CALCIVIS featured on BBC Scotland

CALCIVIS featured on BBC Scotland


Adam Christie the CEO of CALCIVIS was interviewed by BBC Scotland this week. He spoke comprehensively about the development of the CALCIVIS imaging system and told viewers how this innovative new dental device is helping to revolutionise preventative dentistry.

Filmed at a dental practice in Edinburgh, Adam showed how the CALCIVIS imaging system works and explained:

“Using a recombinant photoprotein, the CALCIVIS imaging system identifies free calcium ions released from actively demineralising tooth surfaces.”

Viewers saw how the CALCIVIS imaging system produces a very short, low-level flash of light that is detected by an integrated intraoral sensor and presented as a glowing, digital map at the chair side. It was agreed that CALCIVIS offers dental practitioners an early detection device to identify enamel demineralisation in the earliest, most reversible stages, which enables them to plan prompt management to prevent dental caries.

In addition, the non-invasive CALCIVIS system helps patients to understand their risk of dental caries more easily and motivates them to improve oral hygiene levels.

As Adam Christie explained to the BBC, “CALCIVIS is a first for British Dentistry. Never before has it been so easy to detect areas of active demineralisation so efficiently.”

If you would like to know more about this remarkable technology, contact the CALCIVIS team today.


To find out more about CALCIVIS visit

or call 0131 658 5152


  3972 Hits
3972 Hits

Diary of a Wimpy Dentist (2)

Diary of a Wimpy Dentist (2)

  10018 Hits
10018 Hits

Zany Principals


  7946 Hits
7946 Hits

Become excellent

Become excellent



Enlighten, the only whitening service that can truly guarantee a whiter smile, is going one step further to improve the standard of UK tooth whitening.


With it’s exciting new Regional Centres of Excellence scheme, Enlighten is giving aspiring UK practices the chance to become the go-to tooth whitening expert in your area. By offering access to Enlighten’s own extensive network of contacts and marketers, member practices will be put on the map – and enjoy increased numbers of patients as a result.


What’s more, the Enlighten team will be on hand to provide exclusive in-practice training to ensure that your staff knows exactly what is involved in the tooth whitening process. As such, your team will become one of the most useful sources of promotion, able to answer any of your patients’ queries with ease.


The Enlighten team will also offer expert marketing assistance, to ensure that your practice becomes known for excellent service and guaranteed results.


Membership to this business-changing initiative is limited, depending on regional interest and uptake, so ensure you contact the Enlighten team as soon as possible to register your interest and take the first steps towards becoming a Regional Centre of Excellence.


For more information, visit, email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the team on 0207 424 3270

  3164 Hits
3164 Hits

Medic Footprints - Alternative Careers and Wellbeing for Doctors.

Medic Footprints - Alternative Careers and Wellbeing for Doctors.


I’m Abeyna Jones -  the Co-Founder of Medic Footprints. (pictured above)

With a background of drastic career changes moving to South Africa (& back), switching from surgery to Occupational Medicine, and also working out how to manage my own various health problems along the way - I realised that my journey was not so unique, yet the topics were still relatively taboo amongst our profession.

Hence, having created Medic Footprints in 2014, I’m proud to say we’ve grown to a community of >10k.

We are now looking to expand further with the aim to support all medical professionals needing independent support networks focusing on career change and wellbeing.

Who Are We?

Medic Footprints seeks to provide medical professionals with the tools and resources to explore alternative careers in a supportive wellness environment.

We are a social enterprise for doctors, by doctors.

Are we encouraging doctors to leave medicine or dentistry? We’re not. But, we are encouraging doctors to explore their career options beyond the conventional confines of a hospital or clinic.

We help with providing ideas of what options there are out there for doctors and what sort of plan should be made, remembering that a doctor’s career doesn’t have to be in medicine.

What We Do.

Our mission statement is as follows:

  • Raise the visibility of the wealth of careers available to doctors, beyond traditional medicine,

  • Promote bespoke wellbeing initiatives for doctors

  • Support doctors in achieving their true career potentials by developing invaluable skills beyond their clinical practice, essential for great medical leaders in any domain.


We organise and promote events in medicine, entrepreneurship and business and encourage doctors to reach out. A growing number of medical professionals are burnt out and exhausted from their stressful and tiring jobs - we are here to support exactly those people and build strong, meaningful networks of like-minded doctors.

Doctors tend to possess strong transferable skillsets, a passion for helping people and business minds, and we encourage these to be developed, explored and nurtured.

How you can get involved in our community?

Visit our website - - a huge free resource of information regarding career change for medical professionals

Join our free membership for updates on events, and activities. Our next event is a workshop about  Succeeding as a Medic in Business on 22nd April 2017 at the London Business School.

Write for us - we welcome contributions of all kinds in the world of alternative careers and wellbeing

Save the date for 27/8 Oct 2017 - our third annual extravaganza of alternative careers. Not your average conference!

  6859 Hits
6859 Hits

Carestream Dental – Here To Make Your Life Easier

Carestream Dental – Here To Make Your Life Easier



Carestream Dental strives to make your everyday life easier with each solution that it brings to the market.

Its latest offering is specifically for Denplan practices, who now benefit from a new integration between the CS R4+ practice management software and the Denplan / PreViser Patient Assessment (DEPPA) tool.

Without requiring a separate log in, you can view previous assessments or start new DEPPA examinations all from the clinical screens in R4+. For the latter, either the appropriate records will be automatically updated or new patient files will be created.

