental products

2. Following Professor Robbie McConnell’s presentation on enamel and dentine bonding systems, what product will delegates have the chance to try for themselves

3. Where in London can dentists attend restorative and/or endodontic hands-on sessions worth three hours of verifiable CPD on 4 July 2014?

For further information or to book your place, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0845 873 6299.

Terms and conditions

Each practice can only enter once. The two winning practices will be drawn randomly. Deadline for entries – midnight 18 June 2014. Travel includes trains only. Accommodation to be specified by Kerr UK. For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  3767 Hits
3767 Hits

Get your money working for you

Dr Harry Singh, CEO of the Dental Property Club, is delighted to invite you to attend his free webinar entitled ‘How Dentists Can Get Their Work/Life Balance Back Without Sacrificing Their Income’.


Space is limited and these LIVE trainings always fill up fast. This one will be no exception, so claim your FREE place now, ahead of the kick off at 8pm Monday

( or Wednesday ( of next week.


Then simply log on to Harry’s webinar on your chosen date to find out:

• How to stop trading your time for money

• How to stop working for money and let money work for you

• How you can buy properties 20% below the market value

• How you can control a property for just £1.


In addition, Harry is the author of a number of publications, including ‘Achieving Financial Freedom: Learn how you can escape the rat race and stop trading time for money’ and ‘Get Moving in Property for Freedom and Profits: Learn how to invest in the asset of the rich and master the rules of the professional property game’, both available from Amazon and in stock now.


‘Achieving Financial Freedom’ takes the reader through the 6-step formula Harry personally use to design his life plan, achieve financial freedom and win the money game, allow him never to work again... unless he chooses to do so.


In ‘Get Moving in Property for Freedom and Profits’, Harry shares the steps to successful property investing that will propel your profits to property and lead you into the road of financial freedom.


For further information, please visit or email Harry at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


  4173 Hits
4173 Hits

The LISTERINE® Brand Supports the FDI World Dental Federation In 2014 Global Oral Health Initiative

World Oral Health Day 2014 Will Focus On Importance of Oral Care

By Celebrating Healthy Smiles



20 MARCH 2014 - UK - LISTERINE® brand Mouthwash, part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies, today announces its support of the 2014 World Oral Health Day, to be held March 20 with celebrations expected across the world from dental associations, schools and organisations. This year’s theme is “Celebrating Healthy Smiles,” to raise awareness of the importance of establishing and maintaining a proper oral care routine.


“We are proud to support the FDI World Dental Federation in its mission, which we share, to educate the global population on the importance of taking care of their teeth and mouths,” said Francesco Salvo di Pietraganzili, Assistant Brand Manager Listerine UK. “Maintaining a proper oral care routine only takes a few minutes each day but can have a lasting impact on your health.”

Worldwide, 90% of the population is at risk for some form of oral disorder, ranging from caries, periodontal diseases and tooth decay to oral cancer.[1] World Oral Health Day will help promote awareness of these oral health issues, the importance of looking after oral hygiene to everyone old and young, and how to take action and help reduce the global burden of oral disease.


The makers of LISTERINE® will offer tips for establishing healthy habits for a lifetime, which include taking a few minutes each day to brush, floss and rinse with a therapeutic mouthwash like LISTERINE®.


For more information on World Oral Health Day, visit:


About FDI

FDI World Dental Federation serves as the principal representative body for more than one million dentists worldwide, developing health policy and continuing education programmes, speaking as a unified voice for dentistry in international advocacy, and supporting member associations in global oral health promotion activities. Over the years, it has developed programmes, initiatives, campaigns, policies and congresses, always with a view to occupying a space that no other not-for-profit group can claim.


FDI works at national and international level through its own activities and those of its member dental associations. It is in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and a member of the World Health Professionals Alliance (WHPA).


For more information, visit:


LISTERINE® brand Mouthwash, part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies

Dedicated to working in partnership with dental professionals to provide expert care for patients, the LISTERINE® Advanced Defence mouthwashes are scientifically proven adjuncts to professional treatment, designed to help treat and/or prevent specific oral care conditions. The range includes Advanced Defence Sensitive, Advanced Defence Cavity Guard and new Advanced Defence Gum Treatment, an alternative to chlorhexidine-based remedies, which cuts gingival bleeding by 50.9% (p<0.001) in 4 weeks when used after brushing. 2


The LISTERINE® brand is part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies, which is the world’s sixth-largest consumer health company and is a segment of Johnson & Johnson, the world’s most comprehensive and broadly based manufacturer of health care products.


