The Adventures of Dr. Den

The Adventures of Dr. Den

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  4232 Hits
4232 Hits

3D is closer than you think - Stuart Clark

3D is closer than you think

2D digital imaging has given the dentist greater opportunity to visualise the tooth than ever before, but with the revolution in 3D imaging and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), the practitioner can now visualise the full picture.

Due to its wide range of applications and its contribution to easier, quicker and more effective results, it has become embedded in the practice’s daily routine. It allows the tooth to be viewed in any direction or orientation, and negates the need for speculation, which is what has often happened with 2D views. Dentists can interpret this valuable new information to make better treatment plans and give more accurate diagnoses.

One of the more specialised areas of dentistry that 3D imaging is of particular use in is implantology. CBCT allows for bone evaluation in terms of thickness and density, identification of anatomical landmarks and provides multiple options for views. Most notably it also allows for ‘virtual’ implant placement. When the implant has been placed, historically, 2D images would have only shown a portion of the placed implant, but with 3D imaging, the whole picture can be seen meaning the greater likelihood of long term success.

Endodontics is another speciality finding this development in technology essential. Root morphology can be more accurately assessed and the ability to see different views of the canal, be it in cross section, long axis or oblique, allows the endodontist greater virtual visualisation of the form and structure of the root canal. More accurate measurements can be achieved resulting in more effective treatment success. It is also effective in the identification of post endodontic treatment infections, which often could not be identified with 2D radiographs.

Making it a Reality

Manufactured by the world class Sirona and supplied by the experienced Clark Dental, the ORTHOPHOS SL 3D is at the cutting-edge of technology. Clark Dental can help you make the leap to 3D imaging, and all the advantages that it brings with it, a reality.  The ORTHOPHOS SL 3D offers exceptionally sharp 2D panoramic images with its ‘Direct Conversion Sensor’ (DCS) and ‘Sharp Layer’ (SL) Technology, but also full 3D flexibility with its selectable fields of view. 

With just a single rotation, thousands of images can be taken and the SL technology can bring the entire jaw into sharp resolution.  Further still, the interactive element of SL allows you to manipulate the image and select a particular area that you want to focus on.  The ground-breaking DCS provides unrivalled character sharpness with unmatched clarity, ultimately resulting in greater success in all fields of application.  


For more information call Clark Dental on 01268 733 146, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.clarkdental.co.uk


  3052 Hits
3052 Hits

X-Ray The Concise Way

X-Ray The Concise Way

The advancement of the X-ray since its discovery by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895, has been a 120-year journey. Nineteenth century X-ray machines emitted radiation doses 1,500 times greater than those used today, took 90 minutes to produce images and during the process clinicians and patients suffered from radiation burns and loss of hair[i].


A century later, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) radiography was launched in Italy by Attilio Tacconi and Pero Mozzo[ii]. The algorithm for reconstructing a three-dimensional image from a set of two-dimensional projections had been devised by L.A.Feldkamp et al in 1984[iii]. However, CBCT units specifically dedicated to dento-maxillofacial radiology experienced a fifteen-year waiting gap whilst the cost of X-ray tubes, the quality of detector systems and strength of the personal computers developed enough to catch up with the science behind them.


Since that time there has been a global explosion of digital technologies in many spheres of life. We use digital TV, radio and imaging every day, so logically, digital dentistry is fast becoming the norm. More than 50% of dentists using digital technologies report an increase in earnings, and 93% claim they have significantly improved patient experience[iv]


It is only in recent times that CBCT clinical systems affording 3D data have been relatively inexpensive and small enough to be used in dental practices[v]. The advantages of this are infinite, especially within the fields of periodontology, endodontics and implantology. In these disciplines, CBCT 3D scanning is indispensable; the view of the teeth in context, with the surrounding bone and tissue is crucial to release full diagnostic potential and provide greater precision in the selection and placing of implants. Additionally, the cone beam technique uses a single scan capturing the entire area, vastly reducing the amount of exposure time to the patient.


The CBCT digital system allows for clinicians to explain treatment options and provide a virtual presentation of these processes in advance. Implants can be placed on an accurate and high resolution CBCT scans and the digital guides ordered. This guides then help in the precise positioning of the implant. Some practices even have the necessary equipment to take X-rays and mill guides in one sitting.