Patients can complete DEPPA questions on an easy-to-use Wacom tablet and receive a print out or an email copy of their examination (which is automatically recorded in the patient’s communication tab).

This new integration is in addition to the previous benefits available to Denplan practices, such as automatic updates on Denplan patients, real-time review of fees paid and information on patients who have moved away but not updated their address at the practice or with Denplan.

To find out more about to fully utilise your CSR4+ software for Denplan patients, contact the friendly team at Carestream Dental today!


For more information please contact Carestream Dental on

0800 169 9692 or visit

For all the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter @CarestreamDentl and Facebook

  6007 Hits
6007 Hits

Why Shares Can Be A Good Thing - Richard Lishman

Why Shares Can Be A Good Thing - Richard Lishman

Historically, stocks have achieved an average return of around 10 – 12 per cent over the long-term, and are notoriously well known for outperforming safer investments such as bonds or savings accounts. As such, having a share in the ownership of a company can be a worthwhile investment, particularly if you are willing to put your money into a riskier venture.

There are two main classes of stock: these are known as common or preferred. As the name suggests, common stock make up the vast majority of shares available and are generally considered to entail the most risk. Indeed, if the company goes bankrupt, shareholders do not receive any money until the creditors, bondholders and preferred shareholders are paid. On the plus side, being a shareowner entitles you to a portion of the company’s profits, so if the going is good, you could potentially see a significant return on your investment.

By owning stock(s) you are also entitled to one vote per share when it comes to electing the board of directors at annual meetings. So while having shares doesn't give you any power in the way the business is managed, your voting rights means you do have an opinion in who is in charge, and by association, the direction of the company.

Preferred stocks, however, don’t usually afford the shareholder the same rights, so if this is important to you as an investor, it is crucial to choose ventures that do allow you to vote. The other aspect to take into consideration is the way in which the money is paid out – unlike common shares, investors are usually guaranteed a fixed lifetime dividend, which could be ideal if you are looking for a safe, consistent income for retirement. When deciding upon which type of stock to invest in, it is always worth considering the option of a collective investment scheme. This is where shares are pooled into one investment to maximise returns and minimise tax.

There are innumerable different companies that you could potentially invest in, so before you make your move, take the time to shop around. And, if you are looking to make a much larger investment, you could consider taking over a dental practice. Indeed, if an incorporated practice is looking to sell, it will usually do so through selling their stock – as more often than not the principal owns the majority, if not all of the shares. By buying these shares you take over as the main owner of the practice, which holds numerous opportunities.

All in all, there are a number of roads to go down with shares, which if you play your cards right, can pay dividends – literally! To get the most out of your shares or for advice on buying or selling, it is best to seek guidance from an Independent Financial Adviser, such as those at money4dentists.

There is a lot to consider when trading shares, so make sure you are prepared – getting caught out will cost you.


For more information please call 0845 345 5060, 0754 DENTIST, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit



  4426 Hits
4426 Hits

Highly recommend whitening

Highly recommend whitening


“From the moment I started working with Enlighten, I knew I was dealing with something I hadn’t really experienced before,” says Dr Kunal Patel, owner and principal dentist of Love Teeth Dental Practice. “The team was incredibly proactive and generous – and, unlike other tooth whitening companies I have dealt with, had a vested interest in its clients and their patients.


“I think I was initially drawn in by Enlighten’s branding and marketing – which is all of a very high quality. I knew immediately that it was a product that was very much in line with the kind of practice I wanted to create.


“I also discovered that Enlighten can guarantee a great result – the only whitening product I can think of that can do so. Of course, this is incredibly important to patients and helps us dentists strengthen the bond of trust we have with them. Indeed, I trust Enlighten products to achieve that ideal B1 shade – and my patients trust me.


“Now, Enlighten whitening has become an integral part of our treatment process. I undertake many smile makeovers and orthodontic cases – both of which have a natural synergy with whitening products. I’ve found that patients are happy to pay the extra cost for whitening when having their smile altered – it’s the perfect way to finish off treatment to an incredibly high standard.


“As such, I would wholeheartedly recommend Enlighten products to any dentist!”


For more information, visit, email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the team on 0207 424 3270

  4371 Hits
4371 Hits

Brexit – implications for buying a practice

Brexit – implications for buying a practice


The Brexit vote has had an immediate and dramatic effect on the UK’s credit rating and the value of Sterling. The UK is now seen as a less safe place to invest in and less secure to lend money to.


PFM Dental Director, Jon Drysdale, says: “The decision to leave the EU could affect your plans to purchase a dental practice and makes it even more vital to have a robust business plan. Lenders will undoubtedly pass on the increased costs of borrowing although against this it unlikely the Bank of England will impose an interest rate rise.”


The UK remains one of the world’s largest and strongest economies with good banking liquidity, relatively low unemployment and perhaps the potential for improved terms with global export markets. If you subscribe to this view, the cost of borrowing money will probably stabilise and remain at a reasonable rate.


All of this emphasises the need for buyers to examine their business plan and the cost of running a business. Are you being realistic about the interest rate you can achieve? Do your projections stress test for rise in the cost of borrowing?


For more information about PFM Dental services go to:

  11629 Hits
11629 Hits

The Big Brexit

The Big Brexit


Richard Lishman from Money4Dentists shares his thoughts on Brexit and what it will mean for Dentists in the UK.



So it’s happened. Voters in this country have supported a split from the European Union and, for the first time in just over forty years, the UK will be heading out into the future without its Continental neighbours.

