Better dentistry

Better dentistry

Dr Amit Patel is a registered specialist in periodontics; graduating in 1997 from the University of Liverpool, he is now the principal of the Birmingham Dental Specialists as well as working as the Associate Specialist in Periodontics and Honorary Clinical Lecturer at the University of Birmingham dental school. He is a prolific lecturer both nationally and internationally and is enthusiastic about practising better dentistry. To this end, Amit always ensures to use the best equipment possible to achieve excellent results.

“Everything I use is A-dec,” says Amit. “I have an A-dec 500 dental chair, an A-dec LED light and, after trialling one recently, I’m using the A-dec 500 stool as well. Together, these pieces of equipment allow me to practise better dentistry – not just for my patients, but for myself as well.

“Many dentists will suffer from back pain and musculoskeletal disorders throughout their careers. The positions we must assume to perform even the simplest of dental treatments can have a real effect on our wellbeing – indeed, the majority of dentists who are forced to retire early, do so because of these debilitating conditions.

“But modern, ergonomic equipment, like that supplied by A-dec, can have a huge impact on the ease with which we can practise dentistry and the quality of life we can enjoy as a result. For example, the 500 stool allows me to assume a comfortable posture in which I can remain for long periods of time; even during implant surgery I do not get fatigued. What’s more, because the stool is so lightweight and easily manoeuvred, I can move around my patient without having to stretch.

“Similarly, a good light will help eliminate eye strain. Repeatedly focussing in and out of the oral cavity and having to adjust to the different ambient lights can cause unnecessary strain. The A-dec LED light I use is bright enough to negate this: it illuminates everything. I find it particularly useful since I perform a significant amount of surgery and I need a light bright enough to fulfil my needs. Rather than investing in an incredibly expensive theatre light, the A-dec LED is more than satisfactory. It’s also incredibly light and easily manoeuvred, making it applicable for many indications. Some of my patients comment on just how bright is – but they appreciate that the better I can see, the better the result of their treatment will be.

“I also work with the University of Birmingham Dental School and use A-dec equipment there as well. As a way of promoting good posture and ergonomic practice, A-dec products are the best.

“I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend A-dec and its products to any dentist.”

With an eclectic range of dental equipment that has been specifically made with dental professionals in mind, A-dec will provide you with everything you need to practise better, healthier dentistry.

To find out the benefits yourself, contact the friendly team today.


For more information about A-dec Dental UK Ltd, call 02476 350 901 or visit: www.a-dec.co.uk


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Dental drills: 9,000 years in the making

Dental drills: 9,000 years in the making

Did you know that your dental drill, the one you probably used just yesterday, has a heritage of around 9,000 years?

In 2006, archaeologists in Pakistan discovered a number of teeth dating back to around 7,000 BC which exhibited distinct signs of drilling. It is thought that expert craftsmen used specifically adapted bow drills to core out infection and decay in their fellows’ teeth.[1]

The real innovations, however, started much more recently. In 1864, a British dentist called George Fellows Harrington invented a clockwork-powered dental drill called the Erado (from the Latin: I scrape out). This drill was significantly faster than previous drills but was insufferably noisy and, presumably, required winding up regularly. Nevertheless, it was the first example of a mechanised dental handpiece that allowed for continuous rotation and would prove to be the progenitor of many subsequent innovations.

The first of which appeared just four years later in 1868, when American dentist George F. Green patented a pneumatic dental drill powered by a pedal-operated bellows. This was closely followed by the 1871 pedal-powered drill from James B. Morrison.

Green then developed and patented the first ever electric dental drill in 1875, which represented a true revolution in the profession. Not only could an electric drill reach high speeds, it could maintain them indefinitely. For the first time this allowed for continuous treatment and it lay the foundation for the modern working technique that the majority of dental professionals have adopted today.

By 1914, electric dental drills could reach speeds of up to 3,000 rpm – and this was doubled by the 1950s when the first air turbine drills were introduced into practices.[2]

This new design, driven by compressed air, was first created by a New Zealander called John Patrick Walsh who began developing on the idea after working with a commercial-use air grinder. It didn’t take long for air turbine drills to gain popularity around the world and several different manufacturers in the US and Britain began shipping their own models by the end of the 1960s.[3]

And the same basic design is still very much in use today – albeit, modern handpieces operate at distinctly higher speeds, up to approximately 400,000 rpm. They have also been designed to increase usability and ergonomic appeal and are made from more reliable materials to ensure the highest levels of comfort and safety. Indeed, they are the real mainstay of a dental surgery and are indispensible to practitioners on a day-to-day basis.

