FGDP(UK) rejects amalgamation of regulators

FGDP(UK) rejects amalgamation of regulators



The Faculty of General Dental Practice UK (FGDP(UK)) has responded sceptically to proposals to cut costs by amalgamating the UK’s health regulators.

In response to a consultation by the Department of Health, it says it is not convinced that combining dental regulation with that of other professions could save money while retaining the required understanding of the dental professions, and that in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the interests of patients and the profession will best be served by the continued existence of a regulator dedicated solely to dentistry.

The Faculty says that decisions on the regulation of health professions should instead be guided by the risk of patient harm, and that as such there can be no optimum number of healthcare regulators. It also suggests that as the UK has over 70 regulators, “including four for social care, and six each for legal services, financial services and privatised utilities…nine regulators for healthcare, covering 1.5 million professionals in 32 occupations, does not appear excessive.”

FGDP(UK) also expresses concern over proposals to create a single adjudication body for fitness to practise, a single register of all health professionals, and a single set of standards in lieu of profession-specific ones, and rejects the suggested use of mediation in regulatory proceedings and proposals for employers to be represented on the General Dental Council (GDC).

However, FGDP(UK) agreed that the currently statutorily-regulated professions should be reassessed to determine the most appropriate level of oversight, and that the regulator should be accountable to the Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales and Northern Irish Assembly in addition to the UK Parliament.

Dr Mick Horton, Dean of FGDP(UK), said:

“While the GDC itself acknowledges that there are improvements to be made to the way in which it regulates, it has nonetheless developed specialist knowledge of dental patients and the professions that treat them, each of which exhibit characteristics and contextual factors which are not necessarily the same as those of other medical professions and their patients. In an amalgamated regulator, this sector-specific knowledge would either be maintained at additional cost, or, more likely, lost in a drive to harmonise procedures and cut costs. For these reasons, the onus is on the government to produce convincing evidence that its own stated objectives for regulation – public protection, performance management, and professional development and support - would not be all the harder to meet if dental regulation were to be amalgamated with that of other professions.”


 The Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) is the only professional membership body in the UK specifically for general dental practice. Based at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, it provides services to help those in general dental practice raise standards of patient care. It does this through standards setting, providing education courses and assessments, CPD, policy development, research and publications. Membership of FGDP(UK) is open to dentists and other registered dental professionals.


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4376 Hits

Autumn Budget - A view by Michael Lansdell

Autumn Budget - A view by Michael Lansdell



Michael Lansdell is a founding partner of specialist dental and medical accountants Lansdell & Rose and a chartered accountant. Here, he gives a breakdown of the Autumn Budget 2017…

November 22nd was Budget day and therefore time for the ubiquitous articles on who were the ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ and what the Chancellor’s plans would mean for you. The heads up that the winning team was probably going to be rather smaller in number was the prediction from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) that economic growth will be below 2 per cent for the next five years. For context, that’s one of the gloomiest forecasts that many can remember.

Philip Hammond faced a rather unenviable task, then, although no one was expecting any show-stopping statements either. Back in March, Hammond made a dramatic U-turn, scrapping the planned rises to National Insurance that he had announced in his Spring Budget just days before. For all sorts of other reasons, delivering a safe, steady and non-controversial Budget was always going to be the Chancellor’s intention.

Of course, there is always one thing that grabs report writers’ attention and this time around it was the decision to scrap stamp duty for first-time buyers on properties up to £300,000. We need to look behind the headlines to find out what will be most relevant to dental practice owners, though! Here’s what may impact on your financial planning for the year ahead…

Income tax

Both the personal and higher-rate thresholds were increased by around 3 per cent, which is in line with inflation, so no surprises there. For basic rate taxpayers, the personal allowance will increase to £11,850 and for those paying a higher rate the new figure will be £46,350. If you don’t want to see your personal allowance reduced, act now! If you make a pension contribution, or gift to charity, you can bring your income down to inside the new threshold.

Savings and investments

On the other side of the coin, anyone putting money into a pension saw the lifetime allowance increased from £1 million to £1.03 million (from 6 April 2018; no change to the annual allowance). If you are lucky enough to have funds that already exceed the £1 million limit, you might want to wait before you take your benefits. For those choosing an Individual Savings Account (ISA) or Lifetime ISA (LISA) the annual subscription limit will also remain unchanged, at £20,000 and £4000 respectively.

Capital taxes

A new 30-day payment window – between a capital gain arising and the payment of capital gains tax (CGT) – is now deferred until April 2020. With regards to inheritance tax, the nil rate band is to remain at £325,000. But don’t forget an important change due to start from 6 April 2018, when the inheritance tax residence nil rate band will rise to £125,000. If you don’t plan for this now, you could be significantly out of pocket when the time comes.

Property taxes and business rates

If you have been affected by the so-called ‘staircase tax’ (for businesses that occupy more then one floor of a building) you will be able to ask for your valuations to be recalculated. Another potentially relevant change was the switch to consumer price index (CPI) being bought forward to 1 April 2018. Also noteworthy is that the business rate discount for public houses with a rateable value of up to £100,000 will continue (subject to conditions) and non-domestic properties will be re-valued every three years following the next one, in 2020. In terms of planning, half of any interest for personal, buy-to-let borrowing will be limited to a 20 per cent tax credit from 2018/19, so make sure you understand if and how it will impact on you.

And finally!

The much-feted Making Tax Digital (MTD) scheme is still a work in progress – no business will be required to use it until 2019. When it has been shown to be successful, we can expect a roll out, but that won’t be until 2020 at the earliest. Getting prepared now won’t harm you at all though, as any business or individual within MTD will have to keep digital records and update HMRC quarterly. Maybe now is the time to review your record keeping.

The message? Plan ahead! A ‘steady-as-she-goes’ approach – while being meticulously organised and with the support of the right experts – will keep you focused and ready for anything as we embrace another year and whatever it may bring.


To find out more, call Lansdell & Rose on 020 7376 9333,

Or visit www.lansdellrose.co.uk

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  4069 Hits
4069 Hits

Ease festive hardship with BDA Benevolent Fund

Ease festive hardship with BDA Benevolent Fund


Spare a thought for those within the profession who are struggling with financial difficulties this Christmas. Circumstances can change suddenly for many reasons, leaving families feeling the pinch and less than cheery as the festivities get underway. 

BDA Benevolent Fund offers additional financial support at this time of year to ensure that families don’t miss out. 

If you, or a dentist you know, are facing financial difficulties, please contact BDA Benevolent Fund, in confidence, on 020 7486 4994, or visit www.bdabenevolentfund.org.uk for more information. 

The charity relies on donations.  To donate, please visit www.justgiving.com/bdabenevolentfund or send a cheque, payable to ‘BDA Benevolent Fund’, at BDA Benevolent Fund, 64 Wimpole Street London W1G 8YS. Every £1 donated goes directly to a dentist and their family in crisis so your help really does support someone in need.”

The BDA Benevolent Fund wishes you a fantastic festive season, and thanks everyone who has supported them throughout the year.

e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  4464 Hits
4464 Hits

What is stopping your landing page converting sales leads?

When running a marketing campaign we are told that landing pages are an extremely important part of the sales journey. This is still a true statement and something we always make clear to all our clients.

In this blog, I want to look at what happens when once you have a landing page created but it still isn’t converting in the way you desire, what mistakes are being made with the page and where could it be improved? I have identified a few reasons why the page may not be performing as you hope...

Social Proof

Reviews and testimonials are incredibly important. Reviews or testimonials will act as social media proof, so when a customer is looking to purchase, they will often look to others for cues concerning whether to make the purchase or not. So making the excellent reviews or testimonials prominent is certainly a good start to improving your landing page.

Being Clear?

Is your landing page actually clear enough? Have you explained what your business offers and how it is unique? Your landing page should always contain a clear description of what your company actually offers! The copy needs to be clear and not overly full of jargon and too many words.

Too Much Text!

Remember you only have 5 seconds to convince the person clicking on the site. This means the landing page must be focused on one single objective, which is clicking on your call to action (CTA). As I said before it needs to stay clear and direct. Not too much text but enough to get the message across. Focus on the benefit: this is what you will get by clicking here.

What is your USP?  

It is vitally important that you have a very clear and exciting USP. An exciting Unique Selling Proposition leads to people clicking on the CTA because they want to know more. Explaining your USP can work well either using a bullet list or a short, informative video, that gets the message across and leads to the results you desire.

Too many details.

If on your landing page you present a form in which you want your potential clients to share their details, make sure you ask only for the information that is really essential. If you want to send the prospective client a white paper about selling their dental practice, you only need a name and an email address. Focus on getting the essential details and achieving the result of someone engaging with your business.

Always be testing.

The only way to know that the content is persuasive, the video or images work and how successful the form is, you have to keep testing and tweaking the page. On a an optimised landing page, every aspect, should be tested to ensure you’re using the right option to maximize your conversion rate.

Thanks for reading and we hope you have picked up a few pointers to improve one of the most important sales funnels in a modern business.


e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  4320 Hits
4320 Hits

GDPUK is 20 years old.

GDPUK is 20 years old.


Today is the 20th anniversary of the first posts by four members of GDPUK, by email.

Yes, that is how we started, unbelievably before Google and Facebook!

I do love telling this story, and I'd like to share it with you. I was online from 1996, in those days it was dial up with those nostalgic modem sounds. The web was much more simple in 1997, and I taught myself, as many of you did, how to write a web page, rudimentary html, including how to upload it and make it display. I was interested in email communication, and before the ease of modern social media, email lists were the best method, using an internet protocol older than the WWW.

I was a member of an American dental group, IDF, which is still going, but it was very US centred, not particularly useful for a UK dentist. In April 1997, I got the idea of founding a mailing list for UK dentists, and thought about how to get a group together. The BDJ was the way forward.

So, I wrote a letter on my word processor software, posted to BDJ that month and carried on with work and my family. This was the pace of life only 20 years ago. Then in June, [only 8 weeks later :) ] I received a postcard [!!] from the editor of BDJ, saying yes, we will publish your letter. So, in the second August magazine, my letter was published, three colleagues replied, and we got started in the September. Here is the Medline link to that letter .... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9293127


I must have the hard copy somewhere, ready for the GDPUK museum!!

We are celebrating the anniversary of GDPUK with our Conference in November. Early bird discounts available here https://www.gdpuk.com/conference/ I am looking forward to an interesting and unique day in Manchester - meeting colleagues old and new... all are welcome.

Looking forward to a celebratory drink with you all at the end of that day… cheers.

Thanks for reading and helping GDPUK grow for 20 years.



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  8666 Hits
8666 Hits

Making the switch with Patient Plan Direct

Making the switch with Patient Plan Direct



Leianna Minty from Dental Inspirations discusses her experience of changing plan provider from Denplan to Patient Plan Direct


I joined the reception team at Dental Inspirations in 2011 when the decision had just been made to switch plan provider in order to cut administration fees and make operational cost savings. As such, one of my first tasks was to handle this transition. Whilst I had some knowledge of our dental plan, I had no experience of carrying out a move from one provider to another, but I have to say that Patient Plan Direct made the process very simple indeed.

Handling the move

We were given clear, concise and to the point training on what to say to patients and how to explain the move, which made us all feel confident in what we were doing and made the switch seamless. This left us with no uncertainty or any windows of mystery, meaning that the task was pretty simple really.

Of course, switching plan providers involved some effort from our side, but we have a good team in our practice so it was more than manageable. If you are concerned that there will be a lot of work involved in switching plan provider, my advice is not to worry. We simply sent out letters to patients explaining the move and the long term benefit to them as well as the practice and they signed new direct debit mandates under our new practice-branded plan at their next appointments. This is a process Patient Plan Direct now fully manages on behalf of practices, making the process even easier than when we made the move six years ago. There are a range of options of how Patient Plan Direct can manage the transition to best suit your practice and patient relationships.

The team at Patient Plan Direct offer so much support and it really helps that I deal with the same people every time I have an enquiry. The client support team explain things very well and as a practice we've built up a relationship with them, as well as our dedicated business development manager – Carole. The Patient Plan Direct team feel like an extended part of the Dental Inspirations team.

When new team members join our practice there are no problems at all getting them up to speed with our dental plans and the Patient Plan Direct system because its so simple, but if they have any questions it's just a case of phoning Patient Plan Direct who take the time to explain everything or come in practice to deliver training.

Whilst any issues or queries are few and far between, as soon as anything is flagged, Patient Plan Direct resolve things very quickly. In fact, in my role I have to deal with a lot of different companies and suppliers and I have to say that Patient Plan Direct cause me the least stress out of all of them, they are a pleasure to work with.

Benefits for everyone

For us, alongside huge cost savings versus the administration fees we were charged by our previous plan provider, another big benefit of the move is the fact that we now handle patient enquiries in our own practice, rather than them having to contact a third party. This means we can offer a much more personal service that our patients really appreciate, while we also have more control over the way things are handled and subsequently monitored. Plus, Patient Plan Direct’s service seems to continually improve. For example they have enhanced their supplementary Worldwide Dental A&E cover for patients twice in the past couple of years, benefiting our existing plan patients and making our plans even more attractive for any patients not already on plan.

As a practice, the benefits of switching plan provider were very clear; in the long-term we would be able to offer our patients a lower cost, more affordable, practice-branded plan without running at a loss ourselves thanks to a lower admin fee that we incur as a practice. We're simply offering an almost identical product without having to pay for the big name brand.

What we've found six years on since the move is that the plans we now offer for any new patients sell themselves because the price point is so good, patients ask us about our plans and all we need to do is sign them up. I didn't want my reception team to feel like they were in a sales role, that's not what we're about at Dental Inspirations, and I really like that our staff don't feel pressurised to sell.

Leianna's advice

If you're unhappy with your existing plan provider, or you’re looking for ways to save money for the practice and your patients, I would 100% recommend Patient Plan Direct due to the high level of support they provide and the tailored plans they create to suit your practice. Switching over really isn't as scary as it might initially seem, my advice is to overcome that fear! At Dental Inspirations we have no regrets. Patient retention during the transition from our previous plan provider was very high and we are constantly adding new patients to our plans all the time.


Leianna Minty is the practice manager at Dental Inspirations in Aberdeen, providing the highest quality dentistry in a caring, relaxed and professional environment.


Patient Plan Direct offers a low cost, simple, flexible and practice-branded solution to running patient payment plans, with a focus on delivering first-class support and expert advice to ensure you reach your plan objectives. For more information please visit www.patientplandirect.com, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call 0844 848 6888.

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  3719 Hits
3719 Hits

Part 7: Affordability

Part 7: Affordability



Compared to TV or print ads, online ads are still relatively low-cost for companies who are looking to reach their desired market.

Additionally, online advertising tools give you the ability to lower your budget or even stop your campaign within a few seconds. Print or TV operates on contract basis, and when you are in a contract, things are not always as flexible.

Because you are spending less with online ads and have the flexibility to reduce costs or spend more instantly, advertising online gives you a loads of options for your marketing campaign.

With the added flexibility that online ads provide, the amount of options you suddenly have are a huge advantage. The ability to publish a number of ads at once, or change the ad as often as you want is a huge advantage. This flexibility is all part of the package and therefore the costs don’t rise. If you advertise on a billboard or in print, you can’t adapt your message instantly and you certainly can’t change the message as you go along.

According to this article on whether online advertising is expensive, which I have to say does go off some generalisations and is US centric they sum up their article with the following statement:- “Offline, traditional marketing costs an average of $22.00 per impression as opposed to $3.45 per impression with online marketing.”

Online advertising reflects modern society in being instant, flexible and results driven! If you are looking for value in your marketing, you have to be looking online.

e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  5115 Hits
5115 Hits

Charitable donations following the GDPUK Conference in November 2016

Charitable donations following the GDPUK Conference in November 2016




On November 4th 2016, GDPUK hosted a conference for our members in Manchester. The day was a fantastic success both educationally as well as socially and the feedback we received was incredibly positive. 


We were extremely proud to host event that was different in style than your “normal” dental event and we believe that was also something that made a difference to the atmosphere on the day. Thanks again to everyone who attended, our excellent speakers for making the day so enjoyable and our sponsors who supported the day and continue to support GDPUK. 

We have now made two charitable donations following the event:-

  • £600 went to a Manchester based charity, close to the Jacobs family, named Prevent, a cancer research organisation, it used to be named Genesis. www.preventbreastcancer.org.uk
  • £400 went to British Dental Association Benevolent Fund, a charity which many of you will know, which supports dental people in times of hardship. www.bdabenevolentfund.org.uk

For 2017, we will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of GDPUK, and we are planning a bigger, even more exciting event in Manchester on Friday November 17th – Please put this date in your diary! More details to follow in next few weeks.


GDPUK.com is a social media site for dentists run by a dentist, Tony Jacobs. Established since 1997, there are over 10,000 dental professionals who have joined the community, they use the site to read dental news and blogs, as well as reading and contributing to the GDPUK forum where there have been over 250,000 posts since 2008! GDPUK is a fantastic resource for dentists and a great place to learn about as well as share your own opinion on important matters within UK dentistry.

e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  4403 Hits
4403 Hits

Highly recommend whitening

Highly recommend whitening


“From the moment I started working with Enlighten, I knew I was dealing with something I hadn’t really experienced before,” says Dr Kunal Patel, owner and principal dentist of Love Teeth Dental Practice. “The team was incredibly proactive and generous – and, unlike other tooth whitening companies I have dealt with, had a vested interest in its clients and their patients.


“I think I was initially drawn in by Enlighten’s branding and marketing – which is all of a very high quality. I knew immediately that it was a product that was very much in line with the kind of practice I wanted to create.


“I also discovered that Enlighten can guarantee a great result – the only whitening product I can think of that can do so. Of course, this is incredibly important to patients and helps us dentists strengthen the bond of trust we have with them. Indeed, I trust Enlighten products to achieve that ideal B1 shade – and my patients trust me.


“Now, Enlighten whitening has become an integral part of our treatment process. I undertake many smile makeovers and orthodontic cases – both of which have a natural synergy with whitening products. I’ve found that patients are happy to pay the extra cost for whitening when having their smile altered – it’s the perfect way to finish off treatment to an incredibly high standard.


“As such, I would wholeheartedly recommend Enlighten products to any dentist!”


For more information, visit www.enlightensmiles.com, email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the team on 0207 424 3270

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4463 Hits

Part 1: Introduction

Part 1: Introduction


As mentioned previously, 2017 marks the 20th year of GDPUK.

GDPUK.com is for dentists and dental professionals to discuss all aspects of their profession, their practice and their business, centred on the UK. Subjects dissected have been diverse, from tips on simple techniques to guidance on buying major equipment, to discussions on the various practice management software packages, and of ongoing developments in British dental politics.

Moderated in Manchester, England by Dr Tony Jacobs BDS, the Group was started in Summer 1997, and continues to grow rapidly.

GDPUK.com also publishes UK dental news, and has had many exclusive stories, as well as being able to publish the latest news relevant to dentistry before other dental news providers. In addition GDPUK blogs, both editorial and product updates are well read throughout the dental profession and industry. A unique feature is the @DentistGoneBadd visual blog.

The group now has nearly 10,000 members, and attracts interest and sponsorship from major companies involved in the dental trade.

Blog Series

To mark this anniversary, we thought we would put together a 20 (get it!) part series of blogs about online advertising and all the advantages of it. Over the next 19 blogs, I am going to look into detail at the reasons that online advertising is effective and why a medium like an online community can be perfect for your brand …. Especially If you are looking to reach a target audience.

Over the series of blogs, we will explore all the elements of online advertising from how you can be creative, the opportunity to increase brand awareness, plus the adaptability and flexibility of online advertising.

Advertising online can no longer be viewed as a new medium, it is extremely well established but we hope this series can convince the sceptics but also prove useful to anyone who is looking to do some powerful marketing of their brand or product in the year ahead. Please get in touch we any queries or questions.

Hope you enjoy this series of blogs. Thanks for reading.

Happy New Year.

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  3918 Hits
3918 Hits

Rentokil Initial raises more than £100K for charity

Rentokil Initial raises more than £100K for charity



Rentokil Initial – of which Initial Medical is a subsidiary – is thrilled to have raised more than £100,000 for the company’s chosen charity, Malaria No More UK, in the past three years!

The company and its employees achieved this fantastic milestone through a wide variety of events and fundraising activities. From marathons to car washes, Pestaurant challenges to car boot sales, and even a gruelling three-day cycle ride from the Rentokil Initial HQ in Camberley to Paris. 

Phill Wood, Managing Director – UK, Ireland, Baltics & Rest of World, Rentokil Initial  – commented: “As a global leader in pest control and washroom hygiene, Malaria No More UK is an important organisation for Rentokil Initial to support. We are delighted to contribute to such a great cause and our colleagues look forward to taking part in further challenges in the future.”

Malaria No More UK is part of the global effort to wipe out malaria and there has been phenomenal progress in recent years with deaths from malaria slashed by 60% since 2000. The charity works to save lives by building business partnerships; encouraging governments to place malaria at the top of their international development agendas, and through investing in lifesaving malaria control programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa, currently in Kenya and Namibia.

Proud to have broken through the £100,000 milestone, Rentokil Initial remains committed to raising donations for such a worthy cause in 2017!


For further information please visit www.initial.co.uk/medical

Initial Medical is a division of Rentokil Initial plc.




About Initial Medical

Initial Medical is an expert in healthcare waste management, providing a complete collection, disposal and recycling service for hazardous and non-hazardous waste and offensive waste produced by businesses and organisations within the UK.