When the news broke on the 24th, there was a lot of panic and uncertainty. The FTSE 100 dropped approximately 8.7 per cent, the strength of the pound plummeted to levels unseen for almost 30 years and the Prime Minister, David Cameron, announced his plans to step down in October. A pall of hysteria seemed to envelop the country… but is it really that bad?


Well, the most important thing to remember is that nothing is going to happen over night. A lot of things are up in the air right now, but they will settle. The market has gone up and down for years but it has always normalised. If we look back to the Scottish referendum, the FTSE experienced similar turmoil, but it went back to normal quickly enough. The main thing is to stay calm and not be too hasty in despairing.


In some cases, there may even be a chance for people to make a little money. In terms of equities, some may stand to make money if they buy carefully whilst prices are down and wait patiently for when the market returns to normal. Indeed, by being careful and investing wisely there can be much to gain at the moment. Of course, many individuals may be tempted to sell rather than buy right now, but this is more a product of inexperience than financial foresight. People are anxious and when they start to see the risk, they can panic and make mistakes.


It would be far better to approach this change with consideration and patience. Once the market has settled and the smoke has cleared, people will almost certainly have forgotten about the day we Brexited.


For dentists, one of the most crucial things to remember is that people will always have teeth – whether they’re part of the EU or not. The population will not suddenly stop needing to go to the dentist. There may be an initial dip in attendance whilst uncertainty reigns, but this will more than likely return to normal in due course – dental pain, after all, is and likely always will be a constant.


One thing, however, that some dentists may need to consider, if they achieved their qualifications in the EU but now practise in Britain, is that these may not be valid once the UK become independent. Of course, this is an eventuality that is still a long way away from becoming a reality, but it is something that might be worth researching to cover your bases.


But on the other hand, there may even be a chance for the UK dental economy to flourish. UK dental laboratories could see an increase in business if practitioners no longer have the option to work with overseas laboratories due to quality and standards incompatibility. Similarly, dental tourism may begin to tail off if EU dental qualifications lose their value in the UK and flights abroad increase in price.  


There are a lot of negatives that could come out of Brexit, but there are also a lot of positives that can be found – and these are most certainly worth looking for. Of course, if you are ever uncertain or concerned about your financial situations in the days and weeks following Brexit, it is always worth contacting an Independent Financial Adviser for, if nothing else, a little reassurance.


For more information please call 0845 345 5060 or 0754DENTIST.

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit

  5215 Hits
5215 Hits

Your ever increasing Dental plan provider fees

Your ever increasing Dental plan provider fees

Q. Would you like to reduce the cost of running your practices’ dental plans?

Q. Do you question the value of the fees your existing plan provider charges; Denplan, Practice Plan, DPAS, CODE, IndepenDent or another provider?

Q. Are you tired of admin fee increases applied by your exiting plan provider?

Q. Are you unsure of the exact fees you pay to your existing plan provider and would like help in completing a cost-benefit analysis?


If the answer is ‘Yes’ to any of above questions Patient Plan Direct would like to meet with you to explain and explore how they can help your practice achieve a successful plan provider transfer and save thousands in costs year on year thanks to a £1 per patient per month admin fee which includes: practice-branded solution, Worldwide Dental A&E cover, support from a dedicated client services team and business development manager, as well as plan promotional material and much more.

To contact Patient Plan Direct and book an exploratory meeting Call: 0844 848 6888 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or to find out more visit

No matter how many plan patients you currently have, Patient Plan Direct can help you make big cost savings.

Your practice could achieve the same benefits and results as the following sample of practices that have already transferred their dental plan administration to a practice-branded solution with Patient Plan Direct…

BV Owen Dental Practice, North Wales

  • Almost 1,000 Care plan patients.
  • Previously paid their plan provider nearly £2.50 per patient per month.
  • High patient retention when transferring.
  • Now saving over £15,000 per annum in plan admin fees.

“These cost savings have helped towards a practice refurbishment we had been keen to undertake for sometime. Patient Plan Direct deal with things quickly and proficiently and our plans run like clock work”

Read the full story HERE


High Street Dental Practice, West Sussex 

  • Previously paying fees for access to services they did not require.
  • Needed a provider that was flexible and low cost.
  • Transferred to Patient Plan Direct with a high retention rate.
  • Now saving thousands in costs.

“We found the transfer to be hassle free.  As proved by the loss of members in the transfer being less than 1%.  We have gained approximately 18% more members over the last 6 months. And it continues to grow”

Read the full story HERE


Farleigh Dental - North East Surrey

  • Principal questioned the value of their previous plan provider shortly after purchasing practice
  • Almost 1,500 plan patients.
  • Needed an approach to running the practices’ dental plans that included simple and secure administration, low running costs, a quality A&E cover for patients and access to expertise to help with all things plan related as and when required.
  • Transferred to Patient Plan Direct and significantly reduced plan administration costs by around 50% which represented huge operational cost savings.

“Did I lose lots of patients as a result of the transfer? No, we lost a handful of plan patients – no more than we would normally expect as a result of an annual price increase mailing to plan patients. Am I glad we took on the move? Absolutely”

Read the full story HERE

  4851 Hits
4851 Hits

Its no secret I'm . . .

Its no secret I'm . . .

It’s no secret that I’m firmly in the Remain camp.

Until recently, the EU was a largely irrelevant part of my life; something that is there, that I don’t need to worry about, that was barely noticed in the background. But the claims by those wishing to leave have turned passing indifference into passionate support.