Media Contact:

Gemma Barker

Director, GG Communications Ltd

07595 282 678

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.










2 Bleeding Index Reduction DOF 1 - 2013 (LAEBBA0001)



[1] FDI World Dental Federation



  7974 Hits
7974 Hits

The world celebrates healthy smiles on World Oral Health Day

  • More than 100 countries and 70 National Dental Associations are celebrating World Oral Health Day 2014, a new record
  • Yaya Touré, Manchester City FC and African Football Player of the Year, is this year’s WOHD ambassador
Geneva, 20th March 2014 – World Oral Health Day will be celebrated through more than 150 activities worldwide today. National Dental Associations (NDA), practicing dentists, students, governments, oral care companies and members of the public have come together to celebrate healthy smiles, promote worldwide awareness of oral health and educate about the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene.
Amongst the highlights this year will be an attempt to break a national record for the highest number of people brushing simultaneously in Malaysia, free restorative treatments for children in Rwanda, and flash mobs in Malta and Moldova. To see which organizations have joined this year’s World Oral Health Day, visit the map created in the new WOHD website which pinpoints all the activities around the world:
“This year we are focusing on the importance of our teeth and mouth in our everyday lives. Eating, chewing, kissing, these are all everyday actions for which we need to maintain good oral health.” stated Dr. Tin Chun Wong, FDI President. “National Dental Associations, students, governments, and independent dentists and hygienists, and members of the public have done an outstanding job in bringing this message to everyone on such an important day, and we are extremely grateful for their efforts to make this day a success.”
This year, FDI World Dental Federation has also marked World Oral Health Day with the publication of ‘The Tooth Thief’, an illustrated story for children which includes oral health tips. This book highlights the importance of good oral health to children to instil good oral care habits from a young age.
The prologue of the book has been written by Yaya Touré, Manchester City FC player and African Football Player of the Year for the last three seasons in a row. Touré is this year’s World Oral Health Day ambassador, and as such has filmed a short advertisement that will be available online and be played on the NASDAQ screen on Times Square, New York City. The book ‘The Tooth Thief’ is available from the Apple iBook Store and Amazon and can be downloaded from the World Oral Health Day website at:
This year’s WOHD celebrations have been championed by four global partners that have provided support around the world to ensure that the activities organized by the different NDAs are a success. Jean-Luc Eiselé, FDI Executive Director noted “Listerine, Unilever, Henry Schein and Wrigley have provided unrivalled support to make WOHD 2014 the largest celebration so far in terms of countries and associations participating.”
About FDI
FDI World Dental Federation serves as the principal representative body for more than one million dentists worldwide, developing health policy and continuing education programmes, speaking as a unified voice for dentistry in international advocacy, and supporting member associations in global oral health promotion activities. Over the years, it has developed programmes, initiatives, campaigns, policies and congresses, always with a view to occupying a space that no other notfor-profit group can claim. FDI works at national and international level through its own activities and those of its member dental associations. It is in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and a member of the World Health Professionals Alliance (WHPA).
For more information, visit:
About World Oral Health Day
World Oral Health Day is celebrated every year on 20th March. The theme of World Oral Health Day 2014 is ‘Celebrating Healthy Smiles’. It reflects the major contribution oral health makes to our lives. Around the world, FDI member dental associations, schools, companies and other groups will celebrate the day with events organized under this single, unifying and simple message.
For more information, visit:
World Oral Health Day 2014 partners
LISTERINE® brand Mouthwash, part of the Johnson & Johnson Family
of Consumer Companies
LISTERINE® Mouthwash is the world’s number one daily mouthwash with antibacterial properties to clean the mouth, freshen breath and fight plaque. Over 50 clinical studies support the plaque reduction efficacy of LISTERINE® Mouthwash when used routinely as an adjunct to mechanical plaque removal. LISTERINE® Mouthwash has been used by more than one billion people in more than 85 countries. Professional dental organizations around the world have awarded LISTERINE® Mouthwash with their seals of acceptance. LISTERINE® is distributed by Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc., a part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies, which is the world’s sixth-largest consumer health company and is a segment of Johnson & Johnson, the world’s most comprehensive and broadly based manufacturer of health care products.
Unilever Oral Care is a leading global manufacturer of oral care products, including toothpaste, toothbrushes and mouthwash, represented by brands including Signal, Pepsodent, Close Up, Mentadent, Aim, P/S and Zhong Hua. Unilever recognizes that good oral health and the sense of well-being and confidence it brings, is a vital element to making people look good, feel good and get more out of life and that small every day actions, such as twice daily brushing with a fluoride toothpaste, add up to make a big difference for the world. Through its science, products, partnerships and international network, Unilever Oral Care is privileged with the power to make a sustainable and measurable improvement to oral health around the world.
Henry Schein
Henry Schein, Inc. is the world's largest provider of health care products and services to office-based dental, animal health and medical practitioners. The Company also serves dental laboratories, government and institutional health care clinics, and other alternate care sites. A Fortune 500®1 Company and a member of the NASDAQ 100®2 Index (NASDAQ Ticker: HSIC), Henry Schein employs more than 16,000 Team Schein Members and serves more than 800,000 customers.
The Company offers a comprehensive selection of products and services, including value-added solutions for operating efficient practices and delivering high-quality care. Henry Schein operates through a centralized and automated distribution network, with a selection of more than 96,000 branded products and Henry Schein private-brand products in stock, as well as more than 110,000 additional products available as special-order items. The Company also offers its customers exclusive, innovative technology solutions, including practice management software and e-commerce solutions, as well as a broad range of financial services.
Headquartered in Melville, N.Y., Henry Schein has operations or affiliates in 25 countries. The Company's sales reached a record $9.6 billion in 2013, and have grown at a compound annual rate of nearly 17% since Henry Schein became a public company in 1995.
1 The Fortune 500 is an annual list compiled and published by Fortune magazine that ranks the top 500 U.S. closely held and public corporations as ranked by their gross revenue after adjustments made by Fortune to exclude the impact of excise taxes companies incur. The list includes publicly and privately held companies for which revenues are publicly available. The first Fortune 500 list was published in 1955.
2 The NASDAQ Stock Market, commonly known as the NASDAQ, is an American stock exchange. NASDAQ originally stood for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations. It is the second-largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization, after the New York Stock Exchange. The exchange platform is owned by NASDAQ OMX Group, which also owns the OMX stock market network.
For more information, visit the Henry Schein Web site at
Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program
The Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program (WOHP) partners with dental professionals worldwide, helping them improve their patients’ oral health through one extra simple and enjoyable step in their daily routine: chewing sugarfree gum after eating and drinking on-the-go. For more than 25 years, WOHP has supported independent clinical research into the benefits of chewing gum, including saliva stimulation, plaque acid neutralization and tooth strengthening to help dental professionals and their patients understand the role of sugarfree gum as a convenient tool for everyday oral care. Today, Wrigley operates oral healthcare programs in 47 countries worldwide. WOHP is one example of how we make a difference to people and the planet through performance, and how we incorporate our principles based approach to business into all that we do.
For more information, visit:
  4020 Hits
4020 Hits

