What makes a successful banner ad?

What makes a successful banner ad?



A few basic things are always needed in a banner ad to ultimately give you an excellent click through rate. (CTR) We have collected our experiences and thoughts together to produce a short blog on what makes a successful banner advert.


A clear call to action (CTA), has to make sense for your product or service. Such as “Shop Now”, “Learn More” etc. A call to action always has to be included.

Secondly the banner ad can be compared to the billboard in the street, the consumer has a split second to decide if they are interested in the product or service. So you need to decide what you want the consumer to see and take away in those few seconds you have to grab attention to your product or service. This can be a catchy headline, an aspirational image or a hybrid of the two!

Basic animation is also always recommended. Animated GIF is therefore recommended over a static image. Keep it simple and to the point, telling a story rarely works. But the advantage of the animated GIF is that you can put together a  series of frames then combine them in such an order that will eventually form some sort of animation and attract attention.

A theme I always go back to when talking to customers is the landing page. The clickthrough needs to land on a landing page that delivers what the banner ad promises. So that when you do secure the click from the consumer, you make sure they get the information the consumer desires. So basically you need to ensure you promote a product or service and not a website / homepage!

This blog - http://www.boxofads.com/blog/always-fine-tune-your-landing-page/ sums up the value of a landing page quite nicely. While designing a campaign think about it as a whole, an ad makes the first impression, and a landing page is a continuation of this impression.

We also recommend that our clients don’t just have one version of the their banner ad. We always say to test the colours, the CTA or the headline and see what works in line with the branding of your business. The software we use (DFP) can handle more than one ad in the space you book, so it's always worth testing a few banners and seeing what performs best. The same can also be said of landing pages as well.

Thanks for reading, hope this short guide to what makes a successful banner is useful.

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Part 9. Engagement

Part 9. Engagement


In Part 9 of this series, we take a look at engagement and the number of options we have to engage with potential customers. 

Online advertising lets you know a customer's exact level of engagement. You can see how many impressions and clicks an ad has and where the ad has been clicked. This again gives you the marketer, a lot more information than ever before.

Although the click to a landing page is a form of interaction and engagement, the measure of engagement is often based on other criteria and seen as a compliment or an alternative to measuring the traditional click which has been historically the first form of engagement taken into account. So this means this could be via content, ads or audience interaction.

You therefore can see what has been effective for your product or brand in achieving engagement; comments, impressions, shares, recommendations, social media, contact forms, competition entries etc

You might have circulation and readership data for a print publication, but you can’t know how much time customers spend interacting with your ad, how much time they spent on your website, if they researched more of your products, and whether that ad led to conversions. In fact, with print it is impossible to even see if someone has seen the ad in the magazine. Print advertising is often just following the old adage of “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” (John Wanamaker (1838-1922) At least with online ads, you get to see how much engagement there has been.

An online presence gives you all of a whole range of valuable data and places you in a position to learn where your most engaged prospects live, work or interact. With a bit of research you can find out where your potential customers congregate, whether that is a forum, social media or a marketplace like Amazon or Ebay.

This access to data means you can start to reach people where they are most engaged and where they are genuinely interested in receiving your message.

When using social media, online ad engagement can then be used for engagement retargeting, which is now used by all major retailers and marketplace sites.

To summarise this part  of the series, online advertising has all the right skills not only to attract your potential customers but to get them properly engaged and totally involved in what product or service you are looking to offer. Online advertising opens a world or opportunity and options to get your client engaged within your story. 

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Part 7: Affordability

Part 7: Affordability



Compared to TV or print ads, online ads are still relatively low-cost for companies who are looking to reach their desired market.

Additionally, online advertising tools give you the ability to lower your budget or even stop your campaign within a few seconds. Print or TV operates on contract basis, and when you are in a contract, things are not always as flexible.

Because you are spending less with online ads and have the flexibility to reduce costs or spend more instantly, advertising online gives you a loads of options for your marketing campaign.

