Acteon and EuroPerio8

Acteon and EuroPerio8

EuroPerio8, the triennial world leading conference in periodontology, made its visit to London this year.

With lectures held throughout the duration of the conference, EuroPerio Platinum Sponsor, Acteon, presented lectures on Thursday and Saturday.

On Thursday, Dr Amit Patel and Donna Schembri explored the concept of ‘Seeing the Unseen’ - Utilising Fluorescent Technology for Optimal Periodontal Care.

The theme from Acteon and the two speakers was clear: improve patient understanding to empower self-care and utilise technology to see better and treat faster.

Cutting-edge products mentioned as examples for the effective removal of plaque included the Newtron P5xs ultrasonic generator, the Air n Go easy airpolisher and Soprocare - which utilises state of the art photonics technologies.

It was a similar story from the Ziv Mazor lecture on Minimal Invasive Surgery Utilizing Piezo Surgical Device - Optimizing Biological and Functional Outcome in the Posterior Maxilla.

Using products such as Piezotome® and Sinus Lift Kit as examples, he articulated that innovative technology minimises complications, reduces treatment and healing time, and ultimately enhances function.

Improve patient understanding and encourage them to look after themselves by giving them the tools and the knowledge: together we can improve patient care.

Find out more about innovations available from Acteon by calling the team today.

For more information on Acteon and how to educate your patients, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., call 01603 227019 or visit

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3957 Hits

Innovation, Inspiration and Knowledge

Innovation, Inspiration and Knowledge

Nobel Biocare sponsored two sessions at this year’s EuroPerio8, presenting outstanding speaker line-ups and updates on the very latest advancements in the field.


On Thursday, Christer Dahlin, Iñaki Gamborena and Eric Rompen presented to a capacity crowd on ‘Hard and soft tissue parameters to support optimal aesthetics – innovative approach to materials and techniques’.

They discussed everything from the challenges of biological mechanisms to the benefits of healing abutments and the evidence supporting biocompatible materials currently on the market. Key innovations mentioned included the Angulated Screw Channel (ASC) abutment, PEEK healing abutments and the new NobelActive® Wide Platform and NobelParellel® Conical Connection implant systems.

On Friday, leading international clinicians Chadur Wadhwani and Stefan Holst joined Eric Rompen to consider ‘Multi-causality of peri-implanitis – Give the bone the chance to survive’. This session explored aetiology of complex chronic infections like peri-implantitis and demonstrated factors that can facilitate bone healing.

The crowded lecture theatre was packed full of enthusiastic delegates keen to learn from some of the best in the business and advance their own skills. Inspiration and innovation were clearly abundant and a great event was enjoyed by all.

To discover more about the cutting-edge products available from Nobel Biocare and the benefits they offer your implant patients, contact the team today.


For more information, contact Nobel Biocare on 0208 756 3300, or visit

  4779 Hits
4779 Hits

Innovation, Inspiration and Knowledge - Nobel Biocare Sponsored Sessions at EuroPerio8

Innovation, Inspiration and Knowledge Nobel Biocare

Innovation, inspiration and knowledge are key elements for the advancement and maintenance of a practitioner’s skills in dental implantology. At EuroPerio8, practitioners had the chance to hear from those at the very forefront of the profession in sessions sponsored by Nobel Biocare.

On Thursday, an outstanding line-up of leading speakers including Christer Dahlin, Iñaki Gamborena and Eric Rompen presented to a capacity crowd on ‘Hard and soft tissue parameters to support optimal aesthetics – innovative approach to materials and techniques’.

Dr Christer Dahil, Professor in Oral Surgery and Guided Tissue regeneration at the Department of Biomaerials Science, Institute for Clinical Sciences in Sweden, was the first to take to the podium. He explored the biological mechanisms that present challenges for the implant clinician, highlighting the importance of guided bone regeneration and discussing the various bone defect classifications.