Carestream Dental, a leader in the arena of digital imaging, offers an exceptionally user-friendly CBCT solution in the CS 9000 3D extraoral imaging system. 3D technology combines panoramic imaging in one, affordable unit. The cone beam limits radiation to a specific oral site, offering the lowest possible radiation dose. Provided with innovative CS 3D imaging software, the unit aids with treatment planning and patient communication using visuals in slice by slice, axial, coronal, cross-sectional and oblique views. What’s more, the integration of the CS 3500 Intraoral Scanner with the Dicom volumes from the CBCT, provides all the information required for guided surgical stents.


For concise, efficient and safe radiography practices, discover the latest innovations available to you today.


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit www.carestreamdental.co.uk


[i] The Scientist: The First X-ray, 1895, Hannah Waters, 2011. http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/30693/title/The-First-X-ray--1895/. (Accessed 20/10/2015)

[ii] World Journal of Radiology: Use Of Dentomazillofacial Cone Beam Computed Tomography In Dentistry, Kivanç Kamburo?lu, 2015. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4473305/ (Accessed 2010/2015)

[iii] The Optical Society of America: Practical Cone-Beam Algorithm, L.A.Feldkamp, L.C.Davis and J.W.Kress, Research Staff, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan 4812. https://www.osapublishing.org/view_article.cfm?gotourl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eosapublishing%2Eorg%2FDirectPDFAccess%2F2FE6D9C8-C1B8-B2E6-A47A3F9DE903FEE9_996%2Fjosaa-1-6-612%2Epdf%3Fda%3D1%26id%3D996%26seq%3D0%26mobile%3Dno&org= (Accessed 20/10/2015)

[iv] Independent Carestream Dental Study, November 2014, conducted by Kunde & Co. http://www.carestreamdental.com/ImagesFileShare/.sitecore.media_library.Files.Company.Independent-CSD-Study.pdf (Accessed 20/10/2015)

[v] Journal of Indian Society Of Periodontology: Three-Dimensional Imaging In Periodontal Diagnosis – Utilization of Cone Beam Computed Tomography. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3134038/ (Accessed 20/10/2015)


  4558 Hits
4558 Hits

The Magic of Magnification - John Woods

The Magic of Magnification - John Woods

The effect of bad posture on an individual’s health and career is becoming a more discussed problem within the profession. Manufacturers have recognised the need to aid with health and safety within the dental surgery, and hold ergonomics as a high priority. Microscopes, dental chair design and surgery workflow are among the innovations to aid the practitioner in minimising poor posture. However, one of the most practical and accessible pieces of equipment that has revolutionised a dentist’s comfort are dental loupes.


Practice with loupes begins early at undergraduate level (in the USA, the majority of students learn with loupes[1]).  The earlier a dentist adapts to wearing loupes, the sooner bad posture habits can be dispersed. Learning to love loupes is very much like learning to ride a bike! It takes practice and dedication, but the benefits are worth it. Experts in the field recommend you start with low magnification and then modify your current working habits accordingly, before going to the next level.


Loupes allow a ‘neutral body posture’ to be held, which is a key principle in dental ergonomics[2]. The neck and back are the areas of the body that take the majority of the stresses of incorrect posture, but with loupes that are customised to the individual’s needs, these stresses can be reduced, if not eliminated.  Being able to see the oral cavity clearly and maintaining a healthy working posture is nearly impossible without some type of magnification[3].


Research by Brown et al. in 2010 looked into reasons for early retirement due to ill health. Of nearly 190 dentists questioned, the most common cause of ill health retirement was musculoskeletal disorders[4]. It has also been found that incorrect working posture is the major cause of musculoskeletal problems within dentistry[5]. An astonishing 60-80% of dentists report experiencing chronic back and neck pain at some point during their career[6].


Nuview distribute loupes that are manufactured by Carl Zeiss. The EyeMag Pro are the loupes to choose if you require high magnification for intricate dental procedures. They offer a wide selection of working distances meaning they can be individualised, therefore maximising comfort, and delivering outstanding image quality enabling differentiation between the most complex of structures. If loupes are required for more day-to-day work then the EyeMag Smart may be the the solution.  The range of tilt and angle settings means these loupes can be adjusted easily and quickly and further still with the new ‘sports frame’ they have a modern, attractive design.


