Rodericks Dental Brings Eye Care Back Into Healthcare

Rodericks Dental Brings Eye Care Back Into Healthcare




Dedicated to providing excellent patient care and dental treatment, Rodericks Dental is extending its services to bring eye care back into the healthcare setting.


It seems that too often these days, a visit to the opticians puts more emphasis on retail than healthcare. A trip to the opticians can feel more like shopping than tending to important eye conditions.


Rodericks is looking to change this by providing a combined healthcare solution for their valued dental patients that focuses more on their healthcare needs and giving advice on how to take care of their eyes.


The first Rodericks Dental Eye Care successful service was opened more than year ago from Buckingham House Dental Practice, with second following last year in Luton House Dental and Eye Care. Providing the same patient-centred care the group has become known for in dentistry, Rodericks is excited to watch the service develop and open more eye care services in the coming months.


Rodericks Dental – proud to be the corporate with a difference.


For more information please visit www.rodericksdental.co.uk

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Building Highly Skilled Practice Teams of Tomorrow - Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing

Building Highly Skilled Practice Teams of Tomorrow - Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing

Introducing the new Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing – an exciting opportunity for modern dental practices to develop a highly skilled team – brought to you by Healthcare Learning and Barnet and Southgate College in London.


A leading supplier of dental education, Healthcare Learning will deliver high quality content and on-going support for all apprentices. Widely recognised learning platforms such as the Dental Nurse Education Zone (DNEZ) will also be made available to apprentices, offering them even more resources to complete their studies and maintain their skills in the long-term.


Barnet and Southgate College has extensive experience in successfully providing a wide range of high quality apprenticeship programmes across various different industries, and will be delivering first-rate classroom-based workshops for dental nurse apprentices as well as providing full quality assurance for the overall programme.


Benefits of getting involved


The first clear benefit for practices getting involved with the programme is that their apprentices will learn on the job, developing the hands-on skills and experience they need to excel in the role of a dental nurse. What’s more, the majority of the course is delivered through online webinars from Healthcare Learning, so apprentices will need to take little time away from the practice.


The programme reflects all the clinical responsibilities of modern dental nurses, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, behaviours and practical workplace experience they need to perform the role effectively. For the practice, this affords complete confidence in the capabilities of the apprentice upon completion of the course to fulfil the duties of a dental nurse effectively. Plus, team members working alongside apprentices have an opportunity to help mould them into highly accomplished professionals, who understand and align with the principles and values of the existing team and business.


For practices that meet the criteria, there is also extensive funding to subsidise the costs of training each apprenticeship. The government has pledged to boost apprenticeships by creating 3 million programmes by 2020 and the Dental Nursing programme is a key beneficiary of this initiative. Therefore, the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) will deliver £2 for every £1 the practice invests, up to the £6,000 core funding cap. For practices that qualify for all the additional government incentives, while they will initially invest £3,000 per apprentice, they are set to receive £3,600 in rebates once the course is completed and so will actually benefit by £600 per apprentice.


A bright future


The Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing provides students with a Level 3 Diploma in Dental Nursing, which is equivalent to two A-levels. Not only does this enable apprentices to register with the GDC and embark on a long and successful professional career in dentistry, but it also offers enormous potential for them to undertake further training in order to advance and move onto senior roles. All this continues to benefit the practice – highly motivated staff with the chance to progress can help expand the services available and drive the business forwards.


Intake for the apprenticeship programme begins every few months with the next start dates in early 2016. An eligibility criteria form is available to provide a quick assessment of candidates’ suitability for the course. Generally, candidates need a grade C or above in GCSE English and Maths.


The Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing provides a fantastic opportunity to develop a highly skilled and experienced workforce for the future success of every dental practice. Find out more today.



For more information or applications contact Healthcare Learning

 Tel: 020 7400 8989

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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3525 Hits

Can you do more to ensure children get the treatment they require?

 Can you do more to ensure children get the treatment they require

Recent research has revealed that only half (53%) of UK parents, with children under the age of 12, take their children to visit the dentist regularly[1]. Furthermore, just a quarter (25%) of parents believe it is important to take a baby to the dentist as soon as they develop their first baby tooth. This coincides with reported figures that suggest dental caries among children are rising[2] and that more children in England are being admitted to hospital because of tooth decay than for any other reason[3].


These worrying trends highlight the need for healthcare professionals to educate parents on the importance of regular check-ups. Creating a more child-friendly practice could also help to improve the number of children visiting and encourage them to return.

Starting with the entrance and reception area, practices should be inviting and put both adult and child at ease from the moment they walk in the door. Parents should feel comfortable enough to want to bring their babies to the practice, so that the dentist can check on the development of the milk teeth and ensure any problems or signs of decay can be identified and addressed early4.

A small number of changes can be made within the practice to enhance a child’s experience, for example:

  • Smaller chairs for children to sit on
  • A specific area in the waiting room with toys, comic books and magazines
  • Experienced and friendly staff who can help to build a child’s trust
  • Providing stickers, sugar-free sweets or healthy snacks for children at the end of their treatment.

It is essential to gain a patient’s confidence within the operatory room, and despite including some of the above changes, the dental chair can remain a particularly daunting place. Climbing into an intimidating chair and letting a masked, gloved stranger poke around in their mouth can be a big deal for some young patients[4]. It is important that all patients feel safe and relaxed, and a dental unit that looks and feels comfortable will help achieve this.