I am strongly pro-free market, I believe in personal liberty, and in economic liberalism, but with fairness for all, meaning the removal of artificial barriers and monopoly trading. The EU has delivered this in spades; we know that if we buy Romanian pork, it is made (or rather should be) to the same standards as pork produced in the UK; we know that if we travel abroad, we will be treated according to over-arching laws.

The EU provides regulatory framework; it makes sense that where trans-national trade is concerned, the rules are arrived at through trans-national organisations. But we must also place human rights into the fray – it is not right that a company in one country can produce an item using labour that is forced to work 60 hours a week whereas another country can only allow 35 hours. Trade is increasingly globalised and our companies compete with companies from all over the world. What the EU promotes is a level playing field for all companies, allowing survival of the fittest, while ensuring that competitive advantage is not derived by transferring the costs from company to workers. If we all play by the same rules, only the strongest company will survive. If the rules are different, then one country can make their workers’ pay for the success of their businesses.

We also have harmonisation of regulations. This means that our companies have access to other countries’ internal markets that could otherwise be blocked through unnecessary or discriminatory legislation – perhaps the best example being the German purity laws, which created an artificial barrier for non-German beer to be sold in Germany. The EU forced Germany to remove these barriers for imports, and as a result, you can buy a can of Tennent’s Super in a supermarket in Bremen, should your fortunes be so unkind.

Britain has always been a trading nation, from the tea clippers in the days of empire, to the financial trading of the 80s and the digital marketplace of the naughties. We must remain relevant. We must modernise as life changes around us. We are better placed to trade as part of the EU, we are stronger in the EU and we share a bright future trading with our European brethren.

I have already voted to stay in the EU, not because of what I fear we will lose if we leave, but because of what we stand to gain by remaining part of the EU.  


Duncan Scorgie is a dentist practising in Midlothian


Image credit -Abi Begum under CC licence - not modified.

  5680 Hits
5680 Hits

Last refuge of a scoundrel?

Last refuge of a scoundrel?

“Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel,” stated Samuel Johnson.

We have seen England football fans with their aggressive displays of false patriotism, Nigel Farage with his “blokey” 1950s English image, both suggesting that the past was some sort of rosy era that we can head back to. The whole Brexit campaign smacks of a distasteful arrogance that the British are better than the continentals.

I am a Special Care dentist, and I remember being startled and gratified in equal measure to find that a profoundly autistic non verbal man presents exactly the same dental treatment challenges in Ireland as in France as in Greece.

Your non verbal autistic man has no concept of Brexit and Patriotism, but maybe he can teach us how shallow, ignorant and superficial our debate and thinking has become on this issue. 

I have many friends as dentists whose origin is from countries such as Bangladesh, India, Spain, Ireland, Italy and Greece. We have far more in common being dentists than our national and cultural differences divide us.

My late father landed in Normandy on D-day plus six, and often told me he never wanted to experience war again. The EU has many failings, but has kept the major players in Europe from warring with each other. That is why I would vote to stay in.


Neil Martin is a Special Care Dentist in Northamptonshire.


Image credit -Abi Begum under CC licence - not modified.

  5929 Hits
5929 Hits

We must stay IN!

We must stay IN!

We must stay in!
We are the civilised and ancient democracy!
We must strive to exert change from within.
Our mistake was not joining at the beginning and before you start I know it was personal politics De Gaulle etc!

The whole argument has horrified me because...there are NO Facts just subjection!!!

I feel we are in a smaller world with more connections..why do I want to leave and become smaller??
I like my European family and think they have so much to teach US!!
We should be paying MORE because we are so lucky!
We should be caring for the less fortunate!
In fact I think that we should STAY BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT!!


Dr Alisdair McKendrick is a GDP in Northamptonshire.


Image credit -Abi Begum under CC licence - not modified.

  5375 Hits
5375 Hits

The problem with PDS contracts - John Grant

The problem with PDS contracts - John Grant

John Grant of Goodman Grant Solicitors explains the difficulties that NHS orthodontists may encounter when the time comes to sell their practice…

It is often the case that the majority of NHS orthodontists will have a Personal Dental Services (PDS) agreement rather than a General Dental Services (GDS) contract, which, unfortunately, can make it difficult for a contractor to sell.

This is because PDS contracts are time-limited; at present, the longest contracts are being renewed for three years. While LATs are likely to grant this, there is nothing obliging them to do so. Indeed, if an LAT were to decline a renewal request, there would be nothing an orthodontist could do.

The second issue is that, unlike GDS contracts, PDS contracts cannot be transferred  using the partnership route . Since 2006, NHS practices have been bought and sold by introducing a partner to the contract with the seller subsequently retiring – resulting in a  smoothish transition from one principal to the next. As this is simply unavailable for PDS contracts, on the face of it they are unsalable.

In 2006, there was a change in the law that allowed dentists to incorporate their businesses. After years of uncertainty in 2013, NHS England introduced its incorporation policy – effectively making incorporating possible – if by no means guaranteed. For orthodontists, this created the opportunity for the sale of their contracts: by transferring the practice’s assets, including the NHS contract, to the limited company. Then, by selling the shares in the company  the value of the practice could be realised.

Nowadays, however, the LATs’ attitudes towards incorporations have changed. More and more often, they are requesting tangible benefits – and the focus tends to be on the patients. Typically, their requests manifests as a request for extended opening hours; a recent case saw an incorporation application denied because the practice refused to commit to more than an extra hour a week, showing how stringent the LAT can be in this regard.