The safe management of healthcare waste is vital to ensure your activities are not a risk to human health.  Initial Medical’s healthcare waste services ensure that all of your waste is stringently handled in compliance with legislation and in accordance with Safe Management of Healthcare Waste best practice guidelines, providing you with the peace of mind that you are adhering to current legislation.



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7683 Hits

A different story

A different story


Michael Lansdell is a founding partner at specialist dental and medical accountants Lansdell & Rose. As a chartered accountant, here he discusses the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement and how it could impact on dental practitioners and practice owners…


It could be the understatement of the century to say that we have had ‘quite’ a year here in the financial sector! We barely had time to draw breath after the result of the EU referendum when, on 8th November, the global political and economic landscape had another shock with the election in the US of Donald Trump. 


As far as the UK is concerned, not only do the people in charge now look different, the numbers do too. Back in March, ex-Chancellor George Osborne was still talking about his goal of turning the deficit into a surplus by 2020; by November his successor Philip Hammond had the (unenviable?) task of embracing the current reality by setting out careful fiscal targets that leave “significant flexibility to respond to any headwinds the economy may encounter”. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) now forecasts the 2016/17 deficit will be £68.2bn, with 2019/20 producing a deficit of £21.9bn. Most worrying is that by end of this parliament, total government debt is forecast to be just short of £2 trillion!


Still, in the real world we have to press ahead with resolve and get on with the job in hand. For dental practice owners, this means trying to maintain a sustainable, successful business that looks after its employees and provides top-notch standards of patient care. So, in Mr Hammond’s first – and last – Autumn Statement, what were the stories that could impact on the dental sector?


First, there was some continuity. The previously announced staged reduction in corporation tax, from the current rate of 20% to 17% by 2020, will stay.


Employers would naturally be interested in any changes to National Insurance Contributions (NICs). From April 2017, the primary (employee) threshold and the secondary (employer) threshold will be aligned at £157 per week. Also, the tax and NI advantages of most salary sacrifice schemes will be removed from April 2017 (as previously proposed). Exclusions include packages relating to pensions, childcare and cycle to work schemes. Some arrangements will also be protected up until a specified date (the devil is in the detail, as ever). So, if you currently offer employees the opportunity to swap salaries for benefits you may decide to think again as they could end up paying the same amount of tax as individuals who pay for these things out of their post-tax salary. There will also be a call for evidence on tax relief for employees’ business expenses.



With regards to personal taxation and finance, Mr Hammond confirmed an increase to the personal allowance to £11,500 and the higher rate threshold to £45,000 for 2017/18. He also remains committed to a goal of a £12,500 and £50,000 (higher rate) personal allowance by 2020, he said. Of interest in the area of pensions, the Chancellor also announced proposed changes to the Money Purchase Annual Allowance (MPPA), a reduction from £10,000 to £4000. MPPA applies to anyone who has drawn income benefits under the current pension flexibility rules. The new guidelines are intended to limit the amount of pension income being ‘recycled’ as tax-relieved contributions (future consultation could result in some exemptions). There will also be other changes to the tax rules for pensions of people who move overseas, aligning them more closely with the UK’s tax regime; pensions/lump sums will be taxed to the same extent as they would have been domestically. Finally, the much anticipated further restriction on pension contributions by higher rate taxpayers did not materialise, so no changes there (mercifully)!


What about your other savings and investments? The band of savings income that is subject to the 0% starting rate will remain at £5000 during the next financial year. As previously announced, if you have an Individual Savings Account (ISA), the subscription limit will increase to £20,000.


This is just a brief summary of what dental practice owners may find interesting and/or applicable to their circumstances. Now more than ever, it is essential to enlist a specialist accountant when you are making any financial decisions, whether it relates to you or your business. In a year of shocks, now is time to be vigilant, be flexible, be organised and most of all to use the experts!


To find out more, call Lansdell & Rose on 020 7376 9333,

Or visit www.lansdellrose.co.uk


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  3651 Hits
3651 Hits

Dental Nurse Lizzie Boon wins ‘Spot the Fake’ Competition

Dental Nurse Lizzie Boon wins ‘Spot the Fake’ Competition


The BDIA is pleased to announce that Lizzie Boon, qualified dental nurse and Quality Assurance Auditor for the National Examining Board of Dental Nurses (NEBDN) has won the latest ‘Spot the Fake’ competition, which was held at BDIA Dental Showcase 2016.

The competition challenged members of the dental team to correctly identify genuine and counterfeit dental devices as part of the BDIA’s award winning Counterfeit and Substandard Instruments and Devices Initiative (CSIDI), which has recently partnered with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to help stamp out counterfeit and non-compliant equipment.

As the winner of the competition, Lizzie was awarded £500 to spend with a BDIA member of her choice, and put the money to good use by choosing to purchase subscriptions to Dental Nursing for herself and colleagues at NEBDN.

Commenting on the competition, Lizzie said, “Seeing the fake equipment next to the real thing definitely makes you think about where the products come from and how important it is to purchase quality equipment from a reputable supplier in order to safely protect users and patients”.

The CSIDI campaign continues to highlight the danger of counterfeit and non-compliant dental equipment and the risk involved in purchasing from unknown sources. BDIA Policy and Public Affairs Director, Edmund Proffitt, commented, “Counterfeit dental devices pose a real risk to patients as well as the professionals using them. We’re pleased that the competition and CSIDI campaign have had such a positive response from the dental team and look forward to continuing this important work in partnership with the MHRA”.


Notes for editors:

Picture attached: BDIA Spot the Fake competition winner, Lizzie Boon.

Established in 1923, the British Dental Industry Association (BDIA) represents and supports manufacturers and suppliers of dental products, services and technologies. BDIA members gain access to a range of services designed to benefit them and promote the well-being of the industry as a whole and the profession gains the reassurance of dealing with like-minded individuals who are committed to providing a high quality standard of service.

For more information please contact Edmund Proffitt on 01494 781183 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  8807 Hits
8807 Hits



Welcome to our latest blog. Below are 5 reasons that we believe make GDPUK a unique place to market your business and reach your target audience of dentists. G.D.P.U.K.




G = Growing


Established in 1997, GDPUK continues to grow

  • 20 years of hosting dental discussion chat and opinion

  • The home of dental opinion in the UK

  • Just under 10,000 members, who are all part of the profession

  • Since beginning of 2014, we have had 3500 new members, the site is constantly growing.

  • Approx 1,000 different people contribute to our forum discussions in a calendar year.

  • In 2016, we are averaging over 4,000 unique visitors a month to the site.

D = Debate

GDPUK is the home of dental opinion and information.

  • The site is proud that it gives a medium for dentists to discuss dentistry in the UK and give their opinion of what matters to them.

  • The site can be controversial but we see that as a good thing. We exist because the content in our news, blogs and forum pages is interesting to read. We continue to attract an audience.

  • This tradition continued at our conference in November 2016 and our 20th anniversary celebrations in 2017.

P = Publisher

Publisher of Daily Dental News and Blogs

  • Large audience follow our news and blogs

  • GDPUK has a news editor, plus a number of paid content writers

  • News stories receive thousands of readers a week

  • A range of blogs are published weekly, full of opinion, humour and insight.

  • Our news is published instantly, so the site carries the latest stories, no monthly deadlines, no print nor post delays….

  • @DentistGoneBadd our comedy blogger attracts around 5,000 readers per week, 100,000 in the last twelve months.

U = Unique Opportunities

Reach your target audience

  • GDPUK offers unique advertising spaces to get in front of your target audience

  • Dentists are reading our site every day of the week.

  • The site is like a dental exhibition every day!

  • Feature on our daily digest email, which gets sent 3 times a day, every day

  • Ask us about what we can offer for a 12 month marketing campaign.

K = Kinship

Become Part of the GDPUK Family

  • We are a small, close knit group and business at GDPUK

  • Work with us and we can help any problems or issues and come back to you instantly

  • We can provide full accountability on everything and we are always available to speak or help.

  • GDPUK loves to build close relationships, with our users, colleagues and also our customers who help to keep the site running.

For more information about GDPUK and how we can help to market your business, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Thanks for reading.

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  5267 Hits
5267 Hits

Market your business online, work with GDPUK in 2017

Market your business online, work with GDPUK in 2017


Ask us, How we can help you?


There has been a recurring theme this week (other than the US Presidential Election) and that is clients or prospects asking how we can help them in 2017?

We see GDPUK as an integral part of a dental companies opportunity to market themselves to dentists in the UK. We believe we have a large, active and engaged audience on the site, which we are very proud of. This is important because dental professionals in the UK are using social media more than ever and GDPUK is at the centre of that.

So we have put together a short list of the ways in which we can help our clients engage with potential customers.


  1. Banner Ads - We offer a range of banner ads on the site and our daily digest emails. Further info can be found in our media pack and by getting in This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  2. 12 month packages of advertising. We have a number of deals with clients that run for 12 months, which offer the client excellent exposure, good value and builds a great working relationship between GDPUK and the client.

  3. Product / Service Launches - We can help launch a new product into the market, with blogs, news articles and banner ads.

  4. Special Offers - Entice new or old customers with a special offer / or sample offer

  5. Case Studies - We can publish case studies for you of products that are working for patients in dental practices. A case study can be a great way of demonstrating how your product works and how it will help the dentist improve his or her skills.

  6. Forum Reviews / Tests - Put your product to the test, use members of the GDPUK forum to test your product and receive honest reviews that can be shared on the forum and published as a blog post.

  7. Surveys - Run a survey, which can be hosted by our site or your site. Use it to do product research etc

  8. Social Media Competitions - Combining promotion on GDPUK and other social media channels, we can run a competition that helps collect data and potential new users of your product.

  9. Promotion of Courses / Events - There are a large number of events, meetings, courses that are scheduled in the UK dental calendar on an annual basis, we can help with promotion and even the sale of the tickets.

  10. 2017 Conference. Next year we are pleased to be hosting an event to celebrate our 20th year of a space for dentists in the UK to talk and share opinion. This milestone, will be marked with conference towards the end of next year. Exhibition and sponsorship opportunities will be available.


If you would like to try any other marketing ideas on our site, we are always interested in new methods and always looking to learn. Look forward to hearing from you soon, helping your business thrive in 2017.

Thanks for reading.

e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  5937 Hits
5937 Hits

A Day in the Life of a Clinical Lead

A Day in the Life of a Clinical Lead


Dr Mark Hughes is a Clinical Lead for Bupa Dental, which is a member of the Association of Dental Groups. Here, he discusses how his daily life has changed since joining the corporate…



It has been just over two years since Bupa Dental acquired our group of practices. I was previously a partner in the business, based in the City, West End and Canary Wharf. Our focus was primarily corporate dental clients, with an emphasis on dental insurance schemes alongside private patients. 


I took on the role of Clinical Lead for the group, while also caring for a full patient list. Having been involved from 1998 to 2014, I had become very busy with regular and new clients covering all aspects of general dental care. In addition, I was liaising with the other dentists, dental nurses and hygienists regularly to identify any issues. We prided ourselves on responding to clinical and personal concerns quickly, despite the increasing size of the group.


When we announced the change of ownership, there were varied concerns from both the clinical and administrative staff. I suppose we all have an image of a faceless, financially driven, uncaring business when the word ‘corporate’ is linked with dental practice, so there was a degree of scepticism to manage. As there had been a long consultation process prior to the sale, however, we were convinced that the new group shared our goals and beliefs in how to care for patients and move the business forward. As such, we were pleased to find these concerns did not come to fruition.


I was offered the role of Clinical Lead within Bupa alongside my usual clinical duties. This has involved being a part of the clinical governance process including audits, interviewing new clinicians, complaint handling and acting as a link between practitioners and management. I was keen to undertake this role to facilitate the transition between private and corporate ownership, as well as helping the continuity of patient care.


Which brings me to the main question many will ask – what is it like working as part of a large organisation?


First the caveats; I came from a relatively large group practice where, whilst clinical autonomy was valued, there was a sense of team and shared attitudes to patient care. We had a very low turnover of staff and encouraged meetings and communication in what we hoped was a relaxed working environment.

Also the experience we had joining the corporate were, it goes without saying, unique to our situation and the attitudes and approach of the management team.


I hope that I can comment from a relatively impartial standpoint despite being pro-takeover from the outset. In addition, part of what I can report comes from the opinions expressed to me from other staff members after 18 months of new ownership.


So what has changed? On a day-to-day basis, very little. Bupa Dental has great belief in clinical freedom while remaining aligned with mainstream dental thinking. This extends to a very broad, though not limitless, choice of materials, along with keeping individual dentists’ favoured laboratories open to them. In fact, when the practices meet for CPD evenings, exploring new techniques and materials is actively encouraged. This is not to say that the commercial aspects of the dental business are overlooked, rather that the importance of high clinical standards is a priority. This leads to another plus of operating within a larger group; the depth of clinical experience available across the whole spectrum of general and specialist dentistry. The ability to send an email out across such a large number of dentists asking for opinions cannot be underestimated. What’s more, a larger corporate can market and promote its services, skills and individual practices to a much wider audience than could be achieved by a single practice.


I think some of the benefits of working for a large organisation depend on your perspective – for example, a practice owner will drastically reduce their paperwork by selling to a corporate and becoming an associate. In my experience, other members of the team have reported seeing little difference in their administrative responsibilities, or indeed a slight increase in line with the corporate’s emphasis on self audit and appraisal. Whether this is symptomatic of working for a large organisation, or merely representative of the increasing governance faced by all clinical staff, is debatable ­– similarly, some people appreciate the email reminders and others find them intrusive!


Ultimately, the fact that the practice I work in is owned by a corporate has made little impact to the way I approach my clinical day – I have retained my clinical freedom and responsibility to patients. However it’s great to know that I have the support of a larger healthcare company backing me up so I can focus on being a dentist.


To find out more about the ADG and member groups, please visit http://www.dentalgroups.co.uk


NB: The views expressed in this and similar columns by individual ADG members are intended to stimulate constructive debate about current issues in dentistry. Thoughts are the authors’ own and not necessarily those of the ADG.

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  7681 Hits
7681 Hits

A worthy cause

A worthy cause



At this year’s showcase, A-dec gave delegates the opportunity to take part in their Chair Building Puzzle, for a chance win a pair of A-dec stools.

The worthy winner was a member of Leidos – the  procurement team for the MOD – and, selflessly, they opted not to accept the stools, but asked for a donation to a brilliant charity instead.

And, of course, A-dec was more than happy to help out.

Therefore, in lieu of the stools, A-dec will be making a £1,000 donation to Paul King’s ‘Brave the Shave’ challenge, in support of Macmillan cancer support. Paul had  his hair and beard shaved completely off in order to raise money. This is a great cause which will help those who have been affected by this terrible disease.

The whole team at A-dec are humbled by Leidos’ show of generosity – and wish Paul all the best in his challenge. Let’s hope it doesn’t get too cold!




For more information about A-dec Dental UK Ltd, visit

www.a-dec.co.uk or call on 0800 2332 85

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  3679 Hits
3679 Hits

Intuitive practice management system solution proves popular with visitors at 2016 BDIA Showcase …

Intuitive practice management system solution proves popular with visitors at 2016 BDIA Showcase …


Last weekend marked the return of the British Dental Industry Association (BDIA) annual showcase.

And for those interested in reviewing how best to boost efficiencies and the profit of their practice with the help of practice management system solutions, then a visit to Systems for Dentists on stand J34 proved time very well spent.

As one of the longest established practice management system design specialists in the UK, the enterprising company offered an exciting forum for Dentists looking to gain an in depth insight into their latest technologies and innovations.


Not only was it an opportunity to meet personally with members of their team, but for many, it proved the perfect forum in which to get hands on with the latest developments in practice management system solutions.

And in addition to getting close up and personal with all that was new from the latest version of their flagship system software, to the benefits it stands to offer, the dynamic team of developers were certainly looking to inspire and impress with everything exceptional about the latest interfaces and functionality on offer this year.

As beyond all that was practical and leading edge about their carefully designed practice management solutions, the backdrop of stand J34 at BDIA also provided all the knowledge visiting Dentists needed to increase their practice bottom line through the help of their V6 Practice Management System.

And for those dental practices who managed to attend, taking valuable time out of their busy day, the BDIA Dental Showcase presented a great platform once again to meet alongside over 350 leading dental companies and to provide the perfect setting to re-ignite a shared passion for the UK Dental market.

Ranging from global brands to industry newcomers, Dentists were presented with one of the widest selections of industry related products and innovations demonstrated under one roof in the UK this autumn.

As a well-respected and credible arena for providing the opportunity for dentistry teams to immerse in the present and future of our industry, the BDIA Showcase 2016 was certainly a great arena in which to explore new innovations, and to discover everything brilliant about Systems for Dentists practice management system design.

As ever, Systems for Dentists were just one exhibitor who relished the opportunity to exhibit to showcase their portfolio. And with a genuine care for speaking to practitioners about how they could look to partner with them to drive up profits and further streamline their practice management efficiencies.

And for those Dentists looking to review how practice management could make a valuable difference to their practice moving forward, not only that, but to keep pace with the industry and to catch up with friends and associates, they were sure to fuel not only their knowledge of practice management system benefits, thanks to the help of Systems for Dentists experts, but also a love of all that makes the UK dentistry market so special!

Systems for Dentists will return to exhibit at BDIA 2017 live from stand I60 at The NEC to present and showcase all that’s new and exciting as they continue to shape and develop their practice management system technologies for the benefit of the UK dental market.



For further information, contact:

Nathan Ross at Systems for Dentists on 0845 643 2828

Email; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  10167 Hits
10167 Hits

BDIA Dental Showcase – Another great success

BDIA Dental Showcase – Another great success

BDIA Dental Showcase has again delivered a show worthy of its reputation as the premier event on the dental industry calendar.


With many exhibitors reporting excellent on-stand sales, visitor figures for this year’s Showcase have also shown that the dental industry is in good health with practices and practitioners happy to apply many of the technological advances they have discovered at BDIA Dental Showcase 2016. 


Michael Cann, President of the British Dental Industry Association (BDIA) and Managing Director of Septodont, is delighted with the numbers of visitors that they have seen at this year’s show and said, “Our stand this year has focused on our new online CPD training that will allow practices to be compliant with the 2013 Sharps Legislation using our new needle-stick injury prevention devices, which has had a very good response from visitors.”

Sonia Tracey, Vice President of the BDIA and Managing Director of W&H, commented, “The visitors we have seen at our stand this year have done their homework before coming to the show, which makes our work so much better as we can offer them more detailed information and products that are useful back in their practice.  This has also allowed us to spend quality time with them to ensure they get all the information they need.  We couldn’t have asked for better.”


Charlie Fuller, Sales and Marketing Manager at OralB, is very happy with year’s Showcase, saying “BDIA Dental Showcase is an incredible event for us.  It gives us one-to-one time with practitioners who work with our products and who will be advising patients on which of our products will work best for them.”

Alun Dabner, Brand Manager of Colgate, said “We have had an excellent show this year with visitor and sales figures at our stand looking really healthy.  Our on-stand lectures have been very well attended which has fitted in really well with our education focus for the show.”


With the announcement that next year’s show will be organised under the auspices of the Mark Allen Group and George Warman Publications, 2017 will certainly be a very exciting year to look forward to.


Related news story on GDPUK - https://www.gdpuk.com/news/latest-news/2352-showcase-event-sold-by-bdia

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  10409 Hits
10409 Hits





Previously on this very blog, I have written about the power of storytelling but how we use stories and imagery are still incredibly important when we get up in front of an audience.

If you want people to remember what you say, tell a story. Paint a big visual picture. Don’t just say you deliver great customer service, find a surprising or funny story about how you delivered amazing customer service. Link it to our emotions.

This evening is the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur, which is a 25 hour fast that commences at sunset. The central themes of the day are atonement and repentance. At certain points of the service (both tonight and tomorrow) there will be a sermon from the Rabbi or Minister of the Synagogue. At every synagogue around the world there will be similar themes. From experience of some bad sermons over the years, those that keep the attention of the audience will involve a number of stories that can be linked together to form an overall message that the speaker wants to get over to their audience or congregation. If parts of the biblical texts or transcripts are just read out then people will just switch off. Stories will keep the hungry audience, entertained and engaged!

Groups don’t need more facts. We definitely need more stories – especially good ones.

So with 4 weeks to go to the GDPUK Conference, I want to remind you that all our speakers on the day will have excellent stories to tell, that we believe will keep you engaged and interested. The conference promises to be slightly different to a normal day at a dental conference. Why not come along and join us. We look forward to seeing you on the 4th of November. There will be plenty of chance on the day....for us all to share our stories.

Thanks for reading :)


Speaker lineup - www.gdpuk.com/conference/speakers

Conference and ticket information - www.gdpuk.com/conference/overview


Quote taken from this link https://www.flickr.com/photos/coolinsights/16461066958

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  5007 Hits
5007 Hits

An appointment with success

An appointment with success


Did you manage to talk to the Welltime team at this year’s BDIA Dental Showcase? If you didn’t, you truly missed out.

That’s because the expert Welltime team were showcasing the innovative online booking system, AppointMentor. Delegates were keen to learn how this state-of-the-art solution enables patients to book, reschedule and cancel appointments easily, from anywhere, at any time.

The benefits of such a system were clear. Providing greater accessibility for patients, AppointMentor helps practices boost their business. Easily integrated into a practice’s existing website, the clever system allows a practice to remain in complete control of their appointment book, whilst giving patients the control and flexibility to choose the appointment slots that are best for them.

Delegates were enthusiastic about the AppointMentor option and how it could help practices take the next step into the future of dentistry.