Urgent appeal for help from Bridge2Aid!!


Due to circumstances beyond Bridge2Aid’s control, the charity needs to raise at least £50,000 before the end of March 2014 to ensure its vital work can continue.

In the past few months, two things have happened resulting in a significant financial challenge for us.

Firstly, Bridge2Aid (B2A) was recently the victim of a sophisticated financial fraud in Tanzania, orchestrated by an organised crime ring. Neither the police investigation nor our own review has shown any link with the B2A team. High quality counterfeit cheques were used the day after a grant payment was received to extract a large sum of money illegally. We have taken swift action to tighten procedures and continue to pursue the funds taken, plus we have switched accounts to a new international bank.

Secondly, we’re facing a sudden, and large (70%), drop in funds from our main corporate sponsor, who dramatically announced at the end of 2013 that they would be slashing Bridge2Aid’s final payment of a three-year grant due to a large fall in their own profits. They have done this with all the projects they fund.

These circumstances mean that instead of starting 2014 with a low reserve, which we could manage, we now have a significant challenge to deliver treatment and training programmes in the first part of the year.

Our current challenge

We need to raise at least £50,000 before the end of March 2014, without which there is a very real threat to our work, including our plans of delivering vital emergency dentistry – and all-important pain relief – to more than 3 million people over the next 3 years.


So we are asking you, please, to donate NOW if you can, to help us continue the vital work that so many people have kindly contributed to over the past 10 years, and make a life free from dental pain a reality for communities in need.