Which is why it is so important that dental drills are effectively maintained. Since they play such an integral part in general everyday dentistry, any malfunctions can cause delays and cost money – not to mention the risk they can cause to a patient’s safety. Should a dental drill break inside a patient’s mouth, the damage caused could be catastrophic.

Therefore, it is imperative to find and work with an exemplary repair and maintenance service that you can trust to quickly and reliably fix your handpieces in the event something should go wrong. Quintess Denta can provide that service – and much more, including offering helpful maintenance and money-saving tips. What’s more, they work with every brand on the UK market and always ensure that nothing but the highest quality components are used for repairs.


For more information visit www.quintessdenta.com, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us on 028 6862 8966


[1] BBC: Stone Age man used dental drill; published online: 06/04/2015; link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4882968.stm [accessed 19/11/15]

[2] BDA: Clockwork drill and dental engine; published online: 07/06/2013; link: https://www.bda.org/museum/collections/dental-equipment/clockwork-drill-and-dental-engine [accessed 19/11/15]

[3] Medical Discoveries: Dental drill; link: http://www.discoveriesinmedicine.com/Com-En/Dental-Drill.html [accessed 19/11/15]




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Ensure superior quality - Stephen Wilson

Ensure superior quality - Stephen Wilson

Modern dental drills operate at approximately 400,000 rpm; with diamond-tipped burrs, they are used for precision work, in close proximity to patient’s teeth and the soft tissues of the oral cavity. As such, it is vital that a professional is confident in the equipment they are using, since a malfunction has the potential to cause significant injury and disfigurement.

In light of this, therefore, would you consider buying your dental drill from eBay? Hopefully not – but that does not mean others won’t. Last year alone, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) were required to seize 384 dental handpieces that had been bought from internet auctioning sites.[i]

Upon inspection, these products were found to be of dubious quality, often bearing falsified CE classifications and prone to malfunction – even breaking apart during use. Imported mostly from China and Pakistan, these handpieces posed a distinct risk to the patients upon whom they were being used, as well as the professionals who were using them. Furthermore, the penalty for knowingly buying and using counterfeit products is immediate erasure from the GDC register.

Luckily, there were few instances where these counterfeit products caused injury – but that does not mean the risk was any less real and it highlights the need for professionals to be very discerning when it comes to choosing their dental equipment.

The same can be said of maintaining this equipment. Dental handpieces are used on a regular basis and ensuring they are in good condition is vital. Should an older piece malfunction, the results can be disastrous. With consistent maintenance, however, malfunctions can be avoided. Nevertheless, as with ensuring the quality of a new piece, the quality of a repair service must be assessed before investment.

Third parties often manufacture the components of dental handpieces and this increases the risk of subpar parts being fitted in repair. The risks of this are obvious. Without the assurance of quality, these counterfeit parts can fail, causing catastrophic malfunctions in the handpiece. Unfortunately, the majority of these parts will undoubtedly cheaper, pushing down the price of repair work. While this might seem attractive in the short term, the potential risks are unequivocal in the long term.

Thus, it is crucial that dental professionals find a handpiece repair service upon which they can rely to use nothing but the highest quality parts and replacements. Ultimately, this will provide peace of mind and quality assurance. Companies that offer this level of service will undoubtedly work closely with legitimate manufacturers to ensure that the repairs they are conducting are of the highest standard, using quality assured parts.

Quintess Denta is such a company. Using only superior parts, the expert team at Quintess Denta ensure greater durability and performance for your dental handpieces. They work hard to provide a prompt service for your convenience, fully understanding the ramifications of being without a specific handpiece. What’s more, Quintess Denta provides an ongoing support service that allows you to be confident in the quality and reliability of your dental handpieces.


For more information visit www.quintessdenta.com, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us on 028 6862 8966



[i] The Guardian: Dentists warned of counterfeit equipment following huge haul; published Oct 2014; link: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/oct/17/dentists-warn-counterfeit-equipment-seized-haul


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Treating obese patients- Dean Hallows A-dec

Treating obese patients- Dean Hallows A-dec

Statistics suggest that by 2050 60 per cent of men and 50 per cent of women in the UK will be obese – currently, the figures stand at around 15.5 million adults.[1]


The health issues that can be demonstrably linked with obesity are well documented: conditions such as type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancer, strokes, liver disease, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), joint pain and depression are more likely to affect people with a high Body Mass Index (BMI).[2]


What is significantly less documented is the difficulties healthcare providers can have treating obese patients. This is particularly important for dental practitioners, since obesity is also linked to an increased risk of periodontal disease and poor oral hygiene.


