Is your practice team’s service first class or economy?

Is your patient journey the best it can be? Are you confident that new patients joining your practice will be wowed by their experience? Could you do better? Practice Plan Regional Support Manager, Louise Anderson, suggests areas to consider for improvement.

As appointments at NHS practices become scarcer, more patients are turning to private practices for their oral health care. Many of them will have been long standing NHS patients and now that they are being asked to pay higher fees for their dentistry, they may have certain pre-conceived ideas about the sort of service they can expect from a private practice.

On Practice Plan’s recent Workshop Tour, Dr Barry Oulton showed attendees how they could offer their patients a first-class service without spending a lot of money. To be able to achieve this he emphasised it was important not just to meet their expectations, but to exceed them.

Take a step back

To state the obvious, before you can start making improvements you need to understand what’s already there. This will involve taking a step back and looking objectively at how your practice team works.

Ask yourself, “What impression would I get of my team and the practice if I were visiting for the first time?” If you’re to get the most out of this exercise, then you have to be prepared for some disappointments. After all, we’re looking for ways to improve things, so there will be things you see your team doing that you know can be done better.

Define what good looks like to you

To focus the review and make it easier for you to assess your team, it’s helpful to first develop your own ideas of what you would expect as a new patient. That way you can gauge your team against the blueprint of how you would like things to be.

It might be helpful to consider these five areas:

  • Appearance
  • Punctuality
  • Public interaction with team members
  • Behaviour/mindset
  • Skills/capabilities

For each category, write down a few points that you feel are what you would expect from a first-class team. You can then use that as your benchmark and rank your team members against it.

Come up with the standards that you would expect from a team that meets your definition of first-class. This is the sort of exercise that need only take five minutes of your time, so it’s not something you need to pore over for hours!

For example, with appearance – as a minimum, your team members should look clean and tidy. If you have a uniform/workwear is everyone sticking to it or have some people gone rogue and started wearing their own thing?

Punctuality – is everyone at work and ready to START when you open? Or do some team members stroll in on the stroke of 9am and then spend the next 10 minutes sorting themselves out? What about breaks? If you’re lucky enough to get them (and you should!), do some people take longer than they’re entitled to?

Public interaction with team members – is everyone in the team treated respectfully by their colleagues when they’re in public? Or is there passive aggression or antagonism on display for all to see? Patients should not be aware of any personal differences between team members as any clashes should be put to one side in public. Would open hostility be on your list of attributes for a first-class team?

Behaviour/mindset – complementary to the way your team members interact with each other is their attitude to work. Are they enthusiastic and willing or do they sulk and whine? Do they behave in a way that suggests they enjoy their job and want to do well at it or are they just going through the motions. In short, does their attitude and the way they behave enhance or hinder the work of the team.

Skills/capabilities – foes every member of your team have the right skills and capabilities to be able to do a good job? If not, any skill gaps and training needs you have identified during this exercise can be addressed and put right. By doing that hopefully you’ll not only improve performance but job satisfaction for the individual too.

How do they match up?

Once you’ve completed your assessment, you should have a clear picture of the team as a whole. So, do your team members live up to how you defined the behaviours and attitudes you felt marked out teams as first-class when you set your benchmark? It’s likely you’ll have a mixed result, even if you previously regarded everyone as providing a first-class service. There’s always room for improvement, even if it’s only a minor detail.

Another characteristic of a first-class team is constantly striving for improvement. When Sir Dave Brailsford took over at British Cycling, he looked at every aspect of the operation to discover where improvements could be made, no matter how small. It was uncovering every opportunity to achieve ‘marginal gains’ that turned an also-ran team into a world beater. On their own, each marginal gain was negligible, but when they were all added together they made a spectacular difference to the performance of the team.

So, even if you found that your team currently provides elements of a budget standard of service, by repeating this exercise regularly, you can continue to make small changes to refine and elevate things so that, over time, things become truly first class.

