FGDP(UK) rejects amalgamation of regulators

FGDP(UK) rejects amalgamation of regulators



The Faculty of General Dental Practice UK (FGDP(UK)) has responded sceptically to proposals to cut costs by amalgamating the UK’s health regulators.

In response to a consultation by the Department of Health, it says it is not convinced that combining dental regulation with that of other professions could save money while retaining the required understanding of the dental professions, and that in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the interests of patients and the profession will best be served by the continued existence of a regulator dedicated solely to dentistry.

The Faculty says that decisions on the regulation of health professions should instead be guided by the risk of patient harm, and that as such there can be no optimum number of healthcare regulators. It also suggests that as the UK has over 70 regulators, “including four for social care, and six each for legal services, financial services and privatised utilities…nine regulators for healthcare, covering 1.5 million professionals in 32 occupations, does not appear excessive.”

FGDP(UK) also expresses concern over proposals to create a single adjudication body for fitness to practise, a single register of all health professionals, and a single set of standards in lieu of profession-specific ones, and rejects the suggested use of mediation in regulatory proceedings and proposals for employers to be represented on the General Dental Council (GDC).

However, FGDP(UK) agreed that the currently statutorily-regulated professions should be reassessed to determine the most appropriate level of oversight, and that the regulator should be accountable to the Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales and Northern Irish Assembly in addition to the UK Parliament.

Dr Mick Horton, Dean of FGDP(UK), said:

“While the GDC itself acknowledges that there are improvements to be made to the way in which it regulates, it has nonetheless developed specialist knowledge of dental patients and the professions that treat them, each of which exhibit characteristics and contextual factors which are not necessarily the same as those of other medical professions and their patients. In an amalgamated regulator, this sector-specific knowledge would either be maintained at additional cost, or, more likely, lost in a drive to harmonise procedures and cut costs. For these reasons, the onus is on the government to produce convincing evidence that its own stated objectives for regulation – public protection, performance management, and professional development and support - would not be all the harder to meet if dental regulation were to be amalgamated with that of other professions.”


 The Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) is the only professional membership body in the UK specifically for general dental practice. Based at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, it provides services to help those in general dental practice raise standards of patient care. It does this through standards setting, providing education courses and assessments, CPD, policy development, research and publications. Membership of FGDP(UK) is open to dentists and other registered dental professionals.


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4184 Hits

FGDP(UK) Announces Winners of Fellowship Awards 2017-18

FGDP(UK) Announces Winners of Fellowship Awards 2017-18


The Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) has awarded Fellowships to thirteen individuals in recognition of their exceptional contribution to the profession. Fellowship is the highest award offered by FGDP(UK), and is a pinnacle of achievement for the profession. Two people have been given Honorary Fellowship, seven Fellowship by Election and four Fellowship Ad Eundum. The awards will be conferred at the annual FGDP(UK) Diplomates Ceremony, which will take place on 12 March 2018.

Honorary Fellowship

Professor Keith Horner

Keith Horner qualified as a dentist in 1981 from Leeds University and held several hospital posts in Leeds and Sheffield. He has served on influential working parties and advised bodies such as the Health Protection Agency and the IAEA Radiation Protection of Patients Unit. He is also Co-Editor of the FGDP's Selection Criteria for Dental Radiography guidance.

Mrs Fiona Erasmus

Mrs Erasmus is a former Director of FGDP(UK) (2013-2016), and has been recognised for her leadership skills and distinguished service to FGDP(UK).

Fellowship by Election

Dr Graham Douglas Stokes

Dr Graham Stokes has been providing dental implants for over ten years, and obtained the FGDP(UK) Diploma in Implant Dentistry in 2009. Clinical Lead at a practice in Bromsgrove, where he has been based since 1991, Dr Stokes also lectures widely across the UK on implants, full dentures and treatment planning.

Mr William Paul Cushley

Mr Cushley has worked as a Vocational Training Adviser for NHS Education in Scotland for the last 16 years, and has been an examiner on the DGDP, MFGDP and latterly the MJDF for the Faculty.

Mr Bruce Hogan

Mr Hogan graduated from Glasgow University in 1987 gaining BDS with honours. Currently Chair of FGDP(UK)'s West of Scotland Division, he is also an examiner for the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the RCPS Glasgow, and serves on the Board of Dental Education, Training & Professional Development at the College. He regularly lectures to VDPs on the use of local anaesthetics.

Mr Tony Wyn Jones

In addition to practicing dentistry since 1982, Mr Jones has served in Afghanistan as an RAF Dental Officer. He was an examiner for the MFGDP and later the MJDF from 2003-2012, including examining in Hong Kong.

Dr Pearse Stinson

Dr Stinson obtained his dental degree in 1981, after which he commenced an associateship in General Practice. He opened his own practice in 1986 and has been active in the FGDP since its inception, serving as a Board member for twelve years.