Dr Iñaki Gamborena, Associate Professor at the University of Washington Dental School, was keen to highlight the importance of the soft tissue, encouraging minimally invasive techniques by exposing as little bone as possible during procedures. Favouring a graftless approach, he considered the benefits of healing abutments to improve the condition of the soft tissue before conventional abutments are placed.

Finally, Professor and Head of the Department of Periodontology / Dental Surgery at the University of Liège in Belgium, Dr Eric Rompen looked further at the interface between the soft tissue and implant. Discussing the properties and clinical evidence supporting biocompatible materials, he used case studies to demonstrate the adhesion process and warn how easily detachable the soft tissue is even when using these materials.

Throughout the inspirational session, cutting-edge products from Nobel Biocare were described which are designed specifically to enhance the clinical outcome of implant treatment. These included the Angulated Screw Channel (ASC) abutment, increasing workflow flexibility and access; PEEK healing abutments, optimising the emergence profile; and the new NobelActive® Wide Platform and NobelParellel® Conical Connection implant systems, ideal for the posterior region.

Nobel Biocare also sponsored a session on the Friday, with leading international clinicians Chadur Wadhwani, Stefan Holst and Eric Rompen once again. Entitled ‘Multi-causality of peri-implanitis – Give the bone the chance to survive’, this session explored aetiology of complex chronic infections like peri-implantitis and demonstrated factors that can facilitate bone healing.


For more information, contact Nobel Biocare on 0208 756 3300, or visit


  4471 Hits
4471 Hits

BSDHT: decidedly European!


Europerio8 was attended by 9400 delegates and the BSDHT was honoured to be co-hosting this prestigious event. The official opening ceremony was an opportunity for the 29 member  societies to come together and celebrate the start of an exciting and innovating three days of research, dialogue and discussion held in London for the first time.

These congresses, held every three years, aim to implement the EFP vision of "Periodontal health for a better life". BSDHT President Michaela ONeill, addressing delegates from the stage said:

"On behalf of the British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy, I would like to thank the European Federation of Periodontology and the British Society of Periodontology for what promises to be a very stimulating and productive few days.

My role, and the role of my fellow dental hygienists and therapists, is one part of a vast chain of dentistry that leads to good oral health.

We’re constantly trying to translate our research into patient friendly messages.

The recent results of the European Workshop in Periodontology have focussed new light on how we thought we should educate our patients – especially as it included what looks now like a one hundred and eighty degree turn in the new recommendation for interdental brushing rather than flossing.

But beyond conference, and indeed academia, it is crucial that we are "people facing"   and that we can filter the messages of a major conference like this directly to our clinical staff: they are the gatekeepers who will present your messages direct to our patients.

And on behalf of the BSDHT, we are proud that the importance of our role within periodontology is being reflected at EuroPerio 8."


Follow the BSDHT on Twitter @BSDHTUK or further information about BSDHT

Tel:     01788 575050  |  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  Web:

Address:  Smile House, 2 East Union Street, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV22 6AJ

  4217 Hits
4217 Hits

Technology and education: Improving patient care - Dr Amit Patel and Donna Schembri

Technology and education: Improving patient care

Speaking at EuroPerio8 on Thursday June 4th, Dr Amit Patel and Donna Schembri explored the concept of ‘Seeing the Unseen’ - Utilising Fluorescent Technology for Optimal Periodontal Care.


With the two speakers covering the subjects of diagnosis, communication and the treatment of periodontal disease and peri-implantitis, the message was clear: innovation changes products and progress changes behaviours.


Studies have shown that 40 - 80% of information is forgotten immediately by patients[i]. Donna therefore noted that if you want your patients to be better informed about periodontal disease, you need to find better ways to enhance their understanding. By replacing dental jargon with emotive wording and replacing negative and daunting connotations of treatment with positivity, this has the potential to empower and motivate your patients - increasing your chance of success and improving overall patient care.


With comfort and increased effectiveness at the forefront of innovation, Donna and Amit firmly believe that by using the right technology and products you can minimise the presence of plaque on teeth and dental implants: achieving the ultimate goal of tooth loss prevention.