Of course, assuming the LAT does agree to the incorporation in principle, the problems for the contractor will not suddenly cease. At this stage, the LAT will produce a Deed of Novation – which operates to transfer the NHS contract to the limited company. Included in this document are two sections of which practitioners must be particularly aware.

The first is that the LAT will require a guarantee from the contractor that the contractor will personally guarantee the performance by the limited company of the NHS contract. This does not represent a problem whilst the contractor holds the shares in the limited company – it places them in no worse position than they were prior to incorporation. Complications arise, however, after the sale of shares, due to the way in which the deed is drafted unless amended the personal guarantee will continue even after the contractor has sold their shares.

Secondly, a Deed of Novation will include what is known as a change of control clause, which subjects any transfer of shares  of 10% or more in the Company (which obviously will be the case on a sale)  to the approval of the LAT. This essentially puts the decision as to whether the principal can sell in the LAT’s hands – and if they were to refuse it would be extremely difficult to challenge that decision.


John Grant of Goodman Grant Lawyers for Dentists - a NASDAL member

For more information call John Grant on 0113 834 3705 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  4169 Hits
4169 Hits

Advertise your Course or Conference on

Advertise your Course or Conference on


Thanks for clicking through to find out more about advertising your course, conference or website on


Get noticed by the thousands of Dentists on GDPUK every month.


Below we have put some excellent pricing for advertising on the site from April 16 onwards. We believe the site is an exceptional place to attract dentists who are interested in learning on your course or conference in 2016.


Advertise your course one month at a time, improved pricing offered for 2 or more months booked. Please get in touch for more information.


All advertising includes 2 PR pieces per month published on the site, which we share on social media to our 5,000 + followers.


Advertising Options start from £250+vat for the month


All banners appear in rotation with other banner ads throughout the month you book.


Email banner - appears on our daily digest emails - 468x60px

Usual Price …. £395 + vat  …….Special offer - £250 + vat


Forum banner Spot 2 - appears on forum pages on left hand side of page - approx 30,000 impressions per month - 300x250px

Usual Price - £475 + vat ……. Special offer - £325 + vat


Forum banner Spot 1 - appears on forum pages on left hand side of page, above Spot 2 - approx 30,000 impressions per month - 300x250px

Usual Price - £550 + vat ……. Special offer - £395 + vat


Leaderboard Banner - available from May onwards, appears on all pages of the site at the top, 728x90px

Usual Price - £950 + vat ……. Special offer - £750 + vat


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book your space on the site and

get your course advertised in front of your target audience.

  4487 Hits
4487 Hits

I Spy a Dentist

Types of Dentist

  11666 Hits
11666 Hits

You’re never too old to wear a brace - Tim Bradstock-Smith

You’re never too old to wear a brace

With near-invisible options available, plus faster treatment times, it is no surprise that more adults than ever before are embarking on orthodontic treatment.

With the means to afford it, they know that improving their teeth will benefit them professionally as well as personally, particularly if they add an adjunctive treatment like whitening. Orthodontics are now much more stable than they were in the past; correcting work they had done as a child is also highly appealing.

It is far easier to practice a successful oral care routine and keep the mouth clean if teeth are aligned properly and gaps closed up. Correct a patient’s bite and you can reduce toothwear too. A course of orthodontics may also prevent problems with the gingiva getting worse.

However, it might be the case that not only do you not currently offer orthodontic treatment, but that you have no plans to do so either. The cutting-edge OPG machines and 3D scanners on the market are exciting, yet out of the reach for many, particularly if you are only seeing a couple of potential cases a month. The technology is moving fast and staff need to be trained and retrained.

Referrals are not something to be feared - you will not ‘lose’ your patient. Instead, referring out can enhance and expand your treatment provision. It can also be a conduit to building and consolidating loyalty. By referring people out to a trusted partner, you are saying that, although you do not have the resources to provide the required orthodontics yourself, you want to give your patient a successful route through the (expensive) minefield. Especially if their previous experience of this kind of treatment was not a positive one, you will be supporting patients to improve their smile and oral health with the help of a clinician that you trust.

Adult orthodontic patients have high expectations of aesthetically pleasing and stable results.  They are aware of the choice out there and will use the internet to look at practitioner reviews and compare pricing. They will know what they want to achieve, including a reassurance that they are in safe hands. Choose your referral partner wisely – you want to feel confident about a successful outcome every time. For example, The London Smile Clinic has world-class specialists, plus has the latest technology already in place to guarantee fantastic results for even the most complex problems.

Investing time and money in developing new services can be daunting and, for many practices, an impossible notion. Referrals can be an easy solution to the rise in demand for adult orthodontics. The right referring clinic will work with you to allay your patients’ fears and promote the benefits of the latest ethical and minimally invasive techniques. It is therefore crucial to find the best referring partner for you, to make life easier for your patients as well as guaranteeing excellent results.  


For more information, please contact The London Smile Clinic on 020 7255 2559 or visit


  8916 Hits
8916 Hits

Keeping your course true - Sam Waley Cohen

Keeping your course true  - Sam Waley Cohen

A principal dentist is, in many ways, akin to a captain at the helm of a ship. It is their direction, experience and commitment that keeps a practice on the right course.