One of the most prevalent issues currently is the capability of dental chairs to support patients over a certain weight. There have been reports of dentists turning away patients on account of the inability of their dental unit to safely and efficiently carry a heavier load.[3]


Indeed, research undertaken on modern dental chairs has recently shown that most units are only capable of bearing loads of up to 23st (146kg). Typically, those who fall within the obese BMI bracket weigh from 22st upwards (143kg) rendering the majority of dental chairs unsuitable.[4]


This, of course, presents significant problems to both patients and practitioners. If dentists cannot serve all of their patients, they will lose business to those who are better equipped – and if they choose to turn patients away on the grounds of weight, they may find themselves facing legal action through the Disability Discrimination Act (2005). For patients, it restricts the provision of oral healthcare.[5]     


To this end, it is worth considering a dental chair from A-dec. With units that can carry heavier loads than competitive products (up to 29st (181kg)), a long-standing focus on comfort, ergonomics and reliability, A-dec is the obvious choice for any dental professional passionate about providing the best care for everyone.


Regardless of size, age or any other differentiating factor, every patient who walks through your door deserves to be treated fairly, equally and excellently. Do not let your equipment be an excuse to discriminate against anyone – invest in high-quality products that will allow you give each individual patient the best treatment possible.



For more information about A-dec Dental UK Ltd, visit:




[1] Public Health England: About Obesity; link: http://www.noo.org.uk/NOO_about_obesity [accessed on 18/08/15]

[2] NHS Choices: Obesity; link: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Obesity/Pages/Introduction.aspx [accessed on 18/08/15]

[3] BDJ: Obesity and dentistry: a growing problem – D. Reilly, C. Boyle, D. Craig; published online, 2009; link: http://www.nature.com/bdj/journal/v207/n4/full/sj.bdj.2009.717.html [accessed on 18/08/15]

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid.


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Choosing products and equipment, tools of the industry - Dr Nadine Skipp

Choosing products and equipment, tools of the industry

Principal and Founder of AURA Centre of Dental Excellence and Facial Aesthetics in Kingston upon Thames, Dr Nadine Skipp explores how to ensure the products you use in your practice are up to scratch.

No matter what industry you are in, you need effective ‘tools’ and the skills to use them in order to be successful. In dentistry and facial aesthetics, it’s no different. There is such a wide range of products and equipment available (which I will reference throughout as ‘tools’) – and it can sometimes seem impossible to know which to choose to accompany your provision. However, it is essential that the ‘tools’ you utilise are of the highest standard and achieve the best results.

After all, it just takes one poor choice in product, or one unreliable piece of equipment, to take a patient from their desired outcome to an unsuccessful result. We all know that only a bad workman (or workwoman) blames their tools, however you wouldn't be a good workman if you didn’t first at least ensure that you were using the right tools.

From major recognisable brands to leading manufacturers with cheaper ‘own brand’ alternatives, every company wants you to think that what they offer is the best and superior to all others. But they can’t all be, so we must employ our own professional judgement in deciding which will suit us most and which will offer the most successful and predictable results time after time.

Given that there is so much choice out there, how exactly do you do this?

A fundamental question when choosing should be, “Does it do the job I need it to? And will it do so reliably and consistently?” If you were to ask your product rep I’m sure they would say, “Yes, of course” – unless they have an alternative item to sell. But the only way to find out for sure is to try and test it out first hand.


But, before doing so it may be prudent to take note of the following considerations:

Cost effectiveness

Firstly, this can be something of a subjective term. Not specifically related to that which is the cheapest, rather the items that provide the best value for money. Of course, it can be easy to simply choose the product that appears to give you the highest quantity for the lowest cost, but this can lead you into problems later down the line.


Indeed, for something to be cost effective it will need to be reliable, have a well-thought out delivery system that minimises wastage, deliver consistent results and have a price that is relative to its quality. For instance, you might expect a single use disposable item to be far cheaper in comparison to a piece of equipment you would use over and again throughout your career. But, if the quality of results you achieve with a cheaper product is substandard and means you have to invest in more expensive products to rectify any issues, this negates any potential savings you might have made.


Ease of use

One of the main advantages in offering facial aesthetic treatments such as botulin toxins or dermal fillers is their relative ease of use and application (which in turn make for more cost effective treatments through time savings). However these benefits will be negated through poor product choices. On the other hand, products that have been designed with ergonomics and function in mind will be far more intuitive and natural to use, but this often comes with a higher price tag. In some instances this expense is justified, as those that are not designed with these considerations are likely to deliver results of a lower standard.