There are fewer reasons to suffer on a daily basis whilst performing dentistry, and in the longer term, a better chance of reducing the need to retire prematurely. In the not-too-distant future, it will be considered the norm to wear loupes, not the exception. If you are ready to invest in improving your health at work and to maximise your career, then take that leap in to loupes today.


For more information please call Nuview on 01453 872266, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., visit www.nuview.co or ‘like’ Nuview on Facebook


1.   James T, Gilmour A SM. Magnifying Loupes in Modern Dental Practice: An Update. 2010

2.   Pheasant S, Haslegrave CM. Bodyspace: anthropometry, ergonomics, and the design of work. Bocca Raton: Taylor and Francis. 2006.

3.   Pencek L. Benefits of magnification in dental hygiene practice. J Prac Hyg 1997;6(1):13-1.

4.   British Dental Association. Occupational back pain – Factsheet. 2010.

5.   Brown J, Burke F J, Macdonald E B et al. Dental practitioners and ill health retirement: causes, outcomes and re-employment. Br Dent J 2010; 209: E7. 

6.   Mangharam J, McGlothan JD. Ergonomics in the dental care worker. 1998.



  4056 Hits
4056 Hits

Scanning solutions for elderly patients - London Smile Clinic

Scanning solutions for elderly patients - London Smile Clinic

Orthopantograms, or OPGs, have many benefits and a huge number of uses. They are especially useful in the treatment and care of elderly patients, who will be a huge proportion of your caseload if not now, but in the future.

OPGs are a powerful tool to have at your disposal. They can give you information on periodontal bone loss, help find the source of pain, assist with the correct placement of implants and much more. Digital OPGs mean fewer repeat scans are needed, so less time and cost required, and also less exposure to radiation. Patients can usually understand a panoramic image more easily and they can be emailed to colleagues effortlessly.

These images are also invaluable when dealing with challenging cases, such as elderly patients. The number of older patients you will be treating in the future is growing – and fast. In 2012, the BDA published a review of its 2003 Oral Healthcare for Older People report[1] which concluded that the ageing population was growing faster than had been originally predicted.

OPG scans are quick and comfortable. The detail means that you will be able to anticipate future complications.  Caries, periodontal disease and recession of the gingiva can have devastating consequences as a patient gets older and can lead to life-threatening complications, such as cardiovascular problems and diabetes. Type-2 diabetes generally affects people over the age of 40, and oral health is a key component of diabetes management, so it’s a two-way relationship. If a patient has type-2 diabetes, they are also more likely to develop gingivitis, caries and xerostomia, too.[2]

Setting up an OPG scan is quick, and OPGs can be used comfortably for elderly people who cannot open their mouths wide. Patients are usually asked to bite down on a spatula for about a minute while the machine moves around the head. A detailed, informative scan that won’t have to repeated and is easily explained will help you move forward with implementing an effective treatment plan with confidence.

If you do not have OPG technology, look carefully for the right referral partner. Work with a practice that not only has the latest OPG equipment in place, but that employs clinicians who can be trusted to work sensitively with older people and other vulnerable groups. The London Smile Clinic takes referrals, for example, and will meet all of these needs with ease and professionalism.

OPGs will help you deal with the enormous challenges ahead as you treat more elderly and vulnerable people. With a saturated market, and expensive technology that is developing fast, you don’t have to invest in new equipment. Referring out can be the perfect solution to provide the highest-quality care for these patient groups now, and in the future.

For more information, please contact The London Smile Clinic on 020 7255 2559 or visit www.londonsmile.co.uk.


[1] BDA. Oral healthcare for older people 2020 vision. Check-up January 2012. Found at https://www.bda.org/dentists/policy-campaigns/research/patient-care/Documents/older_adults_2012_checkup.pdf (accessed 7 July 2015)


  3898 Hits
3898 Hits

The role of robots in righting smiles

The role of robots in righting smiles

How can the intervention of robots possibly make orthodontic treatment more personal and precise – especially when the robots are overseas? Orthodontic specialist Asif Chatoo knows from experience that they do.


The founder of the London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic, the UK’s first orthodontic practice dedicated to lingual braces, he has treated around 250 patients over two years with the groundbreaking Suresmile software. His clinic is one of only 3 centres in the world dedicated to lingual using Suresmile for lingual braces.


