You may think that advertising and marketing takes a substantial amount of time and effort and in most cases you’d be right – but it doesn’t have to be that way. Through the help of professionals, an effective system can be implemented to efficiently increase patient retention, acquisition, satisfaction and loyalty, as well as differentiating customer value, developing customers via up-sell and cross-sell opportunities and decreasing costs associated with low response rates[i].
Automated systems have become one of the main trends in modern marketing, proven successful across a wide range of industries. With developments in information and communication technology, businesses both large and small are able to build up substantial customer databases with real-time data. Strong software packages can then be utilised to analyse the findings to the advantage of the company.
Many of these marketing solutions are based on customer relationship management (CRM) or customer value management (CVM). These focus on the analysis of individual data to acquire and retain consumers and to drive behaviour with developed marketing strategies in such a way that the value of all current and future customers is optimised[ii]. The main objective is to better understand individuals by collecting relevant information and then making the most of this data to manage customer value and firm profitabilityi. With patients interacting through a number of channels, information can be collated from various touch points, such as face-to-face, telephone conversations or online. The information can then be used to better understand, monitor and influence customer behaviour through targeted emails. This shift in perspective in recent years from a product orientation to customer orientation brings marketing back to where it should be – about the patient experience.
As a service sector, dentistry should always be about providing the patient with the best experience possible. From the first time individuals access your website to the treatment provided and beyond, the way you and your team interact with the patient affects their overall opinion of the practice. This in turn impacts on future loyalty and whether they recommend your practice to family, friends and colleagues.
Implementing an effective system, such as AIM – Automated Intelligent Marketing –from 7connections can help you achieve outstanding results with minimum time and effort. The experts at 7connections can work with you and take care of virtually every aspect, so you don’t have to worry about setting up the technology, writing emails or sending them. Information can be targeted successfully to increase product and treatment sales in an economic and effective manner.
For your chance to find out more and claim your free three-month trial of AIM, contact 7connections today.
For more information about 7connections and the three-month free trial with AIM, please call 01647 478145, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or visit
[i] Aksoy, L., Keiningham, T. L., & Bejou, D. (2008). Objectives of customer centric approaches in relationship marketing. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 6, 1-8.
[ii] Morgan, R. M., et al. (2015). Handbook on Research in Relationship Marketing. Available online: [Accessed 11th August 2015].