Familiarity with new ‘tools’ and understanding their compatibility with your own personal work processes are also essential factors to consider. Some clinicians like to stick with what they used in their training or have a long-standing familiarity with, whilst others will be constantly looking for new and innovative products. It is worth thinking about the time it may take to become accustomed to new products or equipment and whether any workshops or further training are required to utilise them properly.


One of the best sources of reliable information will come from recommendations from colleagues, peers and trainers. Before investing, it is wise to ask fellow clinicians to share their opinions and experience and for any advice or suggestions. It is also well worth visiting trade shows and exhibitions, as new products and equipment are often launched at these events alongside special promotional offers.


Finally, it is essential that all products and equipment you use have the appropriate certification and comply with all the required regulation and legislation. Look out for CE marks and any symbols or logos that certify quality. There are often horror stories in the news around forged or inferior products that have been imported into the country from foreign manufacturers. This rise in counterfeit products poses a real risk to both patient and practitioner due to the lack of regulation, certification and accountability. The trick here is to not be tempted when an offer looks too good to be true. A product that would normally cost £700 is unlikely to be genuine if sold for £50.

Ultimately you want to use ‘tools’ that will help make the service and treatments you offer faster, easier and better for the patient. So by taking into account practicality, cost, ease of use, compatibility, peer recommendations and manufacturer’s certification you can begin to ensure that the treatments and services you offer will not be let down by the products and equipment you choose to use.


To find out more visit www.auradental.co.uk, call 020 8549 5710, or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Dr Nadine Skipp is the Principal and Founder of AURA Centre of Dental Excellence and Facial Aesthetics in Kingston Upon Thames. Having trained with leading experts from across the dental profession in the US, UK and internationally, Dr Skipp has fulfilled many educational roles throughout the industry, and was awarded a Fellowship from the International Academy for Dental and Facial Esthetics in 2014. She is also partner of SOURCE1uk - Dental Recruitment, Training Courses, Classifieds and Practice Sales.


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  4016 Hits
4016 Hits

Making waves with the Florida Probe Dolphin

Making waves with the Florida Probe Dolphin

How could the Florida Probe, one of the most accurate and consistent periodontal probes on the market, be made even better?


Clark Dental is proud to introduce the Florida Probe Dolphin – the single-use and disposable probe that ensures each new patient can be treated with a fresh appliance. Seeing you unwrap a new probe especially for them increases patient trust and reassures them that they are receiving the best and most hygienic care possible.


The Dolphin features a new, more flexible plastic sleeve, in a neon yellow colour to make it easier to see in both light and dark environments. With its improved flexibility, you will also be able to reach difficult interproximal sites far more easily.


The Florida Probe Dolphin is compatible with your existing Florida Probe and the powerful Voice Works perio-charting software. This innovative product is changing the way periodontal exams are conducted and is the ideal tool for any practice. To find out how you could benefit from it, contact the team at Clark Dental today.


For more information call Clark Dental on 01268 733 146, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.clarkdental.co.uk

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“Wrights is the best”

Wrights is the best

“We have a longstanding relationship with Wrights,” says Vishal Jasani, principal dentist at Malden Dental Care, New Malden.


“We currently use the service for 90% of our sundries and equipment ordering and have also worked with the team in the past when we refurbished three of our surgeries.

“Since the refurbishment, we have received outstanding aftercare from our representatives, Harvey Notts and Louise Bartlett. Any problems have always been rectified immediately, and they have both always been supportive and proactive.

“What’s more, they are both incredibly knowledgeable about equipment and materials, and they always strive to do the best job they possibly can for us. 

“The reason we joined Wrights in the first place, and continue with this arrangement, is not only down to the high standard of service, but also because they provide us with the best value for money, beating or at least matching competitors’ prices on the products that we order.

“I would definitely recommend Wrights to other practices, for both refurbishment and general use.”

To find out how you can get top products for the best prices and to work with a professional, friendly and dedicated team, contact Wrights now.


For more information contact Wrights on 0800668899 or visit www.wright-cottrell.co.uk

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15260 Hits

Simplify Sterilisation Tracking with the Steritrak Instrument Tracking system

Simplify Sterilisation Tracking with the Steritrak Instrument Tracking system

When it comes to efficient tracking solutions for instrument sterilisation, you need look no further than the Steritrak Instrument Tracking system from Carestream Dental.

The web-based, user-friendly programme has been designed specifically to help you meet requirements of both the CQC and HTM 01-05.