If you didn’t manage to talk to the Welltime team at the BDIA Dental Showcase, you don’t need to worry. They are always happy to help – simply contact them today to discuss your options.


For more information, contact the Welltime team on 07999 991 337, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website at www.welltime.co.uk.

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  3522 Hits
3522 Hits

Are You Struggling to Recruit?

Are You Struggling to Recruit?

At the end of 2015, there were 41,095 dentists registered with the General Dental Council (GDC) – a small increase from the previous year.[i] Despite these growing numbers there is evidence to suggest that some practices are struggling to recruit associates. This is particularly true for those offering NHS services.

One of the reasons behind this is a shortcoming of dentists with Performer Numbers, which means there is an undersupply of licensed candidates available to work in the NHS. Obtaining a Performer Number can be somewhat of a long winded and drawn out process with a lot of paperwork involved.

Because the process can be time-consuming and practices are often on a tight schedule, employers can sometimes end up just requesting applicants that already have a Performer Number. As a result, some dentists end up getting overlooked and practices miss out on taking on a promising individual that could have been an asset to the business. Smaller, more rural practices on the other hand are much more likely to offer a job to someone without a Performer Number due to lack of choice. As I’ve seen many times before, though, these practices run the risk of an employee handing in their resignation shortly after receiving their Performer Number to pursue a job in the city.

Because UK dentists automatically graduate with a Performer Number after the completion of their foundation training, there are no restrictions as they enter the world of employment – unless they leave the UK for 12 months, in which case their number is often archived and they are back to square one. In contrast, some foreign applicants have to pass the overseas registration exam (ORE) before they can register with the GDC, apply for their Performer Number and take on jobs. For some, this process can take up to two years and leaves a number of dentists without a job and practices without great applicants.

The other possible reason why practices occasionally struggle to find suitable staff despite a superabundance of dentists is that too many applicants either require mentorship or don’t have enough experience. At the end of the day practices have UDAs that must be completed and if a dentist with little experience cannot meet their allocated target, the practice will end up with a UDA deficit. In my experience, NHS practices also tend to prefer dentists with UK experience and knowledge of the NHS and UDA systems.

Then there is the matter of dentists that are looking to specialise somewhere down the line. It can be difficult for a general practice to take on someone who has ambition to become a specialist, because they are either going to leave or request that they go part-time to practise elsewhere. As such, some businesses are reluctant to take on such individuals, which in turn means they are required to consider applicants that might actually be less suitable for the vacancy.

And that’s not to mention the impact that competition has upon the recruitment process, not just from an associates perspective but also from an employers. To attract the best dentists in the profession, practices are now offering what is known as a golden hello – a one off payment of anywhere between £1,000 and £10,000 to entice them into joining the practice. This is usually tied in with a clause so that if they leave within the first 24 months of their contract, they’ll be required to pay that money back.

We have also noticed a rise in the price being offered to dentists per UDA, which is also likely to attract a high calibre of ambitious dentists. Before, the going rate was £10 per unit in most cities and towns. In an effort to make contracts more appealing to top tier candidates, however, some practices are now offering £10.50 to £11.00 per UDA – and that number could well creep up over the coming months. The other popular financial incentive is to offer commission for referring a patient to the hygienist.

A tactic used by larger, more established practices is to offer more clinical freedom to associates looking for a less regimented work environment. From what I’ve seen, the practices that tend to be most successful are usually those that are more forward thinking in their approach with staff. This includes allowing staff to have more flexibility in their working hours to attend training and to continue with their studies.

It is also important to remember to be forthcoming with applicants about the patients that are on the books, for instance, the ratio of private to NHS, demographics and so on. This can help to give them an idea of what it would be like working for the practice.

With so many factors to take into consideration, recruiting an associate is no easy feat. For that reason it can be prudent to enlist the services of a specialist agency such as Dental Elite. With the right help and expertise, the profession can operate at its full potential.

For more information on Dental Elite visit www.dentalelite.co.uk, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01788 545 900

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  4828 Hits
4828 Hits

GDPUK Conference - Music announced

GDPUK Conference - Music announced
The GDPUK Conference in Manchester on the 4th of November was promised to be slightly different to the standard dental conference. We are pleased to announce the addition of the musician and artist Gideon Conn to the lineup on the day. Below you will find a short bio of what he will bring to the event in November.
Gideon Conn is a singer-songwriter, originally from Manchester but currently based in London. He tours extensively around the UK, having played at many UK festivals including Glastonbury Festival. Gideon is also an accomplished painter, drawer and sculptor, Gideon sells his artwork and accepts commissions through his website and his official Facebook page.
Conn's songwriting combines fingerpicking acoustic playing with jazz-inspired chord progressions and hip-hop rhythms. His vocal delivery encompasses singing, rapping and scatting. His music varies between a synth-laden modern sound and a more lo-fi production. He takes inspiration from a wide range of influences, primarily in soul and jazz music, and has expressed admiration for artists such as Stevie Wonder, Badly Drawn Boy, OutKast, Nat King Cole and The Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
At the GDPUK Conference, Gideon will be performing two short acoustic sets where he will showcase his range of talent. He will also be doing some drawings of the day in his unique style.
For further information on the day and the line up of speakers, please follow this link - www.gdpuk.com/conference/overview
If you would like to purchase tickets for the conference - click here
Further information on Gideon can be found on his facebook page
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  4296 Hits
4296 Hits

Get on the bus with All Med Pro at the Dental Showcase 2016

Get on the bus with All Med Pro at the Dental Showcase 2016



Back in April this year All Med Pro teamed up with Hiscox Insurance to provide indemnity cover for Dental Professionals across the UK.

With indemnity costs on the rise and the well-publicised issues around discretionary indemnity and in particular the payment of claims we believe our offering provides a true alternative to the medical defence organisations. 

We are exhibiting at this year’s BDIA Dental Showcase at the London Excel on the 6-8 October. We will be located at stand C70 in a red route master bus. Our aim together with Hiscox Insurance is to offer support to Dental Professionals throughout their career and we invite you to join us and discuss your indemnity requirements.

Just one of the ways we have assisted our clients is by partnering up with a specialist provider of verifiable CPD - for dentists by dentists. This provides online CPD, resource library and access to training courses.

For Dentists who are claim free premiums start at £1,642.00* including insurance premium tax. We can also assist those who may have had claims, refused cover or GDC enquiries. The policy with Hiscox includes the following:


·        Up to £10,000,000 limit of indemnity

·        Run-off cover

·        Reputation protection

·        Good Samaritan acts

·        Data protection cover 

·        Loss of documents cover

·        Contract certainty 

·        12 month interest free direct debit for the medical negligence cover


We can also provide indemnity cover for hygienists, therapists, technicians and dental nurses.



For further information click here - www.allmedpro.co.uk


*This does not include the cost of medico legal expenses and CPD. 

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  4001 Hits
4001 Hits

MASS OBSERVATION – Your profession, Your experiences, Your opinions

MASS OBSERVATION – Your profession, Your experiences, Your opinions


This October the FGDP(UK) is undertaking an ambitious initiative called the ‘Mass Observation’ project. Subtitled ‘Your profession, Your experiences, Your opinions’ the project aims to capture a snapshot of the dental profession in 2016. 

Everyone in dentistry, from receptionists to practice owners, is invited to submit their experiences about one particular day working in dentistry. The official Mass Observation Day is Wednesday 12th October but people can choose to talk about any day in the week of the 10th to the 16th October. 

Although a small amount of demographic data will be gathered all submissions are anonymous, enabling people to be as candid as possible. The two main questions are deliberately very open: 


  • What did you do today? 
  • What are your thoughts on the profession? 

Within the parameters of those two questions people can write whatever they want, providing they do not breech patient confidentiality. 

The main anticipated outcome from the project is a wealth of anecdotal evidence about dentistry in 2016, and what those involved in the practice of dentistry think about the profession. Whatever themes emerge will be examined in a report to be produced as part of the FGDP(UK)’s 25th anniversary celebrations in 2017. 

Dean of the FGDP(UK) Dr Mick Horton said: 
“This project was inspired by the Mass Observation Project that ran for nearly three decades from 1937. Ordinary people shared snapshots of their lives, and in doing so created an invaluable treasure trove of social history. The FGDP(UK) now wants to create something similar to help us celebrate general dental practice during our 25th anniversary next year. 

We want the whole profession to get involved, not just Faculty members. Dentistry is a wonderful and diverse profession, full of people with fascinating experiences and strong views to share. We want to hear from them all.” 



To take part visit www.massobservation.org.uk

People will have until the 31st October to submit their contributions. 


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  13032 Hits
13032 Hits

CDO shows her true colours

CDO shows her true colours

I wrote a piece for Dentistry magazine earlier this year about the new Chief Dental Officer who at the time was busy on a “fact-finding” tour of her new territory. Sara Hurley’s tour was without doubt planned as a charm offensive, featuring smiling photographs with some of the movers and shakers of British dentistry. When she made an appearance at the BDA conference in Manchester her ad-lib question and answer session on the BDA stand was very successful and she came across as personable, reasonable and eloquent. “Good”, I thought, “here’s someone who wants to make friends”.

After more than a decade of her successor, Barry Cockcroft, who could not be described as any one of personable, reasonable or eloquent she seemed a breath of fresh air. But, let’s face it, the bar wasn’t set very high.

In my article I reminisced about CDOs I had encountered, I would not claim to have known any of them. I encountered Brian Mouatt when I was doing the MGDS pre-exam course just after the Conservative government announced a new dental contract, which was intended to “sort out NHS dentistry for good”.

He gave a talk on the new contract and promised that he would answer our concerns when he had finished. However having completed his prepared address he muttered something about having a previous engagement and headed for the door, our angry comments and questions ringing in his ear.

I only knew Margaret Seward because she was married to my first boss, Professor Gordon Seward, she was in post for two years and presumably wasn’t able to leave much of a mark on things, people I have met who worked with her spoke highly of her.

The other CDO I met was of course the previously mentioned Dr Cockcroft who was the highly visible mouthpiece for the iniquitous UDA system and became the exception after a line of low profile CDOs.

In view of Dr Hurley’s ease with people and obviously understanding the need for good PR I was surprised to hear that the new CDO had been far too busy to answer questions on Channel 4 in the wake of their damning reports on UK dentistry. If an NHS dentist was similarly booked solid for 6 months it would be mismanagement.

There was something that kept nagging at me and that was the somewhat cynical conclusion we reached after Brian Mouatt’s sudden departure. The CDO is a civil servant and is there to do the government’s bidding. The current incumbent has spent her professional life in the services reaching a high rank, she knows all about chain of command and is used to taking orders.

Her announcement this week at an NHS Expo (whatever that may be) that, “Going to the dentist every six months is unnecessary,” as the Daily Telegraph reported it, only undermines the position of Dentistry.  The other statements attributed to her are more “austerity” fuelled DoH propaganda.

"You don't see your GP every six months so why would you see your dentist?” Dr Hurley said. Well, Sara that is because NHS medicine is an illness driven system that is reactive and gives only lip service to prevention.

“If you go to have your car MOT, and he says, come back in six months, do you blindly adhere to that advice?” Actually Sarah if I’m driving one and a half tons of complicated machinery that I want to be safe yes I do. What does the army do about recalling tanks for servicing at the correct intervals? I would suggest that if you do them “blindly” someone could find themselves being disciplined.

She was joined on the platform by Roy Lilley who described dentistry as  “a rich man’s hobby” as a regular reader of Mr Lilley I know him to be anti-medic, and by extension dentist, who thinks that every ill in medicine can be cured with a “cuppa builder’s and a hobnob”. He criticised improved surroundings for dentistry, perhaps a return to upright chairs, woodchip wallpaper and lino; with queues on the stairs for gas sessions - would this suit him?

It has taken dentistry half a century to get the message across that regular attenders have fewer problems, stay healthier and actually prefer the reassurance. The good practices already tailor their recalls to suit patients and have been doing it for decades. Your statement is irresponsible and only fuels any criticism and scepticism of dentistry. You knew that your words would make headlines and that you were undermining the hard won confidence that most general practitioners face. However as you have never been a GDP how can you possibly understand what that really means?

It would appear that after a year in post gaining the fragile confidence of dentists, the directive has come down to the CDO, “get rid of your camouflage tunic, put on your hard hat and Kevlar, come out into the open and start gunning down your colleagues. That’s what we pay you for, not popularity - oh and Sara don’t forget there may well be a gong in it for you”.

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  14044 Hits
14044 Hits

Online abuse

Online abuse


As you all disappear on your long errant holidays – take note.

Finally the GDC have issued a small puff of white smoke from their chimney in Wimpole Street.

After much personal hard work by our colleague Dr Vicky Holden, and an uncertain amount of work by our representative body at the other end of Wimpole Street, the Council of the GDC voted to remove all address details from their on line register.  60,000 mainly female DCPs will I suspect be mightily relieved.  20,000 odd female dentists will rest a little easier.

If you have not been on the end of unwanted attention, it can be many things. Embarrassing … alarming … irritating … flattering …  laughable …  but worst of all of course is when it becomes frightening … perhaps even sinister.

Many of us will have had nurse as employees who find themselves on the receiving end of unwanted attention from some admirer- in-waiting.  Some of us may have even had to step in on occasion

How the previous CEO of the GDC even thought there was any justification in the first place remains a mystery.  But then the workings of the previous CEO were a mystery of course.

Our patients are entitled to know we are registered. In fact 99% of them assume we are.

Perhaps we should put our GDC Number on all correspondence … estimates, invoices, letters etc. I know many do. It’s not a secret.

But it is right that patients with ulterior motives should not be able to pursue an alternative and unwanted agenda.

So hats off to our GDC.  Of course you might ask why the Council did not do this 2 years ago when it still scorchingly obvious to anyone with half a brain that the matter needed addressing, so to speak.

The Council

This episode suggests that the new senior executive management at the GDC are quite different. There is a sense that their agenda may well be one we could subscribe to.

But perhaps this whole ‘address’ saga says more about the Council. It was those 12 Members, 6 of whom are Registrants, who ducked the issue 2 years ago.

It rather confirms in my mind that we have a better Executive in place at the GDC but we still lack a strong Council who will do the right thing at the right time.

Ah yes ...  that brings me to ‘ole Billy boy.  The Old Guard still sitting in that position at the middle of the table I see. Still writing twaddle-blogs! 

Good job he has been able to keep his address secret all these last few years what with all the FtP debacle!!  Perhaps we can look forward to a new method addressing Dr Moyes in the near future:  The Former Chairman …  Then we might see some real changes.

Have a great holiday. May your sun shine on your upturned cheeks!

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  8148 Hits
8148 Hits

Make your views count via the NHS Confidence Monitor

Make your views count via the NHS Confidence Monitor


Now is the perfect time to take part in the NHS Confidence Monitor, organised by Practice Plan, offering all dental professionals the opportunity to communicate their views on the future of NHS dentistry.


Have you ever wondered what effect your responses to the survey may have on the future of dentistry? The truth is that the significance of having your say has never been plainer, with the GDC now taking notice of respondents’ confidence levels in NHS dentistry.


At a GDC meeting in June, it was duly noted on the agenda that, as a result of the Monitor’s results thus far, the GDC needs to consider the evidence of stress among dental professionals, the implications of this on morale among the profession and how the GDC should respond to these trends.*   


With this kind of proactive response from such a powerful governing body, it is more important than ever before that all dental team members – irrespective of whether they work in the NHS or private sector – have their say.


Commenting on the survey, dentist Judith Husband, a participant of Practice Plan’s Insights Panel, which meets to discuss each survey’s results, and a member of the BDA’s Principal Executive Committee, said: ‘As the first of its kind in the UK and leading the way in informing the dental team, it is wonderful that we are now in a position to use the data gathered to offer advice on a continuing basis, helping everyone working in dental practice to rise above any perceived challenges and improve the situation for professionals and patients alike.’


To take part in the latest NHS Confidence Monitor and share your thoughts, please visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PracticePlanNHSConfidenceMonitor4 before the closing date of 31st July 2016. The survey should take approximately three minutes of your time.


For detailed results from the last three surveys, visit www.nhsdentistryinsights.co.uk. Here you can also access the discussions from our previous Insights Panel, made up of key opinion leaders and experts from the dental profession who explore and debate the significance of the survey results and their implications for the future of the NHS.

* For full details visit http://bit.ly/29be2vS (see page 12, item 62).


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  3836 Hits
3836 Hits

Staying innovative in a growing business


Dentisan [Quadralene] is delighted to announce that Managing Director Andy Corley, has been invited to take part in the CBI’s MSB (Medium Sized Business) Summit 2016, entitled ‘Meeting the Productivity Challenge’.

This prestigious event, being held on 7 July in Central London, will explore the challenges that medium-sized businesses face in raising productivity and highlight some of the practical steps that such businesses can take to increase output and unlock new growth.

Designed for CEOs and senior leaders of MSBs, the Summit will include keynote and panel sessions and Andy will participate in one of the key case studies ‘Staying innovative in a growing business’.

Whilst companies such as Dentisan [Quadralene] have a proud legacy of developing new and exciting technologies and innovations, the UK as a whole underperforms when investing in Research & Development. Addressing this issue is essential for international competitiveness and plays a crucial role in making the UK a place in which to invest and grow a business. During the session Andy will highlight the steps Dentisan [Quadralene] has taken to become an innovator within its market, and explain the important role that R&D has played in its success.

Andy commented, “I am delighted to be taking part in such an important event. Innovation is central to our business ethos, and we could not succeed without significant investment in R&D. It has been a lynchpin of our business, and concentrating on innovation has helped us to both attract new employees and release the latent potential within our existing team. I am very much looking forward to sharing our experiences with other like-minded business leaders.”


For more information, visit www.dentisan.co.uk

Twitter: @DentisanLtd

Facebook: Dentisan Ltd

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  4117 Hits
4117 Hits

Denxit by @DentistGoneBadd

Denxit by @DentistGoneBadd

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  11996 Hits
11996 Hits

Brexit – implications for buying a practice

Brexit – implications for buying a practice


The Brexit vote has had an immediate and dramatic effect on the UK’s credit rating and the value of Sterling. The UK is now seen as a less safe place to invest in and less secure to lend money to.


PFM Dental Director, Jon Drysdale, says: “The decision to leave the EU could affect your plans to purchase a dental practice and makes it even more vital to have a robust business plan. Lenders will undoubtedly pass on the increased costs of borrowing although against this it unlikely the Bank of England will impose an interest rate rise.”


The UK remains one of the world’s largest and strongest economies with good banking liquidity, relatively low unemployment and perhaps the potential for improved terms with global export markets. If you subscribe to this view, the cost of borrowing money will probably stabilise and remain at a reasonable rate.


All of this emphasises the need for buyers to examine their business plan and the cost of running a business. Are you being realistic about the interest rate you can achieve? Do your projections stress test for rise in the cost of borrowing?


For more information about PFM Dental services go to: http://pfmdental.co.uk

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  11996 Hits
11996 Hits

The Big Brexit

The Big Brexit


Richard Lishman from Money4Dentists shares his thoughts on Brexit and what it will mean for Dentists in the UK.



So it’s happened. Voters in this country have supported a split from the European Union and, for the first time in just over forty years, the UK will be heading out into the future without its Continental neighbours.

When the news broke on the 24th, there was a lot of panic and uncertainty. The FTSE 100 dropped approximately 8.7 per cent, the strength of the pound plummeted to levels unseen for almost 30 years and the Prime Minister, David Cameron, announced his plans to step down in October. A pall of hysteria seemed to envelop the country… but is it really that bad?


Well, the most important thing to remember is that nothing is going to happen over night. A lot of things are up in the air right now, but they will settle. The market has gone up and down for years but it has always normalised. If we look back to the Scottish referendum, the FTSE experienced similar turmoil, but it went back to normal quickly enough. The main thing is to stay calm and not be too hasty in despairing.


In some cases, there may even be a chance for people to make a little money. In terms of equities, some may stand to make money if they buy carefully whilst prices are down and wait patiently for when the market returns to normal. Indeed, by being careful and investing wisely there can be much to gain at the moment. Of course, many individuals may be tempted to sell rather than buy right now, but this is more a product of inexperience than financial foresight. People are anxious and when they start to see the risk, they can panic and make mistakes.


It would be far better to approach this change with consideration and patience. Once the market has settled and the smoke has cleared, people will almost certainly have forgotten about the day we Brexited.


For dentists, one of the most crucial things to remember is that people will always have teeth – whether they’re part of the EU or not. The population will not suddenly stop needing to go to the dentist. There may be an initial dip in attendance whilst uncertainty reigns, but this will more than likely return to normal in due course – dental pain, after all, is and likely always will be a constant.


One thing, however, that some dentists may need to consider, if they achieved their qualifications in the EU but now practise in Britain, is that these may not be valid once the UK become independent. Of course, this is an eventuality that is still a long way away from becoming a reality, but it is something that might be worth researching to cover your bases.


But on the other hand, there may even be a chance for the UK dental economy to flourish. UK dental laboratories could see an increase in business if practitioners no longer have the option to work with overseas laboratories due to quality and standards incompatibility. Similarly, dental tourism may begin to tail off if EU dental qualifications lose their value in the UK and flights abroad increase in price.  


There are a lot of negatives that could come out of Brexit, but there are also a lot of positives that can be found – and these are most certainly worth looking for. Of course, if you are ever uncertain or concerned about your financial situations in the days and weeks following Brexit, it is always worth contacting an Independent Financial Adviser for, if nothing else, a little reassurance.


For more information please call 0845 345 5060 or 0754DENTIST.

