22,000 Threads Created

22,000 Threads Created


Established since 1997, continues to go from strength to strength. 

Since moving to our present site in 2008, the forum has had over 22,000 topics created. The 22,000 topics have received over 250,000 replies! That is 11.3 replies per topic created, which is something that is quite incredible and shows the amount of knoweledge and opinion shared on the forum pages day in and day out. This makes the forum, unique in UK Dentistry. It is also all fully searchable. 

GDPUK also continues to post daily news and a number of weekly blogs which receive thousands of readers. We love keeping UK Dentists, upto date with what is happening in UK Dentistry.

Thanks again to all our readers who help to keep the site growing and improving.

The site continues to be a fantastic resource for the whole dental community and is free to join. Register here and join over 10,000 colleagues in discussing Dentistry in the UK, whilst also learning and sharing about everything Dentistry.


We are currently running an offer for advertising on GDPUK in April and May. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Facebook - GDPUKforum

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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. your social media marketing partner
  5415 Hits
5415 Hits

Three Years of Exceptional Growth

Three Years of Exceptional Growth


As an online publisher we like to keep an eye on the stats on the site, how the banner ads are performing and also hope to increase the number of visitors and users of the site.

We publish a number of news and blog pieces a week, which all help to bring a steady stream of the target audience to our website.

The daily email digests, which get sent three times a day also keep our members engaged with what is happening on the forum and ensures the community spirit is maintained.

Since our mailing list was turned into a website and forum in 2008, we have seen the site evolve and grow. In early Jan we went past 20,000 threads created since mid-2008. Screenshot below of the most recent threads created and forum posts received.



The 20247 topics have received 229387 replies, which is around 11 replies to each topic, an amazing amount of input from the members of the site.

Below we can also see the amazing growth of the site in numbers since 2013, by using the month of February as a comparison, the growth in unique visitors and total visits made in each month demonstrates the popularity of the community.




Unique visitors

Total visits made in month














As the site continues to grow year on year we have now also moved the serving of our banner ads to Google Doubleclick for Advertisers which we have found improves the serving of the banners and isn’t as susceptible to click fraud as other software. It has a number of advantages, with the main one being that an advertiser can book a certain space for a month and then advertise more than one thing in that space, with each banner getting an equal share of the impressions. Useful for a dental business that wants to advertise a new product as well as an existing service. You can promote both!

There are many ways we can work together to use differing formats for banners, HTML 5, video ads, and we have space ready for a new size banner, the Super Leaderboard.

Advertising is also available on our email daily digests which is sent three times a day to thousands of dentists, who have voluntarily subscribed to the list and use the digests to look at the latest news and forum posts on the forum.

For further information about GDPUK and what we can offer companies looking to reach dentists, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or give Jonny a call on 07786571547. your social media marketing partner
  6486 Hits
6486 Hits

20,000 Forum Topics!

20,000 Forum Topics!


Today we are proud to have reached 20,000 topics created on the GDPUK Forum since mid-2008. An incredible achievement from all involved. Thanks everyone for all the contributions to the forum pages over the years and the many interesting topics created. The site continues to foster a special atmosphere and relationship between dentists throughtout the UK. The forum exists because of the community, the many different contributors to the site (979 different ones last year) plus of course the thousands of dentists who read the site on a daily basis.

As you can see from the image above, there has also been 226,000 posts on the 20,000 topics created, which means on average there are just over 11 replies to each thread, which again demonstates how much everyone cares about dentistry in the UK and how it is natural for colleagues to want to help or guide each other. We hope all this help over the years has improved the level of dental care and professionalism and that the forum continues to be an incredibly useful resource for many years to come. 

Thanks to all the moderators of the site for keeping on eye on any controversial threads, thanks also to our webmaster Steve, who keeps all the forum software ticking along. A huge thanks, to the site owner Tony Jacobs whose vision and passion for dentistry in the UK, has kept the GDPUK community together and reaching amazing landmarks like today!

Bring on the next 20,000 topics :) your social media marketing partner
  7072 Hits
7072 Hits

Stats, Glorious Stats

Stats, Glorious Stats

At GDPUK towers we love to keep an eye on the statistics that the site creates. We want to make sure we are still doing all the right things to attract an audience that stays engaged with the site and of course interacting on the forum.

Below are a few stats we would like to share, we are very proud of these and they show that GDPUK is constantly used for news, views, opinion and information.

These stats are up to date, as of 30th June 2015.

  • In June 2015 alone, we have had over 100,000 opens of our daily digest emails (sent 3 times a day)

  • We published a news story on Friday 26th June called “GDC labelled worst of all regulators”. As of Monday afternoon we have had over 4500 readers. This shows the reach of GDPUK news by using various social media platforms and our daily digest email.

  • This year, the site averages 32,000 unique visitors a month

  • Users continue to join the site, membership is now getting close to 9000 people, who are all members of the dental community.

  • The forum attracts just over 1000 different contributors a year.

  • Whilst on the topic of the forum, it continues to attract readers and plenty of engagement. Since our present site went live (late 2008), there have been 18653 topics created and 209771 posts. An average of 11 replies a post. This definitely demonstrates the amazing amount of discussion and activity that takes place on the forum.

By sharing these stats we want to demonstrate the reach of GDPUK and how we feel we get important dental news in front of thousands of readers daily. Thanks for sharing, engaging and reading the site, we appreciate the great dental community that continues to support us.

If you would like to join the forum (it’s free) and get a feel for what is happening in UK dentistry in 2015, please follow this link. If you are already a member, keep spreading the word and telling your colleagues about the site :)

Thanks for reading, please get in This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with me if you would like further information on GDPUK.

Jonny your social media marketing partner
  7065 Hits
7065 Hits

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