How you can help

We are looking for individual and private donations in units of £40, £80 and £100 that, with the addition of Gift Aid, will give us £50, £111 and £133 in total to replace the missing funds and reduced grant, enabling the planned programmes and pain relief for millions to go ahead.

In addition, we would be most grateful if you could share our message and need with your friends and family, as well as your community as a whole, to help support us in this undertaking. If you need help organising this, please do not hesitate to contact us at B2A (

Bridge2Aid faces this huge endeavour with the courage of our convictions and the confidence that our many friends will gather around us and offer their time, talents and funds.

You can make a donation in the following ways:

  • By visiting the following page on our website:
  • Online via our Justgiving page at
  • Online direct to our bank, RBS, sort code: 16.16.20, account no. 10072646*
  • By cheque made payable to ‘Bridge2Aid’ and posted to Bridge2Aid, Well House, The Chipping, Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire. GL12 7AD
  • By calling 0845 8509877

*please notify This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. when donating online directly to our account please

We have a dental community of 50,000 in the UK. If 1,000 of those people are able to make a donation of £40, plus gift aid, we will reach our target. Please can you help us in this time of need?

  4401 Hits
4401 Hits

Key opinion leaders reach oral health consensus



On 6 September 2013, a group of key opinion leaders met with a team from Johnson & Johnson at their annual National Advisory Panel event in London to advise on a number of topical oral health issues.

At the meeting, the key opinion leaders agreed on the following consensus statement for the forthcoming year:

‘Fundamental to an individual's oral health is a high standard of plaque control. This is most effectively achieved and maintained by twice daily mechanical cleaning with a fluoride toothpaste, interdental cleaning as advised by a dental healthcare professional, and the use of a clinically proven mouthwash most appropriate to the needs of the individual. This is part of the overall package of oral care recommended by the dental healthcare professional team.’

The key opinion leaders were:

• Professor Iain Chapple, Head of Periodontology within the School of Dentistry, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham;

• Professor Philip Marsh, Professor of Oral Microbiology, School of Dentistry, University of Leeds;

• Professor Nigel Pitts, Director of the Dental Innovation and Translation Centre at King’s College London Dental Institute;

• Dr Susie Sanderson, who practises on a part-time basis within the NHS framework in the South Yorkshire region;

• Sally Simpson, a dental therapist and an active member of the BSDHT;

• Professor Jimmy Steele, Head of School and Professor of Oral Health Services Research at Newcastle University’s School of Dental Sciences;

• Professor Nairn Wilson, Chair of the National Advisory Panel and honorary Professor of Dentistry at King’s College London; and

• Dr David Winkler, a practising dentist based in Windsor and international lecturer.

Johnson & Johnson looks forward to using this consensus statement as it continues to work in partnership with dental professionals alongside the Advanced Defence range.

For further information, please contact Johnson & Johnson Ltd on 0800 328 0750.



  4336 Hits
4336 Hits

The BIG event to put a smile on your face

Kerr has always been committed to advancing aesthetic dentistry through education and sustainable solutions in consultation with wet-gloved clinicians.


Building on this this, Kerr is delighted, alongside Sybron Endo, Henry Schein Dental and KaVo, to be staging the Innovations in Dentistry Symposium – ‘For the Art of the Smile’ – in 2014.


During this two-day event, leading speakers, including Chris Orr, Robbie McConnell and Gianluca Gambarini, will discuss the latest in restorative dentistry, endodontics and equipment.


On Thursday 3 July 2014 at Altitude 360 in Westminster, dental professionals can choose from a range of lectures to suit their needs, accruing 6 hours of verifiable CPD. Then, on Friday 4 July 2014, dentists can attend restorative and/or endodontic hands-on sessions worth 3 hours of verifiable CPD at Henry Schein’s Marble Arch showroom. These interactive sessions will allow participants to develop skills of immediate use in the practice.


For further information or to book you place, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0845 873 6299.


  3359 Hits
3359 Hits

Kerr alerts dentists to curing light warning

Kerr is highlighting a warning issued by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), asking UK dentists to check if they have bought counterfeit and unapproved dental curing light devices after 261 products were sold by people on eBay.

The MHRA states: ‘The products sold on eBay have not been tested for safety or that they work. Whilst the health risk remains low, people treated with them at dental practices could experience pain through tooth decay and may require additional treatment.