Using photos and videos for examples, the fluorescence protocol was put to the test with demonstrations of how pioneering products can be utilised to treat and maintain periodontal disease effectively. Both speakers also highlighted the need for

continued focus on educating patients about the differences between supragingival cleaning, subgingival cleaning, root planning, use of medication and x-ray and follow up treatment. They need to be informed of the benefits of prophylaxis as well; those being tartar removal, aesthetics and fresher breath.


Examples of cutting-edge products mentioned included Acteon’s Newtron P5xs ultrasonic generator, the Air n Go easy airpolisher and the Soprocare - which utilises state of the art photonics technologies. With products like these, patients can reap the benefits of accurate detection, quick visual follow up, comfort, oral hygiene education and complete removal of plaque and stains with minimally invasive treatment.


As the question and answering session post lecture depicted, the main concerns highlighted among professionals included patient’s lack of understanding. “It is a relationship,” Dr Amit Patel explained, “Give them the tools to do it themselves and lead them in the right direction.”


It would seem then that the answer to better patient care is twofold: improve patient understanding and rapport to empower patients to look after themselves and utilise technology to see better and treat faster.


On Saturday June 6th, Ziv Mazor examined the concept of Minimal Invasive Surgery Utilizing Piezo Surgical Device - Optimizing Biological and Functional Outcome in the Posterior Maxilla, once again sponsored by Acteon.


In order to explore invasive surgery, Mazor first identified potential obstacles that can occur during treatment.


He noted that implant placement in the atrophic posterior maxilla often causes complications due to the quality and volume of the bone that is available. With the height and width of the residual ridge being affected by post-extraction resorption patterns, physical trauma, periodontal disease and pneumatisation of the sinus, he highlighted that longer and wider implants are needed to enhance long-term survival.


Research points towards infected sockets being the most common cause of post-extraction complications, with a study showing a percentage of 48.7. Bleeding sockets came second with 41% and retained roots caused 10.3% of problems[ii].

Recent innovation in this area highlights that trauma to the tissues and the underling bone can be eliminated, minimising both the procedure time and post-operative complications.


With sinus lifts and osteotome techniques often being associated with higher morbidity rates and complication risks, technological advances are a revelation in achieving a reduced risk and high standard of patient care.


Mazor went on to suggest that with the use of reliable, powerful and simple products such as Piezotome® ultrasonic surgery unit from Acteon, there are fewer complications and emphasis can be instead placed on the application of autologous growth factors. By utilising the sinus lift balloon technique, patients can also benefit from the reduction of risk to damage of the Schneiderian membrane. An example of this product is the Sinus Lift Kit by Acteon, which offers the practitioner a straightforward and safe answer to the sinus lift operation.


The point of this lecture was clear: in reducing complications with the aid of innovative technology, ultimate function of patient dentition can be reached in a shorter time period and risk-free way.


Thus there is a noticeable change in the direction of periodontology. The products that are being developed are innovative and effective not just because of what they can do for professionals, but also for how they engage and empower the patient.


For more information on products available email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., call 01603 227019 or visit


[i] Patient’s memory for medical information. Journal Of The Royal Society Of Medicine. Roy PC Kessels. May 2003; 96 (5): 219-222.

Accessed 5th May 2015 on

[ii] Post-extraction complications seen at a referral dental clinic in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. International Dental Journal. Volume 51, Issue 4, Pages 273-276, August 2001. Elison Simon and Dr. Mecky Matee. Article accessed online on June 5th 2015.


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5099 Hits

PerioChip® delight at EuroPerio 8

PerioChip delight at EuroPerio 8

Proud partner of the British Society of Periodontology (BSP), PerioChip® was among the Gold Sponsors of EuroPerio 8 and delighted delegates with an array of first class speakers and educational content.

Prior to the exhibition, the professional team looked forward to extolling the advantages of PerioChip®. EuroPerio 8 was a fantastic place for PerioChip® to raise awareness amongst the dental community about gum disease and its potential links to systemic illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The speakers taking to the stage at the show included: Professor Eli Machtei, Professor Arie J Van Winkelhoff and Dr Rajan Nansi.