With the added flexibility that online ads provide, the amount of options you suddenly have are a huge advantage. The ability to publish a number of ads at once, or change the ad as often as you want is a huge advantage. This flexibility is all part of the package and therefore the costs don’t rise. If you advertise on a billboard or in print, you can’t adapt your message instantly and you certainly can’t change the message as you go along.

According to this article on whether online advertising is expensive, which I have to say does go off some generalisations and is US centric they sum up their article with the following statement:- “Offline, traditional marketing costs an average of $22.00 per impression as opposed to $3.45 per impression with online marketing.”

Online advertising reflects modern society in being instant, flexible and results driven! If you are looking for value in your marketing, you have to be looking online.

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Part 6. Flexibility

Part 6. Flexibility


"Flexibility - the ability to be easily modified."

Online advertising campaigns can be adjusted with a few clicks or changes to a banner.
You have the flexibility to respond to incoming data and make changes instantly. Similarly, you always have the ability to pause a campaign or adjust your marketing plan within minutes. This flexibility allows you to stay in front of your customers– anticipate customer needs and adjust your ads before anyone even notices.


At GDPUK we offer extra flexibility because our software gives the customer a number of options when they book a space on our site. Via our DFP software, our customers can actually run more than one advert at once in a given month. This means one of our customers can actually advertise two things or more from the same booking. One of our clients is currently using this method to advertise a number of offers at once. Added value and flexibility from GDPUK!

Having the option to change or adapt a campaign as you go along is another advantage to online advertising. Once you send an ad to a magazine it can’t be changed but with advertising online you can always experiment and adapt as the campaign develops. Online advertising definitely provides flexibility.

Part 5. Brand Awareness can be read here.

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Satisfied GDPUK Client

Satisfied GDPUK Client

We recently received a call from a client, that ran an advertising campaign last year on GDPUK. They were offering free trials of their new product for members of our community to try in their practice and also to provide constructive feedback on this particular product to the manufacturer.

Ten units were sent out by the manufacturer and each dental practice was given a couple of month's trial to see how the product performed.

Rather impressively, 8 out of 10 of these trials turned into a purchase of the product, which obviously shows the confidence the manufacturer had in giving the dentists a trial and also that the dentist received impressive results when using the equipment, that they knew the product would help improve patient care and safety.

From our perspective, it shows that an attractive offer, catches the attention of our 10,000 strong community and leads to sales for the manufacturer. The advertiser found their target audience, produced a campaign that caught the attention of our readers and turned it into sales.

Always great to receive positive feedback from our clients.

If you would like further information on how we can help you reach your target audience, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Part 1: Introduction

Part 1: Introduction


As mentioned previously, 2017 marks the 20th year of GDPUK.

GDPUK.com is for dentists and dental professionals to discuss all aspects of their profession, their practice and their business, centred on the UK. Subjects dissected have been diverse, from tips on simple techniques to guidance on buying major equipment, to discussions on the various practice management software packages, and of ongoing developments in British dental politics.

Moderated in Manchester, England by Dr Tony Jacobs BDS, the Group was started in Summer 1997, and continues to grow rapidly.

GDPUK.com also publishes UK dental news, and has had many exclusive stories, as well as being able to publish the latest news relevant to dentistry before other dental news providers. In addition GDPUK blogs, both editorial and product updates are well read throughout the dental profession and industry. A unique feature is the @DentistGoneBadd visual blog.

The group now has nearly 10,000 members, and attracts interest and sponsorship from major companies involved in the dental trade.

Blog Series

To mark this anniversary, we thought we would put together a 20 (get it!) part series of blogs about online advertising and all the advantages of it. Over the next 19 blogs, I am going to look into detail at the reasons that online advertising is effective and why a medium like an online community can be perfect for your brand …. Especially If you are looking to reach a target audience.

Over the series of blogs, we will explore all the elements of online advertising from how you can be creative, the opportunity to increase brand awareness, plus the adaptability and flexibility of online advertising.