‘Dentists who have bought these products are urged to dispose of them following appropriate clinical procedures.

‘They can identify them by:

  • no instructions for use
  • on the genuine devices the Woodpecker mark is at the top, this is not on the counterfeit ones
  • the electrical plug supplied is of poor quality.’

Committed to excellence, Kerr would like to reassure its customers that all of its dental curing light devices meet all relevant regulations.

For further information on Kerr’s range of curing lights, please visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01733 892292.b2ap3_thumbnail_Kerr_Logo_Blue_CMYK.jpg

  17110 Hits
17110 Hits

Occlusal education for dental technicians

b2ap3_thumbnail_Prestige-logo-2.jpgPrestige Dental was proud to offer Roger Honey’s course on occlusion to dental technicians at Oral Ceramics in Worcestershire in September.

On the course, technicians received guidance on how to communicate effectively with dentists regarding various occlusion issues that they may encounter.

Working in pairs, delegates had the opportunity to take facebow registrations in order to mount their partner’s models onto a semi-adjustable Denar articulator using a centric bite. Further bite registrations were then taken (protrusive, left and right lateral) to enable each delegate to adjust the settings on the articulator to the correct angles.

Using these mounted models, delegates were taught to recognise the kinds of problems that are visible on the anterior teeth in relationship with the posterior teeth.

Course leader Roger Honey said: ‘Unlike dentists, technicians don’t necessarily have the ability to treat patients directly and gain experience using what they’ve learned on the course. Because of this, during the course they work using their partner’s models, so that once they’re back in the lab they still have something new to practise on.’

To register your interest in attending a future course or for further details, please call Prestige Dental on 01274 721 567or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Roger Honey has over 40 years of experience as a dental technician. During his career Roger has furthered his education by attending courses at the Pankey Institute and, closer to home, has enjoyed a close working relationship with occlusal experts such as Roy Higson. Committed to sharing his knowledge with fellow dental professionals, Roger is now working with Prestige Dental to provide straightforward but enlightening occlusal education. 

  19761 Hits
19761 Hits

Cfast celebrates prestigious ‘Best Cosmetic Dentistry Product’ win

Cfast is delighted to announce it won the Best Cosmetic Dentistry Product category at the celebrity-packed MyFaceMyBody Awards held in London on 2 November 2013.b2ap3_thumbnail_0612-Cfast-logo.jpg


UK-designed and -owned, Cfast (Cosmetically Focused Adult Straight Teeth) is a fast, minimally-invasive and discreet system that straightens the front six teeth in about six months.


With devices priced at only £199, cheaper than other short term orthodontic providers, Cfast makes a great smile affordable for more patients, as well as providing a new revenue stream for the practice.


Cfast offers a choice of removable and fixed appliances, so you are not restricted to just one system. It is also kinder to the patients’ occlusion than most other systems, and therefore more appropriate for general dental practice, while its unique retention protocol allows for predictable long-term results.


Speaking about the award, Gary Dickenson, Cfast’s CEO, commented: ‘We at Cfast are so proud to have won the Best Cosmetic Dentistry Product award. Thank you so much to everyone who voted for us.


‘We have known all along that we have a fabulous orthodontic appliance, and are delighted this has been recognised by the industry and general public alike. We are now very excited to build on this success, and to continue to deliver fast, outstanding cosmetic results for patients at incredible value, as well as customer service that is second to none.’


image003.jpgThe MyFaceMyBody Awards recognise and reward brands for their product innovation, effectiveness and popularity. Attended by leading health and beauty professionals, beauty brands, journalists, TV personalities and celebrities, it is an event not to be missed.


Stephen Handisides, creator of the Awards, said: ‘We were overjoyed that so many outstanding brands, companies and personalities took part. This meant competition was fierce and the judges really did agonise over their decisions. It was a struggle to create a shortlist for consumers to vote on.’


It was then over to the general public who, by choosing their favourites, put Cfast firmly in the spotlight on the night.

From left to right:

Dr Iain Morrison (Clinical mentor and lecturer), Rhian Tarling (Graphic designer), Gary Dickenson, CEO, Dr Nick Simon  (Clinical mentor and lecturer)

For further details on Cfast, please visit, call 0844 209 7035 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..b2ap3_thumbnail_myF840.jpg


  7139 Hits
7139 Hits

Get straight to the point with buried implants

The Pointer is a breakthrough innovation, offering a new way to detect the exact location of buried implants under soft tissue without the need for an invasive procedure.