But, as captain, there are many different responsibilities that simply cannot be ignored. Compliance, recruitment, administration, discipline and finance: these are just a small selection of the duties that a principal dentist must manage on a daily basis – on top of their busy schedule of treating patients.    

This presents a very real problem for a great many principal dentists. Indeed, one of the most common factors for job dissatisfaction amongst practice owners is actually the stress of running a practice.[1] Even with a practice manager (or first-mate, to continue the maritime analogy) taking some of the strain, there are a multitude of unavoidable day-to-day tasks that are necessary for success.


But most dentists are not businesspeople – and, in all honesty, why should they be? They did not spend years at dental school to become anything but a dentist so it is understandable that some of the extraneous obligations that principals inevitably find themselves dealing with become the reason for professional failings and shortcomings.


And, of course, this can have very serious ramifications for the rest of the dental team. After all, if a ship’s captain has lost their way, what hope is there for the crew? Indeed, it is well documented that a large majority of workplace issues and employment tribunals in dental practices stem from the inability of a principal to treat their staff as business employees.[2]

There is a solution to this. Research has shown that dentists who join with a larger dental group exhibit greater work satisfaction than those who forge ahead alone. The two main benefits that were highlighted were an increase in downtime and the elimination of administrative stress.[3]

In fact, those dentists who joined dental corporates found themselves with more time to concentrate on the things that attracted them to a career in dentistry in the first place: practising dentistry.

Admittedly, dental corporates have acquired a negative reputation in the UK. Some professionals see them as profit-driven conglomerates that are intent on eliminating autonomy and imposing stringent uniformity. But while these unfortunate views persist, they are simply untrue.    

A dental corporate strives for one thing above all others: excellence. Whether that is clinical excellence, or the very highest standards in all other aspects of the dental business. Corporate leaders understand that the best way to promote excellence is to allow people to do the jobs they are best suited for. That is why they are enthusiastic about bringing together experts in all parts of the dental profession – from practitioners to nurses, IT gurus, marketing experts, recruitment leaders and compliance professionals.

By working together, and supporting each other, it becomes far easier to achieve the best. Whether its in matters of compliance, recruitment or discipline, there will always be a network of understanding, like-minded professionals to depend on.

So, joining a dental corporate should not be thought of as surrendering your ship to another captain: it’s far more like joining a fleet – a fleet formed of many individual ships, each with an individual captain, who all share a common direction, who can depend on each other for support and who are administered by a dedicated and experienced Admiralty.

Portman Dental is a dental corporate that truly promotes this idea. With around 30 practices across England, from Sheffield to the Isle of Wight, Portman Dental strives to make each individual practice the best it can be. It does this not by introducing radical changes that force its members to work in a certain way, but by providing the right support, direction and staff to allow for excellence to propagate naturally. Management is maintained on a local level, and supported by a central team of experts and only principals who are truly committed to the idea of cooperation and progression are taken on. 

Don’t allow workplace pressures and dissatisfaction to affect your practice’s success – or your wellbeing. Join a dental corporate and strike the truest course, for you and your team.


For more information about joining the Portman Dental team, please visit or call on 0207 281 9489


[1] – Working for a dental corporate – Is it for you?; published online: 2011; link: [accessed 02/09/15]

[2] British Dental Association (BDA) – Advice and support; link: [accessed 02/09/15]

[3] American Dental Association – Practice setting may determine dentists’ satisfaction; published online: 2015; link: [accessed 02/09/15]



  4187 Hits
4187 Hits

Helping to make the world a better place

Helping to make the world a better place

There are an infinite number of ways to improve our world from peace in the Middle East through to saving endangered species. In every case, mankind can effect changes by working in unison, communicating, cooperating and taking small, positive steps forward.  Poverty and suffering needs the attention of those fortunate enough to have more, helping those with less. Similarly, with knowledge on pollution and waste, we must consider the impact of what we discard on the environment.


A 2010 study at the University of Georgia considered 192 countries bordering the Atlanta, Pacific, Indian oceans, Mediterranean and Black Seas, and found that 275 million tonnes of plastic waste had been generated in one year. An estimated 8 million tonnes of it was dumped at sea – amounting to five shopping bags full of plastic on every foot of the coastline [i].  The same study estimated this would double by 2025, to ten plastic bags for every foot of coastline.


The largest ocean rubbish site in the world is in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre – a   floating mass twice the size of Texas where plastics outnumber sea life six to one[ii].  The result of such abuse to our seas is that 44% of all seabirds, 22% of cetaceans, all species of sea turtle and a growing list of fish species have plastic in or around their bodies ii. The seemingly innocuous household plastic toothbrush also plays a role, routinely found in the stomachs of dead seabirds and turtles worldwide[iii].


The truth is that every plastic product entering the sea will wreak havoc either directly to wildlife by ingestion or entanglement or when broken down into tiny fragments by UV rays constituting what is known as ‘plastic soup’, causing:


  • Damage to critical ecosystems such as coral reefs and smothering of sediments.
  • Chemical ingestion of marine organisms through ingestion of small plastic particles.
  • Potential changes in biodiversity due the transport of invasive species on plastic fragments[iv].


Making a stand, Humble Brush has just been launched in the UK – an everyday toothbrush making a big difference. The handle is ergonomically fashioned out of panda-friendly bamboo – the fastest growing plant on earth with natural antiseptic properties. Complementing any contemporary bathroom, the biodegradable handle is non-slip, functional and stylish. The durable bristles available in a range of bright colours are nylon, free from bisphenol A (BPA) toxins, degrade over time, soft and gentle on gums. Every brush is packed in a transparent, biodegradable wrapper made from plants and the box is also 100% produced from recycled materials. In addition, for every brush sold, the equivalent amount of one toothbrush is donated to the Humble Smile Foundation to pass on to people in need of oral care.