Advertising online can no longer be viewed as a new medium, it is extremely well established but we hope this series can convince the sceptics but also prove useful to anyone who is looking to do some powerful marketing of their brand or product in the year ahead. Please get in touch we any queries or questions.

Hope you enjoy this series of blogs. Thanks for reading.

Happy New Year.

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Having an Option in the Digital Publishing Era

Having an Option in the Digital Publishing Era

Over the years, I have mentioned that online advertising has a number of advantages. You can read those articles here and here.


In 2016, we started using DFP, which is a Google programme that serves ads for our clients on to our main site.

One of the exciting features of this software is the ability to serve more than one ad at a time for our clients, to more than one URL. This is a great way of advertising a number of your services or products at once via one booking of a slot. It also has the added advantage of keeping the ads fresh and distinctive for the audience, who may not have interest in one product but an advert for something else from the same company may catch the eye. So a win/win for both the advertiser and the audience.

Yes it can mean more banner designs are needed but the advantages far outweigh this extra work for your design team.

So as you can see this is an amazing advantage compared to traditional advertising, not only is your advert seen thousands of times a month but when compared to print, you can display more than one advert in one position. Another example of modern technology improving the experience for all.

For further information about working with GDPUK and how we can help you reach thousands of dentists, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will be glad to help.

GDPUK will also be visiting next week's BDA Conference and Exhibition in our home city of Manchester. Get in touch if you would This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..




Digital Dentistry Blog on GDPUK

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8 amazing reasons that you should embrace Digital: The benefits of digital over traditional print media.

8 amazing reasons that you should embrace Digital: The benefits of digital over traditional print media.


Trade media has been slow to embrace digital but below you will find 8 compelling reasons why now is the time to embrace digital media. The way we all use and share content has totally changed, with the large majority of people under 40, using only digital mediums when looking for news, information or opinion. Dental publishing is no different.


This change is now picking up speed, with the number of dentists reading and joining GDPUK growing all the time. The start of 2016 saw the site go over 20,000 threads created on the forum, which has produced an impressive library of content and knowledge. As dentists spend the majority of their time online, the companies looking to reach dentists will also do so.

Below are our 8 reasons that you should start embracing digital media.


  1. Lead generation / Data

For years advertising in magazines has been based on brand recognition but now with digital you can gather data from who visits your site, or who is interested in your product. The opportunities are endless. We are currently helping with a product trial in conjunction with a leading dental manufacturer who are offering products to our users on a trial basis, in return for feedback on the product. 10 dental practices were successful with their application and have now received the product. By encouraging engagement with our community, the manufacturer is also gathering data and generating potential leads as well as increasing brand awareness.


  1. Back Catalogue

Online publishers are constantly publishing content, whether it's blogs, daily news or the 20,000 + threads created by our community. A monthly or weekly magazine, are very rarely stored by anyone for more than a few months and it’s not straightforward to search for a particular article or opinion piece. All our content can be found online.


  1. Gain extra exposure

With over 4000 visitors a day to the site, we have a large number of eyeballs looking at our content. Online publishers receive a large number of readers on a daily basis, some of our news articles will receive thousands of views in a week. Instead of a banner being seen once, your ad will get seen numerous times in a month by one user!


  1. Visit an exhibition every day of the week!

In the dental industry there are a number of events cropping up on a weekly basis which unfortunately crowd the market for the established shows. Sites like our own often have thousands of visitors a day which is like an exhibition every day of the week, so the value of advertising when compared to exhibiting is exceptional because you are getting thousands of eyeballs on your product or service a day.


  1. Measure what works

The ability to be able to measure how many impressions your ad has received or which content is engaging users is an incredible advantage. Digital methods provide real-time results.


  1. Experiment with content - Flexibility

Another amazing advantage of digital is the ability to experiment with your ad or content. With our software you can even run more than one ad at a time and advertise two products or services at once. Ads can be tweaked or amended at any time giving tremendous flexibility. Make changes quickly based on real-time metrics and performance. There is no need to wait 12 months to identify what is and what is not working.


