Why Invent a New Dental Implant? Part 2

By Dr. James C. Grant


This is the 2nd part of an article I wrote outlining my journey of the past 6 years on the Proximerge Dental Implant and why I felt compelled to research and develop a new replacement for the existing dental implants.

This is the link to the 1st part:-  https://www.gdpuk.com/resources/implantology/entry/420-why-invent-a-new-dental-implant.

I believe that the Patient is at the center of the Dentist practice, then supported by the finest Surgeon, Dental Lab Tech and Hygienist or Dental Nurse.


The Proximerge implant system integrates an eccentrically shaped platform and anchor implant in the jaw. It is the only technology that can anatomically match the profile of the teeth as they emerge from the boneProximerge is currently focused on molars (where the problem is the most significant) but the future designs are in development to provide solutions for all teeth and other applications such as implant-retained dentures. 


All current designs use a single round implant screwed into the jawbone to act as an artificial root for replacing lost teeth.  However, the footprint of teeth as they emerge form the jawbone is seldom round so this results in an anatomically poor match.  The problem is especially pronounced in the multi-rooted molar region as this approach leaves unacceptably large gaps, which trap food and cause patient discomfort, bacteria build-up, and long-term health risk to bone, gum tissue and adjacent teeth.  Accumulating bacteria around implants can lead to toxins crossing the membrane barrier and entering the circulatory system.  Research has shown these oral bacteria to be associated with many systemic conditions such as heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis and pregnancy complications.  In addition, existing implant designs provide a smaller, weaker foundation, which can lead to crown failure from shearing, fracturing of implant materials and bone loss due to excessive forces.  Custom abutments and wider diameter implant designs have been developed to help address these issues but still fall short because the source of the problem is the naturally eccentric shape of teeth as they emerge from the bone.

Proximerge is the only technology that can match noncircular shapes in the bone to provide a better biomechanical foundation and anatomically correct interproximal spaces.

Surgical and Restorative Example


This system allows the dentist to provide to the patient a final restoration produced by the dental lab tech that biomimic’s the anatomy and morphology of the tooth being replaced.  This natural shape is what the patient should expect from the oral health provider that allows the dental nurse-hygienist to instruct the patient on oral hygiene and maintenance.  Without excessive gaps accumulating food and bacteria, the patient and hygienist will be able to keep the area healthy and expect a successful implant restoration.

To discuss the Proximerge system, please email me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Look forward to hearing your thoughts on the implant system.

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