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.money4dentists.com

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  5353 Hits
5353 Hits

Marketing your credit options correctly - Martin Gilbert Director of Chrysalis Finance

Marketing your credit options correctly - Martin Gilbert Director of Chrysalis Finance

Credit options are becoming increasingly important in UK dental practices. The increasing demand for elective dental treatments, combined with the ubiquitous search for cost-effectiveness, has made the provision of finance very attractive, and it can be an important USP for many practices.

However, even if a practice is offering credit options, it may be the case that they are not seeing the best return on this facility as possible.

This is simply due to the fact that many dental professionals lack the necessary marketing skills to properly promote the services they offer patients – and this could really be to their detriment. Indeed, opportunities missed through poor marketing can actually be the difference between a practice achieving and one that is excelling.

Your practice’s website is, perhaps, the most obvious place for you to start promoting your credit facilities. By making sure the information is easily accessible and easy to understand, any visitors to your website will immediately be informed of the options they have with you.

Similarly, maintaining a regular and consistent social media presence, in which patients are kept informed and included, can be a very efficient way of getting across a desired message. Posting information about credit options on your practice’s social media page is a sure-fire way of increasing your patients’ knowledge on how they can benefit from what you have to offer.

You could also include a message in your phone system’s ‘on hold’ message. Ideally, you don’t want your patients to be on hold for very long – but on the occasions where they do have to hold the line, it is good opportunity to promote your credit options (which will be far more useful to you, and less frustrating for your patients, than playing a tune like Greensleeves while they wait!).

Quite obviously, appreciating that these methods should and could be implemented and actually implementing them are two very different kettles of fish. Effective marketing takes time and considerable effort – two commodities that are too often in short supply for busy dental professionals. Therefore, it may be advantageous to recruit the services of an expert marketing team to help you come up with a consistent and appropriate strategy for your practice. Of course, it may present an upfront cost, but it is an investment that will almost certainly pay dividends in the future.

Of course, there is a very simple and effective solution: Chrysalis Finance, the UK’s only provider of simple, licence free credit options, also has the marketing savvy needed to help you and your practice get the very most out of their exceptional finance facility. Its services range from printable material, to assistance with your website, helping you ensure that your patients are up to date on the great finance options you can offer them.


For more information about Chrysalis Finance call us on 0333 32 32 230 or visit www.chrysalisfinance.com



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  4532 Hits
4532 Hits

Your ever increasing Dental plan provider fees

Your ever increasing Dental plan provider fees

Q. Would you like to reduce the cost of running your practices’ dental plans?

Q. Do you question the value of the fees your existing plan provider charges; Denplan, Practice Plan, DPAS, CODE, IndepenDent or another provider?

Q. Are you tired of admin fee increases applied by your exiting plan provider?

Q. Are you unsure of the exact fees you pay to your existing plan provider and would like help in completing a cost-benefit analysis?


If the answer is ‘Yes’ to any of above questions Patient Plan Direct would like to meet with you to explain and explore how they can help your practice achieve a successful plan provider transfer and save thousands in costs year on year thanks to a £1 per patient per month admin fee which includes: practice-branded solution, Worldwide Dental A&E cover, support from a dedicated client services team and business development manager, as well as plan promotional material and much more.

To contact Patient Plan Direct and book an exploratory meeting Call: 0844 848 6888 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or to find out more visit www.patientplandirect.co.uk

No matter how many plan patients you currently have, Patient Plan Direct can help you make big cost savings.

Your practice could achieve the same benefits and results as the following sample of practices that have already transferred their dental plan administration to a practice-branded solution with Patient Plan Direct…

BV Owen Dental Practice, North Wales

  • Almost 1,000 Care plan patients.
  • Previously paid their plan provider nearly £2.50 per patient per month.
  • High patient retention when transferring.
  • Now saving over £15,000 per annum in plan admin fees.

“These cost savings have helped towards a practice refurbishment we had been keen to undertake for sometime. Patient Plan Direct deal with things quickly and proficiently and our plans run like clock work”

Read the full story HERE


High Street Dental Practice, West Sussex 

  • Previously paying fees for access to services they did not require.
  • Needed a provider that was flexible and low cost.
  • Transferred to Patient Plan Direct with a high retention rate.
  • Now saving thousands in costs.

“We found the transfer to be hassle free.  As proved by the loss of members in the transfer being less than 1%.  We have gained approximately 18% more members over the last 6 months. And it continues to grow”

Read the full story HERE


Farleigh Dental - North East Surrey

  • Principal questioned the value of their previous plan provider shortly after purchasing practice
  • Almost 1,500 plan patients.
  • Needed an approach to running the practices’ dental plans that included simple and secure administration, low running costs, a quality A&E cover for patients and access to expertise to help with all things plan related as and when required.
  • Transferred to Patient Plan Direct and significantly reduced plan administration costs by around 50% which represented huge operational cost savings.

“Did I lose lots of patients as a result of the transfer? No, we lost a handful of plan patients – no more than we would normally expect as a result of an annual price increase mailing to plan patients. Am I glad we took on the move? Absolutely”

Read the full story HERE

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  4988 Hits
4988 Hits

Dental Elite Supports LDCs for 4th Year Running

Dental Elite Supports LDCs for 4th Year Running

To show its dedication to the industry, Dental Elite recently pledged its support to the Annual Conference of Local Dental Committees 2016 for the fourth consecutive year.

As Gold Sponsor of the event, the leading practice sales agency was proud to be able to offer its knowledge and services to dental professionals debating about the wider issues of dentistry, having already acted for a large number of the attending delegates successfully in the past.

If you missed Dental Elite at the conference, don't worry – the team will be exhibiting at various top calendar events and supporting more local LDC meetings and study groups throughout the next year.

If you are interested in receiving support for your event, contact the team today.


For more information contact Dental Elite. Visit www.dentalelite.co.uk, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01788 545 900

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  4717 Hits
4717 Hits

Behind the smiles

Behind the smiles



The BDA Benevolent Fund bought a smile to people’s faces at this year’s BDA Conference. They came armed with a photo-booth full of fun props to spread the word about how their support changes lives. Dentists from every corner of the UK need to know that if disaster strikes, they will not be alone. By giving one-off and regular grants to help those in need, the BDA Benevolent Fund is often the only lifeline when there is nothing else to hold on to. It’s not only about financial aid either, but support, comfort and friendship.

(Pictured above having fun with the Benevolent Fund is GDPUK's very own Michael Watson)

The fact is none of us is immune to sudden misfortune or a dramatic change in circumstances; a curveball can get thrown at any time. Think about it: how would you and your family cope if you had to stop work for any reason? Who would you turn to for help? The Fund is showing that, as a profession, we look after our own and will be there for colleagues who are going through dark times.


Conference delegates who stopped by the stand had the opportunity to meet with some of the Trustees, and find out about the diverse range of cases the charity has helped. Chronic illness and injury can mean lengthy time off work, as can family problems like divorce or bereavement and issues around personal debt. Sudden redundancy can set off a dramatic chain of events if the dentist is the breadwinner, with a family to support.


Modern dentists face a challenging and unique mix of pressures that can affect their mental wellbeing, such as ever-changing targets and regulations, keeping up-to-date with technology and techniques and making a decent living in a competitive industry. In its 2015 Annual Report, the Fund notes that a significant number of applicants had experienced stress-related illnesses. Accepting help is needed is the first (and probably the hardest) step, but once a dentist has made the call, their case has been assessed and a decision made, they can be sure of a timely intervention.


The testimonials from dentists who have been helped by the Fund really do speak for themselves. Recent recipients have said: “The way the profession has responded has been overwhelming,” “No-one can appreciate how important your work is until they need your help” and “There is a big light at the end of the tunnel and now I am confident I will come out at the other side”. Comments like these are reasons why raising awareness at industry events is so vital. An independent charity, the BDA Benevolent Fund is supported by a committee of volunteer dentists and, with no assistance from the government, is reliant on the generosity of donations. Behind the wigs, feather boas and cheesy grins, the BDA Conference was all about the essential promotion of Fund’s vital work.


The BDA Benevolent Fund exists to shine a light in times of trouble and show that brighter days can be just around the corner. Support the Fund and you will not only be helping dentists who have found themselves in desperate need, but you will be laying the foundations of support for future generations too. Find out more, then spread the word. Regular donations mean the Fund can reach out to even more people and the easiest way to donate is online, via the secure Just Giving page. One day, it might be you who has to make that call.


The BDA Benevolent Fund relies on your help to continue its work,
so please contact us on 020 7486 4994 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

or to give a donation today go to www.bdabenevolentfund.org.uk.


And if you are in need of help yourself, please contact us now.

All enquiries are considered in confidence.


Registered charity no. 208146

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  3938 Hits
3938 Hits

Recommend Poligrip® fixatives to your patients with dentures to help them eat, speak and smile with confidence

Recommend Poligrip® fixatives to your patients with dentures to help them eat, speak and smile with confidence


Up to 86% of patients are affected by food becoming trapped under their dentures.¹ This can lead to discomfort and can cause bad breath.

Results have shown that Poligrip® denture fixatives have the ability to seal out food particles helping to reduce gum irritation² and lead to increased levels of confidence, comfort and chewing efficiency.³


The Poligrip® range of fixatives include:


  • Poligrip® Flavour Free Fixative Cream

  • Poligrip® Ultra Denture Cream  


For further information on Poligrip® and dentures, why not complete the Poligrip® distance learner module and earn up to 1.5 hours of CPD. Simply visit            www.gsk-dentalprofessionals.co.uk today!



References: 1. Data on file, GSK, Canadian Quality of Life Study, 2005. 2. GSK Data on File. Murphy et al, 2012. 3. GSK Data on File. Durocher et al, 2008


Trade Marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies.







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  14330 Hits
14330 Hits

Sparkle Dental Labs Recognises Outstanding Commitment

Sparkle Dental Labs Recognises Outstanding Commitment


Sparkle Dental Labs always strives to deliver an outstanding service to all its collaborating dentists, utilising the extensive skill and experience of its staff to produce predictably precise restorations and appliances.

During the recent Genix and Sparkle Annual Awards 2016, the company was keen to distinguish those members of staff who really go above and beyond the call of duty.

As such, the following very deserving runners up and winners were announced amid a glittering Awards ceremony:


  • Sparkle Dental Labs Technician of the Year – Runner up – Abdol Ahmadi
  • Sparkle Team Member of the Year – Runner up – Saffa Hussain
  • Sparkle Dental Labs Technician of the Year – Winner – Edgars Martins
  • Sparkle Team Member of the Year – Winner – Tracey Lawson


Congratulations to all!



For any additional information please call 0800 138 6255 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit:


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  4843 Hits
4843 Hits

Flagship system solution proves a hit at British Dental Conference.

Flagship system solution proves a hit at British Dental Conference.


For Dentists looking to review their practice management system options at the British Dental Conference this year, it will have been refreshing to meet with a team who were at hand to demonstrate exactly why their flagship system software could make a real and sustainable long term difference to the Practice bottom line.

And it’s no surprise that given their personal, helpful approach and backed by such solid industry knowledge and expertise, founded by a dentist in the 1980’s, that the trained specialists on their stand created a buzz of excitement at the 3 day show.

Driven by a clear and deep understanding of what Dental Practices need from a leading edge intuitive practice management system, their development insight, achieved over nearly thirty years proved a winning hit with visitor interest from far and wide.

Developed on an iterative cycle of research, build, test, launch and review and predicated against totally listening to what Dentists need from the support of a robust and innovative dental practice management system, V6 Dental Practice Management Software presented those interested with a truly integrated and agile solution.

Featuring cutting edge modules, functionality and systems benefits that ranged from go paperless solutions to 24/7 real time online appointment booking, up to the minute management information, and data integrity and security and on-line system back up,  V6 offered everything needed to succeed operationally and streamline practice management.

And it was the company’s aim at the conference that their valued clients and those visitors interested in their system should not only benefit from information on the very latest in leading edge software developments and unparalleled systems support. Not only that, but they were also given the opportunity to gain valuable hands on experience with the very latest available in practise management innovations and technology advances.

And the beckon of a truly unique and supported user and customer experience  wasn’t the only reason why increasing numbers of visitors to the conference chose to take a closer look at Systems for Dentists; The appeal of their Dental Practice Management software was made more attractive by the offer of a fully integrated package of features included within the price, coupled with time, money and efficiency savings end even the option to go paperless, making paper signatures almost a thing of the past with the companies introduction to their peripherals range of Wireless Signature Pads.

As a credible and trusted brand, and with almost thirty years’ experience in systems software development and a profound knowledge of the UK dental software market, dentists looking to make a positive change to their practice management in 2016 could be confident that Systems for Dentists could provide what they needed.

And beyond their exciting range of software solutions and feature rich product options, visitors also discovered an unparalleled level of customer service second to none, ensuring exceptional levels of client support and making the process of transferring to a new system if required both effortless and operationally seamless.

Systems for Dentists offered a warm welcome to visitors who dropped on to their stand at the British Dental Conference, 26-28 May 2016.


For further information contact:

Nathan Ross at Systems for Dentists on

Direct line: 0845 643 2828

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  3721 Hits
3721 Hits

Refreshingly reliable

Refreshingly reliable



A dental chair is the focal point of any surgery: the central cog in a machine that allows for the provision of exceptional treatment. These products see almost constant use throughout the day and the average practitioner can expect to spend almost 27,000 hours with each chair over the course of their career. As such, it is vitally important for practitioners to choose wisely when selecting a new chair, to ensure that they are making a wise investment for the future.


The first consideration is reliability. Any savings made on a cheaper model will likely be lost if constant and expensive repairs are needed to maintain a chair’s ability to perform at its best, let alone the lost business caused by chair down-time. Investing in a dental chair that has renowned reliability will eliminate these unnecessary overheads. It will also provide essential peace of mind; indeed, being able to trust in the reliability of such an important piece of equipment is a factor that simply cannot be overstated.


It’s also important to invest in a chair that can stand the test of time – that’s future proof. Dentistry nowadays is advancing at an astronomical rate, with new innovations appearing on the market on an increasingly regular basis. This makes it very easy for some products to depreciate in value incredibly quickly. Therefore, a chair that can easily be adapted or updated to suit the rapidly changing needs of modern dentistry is a must.


On this basis, it is hard to beat an A-dec dental chair. With a longstanding reputation of unsurpassable quality, A-dec chairs are also easy to refresh and upgrade. They have both the durability to last for years and the flexibility to change when needed. This is something that Dr Wayne Williams, principal of Smile20 in Wokingham recently discovered. He says:


“I’ve had my A-dec 500 for 12 years. In fact, I think it was one of the first of this model to be installed in the UK. It’s an incredibly reliable chair – in over the decade I’ve worked with it, I’ve never felt the need to change it. Recently, however, I did make a small change: I had one of the new A-dec LED lights fitted.


“The upgrade process was very easy and it took less than an hour for our A-dec authorised dealer, Marz Dental Equipment Ltd., to come and do the installation. We’re so impressed that we are likely to do the same refreshing upgrade for our other chairs too – and I envisage being able to continue to use them for many years more!”


A-dec focusses on providing the equipment that dentists need to deliver first rate dentistry. Since modern dentists need the ability to be able to adapt to new technologies, techniques and materials, A-dec has worked hard to ensure that they have the products that allows them to do so.


With equipment solutions that allow for easy and innovative upgrades, A-dec has future proofed its chairs, allowing practitioners to change the individual aspects of their chairs to suit their individual needs, across many years of use.


And, indeed, Dr Williams’s example is simply the tip of the iceberg; A-dec chairs are extremely versatile, allowing practitioners to choose precisely the options that compliment their clinical preferences. For instance, another dentist, Dr Patricia Seyf from Seyf Dental in Barnes, has recently purchased an A-dec 500 without a cuspidor. She says: “Having no spittoon makes for a far more hygienic treatment centre. I can autoclave my funnels between each appointment and be completely assured that my surgery is cross-contamination compliant. It also allows me to have a direct, face-to-face conversation with the patient – something which I think is very important for putting them at ease and encouraging a strong patient-practitioner relationship.”


This level of customisation is indispensable. Practitioners can quite literally purchase the dental chair they need at the time – without having to worry about what is coming around the corner, since they also have the option to refresh and upgrade at a later date.


Investing in an A-dec chair is investing in your future in the dental profession. No matter what challenges or changes come about in the years to come, A-dec will continue to provide relevant and applicable options to those dentists aspiring to offer the very best dentistry.


For more information about A-dec Dental UK Ltd, visit

www.a-dec.co.uk or call on 0800 2332 85




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  4302 Hits
4302 Hits

4 reasons why working with an Online Community should compliment your social media strategy.

4 reasons why working with an Online Community should compliment your social media strategy.


Social media is now part of all businesses marketing efforts but below you will find 4 reasons why using an online community as part of your marketing plan can also be extremely valuable.


Likes don’t automatically translate to more sales, so when using social media for your business you need to start measuring engagement - how often your audience is interacting with posted content and of course each other through your channel.

With Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin you are faced with a number of challenges, how do you get more visits to your page? Once they do visit, will users engage with a status update, or discuss content you have posted.

Online communities on the other hand, don't have an identity problem. Online communities are organised around clear defined goals and values. Imagine what an established online niche community offers to the business trying to reach a clearly defined audience. By engaging with a targeted community you are filtering out all the white noise and interacting directly.

So why can an online community be a valuable marketing tool for a business?


  1. You are marketing your business to your actual target audience. Unlike social media, you know that the audience has interest in the content or message you are trying to get across.

  2. When users use a community site, they are doing it for a particular reason, they are interested in the subject and want to learn or share information. There is no distraction of their favourite comedian or band also shouting for their attention. Reaching your audience in a targeted environment, means you can catch them when they are receptive to receiving your message.

  3. Engaging on an online community can be risky but if you are seen to offer good service and advice, it will win you plenty of fans and impress the whole community. Communities dislike being sold to but they like being given good customer service and expertise.

  4. Being seen to interact with a community that contains your potential customers is extremely important, online communities are a form of social media so marketing your business within a community needs to be a part of your marketing strategy. Anywhere your potential customers engage, has to be seen as a potential medium to increase sales.


Thanks for reading, please let me know your thoughts or get in touch to discuss things further.


Jonny Jacobs

Digital Dentistry Blog on GDPUK.

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  5229 Hits
5229 Hits

The inequality of children’s oral health demonstrates the need for greater effort to engender more preventative strategies, says Denplan

The inequality of children’s oral health demonstrates the need for greater effort to engender more preventative strategies, says Denplan


The current state of children’s oral health in the UK has once again been making the headlines this week.  Whilst Denplan welcomes the news from Public Health England that the number of five year olds with tooth decay has dropped to its lowest level in almost a decade, there is still much greater effort needed to install better prevention strategies in order to eradicate this entirely preventable dental disease in the child population.

Commenting on the PHE survey results, Henry Clover, Chief Dental Officer at Denplan said: “Although the figures show that the number of five year olds with tooth decay has dropped from 31% in 2008 down to less than 25%, this still represents a quarter of the country’s five years olds suffering from an entirely preventable disease. Focusing on comparing data to previous years is not that helpful and the government, working with the profession, must not shy away from seeking to tackle this problem head on. 

“The current NHS contract makes it more difficult for dentists to care for children with the worst dental health, a key factor in the need to reform the system introduced in 2006. Any new contract, must put prevention strategies at the forefront and recognise that good dental health in childhood is vital, not only for lifelong oral wellbeing, but for good overall health.

“Denplan believes that a dental health assessment should happen by the age of one to prevent early onset of disease. Denplan’s research conducted with YouGov revealed that only one in five parents of children aged 18 or under (19%) said they first took their child to the dentist before 12 months of age1.”

The PHE statistics also revealed that in some areas, such as the North West, a third of five year olds (33.4%) are suffering from tooth decay, compared to only a fifth (20.1%) in the South East.

“This inequality in children’s oral health demonstrates there is still a huge regional variation, with areas of higher levels of deprivation tending to have higher levels of tooth decay.  Investment must continue to be targeted to areas where access to dental services is low to improve provision and inequalities. The development of more multi-skilled dental teams could also help provide more effective and economical outcomes in helping treat children with more extensive oral health needs. Therapists, hygienists and dental nurses could also play a crucial role in this.”

Last but not least, Denplan believes there is still a lot of work to be done to engender more preventative behaviours amongst the public as a further report this week2 revealed that four in ten people fail to brush their teeth at least once a day.

Henry Clover concluded: “Dentists and their practice teams can also play their part by taking responsibility for improving oral health in their own communities by engaging with local authorities, schools, early years and other health services and helping to raise awareness of the links between oral health and overall health. The training of other health and care professionals such as midwives, school nurses, social workers and care home workers will also help ensure oral health messages are more widely disseminated, thereby helping to engender more preventive behaviours amongst the public.”