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About Louise

Louise Anderson is a Regional Support Manager with Practice Plan. She has more than 30 years’ experience in dentistry which includes 15 years as a group manager for five dental practices. Practice Plan is the UK’s leading provider of practice-branded patient membership plans, partnering with over 2,000 dental practices and offering a wide range of business support services. your social media marketing partner
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531 Hits

Efficient impressions


With one of the shortest intra-oral setting times on the market,[1] Imprint 4 VPS Impression Material from 3M ESPE will save you valuable time in the surgery.


This is due to the clever chemical reaction developed by 3M ESPE, which causes the material to quickly heat up to body temperature[2] after working time,[3] leading to accelerated setting.[4]


Imprint 4 still allows sufficient working time before setting, in order to ensure a stress-free procedure. The super hydrophilicity[5] also provides excellent flow for fine detail reproduction, which is essential for good impressions.


For detailed impressions that save you working time and remain stress free, try Imprint 4 VPS Impression Material from 3M ESPE today.


For more information, call 0845 602 5094 or visit

[1] 3M ESPE Internal Data, Imprint 4 setting times, 2012. Claim number 5543

[2] 3M ESPE Internal Data, Imprint 4, temperature, 2013. Claim number 5656

[3] 3M ESPE Internal Data, Imprint 4 self-warming, 2013. Claim number 5657

[4] 3M ESPE Internal Data, Imprint 4 temperature, 2013. Claim number 5650

[5] 3M ESPE Internal Data, Imprint 4 hydrophilicity, 2013. Claim number 5651 your social media marketing partner
  4325 Hits
4325 Hits

“A superior impression material”

A superior impression material

“Currently, I use Impregum Penta for all my indirect restorations and implant work: it is a superior impression material,” says Dr Adyl Asani, principal dentist at TwentyOne Dental in Hove.


“I have used a variety of other impression materials over the course of my career, though none of these have provided me with the stability, accuracy and level of detail that Impregum has.


“Its ideal flow properties also reproduce the most minor details in my preparations and I avoid drags and airblows. This means I can ensure that the first impression is the last.


“I have no hesitation in recommending Impregum Penta impression material to other practitioners who are looking to provide their patients with the best possible indirect restorations.”


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13835 Hits

Making an excellent impression

3M Espe Impregum Pente


Dr Adyl Asani, principal dentist at TwentyOne Dental Clinic in Hove, has been using Impregum Impression Materials from 3M ESPE for over 15 years. “As far as I am concerned, it is the most superior impression material on the market,” he says. “I use it for all my indirect restorations and implant work.

“Currently, I am using Impregum Penta because I feel it reproduces the detail I need in my indirect preparations most accurately. Of course, I have used a variety of other impression materials over the course of my career, though none have provided me with the stability, accuracy and level of detail that Impregum has.

“It has ideal flow properties which means I can ensure the first impression I take is the only one I need. The flowability reproduces even the most minor details and the hydrophilic properties exhibited by Impregum guarantee excellent accuracy every time. In addition, I don’t experience drags or airblows in my impressions.”

Dr Asani uses the Pentamix Automatic Mixing Unit from 3M ESPE to ensure an efficient process. “It allows ease of mixing and handling,” he says. “Messy hand-mixing is now something from a bygone age.

“While the setting time of the Impregum is slightly longer than others, my patients readily accept that if I am to give them extremely accurate and stable restorations, a couple of extra minutes in their mouth is insignificant.

“I would have no hesitation in recommending Impregum to other practitioners if they are looking to provide their patients with the best possible accuracy and marginal fit of their indirect restorations.”

Discover the qualities of Impregum Penta Impression Material and the Pentamix Automatic Mixing Unit from 3M ESPE for yourself today.


For more information, call 0845 602 5094 or visit your social media marketing partner
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3676 Hits

Making the right Impression

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Please get in touch with us and we will be happy to discuss how you can receive an average of 80,000 impressions in a month. In 2015 dentists will once again increase their usage of social media platforms (gdpuk being one of them, according to the GDC!). Can you afford to miss out? Speak to us today and we can help you make the impression you are looking for.


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