7 Easy ways to save money and time in your dental practice in 2018

7 Easy ways to save money and time in your dental practice in 2018


Save money and time in your dental practice in 2018 by Jonny Jacobs

One of the aims we have always looked to achieve at GDPUK is saving money or producing special offers from our advertisers and partners for our 11,000 members. Running and operating a dental practice (or any business) can be extremely expensive and time consuming. Not all expenses or direct debits, will get checked every month because they aren’t always the first priority but often expenses can go out of our control.

Below is a short guide we have produced that looks at some ways you can save money and time in your dental practice in 2018.

**Disclaimer** A few of the money and time saving suggestions, are services that are offered by GDPUK via third parties. These services are available elsewhere but the suppliers we have mentioned have produced excellent savings for our members and provide a service that they have been extremely happy with. Only our opinion!



Dental Practices need all sorts of insurance. Insurance is always worth shopping around for when you consider the amount of cover a dental practice needs on a regular basis.

There are a number of insurances that a dental practice may choose to buy such as dental practice insurance, dental locum insurance, pressure vessel inspection, keyman protection insurance. All the policies are worth comparing the market, with a number of companies specialising in this area such as All Med Pro, Lloyd & Whyte and MIAB.


Dental Supplies

Over the years on the GDPUK Forum, our members have found that it is worth doing a price audit on their top 20-30 supplies in the practice based on volume per month and it can be found that with a bit of shopping around of dental suppliers, you can make some considerable savings for the practice. Obviously, credibility, reliability and efficiency of the suppliers also need to be taken into account for important supplies but some considerable savings can be made. This is certainly worth auditing a couple of times a year.


Credit Card Fees

We’re always looking to help you reduce costs without compromising the quality of your patient care. That’s why we’re working with nexpay to ensure the fees you pay on credit card processing are extremely competitive and save your dental practice money. Just contact us by the link below, nexpay will review your existing account and undertake a full market comparison. They will then produce a report that shows you the potential new tariff savings. Some GDPUK members are saving thousands of pounds a year on card processing fees.

You still provide the same service to your patients but save on the processing fees, which over a calendar year can often be quite a saving! Find out more here.


Water is used a lot in an average dental practice. On 1 April 2017, businesses were given the freedom to choose which water supplier to buy their water and wastewater services. This means there are loads of dental practices that will be paying over the odds for their water supply, certainly worth a quick shop or call around. Companies like amber energy and openwater will offer a comparison service and advice on what is a good offer. Once again a great opportunity to reduce costs in the new year.



GDPUK.com has teamed up with a leading independent business energy brokerage who is constantly striving to source the best products and most competitive market rates for businesses. With a vast array of suppliers and products available to the business market, quite often businesses are left without clear guidelines as to which is the best deal. Our broker can offer a comprehensive panel of suppliers who are vying for your business. For more information, please follow this link - https://www.gdpuk.com/energy Other similar type services are also available.


CQC and Regulation

Compliance is changing faster and faster. From the CQC Fundamental Standards in 2015, to the GDC standards in 2014 to changes in employment law, health and safety, sharps regulations and a whole lot more. Because the volume of compliance and regulation in a practice can seem to be overwhelming, it can be difficult for a dental practice owner or practice manager to keep on top of it all.

Services such as icomply and rightpath4, help to tell you what to do and keep you updated on the latest changes and legislation. This can help to save the practice a lot of time, stress and misunderstanding. It does help having everything in one place.

Right Path 4 who have always been great supporters of GDPUK have a special offer on for members of GDPUK. All future updates to the Right Path 4 system are included in this monthly fee. Further information here on how they can help you in your practice.


Software Systems

Although not necessarily saving you money in the short term, dental practice software systems certainly make your practice streamlined and more efficient for all members of the team.

You can save a lot of time in your practice by going paperless. One of these paperless systems is offered by iSmile, who offer your very own branded Patient Portal, where you can give your patients the ability to fill in medical history forms on their desktops, tablets and mobile devices prior to their appointment. iSmile can automatically email medical history forms to your patients, which are filled out securely online and then transmitted back to iSmile and stored within the patient's file, significantly reducing workload and paperwork at the dental practice reception.

Further information on this subject can be found via the GDPUK Forum:- Going Paperless.


We hope you found this guide to saving money and time in your dental practice extremely useful and it has got you thinking about areas that could be improved in your business.

Thanks for reading.

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7020 Hits

Why Cyber Insurance Is Vital for 2017

Why Cyber Insurance Is Vital for 2017



It may come as a shock to you to understand that the healthcare sector is the primary target sector for Cyber attacks. With sensitive information on patient's medical history and general health, Cyber criminals know that if they obtain this type of data then it will be highly profitable for them. 

Attacks of this nature in the healthcare industry are becoming more regular, and more severe, than any other market sector.