Denplan/YouGov Survey. Total sample size was 5,152 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 11th-20th January 2016. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted are representative of all UK adults (aged 18+).

http://www.which.co.uk/news/2016/05/40-dont-use-a-toothbrush-at-least-once-a-day-441471/ (Accessed on the 11th May 2016)




About Denplan

Denplan Limited is the UK’s leading dental payment plan specialist owned by Simplyhealth; with more than 6,500 member dentists nationwide caring for approximately 1.7 million customers. Established in 1986 by two dentists who pioneered the concept of dental payment plans, Denplan has been at the heart of dental care for nearly 30 years. Today, Denplan has a wide range of dental plans for adults and children, enabling patients to spread the cost of their private dental care through a fixed monthly fee. Denplan supports regular attendance and preventive care, reducing the need for clinical intervention and helping patients to maintain healthy teeth and gums for life. Patient enquiries telephone: 0800 401 402   Dentist enquiries telephone: 0800 328 3223         www.denplan.co.uk

·         Denplan Care: all routine and restorative care + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover

·         Denplan Essentials: routine care only + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover

·         Plans for Children: routine and other agreed care + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover

·         Membership Plan: registered with the dentist + worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover

·         Denplan Emergency: worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover only

·         Corporate Dental Plans: company funded, voluntary and flexible benefit schemes

Denplan also provides a range of professional services for its member dentists and their practice teams, including the Denplan Quality Programme, Denplan Excel Certification Programme and Denplan Training.  Plus regulatory advice, business and marketing consultancy services and networking opportunities.

For more information about Denplan:

Rebecca Hutton

Denplan Press Office

Tel: 01962 829 179

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Follow us @denplandentists on Twitter and at linkedin.com/company/denplan-for-dentists

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  16744 Hits
16744 Hits

How The Smile Unites The World

How The Smile Unites The World


The Humble Smile Foundation joins government funded and charitable organisations worldwide to address poor oral health – training and educating on preventative oral hygiene techniques and distributing Humble Brushes.

Just one example is the collaboration with Project TEN – a voluntary organisation, which offers assistance to vulnerable communities predominantly in Israel, Ethiopia, Ghana and Mexico.

The Humble Smile Foundation joined Project TEN volunteers at a government-sponsored site for the blind in Gondar, Ethiopia. Here, accommodation comprises of mud huts, no bathrooms and tough living conditions. Project TEN interacts with the blind Amhari children after school, helping with homework and other activities. Simply the fact that anyone has travelled to such a remote area makes these children smile. They were delighted to meet dentists and receive toothbrushes and toothpaste for the first time. The children were each given a Humble Brush personalised with their own name in braille.

One toothbrush or equivalent oral health adjunct is donated to a person in need when a Humble Brush is sold in the UK – contact the team today to discover how your toothbrush of choice can help the world.



For more information about the Humble Brush visit www.humblebrush.co.uk or to find out more about the Humble Smile Foundation’s work visit www.humblesmile.org

Follow us on Facebook, HumblebrushUK

and Twitter


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  3360 Hits
3360 Hits

Works of art with outstanding value

Works of art with outstanding value


Quintess Denta is delighted to introduce MEDESY to its expanding range of pioneering dental products.

MEDESY enjoys an exceptional worldwide reputation incorporating many centuries of experience in making surgical ‘works of art’ and is renowned for precision and value.

The MEDESY range is the embodiment of quality, offering beautifully designed, practical instruments to all areas of dentistry including: surgical, diagnostic, periodontal, restorative, implantology, orthodontics, laboratory and accessories.

The MEDESY range is priced to appreciate top quality craftsmanship while respecting good value for money. Not only that, MEDESY is so confident in its products that all instruments are backed by an amazing 600-year guarantee.

Quintess Denta constantly strives to offer the best all round service to the dental profession with innovative instruments and products to enable the provision of first-rate dental care.

If you would like to bring MEDESY’s high quality Italian instruments to your practice, contact the exclusive distributor Quintess Denta today.


For more information visit www.quintessdenta.com, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us on 028 6862 8966

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  3756 Hits
3756 Hits

Free CPD opportunity*: Caring for your patients with dentures

Free CPD opportunity*: Caring for your patients with dentures

Free CPD opportunity*: Caring for your patients with dentures


By 2050 our global population of those aged 60 years or older is expected to more than double to two billion people.¹ Statistics reveal the older you are the more likely you are to be edentulous.²


Research shows that denture patients are using a mix of up to 14 different methods to clean their dentures ranging from soap and water to bleach.³ In one study only 12% of subjects had clean dentures.?


To provide further insight for dental professionals GSK, manufacturers of Poligrip®, have launched a distance learner module. The module content examines the impact of an ageing population, the effects of tooth loss and dentures for patients and the role of denture fixatives and cleansers.


The module is available online for access at the convenience of the dental team member and is free to complete. Completion can contribute up to 1.5 hours towards verifiable CPD.


Visit www.gsk-dentalprofessionals.co.uk to complete the module now! 


*which can contribute up to 1.5 hours towards your verifiable CPD




  1. UNFPA & HelpAge International, 2012
  2. Oral health and function – a report from the Adult Dental Health Survey 2009. The Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2011 (Ed. I O’Sullivan).
  3. GSK Data on File, 2014. Multinational diary study denture cleaning
  4. Dikbas I et al. Int J Prosthodont 2006; 19 (3): 194-298


Trade marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies.

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  4354 Hits
4354 Hits

Sonicare for Kids Connected is a hit with the ‘Singing Dentist’


Interview with Dr Milad Shadrooh “The Singing Dentist” featured on the TV show Good Morning Britain after developing methods to encourage children to brush their teeth more effectively. Dr Shadrooh has his own YouTube channel where he posts new songs aimed at young children but which parody contemporay hits with which the kids and their parents are familiar. We asked his opinion of the new Sonicare for Kids Connected – a new sonictoothbrush with features Bluetooth® wireless technology and an interactive app* which are designed to help motivate children to brush more effectively and independently.


  • What are the current issues surrounding children’s dental health which need addressing?

The current issues include a lack of awareness of correct brushing habits and lack of awareness of dietary aspects which both lead to tooth decay


  • What do parents tell you are their greatest struggles getting their children to brush their teeth?

Actually getting the kids in to the bathroom to do their teeth, and if they do, getting them to clean for long enough and brushing properly.


  • How can we encourage kids to brush effectively and for long enough?

We have to try to make brushing fun… as much as it can be! Rewarding kids can be a good way, having a cool toothbrush would help and to ensure they clean for the right amount of time, you could use timers, sing songs, play tunes or use a visual aid which is entertaining for them to watch, whilst helping them adopt the correct brushing techniques. 


  • What do you think of Sonicare for Kids Connected?

I like the concept, it ticks a lot of the boxes... it’s a nice and cool sonic brush so I'm sure kids would like it, having an associated app is great as most kids have access to smart phones or tablets and the videos make the brushing experience more fun for them.


  • How do you think kids will react to Sparkly the app character?

I think it will be nice for the younger kids, having a catchy name like ‘Sparkly’ helps, as parents can use that to encourage the kids to brush so they "help Sparkly".  This turns the experience of brushing into more of a game or fun-time process as opposed to a chore.  If that can help establish the brushing habit early on, then hopefully that habit will stay with them for their adult life.


  • Do you think kids will be excited and motivated by the connectivity and gamification aspects of the new product?

Kids love games and visuals, especially tablets and phones so I think the connectivity is a great idea, anything to get them excited about brushing is a good thing and it's all about getting that habit instilled into them from an early age.


  • What do you think parents’ reactions will be to the new brush?

I think parents will like the brush, it looks nice and is bright and is something for the kids to get excited about. Add to that the app side and the connectivity of it and I think parents will see the advantages and the potential for it to excite their kids so that they brush better.  Also, most adults have electric brushes nowadays and our children always want to copy us so having their own special sonic brush has got to improve kids with their brushing compliance. 


  • As a dentist why do you think using a sonic toothbrush will be more effective than a manual brush?

I recommend electric brushes because of their ease of use and improved plaque removal when used correctly. I prefer the sonic technology because of the feeling of the brush and the way it leaves the teeth feeling clean and polished. Also, it is much quieter and sleeker to use. Using a manual brush correctly is difficult for those with dexterity issues, whether it is due to age or other factors, so anything that makes that process easier and more effective has to be recommended.


  • Would you like your children to use Sonicare for Kids?  What does your daughter think of the product?

My daughter likes the app as she is crazy about anything bubbly and colourful on the smart phone. The app has the feel of the other apps aimed at children's learning so it fits in well. My wife and I both use the Sonicare and my daughter likes to copy us with hers but being only 2 years old, she finds the sonic vibrations a little tickly and she giggles all the way through brushing at the moment, but it has made brushing fun and she sometimes reminds me it’s time to "brush teethies"... Sonicare for Kids is something I will definitely continue to use and recommend to patients.


Dr Milad Shadrooh makes his next appearance on This Morning on Friday 6th May 2016. His YouTube channel can be found here


For more information about Sonicare for Kids Connected please visit www.philips-tsp.co.uk or call 0800 0567 222.

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  9496 Hits
9496 Hits

Five Star rating for the new NSK iClave mini

Five Star rating for the new NSK iClave mini


In a recent ‘in practice’ product trial the new NSK iClave mini autoclave was awarded 5 stars by over 90% of users for the speed of its cycle - the iClave mini delivers up to 12 ‘dry’ handpieces in less that 12 minutes! Additionally over 95% of practices awarded the NSK iClave mini 5 stars for build quality and overall size, as it fits in to a space approximately the size of an A4 piece of paper.

Jason Greenwood, BDS The Stafford Dental Practice, comments, “The NSK iClave mini is easy, quick and offers efficiency savings for handpiece processing”.

The NSK iClave mini is the perfect autoclave to keep handpieces in excellent working order as it complies with Europe’s Class S sterilisation standard and sterilises even the invisible parts of handpieces using direct-heating technology. This quick and effcient autoclave is the perfect solution for a busy practice.

For more information on NSK’s care and maintenance range contact Mark Beckwith on 07900 246529, contact NSK on 0800 634 1909 or visit www.myNSKdecontamination.co.uk



Facebook – NSK UK LTD

Twitter @NSK_UK

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  4858 Hits
4858 Hits

Spring Motivation?

Spring Motivation?


Motivation is funny old thing. What is that makes you get up and go to work? In amongst the demands of family life, most of us have to insert some productive hours to generate income to fund the lifestyle of our choice. So be it. But dark winters, both meteorologically and professional with persistent bad news, take their toll.

So as the days lengthen, the earth continuing to tilt on its axis, and the temperatures rise, notwithstanding the unusual nature of May snow !]  you feel the burdens of winter lifting. So let the sun warm your face and raise your spirits. It makes a change from rust and frostbite!

May and its adjacent months are the period of Dental Shows, and Conferences. The Dentistry Show in Birmingham, an acclaimed success, despite the fact that only 5% of the registrant population attend. Then the BDA Conference in Manchester takes place at the end of May and the LDC Conference 2 weeks later, in Manchester too. The Scots LDC Conference took place at the end of April.

These events are a chance to catch up, network with colleagues, and begin to feel good about your profession.  Feel the draw of the latest technologies and equipment, dream, perhaps plan, the next big step in your professional life.

It’s not too late to drop into the BDA Conference and call your Representatives to account. 130 Sessions over 3 days. The link is below.  Manchester in May? Blazing sunshine, darling.  If you have not been, give it some thought. Motivate yourself.


Forgiveness is motivating ?

Motivation in its widest sense might mean, for example, that past misdemeanours of our lead regulator fade into a forgiving memory. Sadly recent events mean I cannot avoid mention our old muckers, the "Wimpole Street Stasi".

Spare a thought for the situation of our colleague Dr David Lee, whose wellbeing and reputation have been unnecessarily tested to breaking point by an FtP Hearing at the GDC which was not just thrown out, but was found so wanting that there was NO CASE TO ANSWER. In other words the GDC simply drove an FtP case on a spurious basis.  I urge you to read the hearing while you can, and gasp in anger and sympathy that such events can even be commenced, let alone taken to this £1/4M expensive debacle.

The GDC Chairman, Dr William Moyes, has only last week had the gall to stand up at the Scottish LDCs meeting [linked here to a GDPUK thread] and state that  he is not resigning because, in essence he is part of “The Solution”.  So much for accountability for his Councils distinct lack of proper oversight.

Dr Moyes may be part of some perverse Final Solution but I am not sure that is part of what he has in mind.

For me and my colleagues such as Dr Keith Hayes it is a motivating feeling to think that Dr Moyes is still in post and still does not get it.   Time for a Spring clean? 

So does motivation really increases your capacity to forgive or does it merely allow you to feel justified in moving on in respect of matters about which, in truth, you can do little?

“Whatever, no worries” becomes your daily Gallic shrug.  It’s sunny and the days are long, do I care?

Good job really if you are NHS funded.... Read on ...



Lost you way? You’re not the only ones…


The perils of the all new, singing and dancing Government computerised support in the form of Compass is just ‘one of those things’. Oh for a paper FP17 – oh wait they have changed them, slotted in some extra data collection but failed to print them in time. Online advice on their filling-in is there – but no FP17 other than a sample version!  So use the old ones for now – which Compass of course cannot process properly!


The stories of struggles with Compass are now becoming more than irritating – it is beginning to feel like the software has not been properly specified and it may, if the present shambles is anything to go be, be at least one financial year before all the errors and omissions are corrected. Indeed, Compass and its pointed failures  have been a feature a long thread on GDP UK recently if you have not read it.

Meanwhile, if you are spinning your Compass to see which way it points, Good Luck!   You are not alone…  This was a Government Spring Clean which does not appear to have worked well.


CQC – Motivating better regulation

On the other hand, compliance is never an easy activity. Let’s face it we are all dragged to the altar screaming. The CQC, in particular now they have Dr John Milne in a leading role, barely a year after his Chair of the BDAs GDPC ceased, are actually evolving fast and well and now leading the future of Regulation in the wider sense.

Not only are their processes actually evolving fast and being targeted where needed, but they are dragging all the regulatory participants to the table to sort out who does what.

They are to be congratulated for their initiative, “The Future of Dental Service Regulation”  a punchy, pleasantly  brief document that has great potential to change dentistry for the better. Read it here.

You can take part – so go to the links and get your say in. It will make you feel better.  The CQC are looking increasingly like an effective strategic ally of the Dental Profession, with scope to act where the Professional Services Authority [PSA] lack the teeth.

Now that feels better!!


The weather? Yeah, motivating, isn’t it?

Good job everything else in life is a motivating force for good.

It seems that some of the leading agencies upon which we depend could do with a Spring Clean.

Where shall we start?

Have great one.





Dentistry Show http://www.thedentistryshow.co.uk/

BDA Conference https://www.bda.org/conference

LDC Conference http://www.ldcuk.org/


GDC Case – Dr David Lee https://www.gdc-uk.org/Membersofpublic/Hearings/Determinations%202016/LEE%20PCC%20Determination%20-%20April%202016.pdf

LDC Scotland Moyes encounter https://www.gdpuk.com/forum/gdpuk-forum/thoughts-on-an-encounter-with-dr-moyes-22119

Dr Keith Hayes  http://www.rightpath4.com


GDPUK Compass thread https://www.gdpuk.com/forum/gdpuk-forum/compass-21660

FP17 R9 Guidance http://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/Documents/DentalServices/Completion_of_form_guidance_-_FP17_-_England_(V5)_-_11_2015.pdf

FP17 R9  sample form http://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/Documents/DentalServices/20160216_FP17_Proof_Sample.pdf


Consultation on Regulation: http://www.cqc.org.uk/content/future-dental-service-regulation

The Document http://www.cqc.org.uk/sites/default/files/20151207_future_dental_service_regulation.pdf




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  7786 Hits
7786 Hits

Support your denture patients

Support your denture patients


When patients hear the news that they need dentures, everything else you tell them is often unheard.¹ At least 32% of patients don’t know what questions to ask their dentist when getting their new denture fitted.²*

To help support your patients on their denture journey, we have created the Poligrip® Partner Programme in conjunction with dental professionals.

Ask your GSK representative today for further information on the Poligrip® range and Partner Programme.


The Poligrip® range

The Poligrip® range includes:

-          Poligrip® Overnight Whitening Daily Cleanser

-          Poligrip® 3 Minute Daily Cleanser

-          Poligrip® Ultra Fixative Cream

-          Poligrip® Flavour Free Fixative Cream


Recommend the Poligrip® range to help your patients with dentures eat, speak and smile with confidence.

For additional support GSK have developed a distance learner module on the topic of “Caring for Patients with Dentures”. The module has been designed to provide you with an insight into the patient experience of dentures as well as supporting you when providing practical advice.

For further information on the Poligrip® range and to complete the distance learner module visit www.gsk-dentalprofessionals.co.uk. What’s more, completion of the module can contribute up to 1.5 hours towards your verifiable CPD!




Trade Marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies



  1. Kessels RPC. J R Soc Med 2003;96:219-222
  2. Data on file, GSK. RH02678, December 2014


*Based on a survey of 1748 denture wearers in four countries


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  3974 Hits
3974 Hits

Yes Minister, No Dentistry

Yes Minister, No Dentistry

The new Minister was being briefed by the new Permanent secretary, Lady Arabella Sternchin.


“Good morning Minister.”

“Good morning Arabella - it is OK for me to call you Arabella I hope? “


“Quite acceptable Minister.”

“Good I didn’t want to get off on the wrong foot. I heard that old Humphrey could be a stickler for protocol.”


“I never worked directly with him, Minister, so I was never more than ‘my dear girl’.”

“Well that’s all clear then. Now as we’re both new boys, what are we going to do to get rid of the dentists Arabella?”


“Ah yes, I have done some research.”

“Splendid. Burning the midnight oil what?”


“No Minister. Burning out interns. It seems that one your predecessors thought they had things sorted out a decade ago.”

“What was the intention?”


“Well they imposed a new contract that was so ridiculous, so half baked and so poor for all parties that no-one with any common sense would sign it.”

“What happened?”


“The dentists signed it. They ignored advice and signed in their droves. Now the doctors, as Mr Hunt is finding, love a fight, the BMA is a nasty opponent and of course people like doctors. We presumed that as it was so obvious the dentists would lose their clinical freedom and wouldn’t be able to do clever work they would say no and head for private practice. But no such luck.”

“That was 10 years ago though Arabella, haven’t we tried anything since?”


“We got this chap Cockcroft to tell everybody that everything was wonderful.”

“Oh yes I met him once - the shifty one who can’t look you in the eye?”


“That’s him. Well in spite of the fact that nobody ever believed a word he said, indeed quite the opposite, they all opted for to jam today instead of no bread tomorrow.”

“Didn’t we try anything else?”


“Yes we opted for ‘death by acronyms’, the civil servants’ foolproof fallback.”

“What did we use?”


“First there was something called HTM01 oh something, it was all to do with cross infection. We put it about that dental practices were death traps and full of all sorts of bugs. We backed it up with lecture tours by a couple of burned out bug counters and some research work by the manufacturers of some extraordinary things called washer disinfectors. They were really souped up dishwashers but had the lifespan of a mayfly. Did no end of good for our German chums who sold them and made the fang farriers pay for servicing. Fact finding trips to the Black Forest all round!”

“I remember that. What else?”


“Then we thought we would trial the CQC on them - totally inappropriate for their industry of course but it helped us prepare for the real targets, the GPs. We made them pay for our mistakes too - what a naive bunch these are.”

“Didn’t they smell a rat?”


“Sadly not at all, in fact they kept coming back for more. A bit like dental Oliver Twists, “give us more UDAs”, they said.” Then a stroke of genius, they sent Bill Moyes to the GDC.”

“What madman Moyes? He’s not still at large is he?”


“Oh yes indeed Minister and he’s on our side now.”

“So let me get this straight, the original plan was to freeze them out of the NHS, into the good old private sector. How would we placate the voters, you know the Daily Mail reading “we support the NHS” brigade? They vote for us you know.”


“Privatisation minister.”

“Shhhh! Keep your voice down. How?”


“You remember the Carlyle group?”

“What the chaps who sell guns and ammo? They’re so bad even the Yanks don’t like them. How did that work?”


“We arranged for lots of little practices to be bought by Carlyle.”

“Goodness that’s cunning - what did the dentists do?”


“Some of them especially those growing long in the tooth - if you’ll excuse the pun - hated these “corporates” with a vengeance, but they hated the CQC, GDC and so on even more.”

“That doesn’t sound too good.”


“Bear with me Minister.”

“Chance would be a fine thing.”


“Cheeky. It seemed that once these upright, responsible members of the profession saw the colour of Carlyle’s cash they couldn’t wait to trouser the money, roll over, mutter “what principles?" and head for the golf course to blow their lump sums on Rory McIlroy clubs and Audi estates”.

“Gosh - I wondered where old Keith the teeth went. He was my constituency’s BDA rep and a right royal pain in the posterior.

So where are we now?”


“It has proved such a success that the first thing on your desk - once we get rid of this Brexit thing of course - is to consider the idea that we let the Carlyle conglomerate have the whole dental, err, shooting match. It will stop us having to pretend to deal with that dreadful Armstrong man from the BDA, apparently everyone preferred Martin as he knew how to make a decent G&T but this fellow just drinks pints of real ale and keeps nipping out for fag breaks and, by the look of him, the odd pie or two.”

“Isn’t that a bit drastic?”


“Not at all if the Mancs can manage health care, then Dentistry is just nickel and dime stuff as the cousins would say.”

“Just like that?”


“Indeed, Brexit may be a fly in the ointment, however.”

“How so?”


“Keeping these dental sweat shops, sorry surgeries, manned depends upon foreigners who can’t find work in their own lands. At the moment they can get work here easier than our own graduates.”

“Is that fair?”


“What’s fair got to with it? When was a dentist ever fair with you?”

“Sorry Arabella, do continue.”


“Our graduates are so in debt, what with £45k of tuition fees and much the same in beer loans that they are starting to undercut Johnny dental foreigner.”

“Maggie would be proud.”


“Indeed Minister. But it doesn’t stop there. We have plans for the private dentists too.”

“What now?”