What’s unusual about Suresmile is the use of robots for the bending of wires. Needless to say, Asif sends a prescription to the robot, precise to a fraction of a millimetre because he has planned the treatment according to the software’s 3D design function.


Asif builds up the 3D digital image of the patient’s teeth using a small optical scanner about the size of an electric toothbrush. Assisted by a mirror, it takes thousands of pictures in just a few seconds to create the digital record of the teeth and their roots. These are integrated with X-rays and photographs so that every detail of every tooth is recorded.


He said: “With digital technology, you get so much detail. From the moment treatment starts, I know how the teeth will move and what will happen at each stage.”


Patients appreciate the software too, he says, because he can explain how the brackets and wires will work and the patient can visualise their smile at the end of the treatment. This gives the patient the opportunity to be part of the planning.


It’s not uncommon, says Asif, for patients to ask for small variations as the treatment nears its end. “This isn’t a problem. Being able to design custom made wires gives me the ability to finesse the final tooth movements to achieve exactly what the patient and referring dentist want. In other words, the digital software gives me control, freedom and flexibility.”


The Suresmile system was created by Orametrix which has its head office in Dallas, USA as well as offices in Germany with robots in both locations. It’s one of several lingual systems that Asif uses so he can offer patients a range of options. He has recently started providing bespoke aligners for mild treatments. These plastic aligners are designed by Asif and printed on a 3D printer.


The London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic was established by Asif 10 years ago with Didier Fillion as an associate. Asif is the only UK orthodontist to be accredited by both the World and European Societies of Orthodontics He is the current Secretary of the European Society of Lingual Orthodontics and a founder member of the British Lingual Orthodontic Society.


For more information, contact Caroline Holland on 020 8679 9595/07974 731396

  3981 Hits
3981 Hits

The Benefits of Film and Digital in One

The Benefits of Film and Digital in One

Wilhelm Roentgen, Professor of Experimental Physics in Germany, was the first to discover the x-ray in 1895. Over the next century, the technology used to perform radiography was transformed and an x-ray machine is now an essential piece of equipment within the modern dental practice. Most recently, the digital era has seen another change in the field of radiography offering a new alterative to conventional methods.


Film x-rays still have their place in the modern profession. The picture quality is excellent, giving great detail and contrast and sterilisation is simple, which is an important consideration within the clinical setting. However, there are disadvantages to consider too. For example, the image is static once processed with the contrast fixed, and it takes time to be processed and much space to be stored. It is also labour intensive further making it expensive, and it is hazardous posing a health and safety concern.


Digital alternatives strive to tackle the downsides of conventional film imaging techniques. The practitioner and the patient can view the image instantly, allowing improved communications between the two parties and quicker treatment times. Radiation exposure is reduced and even at a lower dosage the image can be digitally enhanced to aid accuracy of diagnostics. The image can also be increased in size to help detect very small cavities that may not have been noticed on a conventional x-ray. And in terms of cost, the initial outlay may be an investment, but it is often a fruitful one as everyday expenses are reduced and the quality of patient service delivered is elevated.


Is there not a ‘happy medium’ that offers the benefits of both systems?


The CS 7200 phosphor plate imaging system from Carestream Dental fits this remit. It is an affordable solution for any practice and covers all daily intraoral indications. You will appreciate the simplicity of the workflow, while the instinctive software allows you to view the high quality images in less than 8 seconds. Further benefits include hygienic sheaths available to reduce the risk of cross-contamination, and automatic removal of images from plates after each scan for optimum convenience.


So if you favour the use of film imaging processes and are unsure about changing to completely digital systems in your practice, there are solutions available to you. Today’s dental market is littered with different innovations to enable you to work in the way you prefer, and selecting only those products of the highest quality will ensure you don’t have to compromise your working methods or the quality of dentistry you provide.



For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit www.carestreamdental.co.uk

For all the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter @CarestreamDentl and Facebook


  3304 Hits
3304 Hits

No compromise | Carestream Dental

No compromise  |  Carestream Dental

With an in-depth understanding of the daily demands faced by modern clinicians, Carestream Dental offers an array of flexible solutions to suit the way you work.


The CS Adapt module allows you to define and customise images in whatever way you wish. Up to six pre-set filter options are available for you to choose between, enabling each image to be presented in a format that best suits the individual case.