Dr Derek Maguire

Dr Maguire qualified 30 years ago from Queen's University, Belfast. He has also been awarded Membership of the Faculty of Dental Trainers with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (MDTFEd).

Fellowship Ad Eundem

Mr Nicholas John Lewis

Dr Daniel Chi Kwok Ng

Mr Anish N Shah

Dr Kenny Siu Keung Tong

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FGDP(UK) says more action needed on marketing of sugary food and drink

FGDP(UK) says more action needed on marketing of sugary food and drink


The Faculty of General Dental Practice UK (FGDP(UK)) says further action is needed to tackle the nation’s sugar habit.

The Faculty is supporting Sugar Awareness Week (30th October – 3rd November 2017), organised by the Action on Sugar campaign group, which aims to build public pressure to persuade the government and the food and drink industry to implement stronger sugar reduction policies.

Action on Sugar also aims to raise public awareness of the adverse health effects of consuming too much sugar and the costs to the NHS of treating sugar-related illnesses. The campaign has produced two free, downloadable posters, highlighting the differing types and amounts of sugar in everyday foods and drinks.


Sugar Awareness Week runs from 30th October to 3rd November 2017, and the focus of the national campaign this year is on the large amounts of sugar available on price promotions. Local areas across the country are also running their own Sugar Awareness Week events.

Dr Mick Horton, Dean of FGDP(UK), says:

“This is an important campaign. Dentists and dental practice teams spend a lot of time educating patients about the importance of diet to oral health, but this can be quickly undone by the lure of discounts and adverts for sugary food and drinks. The average person in the UK eats three times the recommended maximum intake of sugar, and our bad habits start early. A quarter of primary school children, rising to a third in secondary school, have tooth decay, an almost entirely preventable disease, and action to further restrict marketing of high sugar items would help encourage people to make healthier choices.”

Jenny Rosborough, Registered Nutritionist and Campaign Manager at Action on Sugar says: 

“We currently consume 2–3 times more free sugars than is recommended and the biggest source in the diets of children and teenagers are sugar-sweetened drinks. Excess consumption of free sugars (i.e. those that are found naturally in fruit juices, honey and syrups, plus sugars added to foods and drinks ) is associated with a greater risk of tooth decay and leads to increased energy intake (compared to other energy sources). What’s more, sugar-sweetened drinks are associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Whilst we urge both the government and food manufacturers to act now, our message to dental practitioners is to help educate their patients about the impact of sugar consumption on their teeth.”

For more information on Sugar Awareness Week visit Action on Sugar online here.

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4300 Hits

Holistic dentistry conference – Putting the mouth back in the body

Holistic dentistry conference – Putting the mouth back in the body


Friday 3 November 2017

National Motorcycle Museum


To celebrate their 25th anniversary, the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners, in partnership with Simplyhealth Professionals, will host a conference, on Friday 3rd November, bringing together six of the UK’s leading oral health experts.

Designed for clinicians, the conference will provide an overview of the latest research that provides the foundation for the contemporary management of common dental diseases, insight into complex inter-relationships between oral diseases and general health of patients of all ages, and reveal evidence that demonstrates the long-term impact of traditional treatments on oral and general health.

The programme will provide dental professionals in general practice and other clinical settings with the knowledge to help them deliver extended oral health care. The lectures will also describe the skill-sets that will help delegates select biologically respectful, minimally invasive techniques and future-proof their practices by integrating general health care with everyday clinical dentistry.

Professor Nairn Wilson, one of the UK’s most International respected academics, and former Dean of Kings College London Dental Institute, will open the conference and introduce each of the presenters.

  • Professor Mike Curtis, Dean of Dentistry at Queen Mary’s University of London - How strong is the link between oral and other diseases – hype or reality?
  • Avi Banerjee, Professor of cariology and operative dentistry at Kings college London - Dental caries and the human body: the "MI"ssing link?
  • Professor Trevor Burke, The University of Birmingham School of Dentistry - The ultimate guide to restoration longevity
  • Iain Chapple, Head of School at the University of Birmingham School of Dentistry - Time to put the mouth back in the body: the truth about periodontal-systemic links
  • Dr. Stephen Fayle, Consultant in Paediatric dentistry at University of Leeds School of Dentistry - Extended oral health care for all ages.

Finally, Chief dental officer Dr Sara Hurley will discuss the conference themes and join the lecture team in answering delegate questions on the exciting future for oral care and holistic dentistry in the UK.

The conference will be held from 9am-5.30pm at the National Motorcycle Museum, Solihull, West Midlands, B92 0EJ. Tickets are £205 for members and £290 for non-members.