We all hear about Cyber attacks of the largest scale when the make the headline news, however, even small, family run businesses are at risk. These proficient hackers are not selective about who they target as such; if there is an opportunity on any scale, they are likely going to take it.

If you have protection technology and software then it's a starting point, although don't think that this will be enough to protect your practice data and systems. 

It is now essential that you also protect your practice and business, financially, if something on this nature does occur. 

What are the true consequences of a Cyber attack?

If criminals obtain your patient data, there are a couple of things they may do with the data. 

Firstly, they can sell the data on the black market, which means your patients suffer a breach of confidentially, 

Or, secondly, they may request a ransom for keeping the data confidential, which means your business needs to honour their demands at great expense. 

Cyber attacks often result in the following for practice owners:

1. Redundant hardware and software, which needs to be replaced

2. Hefty litigation and legal costs in dealing with the matter in hand

3. Compensation requests from your patients, for the breach

4. Loss of revenue, whilst you get back up and running

5. Often it is combination of all the above

This is the cost element, but also there could be a direct impact on the reputation of your practice. 

After all, bad news spreads fast and it could certainly deter existing patients and new patients from choosing you over one of your competitors. 

Does your Practice Insurance sufficiently cover you? 

So you may be thinking that your Practice Liability Insurance covers you against such crimes. Here, it is essential to read the Terms & Conditions in detail, as most policies only offer an introductory level of cover. 

Specific Cyber Liability Insurance covers your practice, comprehensively, in the event that this nightmare materialises. 


Cyber Insurance policies vary, however many include:

·         Compensation payments to your patients

·         Your patient’s legal fees

·         Statutory fines

·         Hardware replacement costs

·         Data Corruption & Reinstatement Costs

·         Liability Cover for Affected Third Parties – e.g. patients

·         Cyber Financial crime

·         Data – Breach Expenses

·         Loss of Gross Revenue


As we are now part of a very digital working environment, it is your responsibility as a business owner to protect the data you hold in the form of patient records. 

In 2017, it is essential to not turn a blind eye, or be ignorant to what could happen, hoping that it won't happen to you.

For further information please get in touch with All Med Pro - 0203 757 6950 - www.allmedpro.co.uk

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4255 Hits

Insure Your Home For Peace of Mind - 4 dentist group

Insure Your Home For Peace of Mind - 4 dentist group

Today, the assurance that home insurance can provide is invaluable, particularly as it can offer peace of mind to homeowners that their house and contents are protected.

There are a number of different types of home insurance available from standard cover to more bespoke, specialist policies. Buildings insurance covers both the structure of the house as well as the replacement or repairs of permanent fixtures such as bathrooms and kitchens as well as the roof. Contents insurance protects your declared belongings, including electronics, jewellery, clothes, furniture and so on from incidences like theft, fire and flooding. Accidental damage cover, which can be used to repair or replace items that have been damaged – such as a smashed TV or wine stain on the carpet – is classed as an extra, so be sure to specify what you require when selecting your policy. More specialist policies can cover holiday homes, listed buildings, high-value homes and belongings and non-standard houses.

Regardless of which policy you choose it is crucial that you are aware of what it covers and the restrictions that are applied within the small print, otherwise you could find yourself unable to make a claim. 

Statistics show that the most common claims made by policyholders in 2015 were weather (25 per cent), escaping water (21 per cent), fire (13 per cent), theft (13 per cent), accidental damage (10 per cent), domestic subsidence (4 per cent) and other domestic claims (14 per cent). [i]

Claims for floods have increased in particular over recent years. At the end of 2015, start of 2016 alone, storms Desmond, Eva and Frank are thought to have resulted in payouts of £1.3 billion, with each claim thought to average at £50,000 – in 2013/14 the average was £31,000.[ii] With research showing that heavy rainstorms are on the rise due to manmade climate change – one in five extreme rain events experienced globally are as a result of the global rise in temperature[iii] – it is possible that we could be seeing a lot more claims for bad weather and flooding in the coming years; something to think about if you are not currently protected against these events.

If you don't have an existing policy or you are looking to change or upgrade, it can be prudent to enlist the services of a specialist agency such as insurance4dentists that can advise you on products that would be best suited to you. By going at it alone you run the risk of selecting cover that might not be sufficient or correct for your needs, which could result in a subsequent claim being rejected. Thus, for peace of mind, contact an expert adviser today.