“The Dutch control the fees that these cruel b****** can charge so we plan to do that and also to introduce a compulsory insurance plan to match the fees. We started talking to Wesleyan and Simply Health a couple of years ago and they have been very active and are readying themselves.”

“Goodness you have been busy.”


“That’s just the start minister. Your next meeting this morning is with Nigel my colleague from education. We intend to liberate the dental schools from University control. It’s something that we have been working on for a decade - it was Blair who originally got the ball rolling.”

“You know Tony was a good man really, a shame he pretended to be a red and a bit too keen to press the button. But ethically one of us.”


“Instead of teaching the new dental apprentices in ivory towers they will go to urban silos or, as Peter Mandelson christened them, “outreach centres”. These will be run by Carlyle, using their new branding of “ToothSkool”, and the apprentices will learn on volunteer patients for the new three year course. The volunteers will get rewarded with beer vouchers and the children a sticky bun. We have no end of great people coming on board to sponsor these places. Coca-Cola, Tate & Lyle, Kraft Food, Tesco.”

“What fun….good lord Arabella there’s a seat in the Lords waiting for you if this works out.”


Yes Minister.



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  11771 Hits
11771 Hits

Kerr all set to launch Maxcem Elite™ Chroma cement

Kerr all set to launch Maxcem Elite™ Chroma cement


The Kerr team is delighted to be exhibiting at this year’s Dentistry Show and excited to be launching Maxcem Elite Chroma resin cement into the UK market.


Maxcem Elite Chroma is the first self-etch/self-adhesive resin cement offering a colour clean-up indicator, dispensing as a pink colour before fading at the gel state, letting clinicians know the optimal time to clean up any excess.


In celebration of this unique characteristic, we are inviting visitors to the stand to take the Maxcem Elite Chroma challenge. Participants will be asked to try Maxcem Elite Chroma; when it is time to clean up they will be able to reach their own conclusions regarding how easy it is to remove the excess from each cemented tooth.  


Other features and benefits of Maxcem Elite Chroma include:

• Dual-cure

• Enhanced bond strength

• Radiopacity

• Dual-barrel automix delivery system

• One-Peel™ clean-up

• Easy storage without refrigeration

• Compatibility with all indirect restorations.


Also on show will be other standard-setting products that make up Kerr’s rich portfolio, including the sonically activated bulk-fill SonicFill 2 system, the elementsfree obturation system, and the TF Adaptive file system with Adaptive Motion.


For further details on the products available from Kerr Restoratives, Endodontics and Prevention, please visit stand G10. 

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  9786 Hits
9786 Hits

Leadership and Management Skills

Leadership and Management Skills



The Apprenticeship for Dental Practice Managers has recently commenced at Barnet and Southgate College, London. Employers have the opportunity to train staff members on this fantastic new course, which aims to develop candidates’ ability to lead and support the workforce, manage a practice competently and drive the business forward.


The first 6 months of the apprenticeship programme is dedicated to the Level 4 ILM certificate in Management and Leadership covering three skill domains – leadership, management and communication. Dentabyte is delighted to be involved in delivering this nationally recognised qualification – a tremendous asset for any dental practice manager and a chance to progress into a number of career pathways. Here the renowned healthcare lecturer, Seema Sharma, explains how this section of the course will be structured:


“I am conducting the ILM Certificate part of the apprenticeship programme with full workshop sessions. These workshops encompass the three skills development domains but are cleverly wrapped into a project format and conveniently designed into three core units.


Understanding the managers role

The first unit will teach apprentices the specific responsibilities of middle managers to enable a dental organisation to achieve its goals. They will learn how communication and interpersonal skills affect managerial performance and how to assess personal development opportunities to improve their own managerial performance.


Managing a complex team activity

The second unit will show learners how to plan a complex team activity, communicate information effectively and how to lead a team. Candidates will need to organise efficient operational practice systems including elements such as:

- setting SMART objectives

- planning and delegating work

- allocating resources efficiently to produce reports and meet deadlines

- monitoring, evaluating and improving individual and team processes

- developing advanced IT skills to meet requirements in their management role


Leading innovation and change

This unit will teach apprentices how to improve through innovation. It will cover interpreting and presenting data, negotiation skills and overcoming barriers to change in order to improve compliance, patient care and business growth.


“Trainee managers will complete an assignment for each of the three areas. This could include completing a work-based assignment, a reflective review, a practical task and report or a group discussion and write up. It is hoped that during the ILM Certificate programme each trainee will learn one topic in depth whilst completing their own project and also gain an overview of how they can approach the other topics from their peers.”


The Level 4 ILM certificate in Management and Leadership is Phase 1 of the apprenticeship programme. Candidates are then required to compose a portfolio of evidence of practical skills gained, before end point assessments take place. All aspects of the course have been structured and designed by leading employers working within the dental sector to ensure that delegates meet the standards required to become valuable, leading members of the dental team.


“I will closely supervise the first assignment and then candidates will be required to complete further projects (eight in total) for their portfolio, with the support of their mentors,” continues Seema. “Along with the workshops, delegates will be expected to conduct independent study with access to email and telephone support from myself as well as online resources from the Dentabyte Learning Zone and the ILM Learning Zone.”


Barnet and Southgate College is running the Apprenticeship for Dental Practice Managers periodically throughout the year and the next start date is 16th March 2016, with more dates to follow.


For more information on the Apprenticeship in Dental Practice Management, please contact Barnet and Southgate College:



0203 764 4333

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


twitter @barnetsouthgate


For more information on content and assessment, please contact me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  4968 Hits
4968 Hits

Positive news for dentists in the Budget

Positive news for dentists in the Budget


Jon Drysdale of Chartered Financial Planners, PFM Dental, assesses today’s Budget. Headlines may focus on the fragility of the economy and the need to further cut public spending The Chancellor offered positive news on personal finances which could benefit dentists.


·         Higher rate tax threshold to rise from £42,385 to £45,000 in April 2017. The majority of dentists are higher rate tax payers and will therefore feel the benefit. 

·         Many dentists employ their spouse and will take advantage of the tax-free personal allowance to rising to £11,500 also in April 2017. 

·         Annual Isa limit to rise from £15,000 to £20,000. This is a welcome increase to the alternative savings vehicle for those dentists no longer funding personal pensions (due to lifetime and annual allowance limits). 

·         Dentists trading as a limited company will welcome the changes to corporation tax, cut from 20% to 17% by April 2020. This may somewhat offset previously announced increases to dividend tax effective from April. 

·         Reforms to business rates will mean 6,000 small businesses pay no rates and 250,000 have their rates cuts from April 2017. 

·         Dentists buying a practice with a freehold property are likely to be affected by changes to commercial stamp duty – 0% rate on purchases up to £150,000, 2% on next £100,000 and 5% top rate above £250,000. The freehold of a dental practice is often valued at less than £250,000 so this could be an advantage to many buyers. However, buying a larger freehold practice, especially one in the south east, could make you worse off.


The much anticipated changes to personal pensions and tax relief didn't transpire - but we already expected that didn't we?


A more detailed appraisal of the 2016 budget will shortly be available at pfmdental.co.uk

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  6364 Hits
6364 Hits

Meet your patients’ expectations

Meet your patients’ expectations



Are you offering your patients finance options?


In this day and age, most people will expect credit – particularly for large-scale purchases. As elective dental treatments grow in popularity in the UK, this expectation will certainly extend to your service.


But these days, gaining and maintaining  consumer credit authorisation from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is a lengthy, time-consuming process – one that many busy dental practitioners will not have time to complete.


Which is precisely why Chrysalis Finance is the perfect option.


Its unique service allows you to become Appointed Representatives – essentially allowing you to offer consumer credit through Chrysalis Finance’s existing authorisation: it’s quick and easy and allows you to offer your patients more options.


Simply sign up for a nominal monthly fee and let the expert team at Chrysalis Finance deal with all the regulatory management and FCA reporting. All you need to do is continue providing your patients exceptional, affordable dentistry!


As the UK’s ONLY licence-free provider of dental finance, Chrysalis Finance is changing the way practices offer credit. To find out more, contact the friendly team today.


For more information about Chrysalis Finance call us on 0333 32 32 230 or visit www.chrysalisfinance.com

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  10730 Hits
10730 Hits

Take the stress out of designing your new practice

Take the stress out of designing your new practice



Renowned supplier of dental cabinetry, RPA Dental offers a dental practice design service tailored to helping you to achieve an efficient and stylish dental environment.

With years’ of experience specifically within the dental industry, RPA Dental has all the skills and expertise to ensure your practice not only looks great to your patients, but that it also functions with maximum efficiency. Regardless of the size or shape of space available, the team will be sure to put it to maximum use.

With an extensive selection of Tavom cabinet ranges, colours and surfaces, you can also be sure to create a practice unique to you, while also promoting your professional values and high quality patient service.

Combine the sophistication of Italian design with the expert support services of UK-based engineers, and take the stress out of creating your next practice with RPA Dental.



To see how RPA Dental can transform your dental practice, please call

08000 933 975 or visit the website www.dental-equipment.co.uk

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  3859 Hits
3859 Hits

Dental Industry Leaders Visit Tanzania

Dental Industry Leaders Visit Tanzania

Last week, a group of Dental Industry Leaders from the UK went on a fact finding trip with Bridge2Aid in Tanzania.

The group visited Kasamwa in Geita District where a Bridge2Aid team was training and treating. They met with the Site Clinical Lead, an experienced dentist with several trips under his belt who is leading the clinical team on this programme. Bridge2Aid’s sustainable model of training first attracted him and has kept him firmly committed ever since. The training team had already registered 99 patients for the morning, with more arriving as word spread.  Among the first to arrive that day was an 86 year old man who had started walking before dawn for 4 hours to reach the clinic, having been in pain for 2 years.

The visitors spent several hours touring the clinic and talking to volunteers, Health Workers (the trainees), and the local government dentist.  They viewed the treatment in progress, all performed today by the Health Workers, all of whom have passed the 9 day course, and coached by the training dentists who started work with them just last week. They saw the sterilisation processes used and taught to the Health Workers, and heard an oral health education talk given to the group of waiting patients by one of the Health Workers, a key component of Bridge2Aid’s programme.

The visitors gave us these reflections on the day:

Patrick Allen – Henry Schein Dental

 “The passion and dedication of the volunteers was incredible and meeting people who have been on 6+ programmes and who clearly will be back again was inspiring. …[this is] a special programme which is clearly creating lasting and sustainable change”

Alison Speak - Director Oasis

“Although I’d been on a B2A training day in the UK , to see, first hand , just what an impact the programme is having was very emotional. Everything I observed today (commitment of volunteers, skills of the  clinical officers in training, organisation and admin skills of the employed local staff) confirmed to me that the approach B2A have taken will effect lasting change.”

 Jason Newington – FMC

“An amazing and humbling day watching the Bridge2aid volunteers at work. To see the life changing effect their work has on the lives of the local people who have suffered for so long with pain, was truly incredible. Bridge2aid are simply making a massive difference to the community and its clear that the years of hard work and persistence by the team and volunteers has paid off”.

 Bob NewsomeDentisan

“I witnessed great teamwork in play today, between indigenous Tanzanian Clinical Officers and Dental Volunteers from the UK- in less than ideal conditions the rhythm of work and the camaraderie established was a delight and pleasure to see

Steve Booth – Straumann

“Today was truly an inspiring day in several ways. 

 “The patients, some clearly in pain and discomfort, were themselves immensely patient and grateful for the treatment they had or were about to receive. For a patient to have chronic dental pain and to be able to relieve it must have a dramatic effect on the quality of their lives. 

“The team spirit, respect and closeness of the volunteers was clear to see. The way they supported each other and the Clinical Officers was amazing. How they run such an efficient clinic in such an environment is astonishing and clearly a testament to the quality of the people and the process you have put in place.

 “To see all six clinical officers today taking charge of all of the clinical work shows what can be achieved with the right mindset and people. A truly inspiring day in so many ways.”


Note for editors

For further information please contact Paul Tasman at Bridge2Aid, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 07796 951855

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  3769 Hits
3769 Hits

GSK Talking Points in Dentistry Show 2016 – now open!

GSK Talking Points in Dentistry Show 2016 – now open!


The 2016 Talking Points in Dentistry lecture series, presented by the Sensodyne® brand, offers tailored sessions for different team members to maximise relevance for the whole dental team.

“The personal and social impact of dentine hypersensitivity”

Lecture one: for dentist, hygienists and therapists 

Professor Peter Robinson BDS MSc PhD FRACDS FDSRCS FHEA FFPH – is Head of School and Professor of Dental Public Health at the School of Oral and Dental Sciences, University of Bristol.  Professor Robinson’s research interests include the evaluation of oral health care and the impact of oral conditions on everyday life.

Lecture title - Measuring the effect of dentine hypersensitivity on everyday life

Professor Barry Gibson BSc MMedSci PhD – Professor in Medical Sociology and Head of Academic Unit of Dental Public Health. His research interests include medical sociology and oral health related quality of life. Professor Gibson was involved in the development of an OHQoL measure for assessing the impacts of dentine hypersensitivity.

Lecture title - The changing meaning of dentine hypersensitivity: understanding the social dynamics of the concept

 “Dealing with nervous patients”


Lecture two- for dental nurses and other practice staff

Professor Tim Newton – Professor of Psychology as Applied to Dentistry at King’s College London Dental Institute. Professor Newton has worked in the behavioural sciences in relation to dentistry for over 20 years and his particular interests include the management of dental anxiety.

Lecture title - Psychological approaches to dental anxiety: A proportionate approach

Brid Hendron – Brid has worked in general practice for many years and has a specialist interest in relaxing nervous, anxious and phobic patients. Many practitioners have enlisted her help communicating with patients and she lectures extensively throughout the UK.

Lecture title - “Be not afraid” - practical tips on caring for anxious patients



This year’s venues include:  


5th May                                                Hastings Europa                      Belfast

12th May                                              Watford Colosseum                Watford

17th May                                              GSK House Brentford              London           

19th May                                              ICC Birmingham                     Birmingham



BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW! – VISIT http://talkingpoints2016.eventbrite.com


Not able to make it to a venue?


This year a special bitesize video of the speaker’s lectures will also be available shortly after the event at www.gsk-dentalprofessionals.co.uk


We look forward to seeing you at the 31st year of Talking Points in Dentistry! 

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  9556 Hits
9556 Hits

Get involved in National Apprenticeship Week - 14th to 18th March 2016

Get involved in National Apprenticeship Week - 14th to 18th March 2016


Designed by The National Apprenticeship Service, this special week celebrates the positive impact that apprenticeships have on individuals, businesses and the wider economy. It highlights how apprenticeships can help businesses across all sectors ‘rise to the top’ with young, enthusiastic talent and invites employers to get involved.

Apprentices follow a comprehensive work-based programme and work towards a recognised qualification that is relevant to your business. You can harness fresh new talent to your team or use the schemes to develop the skills and experience of existing employees.

In dentistry, newly approved, employer led apprenticeships are available for:


·         Dental Nurses

·         Dental Practice Managers

·         Dental Laboratory Assistants and

·         Dental Technicians


With almost 9 in 10 of every employer that takes on an apprentice reporting benefits to their business[1], there has never been a better time show your support.

The National Apprenticeship Service has set up an online tool – Pledge-o-meter for businesses to share their apprenticeship and traineeship pledges – get involved and show your commitment at:



Find out more about dental apprenticeships at one of the

on March 16th at Barnet and Southgate College -
www.barnetsouthgate.ac.uk and
on March 17th at the University of Bolton University - www.bolton.ac.uk/dentalapprentice


For additional information from the National Apprenticeship Service, please visit: www.apprenticeships.gov.uk

[1] Skills Funding Agency. Key facts about apprenticeships: available at www.gov.uk [Accessed 7th March 2016]



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  5655 Hits
5655 Hits

Beware dividend tax changes

Beware dividend tax changes


If you are incorporated as a limited company or incorporation is something you are considering here’s important information about dividend tax changes in April 2016. Changes also apply if you are an associate trading as a limited company.

The majority of earnings are likely to be paid out of the company via dividends. Currently, UK dividends are paid with a notional 10 per cent tax credit; as of April 2016, the dividend tax credit is being scrapped and replaced with a tax-free dividend allowance of £5,000 per year for each shareholder. Additionally, the income tax attributable to dividends is increasing by 7.5 per cent within each income tax band, including the basic rate band – which was previously tax free.

Hayley Hudson ACA, Manager for PFM Townends LLP, says: “There are a number of beneficial reasons to incorporate as part of a tax planning scheme, however, there are many factors to consider. Incorporation should be analysed on a case-by-case basis to ensure it is indeed the best course of action.

“At PFM Townends we always proactively discuss all the advantages and disadvantages with our clients.”


For more information visit www.pfmdental.co.uk

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  4465 Hits
4465 Hits

Three Years of Exceptional Growth

Three Years of Exceptional Growth


As an online publisher we like to keep an eye on the stats on the site, how the banner ads are performing and also hope to increase the number of visitors and users of the site.

We publish a number of news and blog pieces a week, which all help to bring a steady stream of the target audience to our website.

The daily email digests, which get sent three times a day also keep our members engaged with what is happening on the forum and ensures the community spirit is maintained.

Since our mailing list was turned into a website and forum in 2008, we have seen the site evolve and grow. In early Jan we went past 20,000 threads created since mid-2008. Screenshot below of the most recent threads created and forum posts received.



The 20247 topics have received 229387 replies, which is around 11 replies to each topic, an amazing amount of input from the members of the site.

Below we can also see the amazing growth of the site in numbers since 2013, by using the month of February as a comparison, the growth in unique visitors and total visits made in each month demonstrates the popularity of the community.




Unique visitors

Total visits made in month














As the site continues to grow year on year we have now also moved the serving of our banner ads to Google Doubleclick for Advertisers which we have found improves the serving of the banners and isn’t as susceptible to click fraud as other software. It has a number of advantages, with the main one being that an advertiser can book a certain space for a month and then advertise more than one thing in that space, with each banner getting an equal share of the impressions. Useful for a dental business that wants to advertise a new product as well as an existing service. You can promote both!

There are many ways we can work together to use differing formats for banners, HTML 5, video ads, and we have space ready for a new size banner, the Super Leaderboard.

Advertising is also available on our email daily digests which is sent three times a day to thousands of dentists, who have voluntarily subscribed to the list and use the digests to look at the latest news and forum posts on the forum.

For further information about GDPUK and what we can offer companies looking to reach dentists, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or give Jonny a call on 07786571547.

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  6480 Hits
6480 Hits

Advertise your Course or Conference on GDPUK.com

Advertise your Course or Conference on GDPUK.com


Thanks for clicking through to find out more about advertising your course, conference or website on GDPUK.com.


Get noticed by the thousands of Dentists on GDPUK every month.


Below we have put some excellent pricing for advertising on the site from April 16 onwards. We believe the site is an exceptional place to attract dentists who are interested in learning on your course or conference in 2016.


Advertise your course one month at a time, improved pricing offered for 2 or more months booked. Please get in touch for more information.


All advertising includes 2 PR pieces per month published on the site, which we share on social media to our 5,000 + followers.


Advertising Options start from £250+vat for the month


All banners appear in rotation with other banner ads throughout the month you book.


Email banner - appears on our daily digest emails - 468x60px

Usual Price …. £395 + vat  …….Special offer - £250 + vat


Forum banner Spot 2 - appears on forum pages on left hand side of page - approx 30,000 impressions per month - 300x250px

Usual Price - £475 + vat ……. Special offer - £325 + vat


Forum banner Spot 1 - appears on forum pages on left hand side of page, above Spot 2 - approx 30,000 impressions per month - 300x250px

Usual Price - £550 + vat ……. Special offer - £395 + vat


Leaderboard Banner - available from May onwards, appears on all pages of the site at the top, 728x90px

Usual Price - £950 + vat ……. Special offer - £750 + vat


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book your space on the site and

get your course advertised in front of your target audience.

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  4667 Hits
4667 Hits

Dentaid Needs Your Help!

Dentaid Needs Your Help!






Plus your standard network rate



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  4020 Hits
4020 Hits

“A superb course”


Providing an in-depth educational pathway with multiple courses, the IAS Academy is dedicated to training GDP’s on the full range of orthodontic options, including the ClearSmile Brace.


Having previously completed training in several different appliances, Raoul Patel had been looking to build a foundation in orthodontics. 


“Wanting to build my skillset, I undertook ClearSmile Brace training to add a new, safe, discreet and gentle appliance to effectively treat more of my patients,” says Raoul, who took the conversion course last April in London. 


“The course I attended was excellent. It didn't waste any time going over basics, but focused more on diagnostics and the concept of anterior alignment orthodontics instead. 


“The instruction during the training was very clear and because you need approval before beginning a case, the IAS Academy provides you with a sense of mentorship and support which is ultimately invaluable. 


“If you are a GDP wanting to expand your orthodontic foundation, I would definitely recommend this course.”


To find out how you can develop your orthodontic skill-set using a fixed brace appliance, contact the IAS Academy today. 



 For more information on the ClearSmile Brace and upcoming training courses,
please visit
www.iasortho.com or call 0845 366 5477.

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  15058 Hits
15058 Hits

Safe, Easy-to-use and Effective

Safe, Easy-to-use and Effective


For safe, easy-to-use and highly effective disinfectant solutions, look no further than Safe4.

Now available direct from the leading manufacturer are key products designed especially for the dental profession:


  • Disinfectant Cleaner – available in 900 ml and 5 litre containers, as well as a trigger spray and wipes


  • Instrument Cleaner – available in 1 litre and 5 litre containers


  • Safe4 Nitrile Gloves – available in sizes small, medium and large


Effective against a wide range of pathogens from E.coli to HIV, MRSA, Salmonella and Swine flu, Safe4 products will give you the confidence you need in your infection control processes.

