An electric deal from NSK: buy an electric micromotor and enter into a prize draw to win your money back!



Have you been waiting for the chance to install an NSK electric micromotor into your practice? Or are you thinking of upgrading your entire treatment centre to one with an electric micromotor built in?

Now is your chance with the GO ELECTRIC prize draw offer from NSK, the manufacturer of high quality, precision dental equipment:

  • Purchase an NSK Electric Micromotor* with Multi Pad and have it installed into your existing treatment centre for a 1-in-10 chance of winning the cost of your installation back.
  • Purchase a new treatment centre fitted with an NSK Electric Micromotor*, from our partners Belmont or A-Dec for a 1-in-10 chance of winning the cost of your NSK electric micromotor back from NSK.

Electrically driven instruments deliver functional flexibility with less noise and fewer vibrations to provide a smooth and more precise cutting action and a more comfortable patient experience.

To enter the prize draw, simply register your purchase at www.nskgoelectric.co.uk

For more information on NSK’s micromotors and range of other equipment, visit www.nsk-uk.com or contact your preferred dental dealer.

Facebook: NSK UK LTD
Twitter: @NSK_UK

* An NSK NLX nano or NLX plus Electric Micromotor 

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4086 Hits

Sparkling Resuts!

Sparkling Resuts!



NSK proudly supports numerous educational courses across the UK and Ireland, including the Perio with Deepak events.

Perio with Deepak aims to equip professionals with the skills and knowledge required to offer patients the most effective periodontal therapy. These courses enable dental professionals to understand and manage periodontal conditions through a combination of prevention, maintenance and treatment methods.

The most popular course is the 3-day Masterclass in Periodontal Disease Treatment and Management. Designed for dentists, dental therapists and hygienists, this course covers three phases:

  • Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy – providing delegates with a comprehensive knowledge of periodontal disease management using non-surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT) within a primary setting;
  • Treating and Maintaining Periodontal Disease – a hands-on day teaching planning and managing periodontal treatment after non-surgical procedures, focussing on ultrasonic scaling and air polishing.
  • Implementing Ideas and Profitable Periodontics – exploring the rationale behind evidence-based procedures, care pathways, better patient care and ethical selling of periodontal treatment.

During the course all delegates have the opportunity to use the latest NSK Varios 970 iPiezo ultrasonic scaler. With a range of over 70 tips, the Varios 970 is the ideal choice for perio, endo and scaling treatment or where minimal intervention is required.

Remaining events for 2017:

London 4-6 Aug 2017

London 18-20 Aug 2017

Nuneaton15-17 Sept 2017

Look online for full course content, aims & objectives, start/finish times, venue details etc. http://www.periowithdeepak.com/courses/master-class/

For more information on NSK’s scaling devices, visit www.mynskoralhygiene.co.uk or contact NSK on 0800 634 1909.



Twitter: @NSK_UK


Facebook: NSK UK Ltd

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3847 Hits

Five Star rating for the new NSK iClave mini

Five Star rating for the new NSK iClave mini


In a recent ‘in practice’ product trial the new NSK iClave mini autoclave was awarded 5 stars by over 90% of users for the speed of its cycle - the iClave mini delivers up to 12 ‘dry’ handpieces in less that 12 minutes! Additionally over 95% of practices awarded the NSK iClave mini 5 stars for build quality and overall size, as it fits in to a space approximately the size of an A4 piece of paper.

Jason Greenwood, BDS The Stafford Dental Practice, comments, “The NSK iClave mini is easy, quick and offers efficiency savings for handpiece processing”.

The NSK iClave mini is the perfect autoclave to keep handpieces in excellent working order as it complies with Europe’s Class S sterilisation standard and sterilises even the invisible parts of handpieces using direct-heating technology. This quick and effcient autoclave is the perfect solution for a busy practice.

For more information on NSK’s care and maintenance range contact Mark Beckwith on 07900 246529, contact NSK on 0800 634 1909 or visit www.myNSKdecontamination.co.uk



Facebook – NSK UK LTD

Twitter @NSK_UK

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4858 Hits

Thank you! An excellent response from practices asking to trial the NSK iClave mini

Thank you! An excellent response from practices asking to trial the NSK iClave mini

NSK recently offered GDPUK users a trial of their new autoclave - https://www.gdpuk.com/resources/professional-services/entry/1503-would-you-like-to-trial-a-state-of-the-art-autoclave


Practices are now in the process of being notified if they’ve been selected to trial the NSK iClave mini, which will be delivered to them shortly. Over the next two months we will keep you updated with the progress these practices are making and at the end of the trial we will publish a roundup of the feedback we have received.


We are confident the trial practices will find the NSK iClave mini really useful as it is the perfect handpiece autoclave and is small enough to fit even the smallest decontamination area. Complying with Europe’s Class S sterilisation standard, the iClave mini sterilises even the invisible parts of handpieces, and with a footprint approximately the size of an A4 piece of paper the iClave mini fits into the smallest space possible.


The iClave mini delivers up to 12 ‘dry’ handpieces in less that 12 minutes using direct-heating technology. This is coupled with a sophisticated design of the control panel and excellent visibility, with ease of use and day-to-day maintenance in mind.


The NSK iClave mini:

·         Small enough to fit in the smallest spaces

·         Effective sterilisation for hollow instruments

·         Fast and compact but with large capacity

·         User-friendly and easy to operate

·         Perfect solution for quick handpiece turnaround


The NSK iClave mini is small enough to use anywhere!


If you would like more information about NSK’s care and maintenance range contact Mark Beckwith on 07900 246529 or visit www.nsk-uk.com




Twitter: @NSK_UK

Facebook: NSK UK Ltd

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  5291 Hits
5291 Hits

Would you like to trial a state-of-the-art autoclave?

Would you like to trial a state-of-the-art autoclave?

In conjunction with NSK, GDPUK are offering 3 lucky practices the opportunity to trial and review the new NSK iClave mini - NSK’s smallest and lightest autoclave

The NSK iClave mini is the perfect handpiece autoclave and is small enough to fit even the smallest decontamination area. Complying with Europe’s Class S sterilisation standard, the iClave mini sterilises even the invisible parts of handpieces, and with a footprint approximately the size of an A4 piece of paper the iClave mini fits in to the smallest space possible.

The iClave mini delivers up to 12 ‘dry’ handpieces in less that 12 minutes using direct-heating technology. This is coupled with a sophisticated design of the control panel and excellent visibility, with ease of use and day-to-day maintenance in mind.

The NSK iClave mini:

·         Small enough to fit in  very small space

·         Effective sterilisation for hollow instruments

·         Fast and compact but with large capacity

·         User-friendly and easy to operate

·         Perfect solution for quick handpiece turnaround

The NSK iClave mini is small enough to use anywhere!

For your chance to be one of just three practices to trial and review the NSK iClave mini for 2 months FREE of charge simply send an email with your details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and they will be in touch to let you know if you have been selected.

Chosen practices will have the opportunity to use the NSK iClave mini free of charge for 2 months and then be asked to complete an online questionnaire and telephone interview. After the trial period these practices will be offered the opportunity to buy the NSK iClave mini at a discounted price.


For more information on NSK’s care and maintenance range contact Mark Beckwith on 07900 246529 or visit www.nsk-uk.com



Twitter: @NSK_UK

Facebook: NSK UK Ltd

e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  7113 Hits
7113 Hits

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