By caring about your toothbrush, show you care about the world. For your free sample (one brush per practice) contact Humble Brush today.



Humble Brush is now available in the UK and Ireland. For more information please visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0286 862 8880. To order please contact our exclusive distributor Quintess Denta at


You can also follow us on social media:

@HumbleBrush and

[i] University of Georgia, UGA Today, New Science Paper Calculates Magnitude of Plastic Waste Going Into The Ocean. February 12, 2015.  2015. (Accessed 11/8/2015).

[ii] EcoWatch, 22 Facts About Plastic Pollution (And 10 Things We Can Do About It) Lynn Hasselberger, The Green Divas, April 7, 2014 (Accessed 11/8/2015)


[iv] The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Year Book 2014 Emergins Issues Update – Debris in the Ocean (Accessed 11/8/2015)


  4308 Hits
4308 Hits

PerioChip® experts at the BDIA Dental Showcase 2015

PerioChip® experts at the BDIA Dental Showcase 2015

The on-stand experts will be at this year’s BDIA Dental Showcase 2015, showing delegates why PerioChip® is a first line treatment for periodontal disease.


PerioChip® provides unique adjunctive treatment for periodontitis. After root surface debridement (RSD), PerioChip® is a reliable product to supplement your hard work by controlling bacteria and preventing infection without using antibiotics.

Designed for treating periodontal pockets >5mm, PerioChip® takes only 30 seconds to apply. Once placed, the chip immediately releases a high local concentration of chlorhexidine diglucontate, killing 99% of subgingival pathogenic bacteria over a seven to ten day period.[i] For further peace of mind the antimicrobial effects of PerioChip® continue to suppress bacterial flora for up to 11 weeks enabling the periodontium to stabilise and heal.[ii]

The BDIA Showcase is ideal opportunity to have a practical hands-on demonstration from the PerioChip® team and grab some valuable information to help your patients. Come and see us on stand D115.


To order PerioChip® or for further information Freephone 0800 013 2333 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



[i] Jeffcoat M K et al. Adjunctive use of a subgingival controlled-release chlorhexidine chip. J Periodontal 1998; 69 (9): 989 – 997. [Accessed 26th May 2015]

[ii] Summary of Characteristics PerioChip® [Accessed 26 May 2015]


  10109 Hits
10109 Hits

“Everything we wanted and a whole lot more” | Dentistry Show 2015


Anthony and Sue Inman, Principal Dentist and Practice Manager of Beechwood Dental in Bournemouth, were among the 7,908* delegates attending The Dentistry Show 2015.


“This year, we saw another huge increase in the quality and variety of CPD available throughout the two days, as well as many more trade stands among the exhibition.


“In particular, we were keen to find out more about the various orthodontic systems and facial aesthetic training courses available, as well as new marketing ideas and effective use of media. We were delighted to find everything we wanted and a whole lot more!


“The key benefits of The Dentistry Show for us is the easy to reach location and the opportunity to network and share ideas with like-minded people.


“We would highly recommend The Dentistry Show to anyone looking to enhance their practice – we have already saved the dates in our diary for next year.”


Free to attend for the whole team, The Dentistry Show offers a wealth of information, advice and inspiration for all. Make sure you don’t miss out in 2016!


The Dentistry Show and DTS 2016 will be held on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd April, NEC in Birmingham. For further details visit call 020 7348 5270 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  8184 Hits
8184 Hits

Clear the hurdles in dental marketing

Clear the hurdles in dental marketing - 7Connections

At 7connections, we create collateral and systems to ensure you clear your dental marketing hurdles and win the race.

The bespoke services we offer to enhance your marketing activities and maximise your return on marketing on investment include:

  • Artisan Lifecycle Marketing – an innovative, automated email marketing solution that combines exceptional software from InfusionSoft with the expertise of 7connections. Focusing on the seven key phases of lifecycle marketing, the comprehensive package could help you increase new business enquiry conversation rates from an average of 18% to 80%!
  • MagicBox™ – delivers a box of pre-designed and branded marketing tools to your practice door including posters, referral cards, TV loops, social media banners and patient smile evaluations. These physical and digital solutions will help drive sales, boost referrals and increase revenue with minimal cost and hassle for you, and the 12-month planner and tracker will ensure you head in the right direction.
  • Ultimate Marketing Academy – a one-year programme involving quarterly meetings and 24/7 access to the 7connections library of knowledge. You’ll receive a personalised dental marketing strategy, alongside all the skills and support you need to implement it successfully – there’s also a 100% money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the results!*


For more information about 7connections please call 01647 478145,

email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or



* The 100% money-back guarantee is available if you implement the knowledge and ideas that you gain and your are not satisfied with the results at the end of the Academic year.

  3881 Hits
3881 Hits

Coming Home to Roost

Coming Home to Roost

Its becoming very apparent that there is a distinct lack of transparency where some practitioners are concerned with regard to what is and isn’t available on the NHS. This has been going on from the beginning of the new contract, and has caused much heated discussion over the years.

When you consider that not even the CDO was prepared to give an actual list of NHS treatments, instead relying on the ‘All that is Clinical Necessary’ definition that is deliberately intended to obfuscate, then it isn’t really surprising there are almost as many different interpretations as there seem to be contract holders.