To purchase your ticket, go to www.holisticdentistry.eventbrite.com

  4203 Hits
4203 Hits

FGDP(UK) celebrates 25 years with Awards dinner

FGDP(UK) celebrates 25 years with Awards dinner


The Faculty of General Dental Practice UK (FGDP(UK)) held an anniversary dinner on Friday 13th October to commemorate 25 years since it was established. Hosted at Drapers Hall in London, the dinner included three very special awards to reflect the everyday commitment of General Dental Practitioners to their practice and their patients.

Dr Mick Horton, Dean of FGDP(UK), opened the evening by reflecting on the role of the Faculty now and into the future:

“Our anniversary celebration is a great occasion for us to look forward to our new future.  We are now laying the foundations for forming a new chartered medical college after 25 successful years at RCS.  

“It’s a bold step: one that we believe will inspire our members and open a gateway to new partnerships that promote professionalism in dentistry. For the public and for patients, a clearly identifiable, confident and active standard-setting body will help us to cultivate greater confidence in dentistry overall. We want to focus on developing the appeal of a modern medical college for new generations entering practice.

“We are delighted to award our Anniversary prizes to three extremely worthy winners.  Their own personal achievements mirror the quality of standards and the diversity within the general dental profession, and we congratulate them on their awards.”

Award Winners

Foundation Dentist of the Year – Claire Culverwell

Claire works as a Dental Associate at Crook Log Dental Practice in South East London. Her career began as a Dental Nurse, before studying Dental Hygiene and Therapy at the University of Liverpool. She then decided to study Dental Surgery at King’s College London and was nominated by her Foundation trainer, Baber Khan.

Claire commented: “I went the long way around to my career in dentistry, but I am glad I did, because I’ve been in contact with patients from the very beginning, allowing me to develop a range of skills. This award means a lot to me, because getting to this point in my life has taken great effort and commitment. I wasn’t sure I would ever get there, but I know that all the effort has paid off. I’m surrounded by people who push me to be my best every day, and I’m loving every minute.”

Community Dentist of the Year – Jason Wong

This prize recognises GDPs and DCPs who have made a significant contribution to improving oral care in their local community, and was awarded through a process of open nomination by peers within the profession.

Jason commented: “I am honoured that a colleague had the thought and put in the effort to nominate me and delighted that the FGDP(UK) panel chose me for the award. I believe that we are all part of a great profession and that all of us who benefit from being part of it need to put something back in for the benefit of the whole profession.”

Dean’s Award – Dentaid

The Dean’s Award, sponsored by Simplyhealth, was presented to Dentaid for their support of the The Real Junk Tooth Project in the UK.

Andy Evans, CEO of Dentaid, said:

Everyone at Dentaid is delighted and honoured to win the Dean’s Award. In recent years, we have become increasingly aware that many people in the UK struggle to access dental treatment for a wide variety of reasons and this has a negative impact on their general wellbeing.  Thanks to an incredible team of volunteers, many vulnerable people and those who could not register with an NHS dentist in Dewsbury were able to visit a dental surgery in the evening, without an appointment, and receive pain relieving dental care.  They only paid if they could afford to.  Over seven months 150 people received emergency treatment thanks to the Real Junk Tooth Project.  Dentaid’s next step was to purchase a mobile dental unit so we could bring a similar service to other parts of the country.  This unit also went back to Dewsbury in September when we treated almost 200 people in two weeks at clinics held outside schools, community centres and public buildings.  We are very grateful to all our volunteers and supporters for enabling this project to be such a success.”


As part of the 25-year celebration the FGDP(UK) will also host a conference on Holistic Dentistry on 3rd November in Solihull.

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New-look Faculty Board announced as FGDP(UK) prepares for independence

New-look Faculty Board announced as FGDP(UK) prepares for independence

The Faculty of General Dental Practice (FGDP(UK)) has announced new Board members following elections earlier this year, who were confirmed in post at the new Board’s inaugural meeting on Friday 30th June 2017. Consisting of representatives of one or more of the local divisions, the Faculty Board decides the strategic direction of the FGDP(UK) and oversees its implementation. The new Board will now focus its attention on preparing the Faculty for independence from the Royal College of Surgeons, as announced on 30th January 2017.

New Board members include Susan Nelson, a Principle Dentist specialising in restorative dentistry and orthodontics who has been elected to represent Northern Ireland. A Board member and past Divisional Director of the FGDP Northern Ireland division, Susan examines for the MJDF for the FGDP(UK).

Roshni Karia graduated from Kings College London in 2010 and, following completion of the MJDF, is a general dental practitioner that (after post graduate training) has developed a special interest in periodontology. She has been elected to represent SE/SW Thames having previously played a role as Early Career Representative as an Observer to the Board.

