What is stopping your landing page converting sales leads?

When running a marketing campaign we are told that landing pages are an extremely important part of the sales journey. This is still a true statement and something we always make clear to all our clients.

In this blog, I want to look at what happens when once you have a landing page created but it still isn’t converting in the way you desire, what mistakes are being made with the page and where could it be improved? I have identified a few reasons why the page may not be performing as you hope...

Social Proof

Reviews and testimonials are incredibly important. Reviews or testimonials will act as social media proof, so when a customer is looking to purchase, they will often look to others for cues concerning whether to make the purchase or not. So making the excellent reviews or testimonials prominent is certainly a good start to improving your landing page.

Being Clear?

Is your landing page actually clear enough? Have you explained what your business offers and how it is unique? Your landing page should always contain a clear description of what your company actually offers! The copy needs to be clear and not overly full of jargon and too many words.

Too Much Text!

Remember you only have 5 seconds to convince the person clicking on the site. This means the landing page must be focused on one single objective, which is clicking on your call to action (CTA). As I said before it needs to stay clear and direct. Not too much text but enough to get the message across. Focus on the benefit: this is what you will get by clicking here.

What is your USP?  

It is vitally important that you have a very clear and exciting USP. An exciting Unique Selling Proposition leads to people clicking on the CTA because they want to know more. Explaining your USP can work well either using a bullet list or a short, informative video, that gets the message across and leads to the results you desire.

Too many details.

If on your landing page you present a form in which you want your potential clients to share their details, make sure you ask only for the information that is really essential. If you want to send the prospective client a white paper about selling their dental practice, you only need a name and an email address. Focus on getting the essential details and achieving the result of someone engaging with your business.

Always be testing.

The only way to know that the content is persuasive, the video or images work and how successful the form is, you have to keep testing and tweaking the page. On a an optimised landing page, every aspect, should be tested to ensure you’re using the right option to maximize your conversion rate.

Thanks for reading and we hope you have picked up a few pointers to improve one of the most important sales funnels in a modern business.


e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
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4325 Hits

The 4 Advantages of Using a Targeted Landing Page

The 4 Advantages of Using a Targeted Landing Page
A landing page is a single web page that exists or is created for the sole purpose of getting your user to take action. 
In the past I have looked at landing pages and why they are an important part of any marketing strategy. I thought this was something that was definitely worth revisiting. So much of our marketing is now online we have to look at how we attract and keep any leads we attract. 
  1. Landing pages are the key to converting the leads that click on your facebook or banner ad. So whether you are asking for contact details in exchange for a white paper, offering a demo piece of dental equipment, a targeted landing page is going to help you convert those visitors.
  2. Using one specific landing page for your campaign also gives you a clear idea if the marketing campaign is working or not. If you are still getting a high bounce rate on your targeted landing page, the page may need tweaking or reworking slightly. If traffic goes to your homepage, it is impossible to see why the leads aren’t taking the next step. The landing page can always be tweaked and then you can see if your results improve.
  3. Having one page also lets you narrow your focus and remove the clutter you would expect on a homepage. The page should enable the visitor to find the information a lot quicker. This keeps the visitor focused on the product or service you want them to look at. 
  4. Landing pages need to be seen as part of your sales team. Can the page sell your service or product to the level you would expect? You obviously wouldn’t expect your salesperson to convert every single lead they receive but you would expect a certain proportion. You need to look at your landing page in the same way. The page needs to be converting the clicks.
Therefore the landing page always needs a clear call to action and hopefully you will start seeing some positive results.
So when should you be using landing pages?
  • As destinations for your banner ads.
  • To create anticipation for a new product or service you are offering the dental community.
  • To promote a special offer that you don’t normally offer. The landing page can expire after one week or a month, it is upto you. 
  • To segment your audience. You may want a landing page that is aimed just at endodontists for example. 
If you have a target audience in mind, you need to start thinking about how you are going to reach that audience. Once you reach them, how will you keep them engaged? Designing a targeted and focused landing page is a great step to getting a return on your marketing budget. 
Get in touch if you would like further information on GDPUK and where our site can fit into your marketing plans.
Have a great week
e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  5896 Hits
5896 Hits

Why You Need A Landing Page For Your Website

Your Landing Page

landing page

Neil Sanderson

Most people think of a website as an entity in its self, this is not the case. A website is a series of pages of which you need to think about landing pages.

What is a landing page? Well the description is in the name really, it’s where people land when they first come to your website.

Most people think that the place people should first see when they arrive at your site is the home page, this again is not the case, ideally you need people to land on the correct landing page, let me explain.

I’m sure that all of you have at one time or another gone to Amazon. Can you ever think of a time when you arrived on a home page which had menu options across the top for you to find what you are looking for?

No of course you haven’t. You always land on the page that you wanted. For instance if you are looking for a camera. I typed in the search “Canon EOS 70D” and below is the search I got.

landing page

Camer search screen

All the search items are about the EOS 70D which is what you would expect, some are reviews and technical pages others are sales pages, but effectively all of them are about this particular camera.

So whenI click on the search item which takes me to the “landing page”. It comes as no surprise that the page I land on is about the Canon EOS 70D.

Because Amazon is so good at this you are presented with everything you need to purchase this camera, there are reviews, things that people also bought when they buy this camera etc. In fact just about everything you need to make a purchase, this is a typical Amazon landing page and they are very good at it.

landing page

Amazon Canon landing page

So what has this got to do with your website and the landing page that your prospective patients land on?