We can argue amongst ourselves as to when something should be, or can be provided on the NHS, but the end consumer, the Patient, is stuck in the middle of this unsatisfactory situation, and that should be our prime concern.

The GDC are now starting the come down on those practitioners who they feel have been misleading, or even dishonest in their definition of what is available, and since the balance of probability legal test is used, the weight of evidence does not have to be as high as a criminal issue to find a practitioner guilty, and then suffer the consequences.

However, until recently, the difference of opinions as to what is legitimate and what is ‘gaming’ has largely been discussed only within the dental profession itself. This is NOT intended to be a blog about what gaming is; it’s sufficient to say though that we have to acknowledge it exists within the profession.

This week, Which? have now waded into the argument, with a campaign to ‘Clean Up Dental Costs’

It would appear that they have found this distinct lack of transparency in the pricing of dental care, and in particular the differences between private and NHS care. Not only that, they appear to have also found that about a quarter of those surveyed were unsure of the differences between NHS and Private.

More worryingly, 40% of respondents were unaware that all treatment that was clinical necessary was available on the NHS. This lack of awareness plays right into the hands of those practitioners who have been guilty of perhaps ‘massaging’ the NHS contract to their benefit and not that of the patient. One question it asks is who is responsible for the overall education of the general public as to what is available to them; it is accepted that expert opinion and advice is needed when the general public seek the aid of a professional, so they can perhaps not be held completely responsible for not knowing the ins and outs of dental treatment. On the other hand though, is ‘All that is Clinically Necessary’ too difficult a concept for the Government via NHS England to convey to the populus in some way? The lack of this clarity has lead to varying degrees of confusion, alternative interpretations of the contract (not tested in law to my knowledge) and downright dishonestly and misleading behaviour at the expense of the patients.

Whenever gaming rears it head in discussions on this and any other forum it polarizes opinion hugely, and usually ends up in a slanging match of NHS vs Private. As I’ve said this is not the aim of this blog, but merely to get people to think about the consequences of what we in the profession have begun to create for ourselves and our patients.

It’s one of the huge elephants in the room in our profession at the moment.

There is no doubt that gaming is rife amongst some practitioners. Not all of them, but I would wager that there will be a fair number of mixed practices that are operating at the very edge of what is actually the correct definition of ‘Clinically Necessary’ throughout the country. The fact this aspect of the contract has not been tested in law is probably somewhat fortuitous for all concerned.

Of these practices, I think there will probably be some of them actually deliberately seeking to maximize their financial advantages over those of the patient. This is in direct breach of the GDC standards relating to putting a professional’s needs over that of the patient. It wont be an excuse to use ignorance of the rules of the contract to defend this either, or the continued financial survival of a practice. The continued ignorance of the patients in knowing what is and isn’t available themselves, and the plausibility of the explanations given (‘its isn’t available on the NHS’ is a difficult phrase to argue against for a majority of patients) mean it is simple for some practitioners to pull the wool over the eyes of the public.

If we want to take a stance against the way the GDC is acting at the moment, but there is sufficient evidence that some practitioners are being more ‘flexible’ with the interpretation of clinically necessary, then we can hardly take the moral high ground against them, as individuals are misleading the public the GDC are tasked to protect. How can we protest at that? When we have a Chairman of the GDC who has a background in the Office of Fair Trading it is not beyond the bounds of thought that his wish to broaden his remit has the tacit approval of the powers that be, and will include any future tests of NHS vs Private provision. Incidentally, Which? are not calling on the profession to clean up their act; they’re calling on our regulator and NHS England to do it for us.

In addition, if the Big Lie is to be exposed in all its glory, we as a profession can’t then be seen to be obscuring the failure of the contract by blurring the treatments that patients are receiving on the NHS and Privately. By misleading patients as to what is and isn’t available, to the benefit of the practitioner, is never going to expose the lack of funding inherent in the system.

Lack of transparency of fees has always seemed to be a problem with our profession. The artificially low NHS prices when compared with private means a significant number of the population have no understanding of the real costs of dentistry, and I think we really as a profession don’t go far enough to explain this to the public. Couple that with the confusion now as to what is and what isn’t available on the NHS then it is no wonder Which? have waded into the fray on the side of the consumer.

I personally don’t think it will be long before some form of disclosure along the lines of that seen by Independent Financial Advisors will be compulsory. With the GDC being final arbiters of our professional conduct, any lack of transparency in financial issues are already taken as being as serious as those of clinical errors. We will therefore reap what we sow where it come to financial misdemeanours.

We are in an ever increasingly consumer driven society, and we have to get our house in order if we are to retain the professional status we think we deserve. If we don’t, then we only have ourselves to blame for what is then enforced on the profession in the future. We can resist consumerism and try to hang on to the last bastions of professionalism, but if some of our profession are less open with their dealings with those consumers, then we will all pay the price.

The consequences of gaming are coming home to roost whether we like it or not.

  14003 Hits
Recent Comments
Sandeep Senghera

Another reason to FTA ?

The new age consumer has plenty to spend their hard earned cash on. Tarnishing the profession with the same lack of transparency a... Read More
Monday, 19 January 2015 10:12
Anthony Kilcoyne

The average consumer just read...

Hi Sandeep, the 'average' consumer will have existing prejudices reinforced, with no 'antidote' of general dental knowledge or pre... Read More
Monday, 19 January 2015 21:09
14003 Hits

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