The previous Vice Deans for the Board, Ian Mills (SW) and Abhi Pal (W Mids), were both re-elected to their regional seats as well as Ian’s post as Vice Dean being renewed at the end of his term.

Paul Batchelor was appointed to a national seat as the second Vice Dean position for the next 12 months. A Fellow of the FGDP(UK), Paul is a consultant in Dental Public Health within the Thames Valley and Honorary Senior Lecturer at UCL.

Trevor Johnson has returned to a role on the Board in a national seat together with Quentin Jones (Wales). Both have a strong background in undergraduate or post graduate education.

Each elected Board member serves a three-year term and forms membership of a number of working committees. Full details of the FGDP(UK) Board are available here.

Mick Horton, Dean of FGDP(UK) said:

“This year we are celebrating a quarter century, in which we have built a secure home for general practice dentistry, with a bold move towards independence. We welcome all of our new and re-elected Board members who support our work in 2017 as we strengthen our membership to build a rich community of shared expertise and experience, work to foster career pathways for all those working in general practice and establish standards in dentistry that are led by the profession.”

Roshni Karia, Board member for SE/SW Thames commented:

“I am looking forward to taking an active role on the Board this year and representing all of the members from our division. The FGDP(UK) has played an important role in my career to date and I am committed to ensure we act now to support the career development of all dental practitioners in the future.”

To find out more about the FGDP(UK) and to become a member, visit http://www.fgdp.org.uk/members.ashx



The FGDP(UK) celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2017 with a special dinner on 13th October. Further information is available at http://www.fgdp.org.uk/event/fgdp-event/25th-anniversary-dinner.ashx

Together with Simplyhealth Professionals, FGDP(UK) are hosting a special anniversary conference. Holistic Dentistry – Time to Put the Mouth Back into the Body takes place on 3rd November 17 at the National Motorcycle Museum Solihull. Further information is available at www.holisticdentistry.eventbrite.com

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3895 Hits

FGDP(UK) and Simplyhealth Professionals launch holistic dentistry conference – 3rd November 17

FGDP(UK) and Simplyhealth Professionals launch holistic dentistry conference – 3rd November 17



To celebrate their 25th Anniversary the Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK), in partnership with Simplyhealth Professionals, is delighted to announce a celebratory conference featuring six of the UK’s leading experts, from a range of oral health fields, assembled for the first time in one exciting programme.

This unique conference is designed for clinicians at all stages of their careers and brings together six highly respected names to deliver a fascinating insight into the complex inter-relationships between oral diseases and the general health of patients in all age groups.

“Dentistry and healthcare in general are changing,” says Mick Horton, Dean of the FGDP(UK).

“We can no longer view areas of the body in isolation; what we do as professionals can impact on the rest of the body, and vice-versa. This holistic approach to treatment brings together modern techniques and their relationship with general disease.”


For further information and to secure your place for 3rd November at the National Motorcycle Museum visit http://holisticdentistry.eventbrite.com. Book now for early bird offers.



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4333 Hits

MASS OBSERVATION – Your profession, Your experiences, Your opinions

MASS OBSERVATION – Your profession, Your experiences, Your opinions


This October the FGDP(UK) is undertaking an ambitious initiative called the ‘Mass Observation’ project. Subtitled ‘Your profession, Your experiences, Your opinions’ the project aims to capture a snapshot of the dental profession in 2016. 

Everyone in dentistry, from receptionists to practice owners, is invited to submit their experiences about one particular day working in dentistry. The official Mass Observation Day is Wednesday 12th October but people can choose to talk about any day in the week of the 10th to the 16th October. 

Although a small amount of demographic data will be gathered all submissions are anonymous, enabling people to be as candid as possible. The two main questions are deliberately very open: 


  • What did you do today? 
  • What are your thoughts on the profession? 

Within the parameters of those two questions people can write whatever they want, providing they do not breech patient confidentiality. 

The main anticipated outcome from the project is a wealth of anecdotal evidence about dentistry in 2016, and what those involved in the practice of dentistry think about the profession. Whatever themes emerge will be examined in a report to be produced as part of the FGDP(UK)’s 25th anniversary celebrations in 2017. 

Dean of the FGDP(UK) Dr Mick Horton said: 
“This project was inspired by the Mass Observation Project that ran for nearly three decades from 1937. Ordinary people shared snapshots of their lives, and in doing so created an invaluable treasure trove of social history. The FGDP(UK) now wants to create something similar to help us celebrate general dental practice during our 25th anniversary next year. 

We want the whole profession to get involved, not just Faculty members. Dentistry is a wonderful and diverse profession, full of people with fascinating experiences and strong views to share. We want to hear from them all.” 



To take part visit www.massobservation.org.uk

People will have until the 31st October to submit their contributions. 


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12634 Hits

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