  1. Community

With a digital community content can be shared instantly. Obviously not everything is going to go viral but when your marketing efforts get shared, it is a great way of increasing engagement and exposure.


  1. Control your Sales Funnel

With a well functioning landing page you have extra control in your customer's journey. When an ad appears in a magazine you hope they remember the brand or remember to call you, but with a well designed landing page, you can capture information in a much quicker and less random manner. I have written previously on the importance of a good landing page, read more here.

Thanks for reading, get in This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information about GDPUK.com.

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The 4 Advantages of Using a Targeted Landing Page

The 4 Advantages of Using a Targeted Landing Page
A landing page is a single web page that exists or is created for the sole purpose of getting your user to take action. 
In the past I have looked at landing pages and why they are an important part of any marketing strategy. I thought this was something that was definitely worth revisiting. So much of our marketing is now online we have to look at how we attract and keep any leads we attract. 
  1. Landing pages are the key to converting the leads that click on your facebook or banner ad. So whether you are asking for contact details in exchange for a white paper, offering a demo piece of dental equipment, a targeted landing page is going to help you convert those visitors.
  2. Using one specific landing page for your campaign also gives you a clear idea if the marketing campaign is working or not. If you are still getting a high bounce rate on your targeted landing page, the page may need tweaking or reworking slightly. If traffic goes to your homepage, it is impossible to see why the leads aren’t taking the next step. The landing page can always be tweaked and then you can see if your results improve.
  3. Having one page also lets you narrow your focus and remove the clutter you would expect on a homepage. The page should enable the visitor to find the information a lot quicker. This keeps the visitor focused on the product or service you want them to look at. 
  4. Landing pages need to be seen as part of your sales team. Can the page sell your service or product to the level you would expect? You obviously wouldn’t expect your salesperson to convert every single lead they receive but you would expect a certain proportion. You need to look at your landing page in the same way. The page needs to be converting the clicks.
Therefore the landing page always needs a clear call to action and hopefully you will start seeing some positive results.
So when should you be using landing pages?
  • As destinations for your banner ads.
  • To create anticipation for a new product or service you are offering the dental community.
  • To promote a special offer that you don’t normally offer. The landing page can expire after one week or a month, it is upto you. 
  • To segment your audience. You may want a landing page that is aimed just at endodontists for example. 
If you have a target audience in mind, you need to start thinking about how you are going to reach that audience. Once you reach them, how will you keep them engaged? Designing a targeted and focused landing page is a great step to getting a return on your marketing budget. 
Get in touch if you would like further information on GDPUK and where our site can fit into your marketing plans.
Have a great week
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What produces a successful advertising campaign?

In my role as Sales Manager at GDPUK, I often get asked what kind of campaign works well on the website and I am always happy to give a few suggestions which I hope helps the client and gives them a few ideas to take away and ponder.

Below are a few bullet points of the suggestions that have come to mind in recent times. Please feel free to add to the suggestions.

The idea behind the list below is that it hopefully gets the client creating an interesting campaign that then gets them a return on their investment and builds a long-term business relationship with our publication.

Our users do notice the adverts but it is upto the advertiser to catch their attention enough that they become fully engaged with the message. The fact that a banner gets shown thousands of times in a month is an obvious advantage of advertising online, your brand has an extra chance of getting noticed on a popular blog or forum thread.

So what are some simple, straightforward methods of getting noticed? A few brief ideas below.


  • A good, simple, well designed landing page, that matches the campaign / campaigns. I have blogged about the importance of landing pages before. Read more on this link.

  • Experiment with different designs / styles for the banner ads, see what is successful and look to implement banners in different colours and fonts.

  • A competition or prize draw to get data for your business, as well as create some buzz around a new product or service.

  • Supplement all advertising campaigns with PR that matches the advertising and is shared on social media. Run the same advertising / PR on your social media pages, so it increases brand awareness.

  • A successful campaign has been with a company who have used client testimonials "I love using this xxx dental software because...." So showing that fellow dentists use the product and it works for them, creates a positive message.