The intuitive library-style programme facilitates easy browsing, image selection and the choice of filters ensures faster and more accurate diagnostics every time.


Available to use with various imaging solutions from Carestream Dental, including the CS 8100, CS 8100 3D, CS 9000 and CS 9300 systems, CS Adapt image processing is ideal in a wide variety of situations.


What’s more, you can be confident that the customer service delivered by Carestream Dental will be second-to-none, enabling you to make the very most of your innovations.


Don’t compromise the way you work when employing new systems – discover CS Adapt.


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit www.carestreamdental.co.uk

For all the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter @CarestreamDentl and Facebook 

  3483 Hits
3483 Hits

3D Imaging – Now Well Within Your Reach!

3D Imaging – Now Well Within Your Reach!

Offering you a choice of cutting-edge digital imaging solutions, Carestream Dental is delighted to bring the power of 3D imaging within the reach of every general dental practice.


The outstanding CS 8100 3D produces both 2D and 3D images of exceptional clarity, optimising versatility, accuracy and predictability of diagnostics and treatment planning procedures.


Further aiding a quick and smooth image acquisition, the intuitive interface is easy to use and patients of all shapes and sizes can be scanned in just seconds.


The CS 8100 3D also offers carefully controlled radiation exposure, with flexible fields of view available to ensure the safety of patients at all times.


To harness the benefits of 3D imaging within your every day practice, find out more about the CS 8100 3D from Carestream Dental today.



For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit www.carestreamdental.co.uk

For all the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter @CarestreamDentl and Facebook 

  7918 Hits
7918 Hits

Fast Forward For Dental Precision - Carestream

Fast Forward For Dental Precision - Carestream

Rapidly produced products are often poor quality. If we take the example of fast food, this is widely accepted – you will not find ‘Superfood’ in your fried chicken bucket, but a meal delivered within seconds, saving you hours of toil in the kitchen. Convenience versus excellence is often the trade off for speedy delivery. But is this an exchange we’re still happy with in the 21st Century?


Today, convenience and immediacy are ever more in demand but with less room to compromise on quality. For example, the first digital cameras produced low resolution, poor quality images that couldn’t compete with the detail and pin sharp quality of conventional film/transparencies. However, in recent times the developmental explosion in digital photography embraced the modern age and replaced conventional, film photography. Not only are there cameras available that generate pictures in enormous file sizes (such as 36 megapixels), they can also integrate High Definition video functions (gaining popularity over conventional ‘stills’ photography) and even allow you to adjust the focus after the picture has been taken.


Today, the speed of digital photography is taken for granted. Formerly, with conventional film cameras, an initial camera click led to processing, printing and perhaps retouching – commonly taking up to a week. Nowadays, digital photography is instantly downloaded, manipulated in Photoshop and then emailed or shared via an internet platform. It’s now so commonplace that we forget how time consuming this whole process used to be. Without digital images, we would have a very different world – no Instagram, Snapchat, or pictures on Facebook or Twitter!


Similarly, restorative dentistry has made enormous strides in technology, but these innovations have been married with remarkable improvements in quality. Digital intraoral scanning, CAD/CAM and 3D capabilities have improved the patient experience enormously. A comparative study conducted by Bio Med Central in 2014, tested conventional and digital techniques with the same patients – 100% preferred the digital option, from the perspectives of comfort through to the amount of time spent in the dentist’s chair.[i] Today, using the combination of intra oral scanning, CAD/CAM and 3D printing, technicians can produce a wide range of bespoke models and orthodontic appliances, constituting failsafe precision.


The CS 9300 CBCT and panoramic imaging system from Carestream Dental offers both rapid and faultless restorative dentistry. There are 7 fields of view enabling clinicians to meet patients’ diagnostic needs with impressive detail, and two low radiation dose options that give exposure control by both the adjustable field of vision and rapid scanning functions. Available on its own or as part of the fully integrated digital system, the CS 9300 system offers streamlined workflows, increased productivity, patient security and satisfaction. Let technology save you the precious time needed to fully focus on your patients.