A modern stylish dental unit, such as the innovative Skema 8, will reassure patients that they are going to be well looked after and help keep stress to a minimum. Developed by leading manufacturer Castellini, the Skema 8 is designed to optimise the workspace while improving patient comfort. Dentists can work easily without leaning over the patient, and by not intruding so much on a child’s space this may reduce worries and ensure a quick and efficient appointment.

Maximise comfort and provide a professional service to all your patients with the Skema 8 – contact the experienced team at Castellini to find out more.


If you want more information on how to receive Castellini Technical Accreditation, please call 08000 933975 and speak to Castellini UK Ltd directly for assistance.


[1] Dentistry. Worrying trend with oral care in children. Published online 27 July 2014, link http://www.dentistry.co.uk/news/worrying-trend-oral-care-children? [Accessed 2nd September 2014].

[2] Moynihan, P. J. (2002). Dietary advice in dental practice. British Dental Journal, 193, 563-568.

[3] British Dental Health Foundation. Charity responds to child tooth decay hospital admissions. Published online 14th July 2014, link http://www.dentalhealth.org/news/details/801 [Accessed 2nd September 2014].

[4] Mirror. Avoid a dental drama with new child-friendly approach. Published online 29th April 2009, link http://bit.ly/1ql48sB [Accessed 2nd September 2014].


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3708 Hits

An excellent event – CIC 2015, from Healthcare Learning

An excellent event – CIC 2015, from Healthcare Learning

Brought to you by Healthcare Learning in association with Sterling Dental Group and Practice Plan, the Clinical Innovations Conference (CIC) 2015 presented some of the industry’s most exciting innovations and latest technologies. Not only this, but the event gave attendees an excellent opportunity to gain up to 14 hours of verifiable CPD, in the form of a dynamic and eclectic lecture programme.


Included amongst a prodigious line-up of leading speakers were Chris Barrow, Dr Komal Suri, Bob McLelland, Sheila Scott, Jansie Van Rensberg and Tony Knight. The topics of their presentations were truly diverse and catered to a wide range of interests and specialities – but were united by truly forward-thinking philosophies.


The event was perfectly balanced by the Clinical Innovations Awards, held on the Friday evening in association with MyDentist. A chance to celebrate some of the achievements and innovative successes in the profession last year, it also gave delegates the opportunity to relax and network with like-minded colleagues.


Be sure to keep up to date with Healthcare Learning for information about next year’s event – sure to be as inspiring and educational as this year’s. Don’t miss out!


For more information call 020 7400 8989, visit www.healthcare-learning.com or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

And follow us on twitter for all the latest @smileonnews @hlc_smileon

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16381 Hits

Grow your Practice Cost and Hassle-Free - Valerie Bostrom

Valerie Bostrom from Munroe Sutton

Many modern companies in all industries offer an array of employee benefits. There are various different schemes available, from those that provide tax incentives for employees cycling to work, to others supporting child care costs. The nature of the benefits provided will depend on each team and their individual needs.

Aside from the obvious compensations to employees, these benefit schemes also offer advantages to the employer and business. Happier staff tends to increase their engagement and maximise productivity, ultimately having a positive effect on profitability.

Healthcare benefits will also help improve the health and wellbeing of staff for reduced sickness absences. These are probably one of the most cherished schemes offered, as they entitle employees to private health and dental care, with a considerable proportion of the cost covered.

But how is this relevant to you as a dental care provider?

Most dental practices are run as a business, and an increase in new patients, higher frequency footfall and busier chair occupancy is the ultimate goal from a ‘bottom-line’ perspective. By being part of these healthcare plans and working with those who offer them, patients who use the cover will come to you for their treatment. There are businesses out there that manage healthcare plans in this way, liaising with insurance companies and dental providers to provide the highest quality of dental care for those who take out cover.

Munroe Sutton has more than 3 decades of experience in designing, organising and managing dental plans that improve the affordability and accessibility of quality dental treatment. Their dental plan was created by dentists, for dentists, so is committed to providing fair compensation and supporting the patient relationship. By working with leading financial, insurance and healthcare companies, as well as the smaller local unions and trade associations, Monroe Sutton is able to promote your practice to a huge number of new patients, all at no cost to you.

Further still, Monroe Sutton believes in prompt payment for the services provided to healthcare plan patients, ensuring a reliable cash flow.

Attracting new patients is an integral aspect of your business’ success, and it doesn’t have to be time-consuming or expensive to you. By getting involved with the healthcare and dental plans offered to businesses and individuals, you can not only help more people enhance their oral and general health, but also build your patient base and grow your business.


For more information please call 0808 234 3558

or visit www.munroesutton.co.uk

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4508 Hits

Challenge Principles for Contract Reform 2014-5

Key principles underpinning the CHALLENGE approach to a new GDS contract in 2014/5


Any new system must concentrate its efforts on delivering –


·         Improved oral health for the population as a whole

·         An oral care system that patients understand and can trust

·         A profession that can take pride in its work


These are the simple but important features of a successful contractual arrangement between the dental profession and the Government.


In addition, CHALLENGE would say that the following issues are just as important -


·         A system where the roles of the state and of individual service providers  are crystal clear

·         A system in which the NHS and non-NHS system work in combination, not in opposition

·         a system in which the profession is encouraged and empowered to act professionally


Whatever emerges from the discussions between the profession and the NHS must be able to demonstrate that it has matched these issues with due sensitivity to the needs of both sides. Both sides need to recognise the need for fiscal control and integrity and both sides need to understand that if high clinical standards are required then the funding has to be there to support those standards.





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