The Pointer uses a straightforward indicator system that enables the dentist to locate the exact position of the implant quickly and easily – with no need to raise a flap. When swept over the patient’s gum during second-stage surgery, The Pointer uses a green light to indicate an implant’s position. If The Pointer is moved just a fraction away from the implant in any direction the light turns off.  Once located, simply use a tissue punch or, to save tissue, perform a cross incision to gain access.


The Pointer also enables the dentist to administer a reduced dose of anaesthetic, treatment time is halved, there is no need to suture the gum, and the possibility of post-treatment complications is considerably reduced.


‘The Pointer is like a metal detector which shows you exactly where the implant is. It is very useful in cases where the implant is buried, especially where the patient is wearing dentures during the healing process,’ says Graham Browning, Director and Principal Dentist at South Coast Dental Specialists in Wimbourne in Dorset.


The Pointer is available in the UK from Prestige Dental. For more information, please call 01274 721 567or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..b2ap3_thumbnail_Prestige-logo-2.jpg

  17352 Hits
17352 Hits

Working in partnership with dental professionals to provide expert care

NEW Advanced Defence Gum Treatment cuts gingival bleeding by 50.9% (p<0.001) in just 4 weeks when used after brushing1.b2ap3_thumbnail_Listerine-AD-GumTreatment.jpg


Johnson & Johnson is pleased to announce the launch of Advanced Defence Gum Treatment, the newest mouthwash in a range that addresses specific oral care conditions.


Plaque is the major cause of gum disease2,3. Used as an adjunct to mechanical cleaning, Advanced Defence Gum Treatment helps to treat gum disease, as it is formulated with LAE (Ethyl Lauroyl Arginate) technology, which forms a physical coating on the pellicle to prevent bacteria from accessing and attaching to the pellicle proteins, interrupting plaque biofilm formation and maturation1.


An alternative to chlorhexidine-based remedies, this twice-daily mouthwash is clinically proven to treat gum disease as an adjunct to mechanical cleaning. It has been shown to significantly reduce gum disease at 2 weeks (p<0.001) and cut gingival bleeding by 50.9% (p<0.001) in just 4 weeks1.  


In addition, Advanced Defence Gum Treatment is designed not to cause staining4 and has a crisp mint taste.


The arrival of Advanced Defence Gum Treatment mouthwash strengthens the Advanced Defence range from Johnson & Johnson Limited, which includes Advanced Defence Sensitive and Advanced Defence Cavity Guard.


For more information on LISTERINE® Advanced Defence Gum Treatment, please contact Johnson & Johnson Limited on 0800 328 0750 or visit





1. Bleeding Index Reduction DOF 1 - 2013 (LAEBBA0001)

2. The pathogenesis of human periodontitis: an introduction. Page RC, Kornman KS. Periodontology 2000 1997; 14: 9-11.

3. Accessed 26 September 2013

4. DOF 2 - 2013 (UNKPLT0006)


  14674 Hits
14674 Hits

Unbeatable interdental cleaning on offer!



The team at JETPIK is excited to announce its brand new Smart Floss unit will be on show at the BSDHT’s Oral Health Conference & Exhibition on 15 and 16 November at ICC in Birmingham.


As a special deal for BSDHT delegates, JETPIK is being offered at a 50% discount throughout the event.


Offering an unbeatable cleaning action that pulsates 20 times per second to tackle stubborn areas, laboratory tests show that JETPIK Smart Floss is twice as effective at removing plaque biofilm from human teeth as a high pressure water irrigator.


The ‘Go-with-Water’ design of JETPIK combines the essential power of floss with clinically proven water and air irrigation to allow floss to reach all areas of the mouth, even below the gum line and between teeth.


JETPIK Smart Floss improves overall oral health and assists in combating gum disease. In addition, for patients who wear braces, JETPIK offers the ideal oral hygiene solution.


JETPIK was launched in the UK last month at Dental Showcase, where the team on the stand was kept busy demonstrating its benefits.


Commenting on the launch, Richard Van Peebles, JETPIK’s Business Development Manager, said: ‘We were delighted by the turnout, and we’d like to thank everyone who visited us. Next on the agenda is the BSDHT event, where we’re very much looking forward to showing delegates why JETPIK is so special.’