Professor Machtei of the Rambam School of Dentistry in Israel is Clinical Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel). His session, Guided Tissue Regeneration: When to use it, focused on periodontal regeneration and looked at how far the profession has progressed and what future research is needed in order to improve our clinical outcomes. He asked what the limitations are, and where should dentists complete or refrain from completing guided tissue regeneration.

Professor Arie J Van Winklehoff of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands is Co-owner of Laboral Diagnostics en Laboral International, a service in the field of clinical microbiology for dental professionals. His session, When should we use systemic antimicrobials? discussed the rationale behind using these drugs in treating periodontitis. It considered the recent World Health Organisation recommendations surrounding the over-prescription of antimicrobial medicines and encouraged a more evidence-based approach to the prescription of antibiotics for periodontitis.

Dr Rajan Nansi, Chair of Early Careers Group, BSP UK also spoke at the event and his session, Management of periodontitis in practice: Practical concepts, aimed to discuss the effectiveness of non-surgical periodontal therapy and explore the use of adjunctive locally applied antimicrobials in periodontal treatment.

Delegates at EuroPerio 8 could see that PerioChip® is passionate about supporting, educating and communicating with the dental community to highlight the importance of keeping gums healthy, and treating gum disease effectively without the risk associated with using antibiotics.

This is where the advantages of this wafer thin biodegradable insert really come into their own. By using PerioChip® you can ensure that harmful bacteria are eliminated for up to 10 days[i] and, for on-going therapy, PerioChip® suppresses the growth of bacterial flora in the treated site for up to 11 weeks, giving the all-important time needed for gum reattachment and stabilisation of the periodontium[ii].

If you missed out on attending EuroPerio 8 and want to learn more about PerioChip® email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0800 013 2333 today!



Summary of product link;


Abbreviated Prescribing Information

PerioChip® 2.5mg Dental Insert (Chlorhexidine digluconate)

For full prescribing information, including side effects, precautions and contraindications, see Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC).

Presentation: Dental insert: bullet shaped orange brown containing Chlorhexidine digluconate 2.5mg.

Indications: PerioChip® is an adjunctive antimicrobial treatment for moderate to severe chronic periodontal disease in adults with pocketing, combined with Root Surface Debridement (RSD). Not indicated in children and adolescents.

Dosage and Administration: One PerioChip® is inserted into a periodontal pocket with a probing pocket depth of ?5mm. Retreatment with PerioChip® following mechanical plaque removal at 3 month intervals may provide additional benefit if pocket depth remains ?5mm. For details see SmPC. Removal is unnecessary as PerioChip® biodegrades.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to Chlorhexidine digluconate or excipients.

Precautions: Allergic reactions have occurred but are rare.

Interactions: Avoid nystatin: antagonistic of Chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine is incompatible with anionic agents present in some toothpastes and with dietary sucrose, but there is no significant impact on the efficacy of PerioChip®.

Undesirable effects: During the first few days after insertion, transient pain or discomfort of gums or teeth; redness and/or swelling of the gums.

Overdose: Not reported

Pregnancy/ Lactation: Controlled studies in pregnant women have not been conducted, so weigh expected benefits against possible foetal risks: caution in nursing mothers (see SmPC).

NHS list price: £207.20

Legal category: P, Product Licence Number: PL 14017/0035

MA holder: Full prescribing information is available on request from Dexcel Pharma Ltd, 7 Sopwith Way, Drayton Fields Industrial Estate, Daventry, Northants, NN11 8PB.

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at

Adverse events should also be reported to:

Dexcel Pharma Ltd on 01748 828784


[i] Jeffcoat M K et al. Adjunctive use of a subgingival controlled-release chlorhexidine chip. J Periodontal 1998; 69 (9): 989 – 997. [Accessed 26th May 2015]

[ii] Summary of Characteristics PerioChip® [Accessed 26 May 2015]


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9052 Hits

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