For more information please call 0845 345 5060 or 0754 DENTIST. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.insurance4dentists.co.uk


[i] UK Insurance and Long Term Savings Key Facts 2015. Accessed online August 2016 at https://www.abi.org.uk/~/media/Files/Documents/Publications/Public/2015/Statistics/Key%20Facts%202015.pdf

[ii] Association of British Insurers. New figures reveal scale of insurance response after recent floods. Published January 2016. Accessed online August 2016 at https://www.abi.org.uk/News/News-releases/2016/01/New-figures-reveal-scale-of-insurance-response-after-recent-floods

[iii] Fischer EM, Knutti R. Anthropogenic contribution to global occurrence of heavy-precipitation and high-temperature extremes. Published online 27 April 2015. Accessed online August 2016 at http://www.nature.com/articles/nclimate2617.epdf?referrer_access_token=15X7XExUOy_QyvQu3oFbBNRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0MiqNJsr0khJzfLkhisC13QLeclYOunBpKyWwMws3LCxAbMW6ZeZtRWGeJqzjaIlG0THL84TJflFRuci-_5AC2TC5OFqIL6C2FchKpN7X0tcse9TXYTD9JL2PQtQ8SIueuA9AwYf2wX2ATSugIprTD5G-nRwQKdPabgc2BOsEeP20S5cQQyB8z5jdT7GDJfM5fWZ-W0GRCNq7rv-s7xjtOBnJNX4r8ng6irk0B2Xy509ckVGq1gCD7cdZTMrfC7WWXcj8BJVH17sivoLY85lFdY&tracking_referrer=www.theguardian.com


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Summary of Products & Services Available from All Med Pro

Summary of Products & Services Available from All Med Pro


Did you know that AllMedPro can assist you with any of the following products and services?

  • Medical Indemnity Insurance (individuals and vicarious entity cover)
  • Practice Insurance (buildings, contents, public & employers liability)
  • Practice Overheads / Locum Cover
  • Online Dental CPD & Document Resource Library
  • Pressure Vessel Inspection Cover
  • Property Owners Insurance (buy-to-let, holiday home, unoccupied)
  • Home Insurance
  • Hands & Eyes Insurance
  • Directors & Officers Liability Insurance
  • Dental Laboratories (including products liability)
  • Aesthetics Medical Indemnity Insurance
  • Private Medical Insurance
  • Travel Insurance

We can also refer you to one of our specialist partner firms for:

  • Financial Advice
  • Legal Services
  • Accountancy Services
  • Practice Sales
  • Patient Payment Plans


Just pick up the phone and give us a call to discuss any other insurance requirements you may have on 01793 820100

or email us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


T. 01793 820100   E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  W: www.allmedpro.co.uk
All Med Pro is a trading style of All Medical Professionals Limited who are authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority Number: 309853. All Medical Professionals Limited registered in England number 04468555.
Registered office: 59B Thornhill, South Marston, Swindon, SN3 4TA
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5287 Hits

Assured of Insurance - Jeremy Hedrick, Vice President of Network Development Munroe Sutton

Assured of Insurance

In general, we make provisions for the things we value; many of our most treasured possessions are insured against loss an damage. Our homes, cars, pets, holidays, through to our general health and life itself, are all typically covered by insurance plans. The amount of value we attach to these cherished articles, for various reasons, tends to differ from individual to individual.

For example, however expensive our home sound system, the equivalent equipment to a professional Disc Jockey is likely to be worth considerably more to him or her as it constitutes the tools of their trade. For many, body parts are of great value, but few of us will insure limbs like Cristiano Ronaldo who reportedly insured his legs for $144 million when he was at Manchester United.

When it comes to safeguarding dental health, the risks are high; the repercussions of poor oral health influence not only our self-confidence and relationships but are also linked to general health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, strokes, pneumonia, premature birth and rheumatoid arthritis. In this context, it seems strange that only 12% of the UK population invest in dental insurance policies[i]. Because completely free NHS dental care is only available to a few – pregnant women, new mothers, children up to the age of 18 and those in receipt of benefits – insurance policies can be the most affordable option. NHS dental care currently comprises of three different treatment bands, ranging from £18.80 for an examination, x-ray and diagnosis, through to £222.50 for treatments including bridges and crowns. Even practices offering these treatments have to charge the patient significant fees, especially for complicated work. 63% of NHS dental patients choose their practices for cost reasons[ii] so it’s prudent for patients and clinical professionals alike to familiarise themselves with dental insurance options, which can provide good value for money, particularly where several treatments will be required.