  • A social media campaign that includes advertising on dental websites but run in tandem with social media. For example an equipment manufacturer could collate photos of dentists using the handpieces in their surgeries etc. Create a pinterest style collage.

If you would like to discuss any of the brief suggestions above, we will be attending the BDIA Showcase at the NEC in Birmingham. We can be found on stand F215. All my contact details are below.


Our new media pack for 2016 is also now available for download. It is available here and if you click the image below.


Thanks for reading and hopefully see you in a few days. Cheers.

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Why Would A Dental Practice Want A Mobile App?

Why Would Your Patients Want Your Mobile App?

mobile appWhen the developers of the dental mobile app first approached me this was the first thing I said to them. Let’s face it why on earth would anyone want to to got the trouble of downloading your mobile app?

First let me explain what a mobile app is. If you have a smart phone either Apple or Android, you will almost certainly have lots of apps on it. For instance to access the iTunes store, Google maps, etc. etc.

Apps are now the best way for all companies to communicate to their customers, but why would anyone want a dental mobile app?

The answer is you make it worth their while to download and use your mobile app!

Firstly you have to advertise the app, particularly in your practice. Patients can download the app simply by pointing their mobile phone at a QR code in your reception. But they need a reason to download it in the first place.

So here’s why they will not only download the app but use it.

Mobile app Loyalty Scheme

There is a built in loyalty facility on the app. Each time your patient comes into the practice they scan a QR code in reception and this puts a tick in a box for them. When they have a certain number of ticks on their app they get a reward from you, maybe an electric tooth brush or a free hygiene session of a bottle of wine, it can be anything. This feature not only guarantees that your patients continue to come and see you but they use the app every time they come to the practice. The app does all this for you automatically.

Mobile app Referral Feature
There is the most amazing referral feature on the mobile app. Did you know that the average Facebook user has between 50 and 100 friends on it? The apps referral feature will send a message to every one of their friends urging them to download the app. If just 100 of your patients do this for you, you’ll reach between 5,000 and 10,000 new potential patients.

But why  would the do this for you? Because you reward not only the referrer but also the person being referred and the app does all this for you. When one of your patients gets let’s say five of their friends to download your app, they are rewarded by you, when a person is referred, they get something off their first appointment, you win, your patient wins, the new patient wins.

You can’t buy advertising like the mobile app

Why because just think of this, if you advertise with Google or Facebook, the press or any other media it is just that “an advert”. Whereby when your patients send a referral to their friends this is a thousand times more powerful. Because it’s word of mouth advertising, but on an industrial scale.

It’s estimated that 50 of your patients sending our a referral to all their friends is worth £1,000 of Google advertising, and that app costs just £50.00 per month. A fraction of the cost.

So don’t hesitate you need to call me on 01767 626 398 or email me at enquiries[at]dentalmarketingexpert.co.uk  or visit the website www.dentalmarketingexpert.co.uk or visit our Facebook page

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Balancing the Digital Dentistry Stool | Chris Barrow

Balancing the Digital Dentistry Stool | Chris Barrow

The concept of digital dentistry is a three-legged stool. In no particular order, those legs are digital equipment, the tools used to make teeth; digital smile design, the way you treatment plan; and digital marketing, the way you get people in through the door.

I frequently speak about what is known as the ‘adoption cycle’. This is a bell-shape curved graph, and working from left to right you have ‘innovators’, ‘early adopters’, ‘late adopters’ and ‘laggards’. At the far left hand-side of the curve, you have the few people who are keen to try something new without any concrete evidence. The ‘early adopters’ are those who will try new things once some evidence of their success is made available, and the ‘late adopters’ will only jump on the bandwagon once solutions are tried, tested and refined. The ‘laggards’ tend to be those who are open to very little change, if any at all.