What’s more, all Safe4 products are alcohol-free, non-toxic, non-irritant, non-corrosive and non-staining. This means you needn’t worry about any damage to your worktops or equipment surfaces, with added peace of mind that the products pose no health risks to patient or staff, even when still wet.

To find out more about the exciting Safe4 product range, call the team today!



For more information, visit www.safe4disinfectant.com,

call 01606 591900 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  4427 Hits
4427 Hits

Can a bit of stress be healthy?

Can a bit of stress be healthy?

My previous post about stress was posted here on 28 January. This time, I’m attacking (more accurately, sneaking up on) stress from a different angle. And I’m starting by going back in time. Way, way back to pre-CQC. It seems prehistoric man suffered stress, would you believe? And guess what – we know it from their teeth! In 2010, George Armelagos, an anthropologist from Emory University in the USA, discovered enamel defects in teeth dating back one million years indicating that, ‘During prehistory, the stresses of infectious disease, poor nutrition and psychological trauma were likely extreme.’ This stress reduced life expectancy – remains from Dickson Mounds, Illinois, showed that individuals with teeth marked by early life stress lived 15.4 years less than those without the defects.

So is stress bad then?

Not necessarily; read on. According to the Mental Health Foundation: ‘Some stress can be positive. Research shows that a moderate level of stress makes us perform better. It also makes us more alert and can help us perform better in situations such as job interviews or public speaking. Stressful situations can also be exhilarating and some people actually thrive on the excitement that comes with dangerous sports or other high-risk activities.’ The Foundation does point out that stress is only healthy if it is short-lived.

Stress causes a surge of hormones to better help you deal with ‘fight or flight’ situations. According to NHS Choices: ‘Once the pressure or threat has passed, your stress hormone levels will usually return to normal. However, if you're constantly under stress, these hormones will remain in your body, leading to the symptoms of stress.’

How much stress is normal?

Now we come to the science – specifically the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS). This is a self-report questionnaire whereby you answer questions, add up the score and convert these to severity ratings for depression, anxiety and stress. There are two versions – DASS and DASS 21. The former has 42 questions, the latter 21 (so you multiply the scores by two). Ignoring depression and anxiety for the purposes of this article, the severity scores for stress are:

·        Normal 0-14

·        Mild 15-18

·        Moderate 19-25

·        Severe 26-33

·        Extremely severe 34+

DASS is not a diagnostic tool. If you are feeling anxious, depressed or stressed, you should see your GP – even if you get low DASS scores. However, if you wish to get some idea of how stressed you are and so gauge whether it could be considered healthy, go to https://www.cesphn.org.au/images/mental_health/Frequently_Used/Outcome_Tools/Dass21.pdf for DASS 21 (remember to double your scores for the full DASS severity ratings.

No added stress

In my previous post, I urged you to stop putting stress on others – particularly colleagues and staff in your practice. Now we see that some stress is normal and may well be beneficial. So does that contradict what I wrote before? Not at all. Yes, some stress is normal and healthy but so very few of us lead completely stress-free lives that we need added stress at work. Relationships, health, family obligations, household maintenance, cars, money worries all cause stress. Many of us are also good at getting stressed about things that haven’t even happened yet! So who are you to add to the stress of your colleagues or staff and maybe move them from normal to mild, moderate or severe on DASS?

Stress as a management tool?

Excuse me? Think twice (or more) before you decided to ‘push’ members of your team to make a greater effort. It is far more effective to motivate people to work more effectively or efficiently. People work best through their lunch hour when they don’t hold a grudge at you demanding it but because they genuinely want to get the patient records up to date.

As a manager you should be familiar with the theory of psychological type as introduced by Jung and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator – so you know how to get the best out of each member of your staff.

This is a topic covered on my courses – come and find out.


Image credit -Bottled_Void under CC licence - not modified.

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  9316 Hits
9316 Hits

Race to the bottom

Race to the bottom

Ever since humans started to trade with themselves there has always been the need for them to feel that have got a bargain in some way. It’s human nature to actually feel like you got something worth more for less than you needed or intended to pay, and as such that drives many businesses in a constant battle to attract customers by offering bargains.

There’s a simple explanation for value in any transaction.

  • If you pay a lot for something that’s poor quality it then it’s a rip off.
  • If you pay a lot for something that is high quality then that is acceptable (and even possibly exclusive)
  • If you get something that is poor quality for a low price then that’s called cheap.
  • If you get something that is high quality for a low price then that’s a bargain.

Everybody loves a bargain. That’s why sales are so popular all the time, trying to get people to spend money they don’t have on products they don’t need. You only have to look at Groupon and Wowcher to see the type of offers that are touted on there. This is not necessarily a problem in the consumer driven world that supermarkets and retail stores operate in, but caveat emptor is the mantra that we should all employ when looking at this type of trading. Its also the way that our Beloved Chairman would probably like to see in his Red Book of ‘How the Dental market should evolve’, at least according to his now infamous Pendlebury Lecture.

The problem with this of course is that there isn’t a particular need to have ethics in those kind of industries that can price cut and offer heavy loss leading deals in order to get people through the doors and then upsell. It also usually involves already cheap products, or those with artificially hiked prices then given a huge discount, to con the buying into thinking they are getting a bargain.  

The reason for this is if it appears too good to be true, then it probably is (for someone). There stories galore of businesses that have almost or actually imploded due to a demand that they didn’t foresee when offering a ‘too good to be true’ deal. One of the most famous was the Hoover free flights promotion in 1992. Due to a huge surplus of electrical products they needed to sell, they came up with the offer of 2 free round trip tickets to destinations such as America. Somehow they failed to realize that offering tickets that were worth well in excess of the product they were trying to sell (the qualifying purchase only needed to be over £100) would result in an overwhelming demand for their products and hence the tickets. The court cases took until 1998 to settle, and cost Hoover an estimated £50million pounds. It would probably have been less costly for Hoover to scrap the products they needed to sell rather than to retain their market share. They were big enough to survive, but not everyone would be so lucky in a similar situation.

So what has this got to do with dentistry? Well, there has been an increasing trend to offer these kind of deals to entice patients into practices which are probably too good to be true. It’s a matter of contention that this is how some mixed practices operate, by offering certain NHS items to patients and then upselling the options that ‘aren’t available’ on the NHS. Even after 10 years of the new contract I am still struggling to understand the concept of how offering an NHS exam but having to see the hygienist privately works within the contract, and no one at all has yet presented an argument to me that convinces me this isn’t just a form of upselling by getting the patient in on the pretext of NHS treatment and then providing a private upgrade. Whilst business survival is paramount in dentistry in the same way as any other business, some often seem to forget there is a higher ethical plane that dentistry must lie on when running our businesses.

People outside dentistry don’t often get this, and one of those appears to be Mr Moyes, but also there is an increasing amount of people within the profession itself who have, shall we say, ‘flexible’ ethics when it comes to the upselling game and marketing in general, and who seem to forget what it means to be part of a caring profession. Is it any wonder that some GDC cases have an accusation that the financial motivation of the registrant one of the reasons the case is being heard?

Marketing is vital to the survival of dental business, but not at the expense of our professionalism, which is inextricably linked to our ethical compass. Something those who sit on the outside of our profession seem to forget. With the increase in non-registrant owned corporate practices, we have some people who see dentistry as just another business and apply the same rules to it as would be more appropriate for a supermarket. They however don’t run the same risks as those who are regulated do. 

A recent example would be that of the clinics in Manchester and London offering deals on limited outcome orthodontics through Groupon. These clinics now appear to have gone to the wall leaving patients who have paid for treatment up front out of pocket and a significant number of them now facing the prospect of paying more for the completion of their treatment. What their perception of the profession will now be can only be guessed, but it isn’t likely to be good.

And then we wonder why as a profession we get bad press, and are labelled greedy dentists. Even the GDC have got something right recently in the warnings about the use of things like Groupon to promote dentistry. That does actually seem at odds with the beliefs of their consumer-rights driven Chairman. It will be interesting to see how this situation develops, since there is likely to be little or no regulatory comeback against the owner of these clinics, but the full weight of the GDC may be felt by the registrants who were involved with the treatment of those affected.

Selling a product for a price far less than it costs elsewhere will attract people who are after a bargain. Restored implants for £795? Orthodontics for £995? Is it all part of a mechanism to draw people in and then upsell using crass pseudo ‘ethical’ selling (that potentially doesn’t even meet with the requirements of Montgomery let alone those of the GDC) to actually get the purchaser to buy something that actually profitable rather than the offer? But this isn’t a pocket money purchase, and these patients are likely to be attracted by the ability to have something they thought they couldn’t afford. So the business model of upselling is not necessarily going to work, as these patients might not be able to afford a bigger investment. There is then an exceptionally fine line between your bargain purchase becoming a rip off because it doesn’t turn out to be what it was promised to be. Anecdotally, purchasers like these are often the ones who have no particular loyalty to a practice and are shopping on price alone. The same ones who are usually well aware of how to use social media to destroy a reputation, and then take further legal action….

It doesn’t matter that these people will now maybe only end up paying roughly the same as it would have cost to have the treatment provided by a different practitioner in the first place; they have been misled into thinking they could afford something that they wouldn’t normally be able to and their bargain has now become a rip-off. The point is these people have suffered at the hands of our profession and we will all pay the price for that eventually. The owner of the clinic involved appears not to be a registrant, and the business model used to draw people in means that both the clinic and Groupon are likely to have been paid up front which improves their cashflow. But surely the ethics of this type of business are not those of a caring professional? Pile ‘em high and sell them cheap whilst upselling to a customer might work in some industries, but dentistry has the subtle difference of being driven by a core ethical requirement to do the right thing FOR THE PATIENT. With the change in the rules that allowed the increase in corporate dentistry and non-registrant ownership that had been restricted since the 1920’s, one could argue that the good old days were actually better for both the patients and the profession. Were ethics and professionalism more in the forefront of the profession those days?

Whilst all this is an example of what has happened in a case where a non-registrant is involved, I think there are probably registrants who should be taking a long hard look at themselves, possibly both individually and as members of corporate organisations.

I’m afraid that I for once agree with the GDC over their warnings of involvement with this kind of marketing practice.

This is a race for the bottom financially, but more importantly ethically, that I for one am not going to compete in.



Image credit -Gordon Joly under CC licence

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  11920 Hits
11920 Hits

Brush up on dental hygiene for National Toothache Day 2016

Brush up on dental hygiene for National Toothache Day 2016



Encourage your patients to prioritise their oral health with CB12 mouth rinse.

National Toothache Day is the perfect time to remind patients how important it is to look after their oral health. It serves as a prompt to book a dental check up, buy a new toothbrush, remember oral health instructions and remind them how to avoid painful toothaches.

Prevention is the key and by recommending CB12 mouth rinse as part of a daily oral health routine, you can empower patients with improved oral hygiene standards, fresh breath and confidence.

CB12 mouth rinse has been developed by dentists to provide confident breath for up to 12 hours by neutralising volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs). Its unique formula also contains fluoride to help strengthen the teeth and prevent cavities from developing.

You can grab your patients’ attention with the powerful effects of CB12 and encourage them spend a little more time looking after their teeth and gums - before any dental problems can occur.

See how your patients can benefit from a daily shot of CB12, by contacting the team today.


For more information about CB12 and how it could benefit your patients, please visit www.cb12.co.uk

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  4279 Hits
4279 Hits

Safe, Easy-to-use and Effective

Safe, Easy-to-use and Effective


For safe, easy-to-use and highly effective disinfectant solutions, look no further than Safe4.

Now available direct from the leading manufacturer are key products designed especially for the dental profession:


  • Disinfectant Cleaner – available in 900 ml and 5 litre containers, as well as a trigger spray and wipes


  • Instrument Cleaner – available in 1 litre and 5 litre containers


  • Safe4 Nitrile Gloves – available in sizes small, medium and large


Effective against a wide range of pathogens from E.coli to HIV, MRSA, Salmonella and Swine flu, Safe4 products will give you the confidence you need in your infection control processes.

What’s more, all Safe4 products are alcohol-free, non-toxic, non-irritant, non-corrosive and non-staining. This means you needn’t worry about any damage to your worktops or equipment surfaces, with added peace of mind that the products pose no health risks to patient or staff, even when still wet.

To find out more about the exciting Safe4 product range, call the team today!



For more information, visit www.safe4disinfectant.com,

call 01606 591900 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  4478 Hits
4478 Hits

Would you like to trial a state-of-the-art autoclave?

Would you like to trial a state-of-the-art autoclave?

In conjunction with NSK, GDPUK are offering 3 lucky practices the opportunity to trial and review the new NSK iClave mini - NSK’s smallest and lightest autoclave

The NSK iClave mini is the perfect handpiece autoclave and is small enough to fit even the smallest decontamination area. Complying with Europe’s Class S sterilisation standard, the iClave mini sterilises even the invisible parts of handpieces, and with a footprint approximately the size of an A4 piece of paper the iClave mini fits in to the smallest space possible.

The iClave mini delivers up to 12 ‘dry’ handpieces in less that 12 minutes using direct-heating technology. This is coupled with a sophisticated design of the control panel and excellent visibility, with ease of use and day-to-day maintenance in mind.

The NSK iClave mini:

·         Small enough to fit in  very small space

·         Effective sterilisation for hollow instruments

·         Fast and compact but with large capacity

·         User-friendly and easy to operate

·         Perfect solution for quick handpiece turnaround

The NSK iClave mini is small enough to use anywhere!

For your chance to be one of just three practices to trial and review the NSK iClave mini for 2 months FREE of charge simply send an email with your details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and they will be in touch to let you know if you have been selected.

Chosen practices will have the opportunity to use the NSK iClave mini free of charge for 2 months and then be asked to complete an online questionnaire and telephone interview. After the trial period these practices will be offered the opportunity to buy the NSK iClave mini at a discounted price.


For more information on NSK’s care and maintenance range contact Mark Beckwith on 07900 246529 or visit www.nsk-uk.com



Twitter: @NSK_UK

Facebook: NSK UK Ltd

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  7113 Hits
7113 Hits

20,000 Forum Topics!

20,000 Forum Topics!


Today we are proud to have reached 20,000 topics created on the GDPUK Forum since mid-2008. An incredible achievement from all involved. Thanks everyone for all the contributions to the forum pages over the years and the many interesting topics created. The site continues to foster a special atmosphere and relationship between dentists throughtout the UK. The forum exists because of the community, the many different contributors to the site (979 different ones last year) plus of course the thousands of dentists who read the site on a daily basis.

As you can see from the image above, there has also been 226,000 posts on the 20,000 topics created, which means on average there are just over 11 replies to each thread, which again demonstates how much everyone cares about dentistry in the UK and how it is natural for colleagues to want to help or guide each other. We hope all this help over the years has improved the level of dental care and professionalism and that the forum continues to be an incredibly useful resource for many years to come. 

Thanks to all the moderators of the site for keeping on eye on any controversial threads, thanks also to our webmaster Steve, who keeps all the forum software ticking along. A huge thanks, to the site owner Tony Jacobs whose vision and passion for dentistry in the UK, has kept the GDPUK community together and reaching amazing landmarks like today!

Bring on the next 20,000 topics :)

e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  7069 Hits
7069 Hits

9 ways GDPUK can help you in 2016.

9 ways GDPUK can help you in 2016.


How can we help you?


First week back in the office has flown by and like everyone else involved in the world of sales, we have all been working hard on following up leads, arranging meetings and even closing some deals! (always be closing)

There has been a recurring theme this week in my small dental related bubble and that is clients or prospects asking how we can help them in 2016?

We see GDPUK as an integral part of a dental companies opportunity to market themselves to dentists in the UK. We believe we have a large, active and engaged audience on the site, which we are very proud of. This is important because dental professionals in the UK are using social media more than ever and GDPUK is at the centre of that. For example many of the signatures for the letter published in the Daily Telegraph came from GDPUK. NHS unfit for purpose.

So we have put together a short list of the ways in which we can help our clients engage with potential customers.


  1. Banner Ads - We offer a range of banner ads on the site and our daily digest emails. Further info can be found in our media pack here

  2. Product Spotlights - New for 2016, the product spotlight will appear on the frontpage of the site, with a promotion of your new service / product or special offer.

  3. Product / Service Launches - We can help launch a new product into the market, with blogs, news articles and banner ads.

  4. Special Offers - Entice new or old customers with a special offer / or sample offer

  5. Case Studies - We can publish case studies for you of products that are working for patients in dental practices. A case study can be a great way of demonstrating how your product works and how it will help the dentist improve his or her skills.

  6. Forum Reviews / Tests - Put your product to the test, use members of the GDPUK forum to test your product and receive honest reviews that can be shared on the forum and published as a blog post.

  7. Surveys - Run a survey, which can be hosted by our site or your site. Use it to do product research etc

  8. Social Media Competitions - Combining promotion on GDPUK and other social media channels, we can run a competition that helps collect data and potential new users of your product.

  9. Promotion of Courses / Events - There are a large number of events, meetings, courses that are scheduled in the UK dental calendar on an annual basis, we can help with promotion and even the sale of the tickets.

We hope everyone out there has also had an insightful start to the year and like ourselves are always thinking about how they can improve what they offer to their customers. If you would like to try any other marketing ideas on our site, we are always interested in new methods and always looking to learn. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks for reading. 


Our latest media pack can be found by clicking on this link

Look at some of our amazing numbers that GDPUK produces - GDPUK in Numbers


e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  5331 Hits
5331 Hits

Effective Practice Management Systems - The Way Forward for Commercial Streamlining in 2016.

Effective Practice Management Systems - The Way Forward for Commercial Streamlining in 2016.

Ryszard Jurowski is Managing Director at Systems for Dentists, a contributing author and life-long system development guru with a clear and transparent interest in shaping the future of systems management efficiencies and capability for the benefit of the UK dentistry industry.

And if progressing the vision for the development of your Practice, future proofing practice management through systems capability, increasing productivity, eradicating wastage, improving workflows and optimising financial and manpower resources in 2016 is on your agenda, then read on, as you’ll be excited by the latest thinking for streamlining your Practice as a means of improving your bottom line in the coming year.

Of course, you will have a capable Practice Manager in post. Faithful, trustworthy – and without doubt, a can’t do without right hand help and more than worthy of their weight in gold as they oversee your brilliant Practice team, navigate and keep on an even keel the smooth ebb and flow of Practice operations, deal with the hum drum of patient appointment demands whilst balancing all operational aspects of your business - not to mention staff resourcing and payroll needs.

All the while of course, you maintain the strategic helicopter view of your Practice, keep growth and commercial development on track against the underpinning vision and business model you set on course when you founded and invested in your Practice. And of course, all this, whilst still balancing the demands of a busy surgery treatment timetable and nurturing the complex demands of the plethora of patients in your care.

As a successful professional in the dentistry field, moving at a dynamic pace on a daily basis, balancing the needs of work and life can often mean that there is little to no time for thinking of ways to further develop and contemplate how to increase your bottom line and drive up even greater efficiencies for your Practice.

But that’s really where taking essential time out this New Year to consider the benefits of investing in proven and well developed practice management software based on solid development foundations can make a real and sustainable long term difference to the bottom line and future success of your business.

And where software development teams in the industry are taking a real lead and getting things right are where technical expertise and profound industry knowledge backed by years of dental market understanding - often a minimum of at least 2-3 decades, are being used to deliver in a technological lead. And it’s by and large where a common sense approach meets powerful technological solutions to drive up practice management efficiencies are adding real value added and delivering time and money savings on the bottom line to the industry.

And the companies who are getting it right are delivering efficiencies at the touch of a button not only via the robust and tested software interfaces they provide to users (and even the most efficient of Practice Managers are inclined to agree)  but also through the useful functionality of their systems features. Consider for instance the powerful applications practice management systems on the market are offering to streamline Dental Practices; real time online appointments, SMS reminders, patient imaging, periodontal charting, clinical notes recording, on line backups, postcode lookups, to name but a few….


And that’s not all, you’ll find with careful research that to generate time and money savings and eliminate the paper mountains created by the mandatory paper chase still inherent in many practices, the creation and capture of digital signatures will be a radical and welcome solution accessible in the marketplace from those software developers who are leading the way in creating the paperless office.

To summarise, taking time out  in 2016, maybe even over part of one sacred forthcoming weekend day to reflect on how you can further streamline your Practice in the new year by identifying and investing in improved practice management systems capability could in fact be time very well spent out of your valuable “me” or family time on the home front.

As a word of advice, factor in systems developed by a generation or family business with a longstanding background of Dentists if you can find it, as for sure, they will understand what practitioners truly need and have thought carefully within their product development processes of the systems requirements that will be needed to pivot your Practice forward. Not only that, but they will have developed solutions to improve your patient experience, ensure staff have at their fingertips the automated support they need to eradicate unnecessary manual processes and data recording, and provide automated interventions, in fact they’ll have thought about everything to assist them work at optimum levels and in doing so enrich your staff and patient’s experience.

Systems for Dentists, established for nearly thirty years in the market and provide proven practice management systems solutions.


Contact Nathan Ross on 0845 643 2828 for further assistance and a warm and professional welcome.

e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  3782 Hits
3782 Hits

Trailblazer Management Apprenticeship

Trailblazer Management Apprenticeship


Build on your existing skills by gaining all the business knowledge and practical experience you need to be the best dental practice manager you can be.


Plus, earn a nationally recognised Level 4 qualification with the ILM Certificate in Leadership and Management.