The software’s ability to gather all pertinent data and automatically generate comprehensive, industry-standard reports will simply your daily processes for maximum convenience and peace of mind. It can also be seamlessly integrated within the new CS R4+ practice management software, which offers further key features to help streamline protocols and analyse practice performance in real-time.

What’s more, Carestream Dental is dedicated to the eXceed programme for the provision exemplary customer service every time, so you can be sure to receive all the advice and support you could need.

Make instrument sterilisation easy with Steritrak from Carestream Dental.


For more information, please contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit www.carestreamdental.co.uk

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3889 Hits

Balancing the Digital Dentistry Stool | Chris Barrow

Balancing the Digital Dentistry Stool | Chris Barrow

The concept of digital dentistry is a three-legged stool. In no particular order, those legs are digital equipment, the tools used to make teeth; digital smile design, the way you treatment plan; and digital marketing, the way you get people in through the door.

I frequently speak about what is known as the ‘adoption cycle’. This is a bell-shape curved graph, and working from left to right you have ‘innovators’, ‘early adopters’, ‘late adopters’ and ‘laggards’. At the far left hand-side of the curve, you have the few people who are keen to try something new without any concrete evidence. The ‘early adopters’ are those who will try new things once some evidence of their success is made available, and the ‘late adopters’ will only jump on the bandwagon once solutions are tried, tested and refined. The ‘laggards’ tend to be those who are open to very little change, if any at all.

As a group, dentists are not brilliant at moving through the adoption cycle. The majority of dentists operate at the ‘late adoption’ stage of the curve, with the next largest group ‘early adopters’ and an ever-diminishing number of ‘laggards’. There aren’t, unfortunately, many dentists working in the ‘innovation’ phase either, although this is somewhat understandable – as trained medical professionals, they want to see clinical evidence of new products or technologies working effectively before they employ them in their own businesses. This does, however, make the process of innovation and development quite difficult in dentistry, as suppliers and manufacturers have limited options regarding who will trial their latest products.

Digital equipment

There is a growing range of dental technologies available on the dental market designed to facilitate the reproduction of natural-looking and functional dentition. Equipment has been advanced and refined over time to now produce clinical results of previously unparalleled accuracy and quality, enhancing the standard of dental treatment provided to patients, increasing their satisfaction and therefore helping businesses to grow. Technologies have also been developed to streamline the clinical and management workflows within practices, allowing more efficient daily processes for happier and more relaxed staff.

The umbrella term of ‘digital equipment’ now includes everything from milling machines to CAD/CAM software and 3D printers, but its place on the adoption cycle varies between countries. In the USA, for example, digital equipment is in the ‘early adoption’ phase, but the UK is slightly behind in the ‘innovation’ stage. This is an opportunity for the manufacturers of digital technologies in the UK and Europe to expand their market reach, and we will continue to see the arrival of more new equipment on British shores in the near future for this reason.

Digital Smile Design (DSD)

Here we start to get into the territory of Christian Coachman – a kind of ‘Photoshop on steroids’ for enhanced treatment planning. Once again, much of the developed world is currently moving into the ‘early adopters’ stage with regards to DSD, while the UK remains in the ‘innovation’ step of the curve. Deployment of the DSD concept may be somewhat slow here at the moment, but it offers huge potential for those who invest.

Digital Marketing

This embraces the lifecycle marketing concept that is now working its way through the dental arena. Following seven proven principles, digital marketing involves attracting new patients, encouraging them to return and encouraging referrals for new business from them. When considering Google, pay-per-click, adwords, search engine optimisation and effective website design, most dentists in the UK are probably towards the top of the curve, moving from ‘early’ to ‘late adopters’. Even the most cantankerous principals now widely accept that a practice website is necessary for the growth of a modern business. When you look at elements such as Facebook advertising, however, most practices will slide back down to the ‘innovation’ stage very quickly. This is a similar story when you consider CRM software, such as that available from InfusionSoft, and automated email marketing.

Don’t break a leg

It is essential for dental practices to look at all three legs of the digital stool in order to successfully adopt the concept and technologies and use them to enhance the patient service provided. This is particularly important for independent practices – corporates and large groups of practices will take more time to innovate and implement the changes needed as they have more management levels to work through. Independent, single practices have the opportunity, therefore, to get ahead of the game and distinguish themselves from the competition.

We at 7connections can provide any bespoke advice or information you might need to make sure you remain at the cutting-edge of dentistry, while also helping you optimise your business for maximum long-term success.


For more information about 7connections and the business coaching opportunities available, please call 01647 478145,

email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. or visit www.7connections.com

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