As a group, dentists are not brilliant at moving through the adoption cycle. The majority of dentists operate at the ‘late adoption’ stage of the curve, with the next largest group ‘early adopters’ and an ever-diminishing number of ‘laggards’. There aren’t, unfortunately, many dentists working in the ‘innovation’ phase either, although this is somewhat understandable – as trained medical professionals, they want to see clinical evidence of new products or technologies working effectively before they employ them in their own businesses. This does, however, make the process of innovation and development quite difficult in dentistry, as suppliers and manufacturers have limited options regarding who will trial their latest products.

Digital equipment

There is a growing range of dental technologies available on the dental market designed to facilitate the reproduction of natural-looking and functional dentition. Equipment has been advanced and refined over time to now produce clinical results of previously unparalleled accuracy and quality, enhancing the standard of dental treatment provided to patients, increasing their satisfaction and therefore helping businesses to grow. Technologies have also been developed to streamline the clinical and management workflows within practices, allowing more efficient daily processes for happier and more relaxed staff.

The umbrella term of ‘digital equipment’ now includes everything from milling machines to CAD/CAM software and 3D printers, but its place on the adoption cycle varies between countries. In the USA, for example, digital equipment is in the ‘early adoption’ phase, but the UK is slightly behind in the ‘innovation’ stage. This is an opportunity for the manufacturers of digital technologies in the UK and Europe to expand their market reach, and we will continue to see the arrival of more new equipment on British shores in the near future for this reason.

Digital Smile Design (DSD)

Here we start to get into the territory of Christian Coachman – a kind of ‘Photoshop on steroids’ for enhanced treatment planning. Once again, much of the developed world is currently moving into the ‘early adopters’ stage with regards to DSD, while the UK remains in the ‘innovation’ step of the curve. Deployment of the DSD concept may be somewhat slow here at the moment, but it offers huge potential for those who invest.

Digital Marketing

This embraces the lifecycle marketing concept that is now working its way through the dental arena. Following seven proven principles, digital marketing involves attracting new patients, encouraging them to return and encouraging referrals for new business from them. When considering Google, pay-per-click, adwords, search engine optimisation and effective website design, most dentists in the UK are probably towards the top of the curve, moving from ‘early’ to ‘late adopters’. Even the most cantankerous principals now widely accept that a practice website is necessary for the growth of a modern business. When you look at elements such as Facebook advertising, however, most practices will slide back down to the ‘innovation’ stage very quickly. This is a similar story when you consider CRM software, such as that available from InfusionSoft, and automated email marketing.

Don’t break a leg

It is essential for dental practices to look at all three legs of the digital stool in order to successfully adopt the concept and technologies and use them to enhance the patient service provided. This is particularly important for independent practices – corporates and large groups of practices will take more time to innovate and implement the changes needed as they have more management levels to work through. Independent, single practices have the opportunity, therefore, to get ahead of the game and distinguish themselves from the competition.

We at 7connections can provide any bespoke advice or information you might need to make sure you remain at the cutting-edge of dentistry, while also helping you optimise your business for maximum long-term success.


For more information about 7connections and the business coaching opportunities available, please call 01647 478145,

email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. or visit www.7connections.com

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4833 Hits

Your Dental Website, What's Important?

Your Dental Website, What’s Important?

The answer to this question “Dental Website, What’s Important?” is incredibly simple really and it’s this: (1) You need to attract as much traffic to your site as possible (2) You need to convert as much of that traffic as possible.

Most businesses view their website as something that they have to tick the box and can say, yes we now have a website. The fact that the only people who know it exists is themselves, friends and family never seems to come into the equation.

Having a dental website built can cost many thousands of pounds and take up a great deal of your time and effort, only for it to lurk in the shadows never being seen by anyone. It’s a little like setting up a new dental practice in the middle of a field and wondering why nobody is coming!

The best and most reliable way to drive traffic to your website is to use Google Adwords. This will take you to the top of page one of Google in most instances or at worst you’ll be over on the right hand side of the first page see below.

Dental Website

When someone looks for your site on a mobile device this is even more important as normally you’ll only ever see the websites that are using Google Adwords advertising or pay per click (PPC).