For more information please contact the experts at Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit www.carestreamdental.co.uk





[i] Comparison of digital and conventional impression techniques: evaluation of patients’ perception, treatment comfort, effectiveness and clinical outcomes

Emir Yuzbasioglu*Hanefi KurtRana Turunc and Halenur Bilir http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6831/14/10 (Accessed 30/7/2014)



  3555 Hits
3555 Hits

A flexible chairside workflow | Carestream Dental

A flexible chairside workflow

The CS 7200 intraoral imaging plate system from Carestream Dental delivers the optimum in versatility for modern practitioners.


An affordable solution for practices making the transition from film to digital imaging, the CS 7200 is the ideal companion for professionals looking for a fast and chairside workflow.

Its compact and elegant design enables flexible installation possibilities, and it can be seamlessly integrated with existing practice management and record keeping technologies for easy access and data security.

With the Carestream Dental team’s commitment to eXceed and the delivery of exceptional customer service, you can also be sure to receive all the help and support you need, whenever you need it.

If you prefer a chairside phosphor plate imaging system, look no further than the CS 7200 from Carestream Dental.


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit www.carestreamdental.co.uk

For all the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter @CarestreamDentl and Facebook 

  3205 Hits
3205 Hits

High praise for the CS 3500 intraoral scanner

High praise for the CS 3500 intraoral Scanner

The CS 3500 intraoral scanner from Carestream Dental has been very well received throughout the dental profession. Users have described the innovative scanner as “really easy to use, compact, flexible and intuitive”, offering “exceptional portability, excellent ergonomics and ease of use” as well as “an enhanced margin of detail” compared to previously used techniques.


Designed as an open system, the CS 3500 also enables “seamless integration with existing technologies” encouraging a smooth and efficient workflow.

Delivering 2D and 3D images in high resolution and true colour, the innovative system improves diagnostics and treatment planning in various clinical situations.

Add “a WOW factor” to your practice with the CS 3500 intraoral scanner from Carestream Dental.


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit www.carestreamdental.co.uk

  3753 Hits
3753 Hits

Don’t miss FREE September Seminars | Carestream Dental

Don’t miss FREE September Seminars

Providing you with all the information and skills you need to maximise your investment in cutting-edge digital technologies, Carestream Dental is running FREE seminar sessions for the CS 3500 intraoral scanner.

Giving you practical tips and ensuring you get the very most out of your equipment, the sessions will cover everything from benefits of digital impressioning to ensuring consistency of image quality and practical techniques when using the handheld scanner.

You’ll even have the opportunity to get hands-on with the scanner and experience the advantages first-hand.

Ideal for you and your whole team, the CS 3500 seminar evenings are completely free to attend. The CS 3500 intraoral scanner comes with a dedicated laptop and software, and there is even now 0% interest-free credit available, so you’ll have everything you need to get started!

The autumn / winter meetings will be held 6.30pm – 9.00pm on:

  • 17th Sept - Jersey
  • 22nd Sept – Derby
  • 6th Oct - Cheltenham
  • 7th Oct - Haydock
  • 8th Oct - Oxford
  • 28th Oct - Norwich
  • 29th Oct - Kent
  • 11th Nov - Bath


To book your free place please call 0800 169 9692.



For more information please contact Carestream Dental on

0800 169 9692 or visit www.carestreamdental.co.uk

For all the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter @CarestreamDentl and Facebook 

  7428 Hits
7428 Hits

Nuview: Made with you in mind

Nuview: Made with you in mind

The use of dental loupes, microscopes and disinfection products have become a staple tool within any practice, and are a crucial investment.


For Nuview, delivering excellent customer service and on-going support underpins the provision of such products.

The quality of the product is paramount, however, and that is why Nuview exclusively distributes cutting-edge products with precise image delivery and colour fidelity such as the Carl Zeiss EyeMag Smart – which boasts 2.5x magnification, a choice of five configurations and a superb depth of field.

What’s more, because a safe and hygienic environment is of utmost importance, Nuview offers a range of Continu products - a HTM01- 5 compliant alcohol free solution – designed for effective surface, hand, instrument and equipment disinfection.

Nuview, who can be found on stand K90 at the BDIA Dental Showcase 2015, is a front-runner in providing modern, lightweight and ultra-comfort products. To find out more about leading loupes, microscopes and the Continu product range, visit Nuview at the BDIA Showcase 2015.


For more information please call Nuview on 01453 872266,

email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., visit www.nuview.co or ‘like’ Nuview on Facebook.