Well it’s about this, we have all been tought by the likes of Amazon that we want to land on exactly the page we are interested in. We don’t want to land on the “home” landing page, we know what we want and we want it right now.

People are not prepared to come to a “home” landing page and navigate around the website until they find the item they are looking for, this is why you have to promote your landing pages all the time, so that your visitors get exactly what they are looking for immediately.

If someone is looking for teeth whitening, most dental websites are set up so they will come to the “Home” landing page, they will then click on the treatment tab, then they will find the whiting link and click on that, do you see the issue?

If you want people to visit your teeth whitening page you need to start optimising this page so that Google can pick it up and display it, this needs to become your whitening landing page.

The same goes for all your other treatment, such as facial aesthetics, implants, straightening etc. etc.

Writing a blog is a great help but having the right key words on the page is also crucial, along with the correct meta description. Get ahead of your competition and ensure that your treatment pages are optimised to be your landing pages.

However you can bypass all this an just use Google Adwords, which will always send people to exactly the page you require, this is one of the huge benefits of Adwords.

If you would like more information on your website, call me on 01767 626  398 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our Facebook page.


e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  5717 Hits
5717 Hits

How To Get Free Traffic To Your Website

Website Traffic, How Facebook Can Increase Yours Completely Free Of Charge

website traffic

Neil Sanderson

We all know that saying thank you is a great courtesy and makes the person who is receiving, feel much better don’t we. Well here’s a tip to make those two little words “Thank You” increase your website traffic too.

As I’ve said on many occasions before, there are two things you need to concentrate on with your website, (1) you need to maximise your website traffic. (2) you need to converts as much of that website traffic as possible into paying patients.

So here’s a little tip that will cost you absolutely nothing, it may endear you to your patients and you’ll get more traffic to your website and if your website has the right things on there when they land you’ll start to get more new patients too.

70% of the population now owns a smart phone, which is quite staggering, and just about every person who has a smart phone knows how to use an app. Additionally 50% of the population use Facebook for at least half hour per day every day.

So when you have done a great job for one of your patients and they say “thank you”, why don’t you ask them to put a link onto their Facebook page and just say thank you, it’s as simple as that.

They can even do this whilst you are with them on their Facebook app!

Let me elaborate on how powerful this little “thank you” can be to increase your website traffic. Let’s say you see fifty patients per day and one in five of them post this link to your website on their Facebook page.

The average person has 500 friends and likes on their Facebook account, this means that the link to your website could potentially be seen by 5,000 people every day.

Now I know that not everyone is going to do this for you, however much you try and persuade them. So we’ll scale this down (a lot). Let’s say that only 50 people per day get to see a link posted by one of your patients. This means that upwards of 1,000 people will see the link every month (12,000 per year).

Even if only 10% of them actually click through to your website, this means that 1,200 new patients will visit your site, simply because you asked your patients to say “thank you” on their Facebook page with a link to your site.

The best thing about this is that all this new website traffic is completely free, you’re not spending a penny on advertising anywhere.

But you also need to remember that you have the right wording, graphics, video etc. on your site to convert them from website traffic to paying patients and that is a whole different subject and incidentally even more important.

If you would like to know how I can help you grow your dental practice, call me on 01767 626 398 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website www.dentalmarketingexpert.co.uk, or you can visit our FACEBOOK page too.

e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
  5280 Hits
5280 Hits

Networking, The Corner and Landing Pages

After a busy few summer months, we will soon be entering the final quarter of 2014. I have tried to keep my digital blogs varied and I hope you have continued to find them useful.
BDIA Dental Showcase
The annual dental showcase will this year be held at London Excel from the 9th -11th of October 2014. Exhibitions are always a great opportunity to network with other members of the dental profession and meeting with people face to face is always a varied and interesting experience. The GDPUK team will be visiting the show, talking to dentists and of course many of our key clients who will be exhibiting. Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to meet up and we can discuss how we can work or build a mutually beneficial partnership together.
I always look forward to the exhibitions because you never know who you will meet, get introduced to or what you will learn. I am sure it will be a fascinating few days. I look forward to meeting you in a few weeks.
Corner banner
For the month of September on GDPUK you will see a little “look” image (example above) in the top right hand corner of the page. This is a new feature we have introduced that will be available for advertisers when they have a promotion or new product to offer. When your mouse "hovers" over the look sign, an advert appears. We believe it is a great method for gaining plenty of visibility and attention. Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like further information on this new feature.
Landing pages
A few months ago, I wrote about the importance of landing pages and how they are an integral part of your advertising campaign. The blogs can be found here and here. I thought I would remind you to read the blogs, especially with how it is so closely linked to a successful marketing campaign. I am often asked about how you can get good results from advertising on GDPUK and I believe having a consitent message alongside a well constructed landing page is incredibly important. 
Any emails sent out or landing pages created need to be simple and not too cluttered, make sure there is a clear focus on one thing. If you are offering an incentive or promotion, you have to make sure it is available and people can find it quickly on the landing page. The main aspect is that you have to stick to a clear and direct message when looking for customers and when an offer is made, make sure you deliver on it. This will lead to a greater return on your advertising investment and growth in your business. 
Thanks for reading and I look forward to meeting or bumping into you at the BDIA Showcase in a few weeks. 
e-max.it: your social media marketing partner
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6745 Hits

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