For patients with good oral hygiene and health, a six-monthly or yearly check up can be all that is required, at a current cost of under £20 each time. However, the statistics show these patients are relatively rare. The 2009 Adult Dental Health Survey revealed 45% of the adult population with teeth displayed gingival pockets of 4mm or more, indicating that periodontal disease is a widespread issue.[iii] However, few dental practices offer hygienist services under their NHS umbrella – a British Dental Association report in 2013 showed that over half of the dental practices in the UK with more than a 75% commitment to NHS dentistry, didn’t employ hygienists at all[iv]. Dental patients with periodontal conditions are recommended to visit a hygienist at least twice a year, typically costing around £50 each time. Add to that the cost for a standard amalgam filling at £50.50 (a composite, white filling is usually a private treatment), and the necessary dental check ups, it’s clear to see how costs can escalate. For those patients requiring extensive dental procedures, a policy from a reputable insurance company – ranging from £220-276[v] for annual private cover – will pay 75% of the final bill and can end up being much more cost-effective. For dental patients who require extensive dental work but can access all the treatments through their NHS dentist, NHS clinic-only insurance options are even better – with unlimited treatment cover starting at £120 covering 100% of costs incurred[vi]. Depending on the extent of treatment required, dental insurance policies can make sound financial sense, particularly as they can sometimes cover family units, accidents or emergencies overseas, and some offer no upper age limit for new customers.

Munroe Sutton has been organising, designing and managing stand-alone, affordable dental plans for over thirty years. These plans are created by dentists, modelled to benefit both the professional and the patient with the committed provision of fair compensation for dental services and improved accessibility to quality dental care for the individual. It costs a practice absolutely nothing to join the Munroe Sutton database but inclusion reaps unlimited rewards.

Prominent insurance, healthcare and finance institutions direct customers seeking their services to your practice, constituting free marketing and a continual flow of profitable new business. With dental professionals feeling pressure to meet UDA targets and remain competitive with the use of new technology and treatment options, what could be better than a free, successful marketing tool to keep your business moving forward?


For more information please call 0808 234 3558

or visit www.munroesutton.co.uk

[i] National Smile Month Facts and Figures http://www.nationalsmilemonth.org/facts-figures/ (accessed 23/6/2015)

[ii] National Smile Month Facts and Figures http://www.nationalsmilemonth.org/facts-figures/ (accessed 23/6/2015)

[iii] 2: Disease and related disorders – a report from the Adult Dental Health Survey 2009 http://www.hscic.gov.uk/catalogue/PUB01086/adul-dent-heal-surv-summ-them-the2-2 (accessed 23/6/2015)


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4855 Hits

New patients and excellent support with Munroe Sutton

New patients and excellent support with Munroe Sutton

“We were delighted to team up with Munroe Sutton,” says Sarfraz Ghauri, principal dentist at Ghauri Dental Centre. “We’ve been with them since 2013 and we have seen an ongoing increase in new patients throughout that time.


“Partnering with Munroe Sutton has helped us to accommodate a wider clientele, including insurance patients. This really is the main benefit: having access to so many new patients, all of whom can be confident that our practice has been screened for the highest quality by Munroe Sutton. This allows a greater degree of trust between the practice and patients.

“The administrative support and advice Munroe Sutton offer is also excellent.

“I would have no hesitation in recommending them to other practices, particularly those wishing to expand the range of patients they cater for.”

With over 30 years’ experience, Munroe Sutton is committed to connecting patients with the best practices. By being part of its prodigious network you will be able to source new patients and improve your business.

To find out exactly what Munroe Sutton can do for you, contact the friendly team today.


For more information please call 0808 234 3558 or visit www.munroesutton.co.uk


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4485 Hits

Save money with GDPUK Insurance Services


Get more from GDPUK. Save money and improve your services with our exclusive partner offers.

GDPUK is partnering with carefully chosen providers to offer you services and products that will be of value to you and your practice.

We’ve chosen trusted providers whose products or services have already achieved positive feedback from members, and who have promised to provide a high level of service and support, along with competitive pricing.

Commissions or referral fees earned by GDPUK as a result of introducing members to service partners will be ring-fenced by us for future use in advancing appropriate causes relevant to the profession.

Further information on what we are offering can be found here - www.gdpuk.com/services

Insurance is one of the services we are pleased to be offering to our members.

Save money and receive better service with our bespoke, brokered insurance for dentists. We have reached an advantageous arrangement with reputable insurance brokers who have extensive experience in arranging both professional and personal cover for dentists.

Through our partner brokers, you will receive all the claims handling and underwriting flexibility available from a good broker, along with highly competitive quotes.


What cover can you arrange?

Our brokers will be pleased to discuss your precise requirements with you, and then to prepare personal quotes providing you with the most suitable cover at the best available prices. Should you need to extend or adjust your cover, or need to claim against your insurance at any time, you’ll be assured of their attentive and knowledgeable assistance.

Insurance can be arranged in the following principal areas:

  • Practice and Surgery Insurance
  • Overheads and Locum Cover
  • Household Insurance
  • Pressure Vessel Inspection
  • Buy-to-Let Property Insurance

Click on the link below for further information and fill out the form at the bottom of the page. We will then forward your details automatically to our broking partner who will contact you to discuss your requirements.

They will then prepare some quotes for you and progress your application directly and in a timely manner.



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