  3968 Hits
3968 Hits

Revolutionise your practice with MyRay

Revolutionise your practice with MyRay

We all want an easier life, especially when it comes to work. As the dental profession benefits from a wide range of technological advancements it means there are many methods available to be able to do this.


Although digital imaging systems do incur an initial outlay, the effect they can have on your working life can be of huge benefit to you and the rest of the dental team. MyRay produces a range of systems to suit any needs, such as the Hyperion X9, which incorporates a modular concept enabling you to start with 2D panoramic imaging and upgrade to its 3-in-1 solution when required.

The MyRay range also boasts intraoral X-ray units offering you precision positioning and imaging every time. The ergonomic unit offers wireless convenience and image clarity meaning that taking radiographs is simple and fast.

To discover how you could revolutionise your dental practice through digital imaging, contact MyRay today.


For more information contact MyRay on 0870752221 or go to www.my-ray.co.uk.


  3704 Hits
3704 Hits

Incorporating technology could be easier than you think | NuView

Incorporating technology could be easier than you think | NuView

Don’t be daunted by dental microphotography. It can be invaluable for improving the examination and treatment of your patients and also enables you to produce high resolution, vibrant, clear images extremely easily.


The Carl Zeiss OPMI Pico dental microscope combines maximum functionality and high specification with user-friendly operational features.

The OPMI Pico makes fine details clearly visible, and provides solid support for the most challenging treatments whether in restoration, endodontics, implantology or periodontics.

The OPMI Pico dental microscope offers fine focusing and a five-step magnification changer for quality vision and it is exactly tailored to the needs of dentistry. Objective lenses with focal lengths of 200mm, 250mm 300mm and 350mm are available to match the microscope to the dentist’s preferred position. Alternatively Varioskop technology can be incorporated to allow a variable working distance, enhancing posture an ease of use.

Practitioners can integrate a digital or video camera with the OPMI Pico dental microscope to produce brilliant images bringing benefits to the patient and improving the quality of examinations and treatment available.

A high performance dental microscope with integrated camera equipment will produce fast, efficient results adding value to the dental practice.


For more information please call Nuview on 01453 872266, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.nuview.co

  3815 Hits
3815 Hits

Pushing Boundaries with the Carestream CS 8100 imaging system

Pushing Boundaries with the Carestream CS 8100 imaging system

Combining sophisticated technology with simple user interactions, the CS 8100 imaging system pushes the boundaries of panoramic imaging.

Brought to you by Carestream Dental, the intuitive CS 8100 features automated processes to enable a smooth and efficient workflow. Images produced are crystal clear with minimal spinal column shadows for accurate and reliable diagnostics.

Its compact design provides versatile installation possibilities and it can be adjusted to suit patients of all heights, shapes and sizes, enabling image acquisition in just 10 seconds.

Connecting to your network vie Ethernet, the CS 8100 excels both on its own and when integrated within your existing practice management software, enhancing the image sharing and communications processes with patients and other team members.

Giving you even more peace of mind, the team at Carestream Dental are committed to the eXceed customer service programme, ensuring you have easy access to all the information and support you could need, whenever you need it.

Discover the CS 8100 panoramic imaging system from Carestream Dental today.


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit www.carestreamdental.co.uk

  3413 Hits
3413 Hits

A great piece of technology - Carestream Dental

A great piece of technology - Carestream Dental

A great piece of technology - The CS 3500 intraoral scanner from Carestream Dental enables acquisition of high-resolution, true-colour 2D and 3D images.


Utilising state-of-the-start technology, the scanner is designed to significantly enhance diagnostics and treatment planning for a more accurate and efficient process.


The lightweight portable handpiece also features an innovative light guidance system to aid positioning in the mouth.


Tom Lamont is the Principle Dentist at The Lamont Clinic in Glasgow, and has been using the CS 3500 intraoral scanner for around 6 months.


“Carestream Dental arranged for me to visit a very experienced user of the CS 3500 a few months ago so that I could learn from one of the best and see exactly how the scanner could be used effectively in practice.


“Since then, I have really enjoyed using the CS 3500 – it is a great piece of technology that’s very cost-effective.”


To discover the CS 3500 intraoral scanner for yourself and find out more about Carestream Dental’s commitment to excellent customer service, contact the team today.


For more information, contact Carestream Dental on 0800 169 9692 or visit www.carestreamdental.co.uk

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