With only 3- 4 classroom-based days, held at Barnet and Southgate College in London, you can even hone your skills while taking next to no time away from your practice.

The exciting two-year programme covers:


Human Resources / Patient Care / Clinical / Marketing / Risk Management / Quality Assurance / Finance and The Dental Industry

The next starting dates are:


18th March 2016

13th May 2016

1st July 2016



Take the next step in your career and find out more about the

Trailblazer Management Apprenticeship today.


For more information or applications contact Barnet and Southgate College on 0208 266 4333 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  3689 Hits
3689 Hits

Excellent Equipment, Excellent Service

Excellent Equipment, Excellent Service

Wrights, an experienced and independent distributor, was proud to introduce Planmeca and its quality products to its range at the BDIA Dental Showcase 2015.

With a competitive edge in scientific knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of clinical workflows, the products from Planmeca have the potential to put your practice one step ahead of the rest.

Aesthetically pleasing, sophistically designed and outstandingly durable, Planmeca offers quality products including:

·         First class imaging software for all your imaging needs

·         Advanced CAD/CAM solutions

·         A wide range of 3D, 2D, panoramic and intraoral imaging devices

·         Innovative dental units

If you are looking for cutting-edge equipment at excellent prices with an efficient and reliable next day delivery service, the friendly and approachable staff at Wrights can help you, whatever your needs.

Interested? Contact Wrights now and find out what you are missing!


For more information contact Wrights on 0800668899 or visit the easy to navigate website www.wright-cottrell.co.uk

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  4145 Hits
4145 Hits

Denplan welcomes Osborne’s report on empowering dental patients to make the best choices

Denplan welcomes Osborne’s report on empowering dental patients to make the best choices

Denplan, the UK’s leading dental payment plan specialist, has welcomed George Osborne’s call for clearer dental pricing and treatment plans in HM Treasury’s “A Better Deal” report, which was published this week. 

The report stated that pricing for dentistry can be opaque and confusing and that the government wants to ensure that dentist treatment plans and price lists are clear and easily accessible, empowering patients in England to make the best choices.

Roger Matthews, Chief Dental Officer at Denplan said: “Clear communication between dentists and patients is fundamental in every dental practice, especially in regards to treatment plans and pricing. We strongly agree with the Chancellor’s statement in the report that all dental patients should have access to the information they need to make the right decisions about their dental care.

“Denplan encourages all member dental practices to build in enough discussion time with their patients to allow them to explain treatment options and any associated costs. Denplan is also a co-originator and signatory of the BDA Private Dental Plans Code of Practice. The code emphasises the need to provide patients with adequate information about the choices available, work with clear and fair contracts, ensure they understand the payment procedures for each option and, where appropriate, any on-going costs or exclusions, and have in place a system for dealing with complaints and feedback.”

Denplan has a range of support services available to its member dentists and this includes providing regular guidance and materials for practices to use. Roger Matthews continued:

“Denplan member practices are able to access a price list template to ensure they are following the General Dental Council’s standards which requires practices to display their price lists. Through a network of field-based consultants across the UK (supported by an office-based team), Denplan also works continually with member practices to provide business support, which includes helping practices to set their fees fairly.”

In a 2014 Denplan patient survey of over 8,800 patients, 90% said that Denplan allows them to budget for their dental care and treatment*. Roger Matthews added: “We find that patients appreciate the clarity that comes with a dental payment plan as they prefer to know exactly what their dental care is going to cost each month without any unexpected bills.”

“Osborne’s report today should serve as a sharp reminder to all types of practices (NHS or private) on the requirement to provide patients with the most comprehensive information on treatment options and pricing. If greater transparency in this area helps patients make more informed choices about their dental care and oral health it can only be a positive step forward for dentistry.”


*Your Denplan Survey Oct-Dec 2014. Total respondents: 8,802.

e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  8689 Hits
8689 Hits

BDIA Dental Showcase: Get organised. Get the app.

BDIA Dental Showcase: Get organised. Get the app.

With over 300 exhibitors, a plethora of on-stand presentations and demonstrations, dozens of mini lectures and lots of association events and networking opportunities, deciding how to spend your time at BDIA Dental Showcase might seem a daunting task. 

But help is at hand in the form of the new BDIA Dental Showcase mobile app.

You can search through the exhibitors and create a favourites list of those you want to visit to ensure you see all the latest equipment, technologies and products that can benefit you, your patients or your business.  There’s also the facility to plan a personalised itinerary of mini lectures and presentations, so you won’t miss any of the exciting sessions given by key industry speakers.

The app has lots of additional features to help you plan your schedule and really get the most from the show, including:

  • Interactive floor plan to help you find your way around
  • Regular updates of latest news, information and exhibitors
  • Stay in touch with links to social media
  • Available for iPhone, iPad and Android, plus a web version for Blackberry and Windows Phone


BDIA Dental Showcase is happening on 22-24 October at the NEC in Birmingham, so now’s the time to start planning your visit.  Download the app now to enhance your experience before, during and after the event.  It’s easy and it’s free – just go to www.dentalshowcase.com

e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  4477 Hits
4477 Hits

Start planning now for BDIA Dental Showcase

Start planning now for BDIA Dental Showcase

It’s not long now until BDIA Dental Showcase, which this year will be held on 22-24 October at the NEC in Birmingham - and with so much happening, it might be wise to start planning your visit now.

As the UK’s premier and best attended dental industry event, there’s always something for every member of the team.  But this year there’s even more to see and do.

There are around 350 exhibitors from every aspect of the practice and business of dentistry, demonstrating the latest innovations in products and services.  This hands-on access lets you try before you buy, and with such a great range of exclusive show offers, it’s no wonder that 73% of visitors made purchases during, or as a direct result of attending last year’s event. 

Among the many exciting new innovations being launched will be CerezenTM (Stand K5).  This revolutionary device is a new way to treat temporomandibular joint disorders and related symptoms.  As well as on-stand demonstrations of the product, Dr Daniel Saund will be presenting a lecture on its benefits and supporting evidence as part of the mini lecture programme.

Cerezen UK Country Manager, Saife Aziz, commented, “There was really only one place for us to carry out the full launch of CerezenTM.  BDIA Dental Showcase is such an important event that it is the perfect opportunity to share this exciting product with the dental profession.”

For those looking to introduce cutting-edge technology to their practice, Carestream Dental (Stand G15) will be presenting the latest digital imaging products and practice management software.  The CS 8100 3D is just one example of the innovation on offer, bringing the power of 3D imaging with outstanding clarity and simple image capture within the reach of every general dental practice.

The latest innovations from DMG will be on display at Stand F210.  These include the easy-to-place, latex-free DMG MiniDam, a handy silicone shield for isolation of proximal areas that helps achieve dry conditions whilst protecting the gingiva.  

As well as new products, a comprehensive programme of CPD mini lectures and presentations by industry experts means you can catch up on the latest developments in a diverse range of topics from technology and techniques through to finance and growth strategies.  This year sees the launch of The Dairy Council sponsored Dietary Zone.  This special section looks at the link between diet and oral health and how members of the dental team can engage patients in discussions about appropriate nutrition.

The Dairy Council’s Director of Nutrition, Dr Anne Mullen, said about this innovative collaboration, “Nutrition and dental health are intrinsically linked. We are really looking forward to sharing ideas between the disciplines with the hope of cross-pollinating ideas for practice.  Our publications on nutrition and health are extremely popular among dental professionals, and the BDIA Dental Showcase will allow us to interact directly with that user base”.

BDIA Dental Showcase is also delighted to be partnering with the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) which will be presenting a range of lectures and demonstrations at the Implant Zone (Stand N215).  Members of the team will also be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Tony Reed, Executive Director at the BDIA comments, “Showcase provides the ideal opportunity to see what’s new and to try it out.  There are plenty of exciting innovations at this year’s show and I hope that every team member gets a chance to find out for themselves just how valuable a day spent at Showcase can be.”

The exhibition is just a few weeks away, so to discover what’s new, register now for tickets by visiting www.dentalshowcase.com.  The website helps you to keep up-to-date with the latest news on exhibitors,  lectures to attend and networking opportunities available.  You can also get the latest updates and plan your visit by downloading the BDIA Dental Showcase mobile app.

e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  4630 Hits
4630 Hits

Units of Dental Activity Versus Practice Value - It’s a Juggling Act

Units of Dental Activity Versus Practice Value - It’s a Juggling Act

In 2006, the NHS and Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) introduced the current funding system to NHS dental practices based on the amount of Units of Dental Activity (UDAs) completed in one year. Since NHS England took over the responsibility from PCTs in 2013 operating this system, a total of 27 Area Teams replaced the 150 PCTs nationwide.

There is no sign the pressure on practices to reach their UDA targets will ease. In fact, underperforming practices today could be finding the targets even harder to meet; any shortfalls in one financial year are carried over to the next, meaning a ‘rolling’ deficit is a real concern for year-on-year figures. During this financial year, NHS England is also required to reduce running costs by between 10-15%, so if anything a tightening rather than a slackening of the rules on meeting targets is inevitable[i].

In the quarter of the financial year ending December 31st 2014, the NHS published data showing that in England, 88.8 million UDAs had been commissioned. This presented a 0.8% decrease from the same quarter in 2013, equating to 696,000 fewer contracts and also 90,000 fewer contracts than were commissioned in the previous quarter of 2014[ii]. This situation has had a knock on effect that determines the prospect of selling those NHS practices struggling to make the quotas they’ve been allocated. 

The sale of practices with NHS contracts in some areas of the UK has been detrimentally affected where NHS England has over-commissioned dental services. Simply having enough people in a locality to justify a contract hasn’t proven to be reason enough to award one. It doesn’t automatically follow that the community wants more NHS dentistry; they may instead prefer long-standing local private practices, or worse still, not be seeking dental services at all.

Failing to be within 4% of the fixed year-on-year target can be catastrophic, in the most extreme cases practice contracts can be terminated. In examples such as underperformance or closing during contractual hours, NHS England initially serves a breach notice but if the practice then makes any kind of future breach of contract (which may be for an entirely different reason) the contract can be immediately revoked. NHS England will then negotiate a new contract, with less funding. Also, the degree of leniency previously afforded to NHS dentists will diminish with Area Teams having to enforce a harsher approach and breaches of contract are far more likely to be issued this financial year than ever before. In cases of underperformance alone, NHS England may deem that a practice was over-funded for the services being provided and will effectively ask for a refund from the practice (a claw back).

Nowadays, competition is fierce between NHS practices to entice patients through the door so that they have a fighting chance of meeting their UDA targets. This fact contributes towards complicated agreement negotiations when valuing a dental practice for sale. Purchasers (and their financial backers) involved in buying NHS practices must thoroughly research and become assured that the UDA contracts can be maintained and that they have the finances for any necessary improvements to facilitate this. Sellers on the other hand, will want to ensure that the post-completion obligations and liability are kept to a minimum. In short, a shrewd perspective and business plan are two essential ingredients for all involved in the sale of NHS practices. The predicted outcome of patient recruitment plans and any expense involved in them needs to be assessed and built into the valuation of the dental practice for sale.

A claw back of 500 UDA’s is equivalent to a £11,000 reduction in funding (based on average treatment costs) which can seriously undermine profit, so a potential buyer will need these kinds of figures incorporated in the practice value. Essentially, you are on your own in terms of building a patient base, NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups play no part in filling appointment slots. This means examining the practice’s current performance to see if there is room for improvement on reputation and profit.

Action plans cover anything from a complete re-fit of the surgery and reception areas, to designing a trendy website, prioritising SEO and right down to the skill of your receptionist in welcoming patients and putting them at ease. The team at Dental Elite can help you identify key areas to note during the sale of NHS dental practices whilst retaining a realistic view of the changes that actually need to be made to the business; often the simplest aspects such as chairside manner and the comfort of the patient waiting room are the cheaper and most effective alterations needed.


For more information and to find out how Dental Elite can value
and assist your practice sale visit www.dentalelite.co.uk, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01788 545 900

[i] Local Government Chronicle – NHS England to cut hundreds of posts in restructure by Dave West 30 July, 2014. http://www.lgcplus.com/opinion/health/more-on-health-and-social-care/nhs-england-to-cut-hundreds-of-posts-in-restructure/5073456.article (accessed 28/5/2015).

[ii] NHS UK – Dental Commissioning Statistics, England – December 2014. https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/2015/02/05/dental-commissioning-statistics-england-31-december-2014/ (accessed 2/6/2015)


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15831 Hits

Helping to make the world a better place

Helping to make the world a better place

There are an infinite number of ways to improve our world from peace in the Middle East through to saving endangered species. In every case, mankind can effect changes by working in unison, communicating, cooperating and taking small, positive steps forward.  Poverty and suffering needs the attention of those fortunate enough to have more, helping those with less. Similarly, with knowledge on pollution and waste, we must consider the impact of what we discard on the environment.


A 2010 study at the University of Georgia considered 192 countries bordering the Atlanta, Pacific, Indian oceans, Mediterranean and Black Seas, and found that 275 million tonnes of plastic waste had been generated in one year. An estimated 8 million tonnes of it was dumped at sea – amounting to five shopping bags full of plastic on every foot of the coastline [i].  The same study estimated this would double by 2025, to ten plastic bags for every foot of coastline.


The largest ocean rubbish site in the world is in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre – a   floating mass twice the size of Texas where plastics outnumber sea life six to one[ii].  The result of such abuse to our seas is that 44% of all seabirds, 22% of cetaceans, all species of sea turtle and a growing list of fish species have plastic in or around their bodies ii. The seemingly innocuous household plastic toothbrush also plays a role, routinely found in the stomachs of dead seabirds and turtles worldwide[iii].


The truth is that every plastic product entering the sea will wreak havoc either directly to wildlife by ingestion or entanglement or when broken down into tiny fragments by UV rays constituting what is known as ‘plastic soup’, causing:


  • Damage to critical ecosystems such as coral reefs and smothering of sediments.
  • Chemical ingestion of marine organisms through ingestion of small plastic particles.
  • Potential changes in biodiversity due the transport of invasive species on plastic fragments[iv].


Making a stand, Humble Brush has just been launched in the UK – an everyday toothbrush making a big difference. The handle is ergonomically fashioned out of panda-friendly bamboo – the fastest growing plant on earth with natural antiseptic properties. Complementing any contemporary bathroom, the biodegradable handle is non-slip, functional and stylish. The durable bristles available in a range of bright colours are nylon, free from bisphenol A (BPA) toxins, degrade over time, soft and gentle on gums. Every brush is packed in a transparent, biodegradable wrapper made from plants and the box is also 100% produced from recycled materials. In addition, for every brush sold, the equivalent amount of one toothbrush is donated to the Humble Smile Foundation to pass on to people in need of oral care.

By caring about your toothbrush, show you care about the world. For your free sample (one brush per practice) contact Humble Brush today.



Humble Brush is now available in the UK and Ireland. For more information please visit www.humblebrush.co.uk, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0286 862 8880. To order please contact our exclusive distributor Quintess Denta at www.quintesshumblebrush.co.uk


You can also follow us on social media:

@HumbleBrush and www.facebook.com/humblebrushuk

[i] University of Georgia, UGA Today, New Science Paper Calculates Magnitude of Plastic Waste Going Into The Ocean. February 12, 2015.  2015.http://news.uga.edu/releases/article/new-science-paper-magnitude-plastic-waste-going-into-ocean-0215/ (Accessed 11/8/2015).

[ii] EcoWatch, 22 Facts About Plastic Pollution (And 10 Things We Can Do About It) Lynn Hasselberger, The Green Divas, April 7, 2014 (Accessed 11/8/2015)

[iii] http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/green-living/the-worlds-rubbish-dump-a-tip-that-stretches-from-hawaii-to-japan-778016.html

[iv] The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Year Book 2014 Emergins Issues Update – Debris in the Ocean http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/green-living/the-worlds-rubbish-dump-a-tip-that-stretches-from-hawaii-to-japan-778016.html (Accessed 11/8/2015)


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4433 Hits

Denplan encourages Brits to go sugar-free for September

Denplan encourages Brits to go sugar-free for September


Denplan is urging the British public to go sugar-fee for September, following the results of its latest survey of over 2,000 adults1, which has shown a desperate need for better sugar education as Britons think chocolate, sweets and fruit juice contain no sugar.


It appears the public are clueless when it comes to sussing sugar in foods, as one in five (21%) don’t believe chocolate contains sugar, with the same amount (22%) thinking biscuits are sugar-free too. Drinks are not immune from sugar ignorance either, with almost half (47%) of respondents believing that neither wine or beer contain sugar. Perhaps more worryingly, over a third (38%) of people asked did not know that fruit juice contained sugar, despite warnings from Action on Sugar that many juices contain at least six teaspoons of sugar - more than cola2.


Other food and drinks which respondents believed were free of sugar included the below:

-      Sweets (20%)

-      Hot chocolate (30%)

-      Fruit (40%)

-      Spirits (58%)

-      Fizzy drinks (20%)

-      Sports drinks (26%)

-      Energy drinks (28%)


This worrying lack of knowledge could be reaping havoc on the nation’s teeth. Many patients are not aware that each time sugar is consumed, teeth are under acid attack for up to one hour, producing harmful acids and increasing the risk of tooth decay. Some are also unaware that fizzy drinks could be just as harmful to the teeth and that carbon dioxide gas is used to create bubbles in fizzy drinks, which then turns into a very dilute acid in the drink. This exposure to dilute acid can lead to the dissolving of tooth enamel if consumed on a regular basis.


The new results also showed a clear need for more clarity on labelling of products, as 54% admitted that they wanted to reduce their sugar consumption, but just one in five respondents could decipher whether a product contains sugar by reading ingredient labels. 80% said they don’t always check the list of ingredients before buying or eating food, and over a third of respondents (38%) said they didn’t know the difference between ‘sugar-free’ and ‘no added sugar’. 


Whilst this low level of knowledge may seem surprising, it’s now harder than ever to avoid sugar, even in unexpected foods such as bread, sauces, flavoured water drinks and canned soups. And looking at the labels for sugar content isn’t always straightforward, as there are over 30 different names for sugar – including fructose, lactose, glucose, and dextrose. 


Although a range of diets have advocated a low or no-sugar approach over the last year, in reality, less than half of respondents had tried to quit sugar, and less than 10% have successfully done so for more than a year, with a quarter lasting less than a month.


Henry Clover, Deputy Chief Dental Officer at Denplan said “With sugar ‘hidden’ in so many unexpected foods and drinks, managing our daily sugar consumption can be a challenge. Not only is this detrimental for the nation’s general health, it can also significantly affect our oral health because the frequency at which we consume sugar is a huge factor in tooth decay. However, there are so many simple changes people can make on a daily basis to cut back on unwanted sugar and still enjoy a healthy and tasty diet, leaving them with healthy habits that their teeth will thank them for.


Worried about the lack of knowledge surrounding sugar consumption, Denplan are urging Brits to go sugar-free for September. Logging on to www.sugar-free-september.co.uk will give patients access to information on hidden sugars, reveal the health risks of too much sugar consumption, provide tips on how to cut back on sugar and explain the importance of regular dentist visits and a better oral health regime.



1  A Onepoll survey of 2,000 participants conducted in May 2015

2 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-29986012

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5277 Hits

The dental event of the year is only 8 weeks away!

The dental event of the year is only 8 weeks away!

It’s just two months until BDIA Dental Showcase, the UK’s premier dental trade show, opens its doors for business, so make sure you have registered at www.dentalshowcase.com 

At the NEC in Birmingham between 22nd and 24th October, around 350 exhibitors, many launching new products and offering incredible show deals, will be on hand to demonstrate to you and your team the latest innovations in technology, products, techniques and services.  Whether it’s specialist manufacturers, dental suppliers, professional service providers or global brands, the most significant and innovative companies in the dental world see BDIA Dental Showcase as a must-attend event, providing an unparalleled opportunity to ‘See it, try it and buy it’. 

It’s also not just the latest products that you’ll find at BDIA Dental Showcase.  With a comprehensive programme of over 100 mini lectures, seminars and on-stand demonstrations, industry experts and thought-leaders will be sharing their knowledge.  Take a look at the lecture programme and discover the diverse range of subjects covered, from learning new techniques and procedures through to helpful and hands-on business advice that could bring you greater success.

In keeping with the BDIA’s pledge of ‘putting innovation into practice’, there is always something new at Dental Showcase.  For example, this year sees the inaugural Dietary Zone, sponsored by The Dairy Council, which reinforces the link between diet and oral health.

BDIA’s Executive Director Tony Reed said: “Every year BDIA Dental Showcase continues to deliver what attendees want – new products, good deals and an opportunity to broaden knowledge in the CPD verifiable mini lecture sessions.  Many of our visitors come back year after year and use BDIA Dental Showcase as a platform to see new products and learn about what’s new in dentistry.”

So why not join more than 10,000 dental professionals and come along to the dental event of the year!  Registration is simple, just go to: www.dentalshowcase.com, call 01494 782873 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Check out the website for a complete list of exhibitors and the updated lecture programme, you can also download the Showcase app to help you make the most of your visit.



The BDIA represents and supports manufacturers and suppliers of dental products, services and technologies, to the benefit of members, the dental profession and the public.

BDIA members gain access to a range of services designed to benefit them and promote the wellbeing of the industry as a whole and the profession gains the reassurance of dealing with like-minded individuals who are committed to providing a high quality standard of service.

BDIA is a non-profit organisation which means that we dedicate our funds solely for the purpose of developing dentistry for the benefit of our members, the profession and the publ