Google normally allocates the top three slots for paid advertising which means that if you don’t advertise your website with them the best you can ever hope for is position number four and to get to this position you have to be very, very, very good at optimising your dental website.

So let’s assume you’ve decided to pay Google an amount each day to display your dental website and people are landing on the particular page you want them to land on. You now have to convert them from browsers to buyers.

Take a look at the two websites below:

dental website

Dental Website







I’m sure you’ll think that the page on the right is much prettier than my page and you’d probably be right, but my page will outrank the other page in Google rankings and also out convert the one on the right by a factor of 1000% here’s why.

On the left of my page is a video which automatically starts running when someone lands on the page, this immediately gets and keeps their attention. On the page on the right is a nice photograph.

On the right hand side of my page is a picture of my book, and a line saying click here to download my book or have one sent in the post for free. However to actually get the book you have to give me your email address and name and this is key.

If you are selling anything that is of a higher value such as an implant on your dental website, invariably people will not just pick up the phone and book an appointment now, simply because whenever we buy things of a higher value we want more information and this is where the email comes into play.

When someone gives you their email address it is placed in what we call an auto responder, this does exactly what the name implies, it automatically responds. So you can have a series of emails spaced out over the next three or four months that will automatically be sent to your subscriber.

This means that when they do eventually decide to have that implant or have their teeth straightened or have a smile makeover, invariably they will choose you because you have been sending them information for that last three months.

That’s how we convert browsers into paying patients on your dental website.

If you would like to know more about our website service, with video and auto responders built in, call me on 01767 626 398 or email me a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website www.dentalmarketingexpert.co.uk

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How To Use Facebook For Research

Start Using Facebook For Research

Facebook for research

Neil Sanderson

It wasn’t so long ago whenever you took to the high street or went to the supermarket that there was a nice lady or gentleman with a clip board who would ask you if you had a few minutes spare to answer a few questions was it?

It seemed that they were everywhere asking you questions on every subject from which biscuits you prefer to where you go on holiday or what car you drive etc. etc.

But now you barely ever see one of these people, because the smart corporations have started to use Social Media or more particularly Facebook for Research.

Using Facebook for research is not only a lot cheaper but it is much more accurate too. So what do you need to do to use Facebook for research in your dental practice?

Once you have a couple of hundred fans of your page you can start to see patterns. The best tool for this is the insight tool under people, which gives you just about every bit of information you can think of about the people who “like” your page.

You can see the split between gender, how many people fit into particular age groups, when people are online and looking at what you do, the information is invaluable to build your audience and communicate with them, Facebook for research purposes really has no rivals at all.

If you are thinking of launching some sort of promotion or launch a new product or service, you can test this out on Facebook before you invest your time and effort into it.

There are several aps you can run on Facebook that will let you run surveys. So for instance one of my clients was thinking of changing his opening hours and offering late opening or weekends. We ran a survey for him on Facebook and it turned out that most people didn’t actually want late evenings they wanted to come to the dentist before work e.g. early mornings.

Facebook for research

A section of Facebook insights

You might think of going on a course for straightening or offer a new type of whitening, so run a survey with your likes and find out if there is a ready market waiting to take your new products or services.

But you don’t really have to go to the time and effort of running a survey if you don’t want to, simply ask your fans what they would like to have on your page.

Facebook is a very interactive medium and is ideal for simply asking your audience questions. So once you have decided that you are going to launch a particular service or you are going to make a special offer Facebook is also great for telling you how large your market is too.

First you create an advert for something like teeth whitening, you can then target it at exactly the audience you want and Facebook will tell you how many people fit that profile. Let’s say you are going to launch straightening and your Facebook research told you that the best age group for this would be 30-40 year olds.

You can specify that you want to just target this age group in your area and Facebook will tell you exactly how many people your advert will reach. As far as I know there is nothing that comes close to this type of market information and how this can give you laser focus with your advertising.

If you would like more information on Facebook for research or any other type of Dental marketing information, call me on 01767626398 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website www.dentalmarketingexpert.co.uk

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