To see JETPIK in action for yourself, please visit their stand.


For further information, please visit or call 01268 544588.

  4478 Hits
4478 Hits

A quantum leap in curing light technology

A quantum leap in curing light technology

Kerr is delighted to announce the launch of the Demi™ Ultra LED Ultracapacitor Curing Light System at the BDTA Dental Showcase on Stand N14.

Representing the latest technological advancement in dental curing from the Kerr Demi™ brand, it is the first curing light to free dentists from both batteries and cords, while offering the unmatched performance and reliability of a Demetron curing light.

Committed to providing the very best for its customers, Kerr asked potential purchasers what they were looking for in a new curing light. In line with the responses, the product offers:

• A non-degrading power source

• Battery-free and cordless operation

• Rapid recharge in 40 seconds or less

• Uniform depth of cure

• Low heat generation without compromising cure time (C.U.R.E. ™ technology)

• Simple and intuitive operation and maintenance

• Unit swap should failure occur

• Warranty extension

• Accidental damage cover.

For more information, please call Kerr on 01733 892292, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or visit

  5686 Hits
5686 Hits

Coming soon – a paradigm shift in curing light technology


Kerr is excited to reveal that a new curing light that meets all your ‘wants’ is to be launched in October at the BDTA Dental Showcase on stand N14 and will soon be available UK-wide.

Committed to providing the very best for its customers, Kerr asked potential purchasers what they were looking for in a new curing light. In line with the responses, the product offers:

• A non-degrading power source

• Battery-free and cordless operation

• Rapid recharge in 30 seconds or less

• Uniform depth of cure

• Low heat generation without compromising cure time (C.U.R.E technology)

• Simple and intuitive operation and maintenance

• Unit swap should failure occur

• Warranty extension

• Accidental damage cover.

Keep an eye out for Kerr’s upcoming announcement that will reveal the name of this exciting new light, even more benefits, and when and where you can see it for yourself.

To contact Kerr, please call 01733 892292, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit

  10807 Hits
10807 Hits

Unbeatable interdental cleaning with NEW JETPIK


b2ap3_thumbnail_Jetpik_logo2-300x176.jpgThe team at JETPIK is excited to announce the UK launch of its JETPIK Smart Floss at BDTA Dental Showcase on Stand C06a.

 As a special Showcase offer, dental professionals who choose to make JETPIK available to patients through their practice will  have the opportunity to buy a new unit at a reduced rate to discover the benefits for their patients.

Offering unbeatable inter-dental cleaning action that pulsates 20 times per second to tackle stubborn areas, laboratory tests show that JETPIK Smart Floss is twice as effective at removing plaque biofilm from human teeth as a high pressure water irrigator.

The ‘Go-with-Water’ design of JETPIK combines the essential power of floss with clinically proven water and air irrigation to allow floss to reach all areas of the mouth, even below the gum line and between teeth.

JETPIK Smart Floss improves overall oral health and assists in combating gum disease. In addition, for patients who wear braces, JETPIK offers the ideal oral hygiene solution.

To see JETPIK in action for yourself, please visit Stand C06a or visit for more information.

  7604 Hits
7604 Hits

Complimentary consultations on offer during Tooth Wear Awareness Month


This October, the London Tooth Wear Centre® is offering complimentary tooth wear consultations (while appointments last) as part of its Tooth Wear Awareness Month.


The aim of Tooth Wear Awareness Month is to raise national awareness of this growing problem.  The most recent statistics from the Adult Dental Health Survey, 2009 indicate that over 75% of adults and more than 50% of children show signs of tooth wear.  If we continue as we are, this is set to get worse.


The complimentary consultation will ascertain whether your patient is suffering from tooth wear, as well as offer advice to help prevent further problems if appropriate. The patient will also be advised to continue to consult with you for their routine care as appropriate.


The London Tooth Wear Centre® offers an evidence-based and comprehensive approach to managing abrasion, attrition and erosion, utilising the latest clinical techniques and an holistic approach in a professional and friendly environment. It is headed up by Clinical Director Professor Andrew Eder, a Specialist in Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics. He is also Professor/Honorary Consultant at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute.


If you are concerned that any of your patients may be showing signs of  tooth wear, simply ask them to contact the London Tooth Wear Centre® by call 0207 486 7180 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to set up an appointment for a complimentary consultation.


For more information as well as terms and conditions, please visit


  8650 Hits
8650 Hits

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