Fresh Breath for Healthy Living

 Fresh Breath for Healthy Living

Naturally, young people compare their appearance with models, actors and celebrities depicted in advertising and the media. Youngsters also have a tendency to ignore other abilities and focus on appearance as evidence of worthiness. However, there is still much to commend about this generation’s attitudes towards fitness and wellbeing as they lay down the foundations for a healthy life.


In general, the younger generation has a healthy disposition and research conducted over the last decade reveals that an increasing proportion of youngsters eat fruit and vegetables, are physically active on a daily basis, rate their health as excellent, practice safe sex, and live free of tobacco and cannabis.[1] There is also a decline in those that drink alcohol weekly and gym use has increased threefold in a generation. The consequences are that young adults are now more inclined to take regular exercise than people did 30 years ago and 48% of 16-24 year olds use a fitness app on a regular basis.[2] Special diets that focus on organic, lactose and dairy-free foods have trebled in popularity over a generation,[3] but conversely, young adults are placing much less emphasis on their oral health.


According to statistics, the number of people that visited an NHS dentist in England has fallen since 2013.[4] Furthermore, the highest prevalence of decay on the crowns of the teeth was found in adults aged 25 to 34.[5] This would indicate that although young adults seem to be better informed and enthusiastic about their general health and fitness some are neglecting to look after their teeth.


The condition of the teeth significantly affects a person’s appearance and cracked, missing, stained or unhygienic teeth look unhealthy and unattractive. Along with this, untreated dental problems, a build up of plaque and periodontal disease are common causes of oral malodour, which can lead to a lack of confidence and social withdrawal. As we know, the health of the mouth impacts significantly to the general wellbeing of the body and effective oral hygiene is required to preserve it. When speaking to young patients, dental professionals need to reinforce the message and encourage them to take their oral health just as seriously as every other aspect of their fitness.


Along with effective tooth brushing and interdental cleaning, it is wise to recommend a mouth rinse to keep breath smelling fresh. With the hectic lifestyle that many young people lead, CB12 mouth rinse can be used as a convenient daily oral deodorant to prevent bad breath. Just one shot begins working instantly and its unique, patented formula adheres to the tissues of the oral cavity to eliminate unpleasant breath for up to 12 hours. Many of your patients may experience dry mouth during a work out or ‘ketone breath’ if they are following a specific diet but CB12 has the solution. As well as the rinse, CB12 Boost is a sugar free chewing gum that can be used to freshen and invigorate the breath after meals and throughout the day. CB12 products have been developed by dentists and contain specific ingredients to reduce plaque, strengthen teeth and prevent cavities so you can empower young patients to look after their oral health with confidence.


Although the younger generation seem to be very savvy about health and fitness the power is in still your hands. By encouraging your patients to take their oral health seriously with a regular daily routine, you can enrich their lives well into the future.


For more information about CB12 and how it could benefit your patients, please visit www.cb12.co.uk


[1] Trends in young people's health and social determinants. The European Journal of Public Health Volume 25, Issue suppl 2, 1 April 2015. http://eurpub.oxfordjournals.org/content/25/suppl_2

[2] The health and care of young people. June 2015 Health and Social Care information Centre.


[3] The Good Life report commissioned by Holland and Barrett. 2014. Available at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sponsored/health/good-life/

[4] NHS Dental Statistics for England 2014/15. 20th August 2015. Health and Social Care Information Centre. http://www.hscic.gov.uk/catalogue/PUB18129/nhs-dent-stat-eng-14-15-rep.pdf

[5] Executive Summary: Adult Dental Health Survey 2009. 24th March 2011. Health and Social Care Information Centre. http://www.hscic.gov.uk/catalogue/PUB01086/adul-dent-heal-surv-summ-them-exec-2009-rep2.pdf


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The Pressures of the Festive Season

The Pressures of the Festive Season

Rushing around buying gifts, planning and shopping for Christmas menus, absorbing additional expenditure, entertaining friends and family, decorating the house and making sure everyone has a great time are all stresses of the festive season. Indeed according to a recent survey, 14% of Brits feel more under pressure than ever to have the perfect Christmas.[1]

Another ‘pressure point’ is the works’ Christmas party. This event is the highlight in the annual calendar for many where they are able to enjoy mingling with colleagues in a relaxed environment. However, it can be a time of anxiety for some individuals because although they can reveal more of their personality at the Christmas bash, out of their usual professional role, they worry more about their appearance. According to a survey commissioned by The Clothes Show Live, 63% of women start thinking and researching their Christmas outfit three months in advance.[2]

For a lot of people, meeting and interacting with others, attending Christmas parties and getting up close and personal are what nightmares are made of. Many have social anxieties and suffer from low self esteem, but with 25% of the population experiencing bad breath at some point in their lives, chatting up their latest crush or sharing a kiss under the mistletoe is out of the question for some individuals.

Oral malodour is a very personal problem and remains a social stigma that can influence an individual’s confidence and well-being considerably.  Unfortunately, with everything else to manage and consider, many people are more likely than ever to forget about their oral health over the festive season. Dashing around the shops, visiting friends and relatives and completing all the additional tasks associated with Christmas may keep them active, but they can become dehydrated and the saliva that helps to wash away bacteria becomes depleted. Additionally, over Christmas and New Year we are all subjected to an array of tempting food and drink that we may normally avoid, but grazing on sugary, fatty, rich foods as well as an increase in alcohol consumption can wreak havoc on the health of the oral cavity as well as the breath.


As well as advising patients to stay properly hydrated, dental professionals can help patients to remain healthy and confident with good oral health instructions, including the use of a daily deodorising mouth rinse and recommending a chewing a sugar free gum after eating. CB12 has developed a mouth rinse that can be used in the morning to prevent unpleasant breath for up to 12 hours, which is great news for patients during the festive season.


For more information about CB12 and how it could benefit your patients, please visit www.cb12.com


[1] Survey of 2000 people conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Tesco plc. http://www.tescoplc.com/index.asp?pageid=17&newsid=1104 [Accessed 25th August 2015]

[2] 13 DAYS TO GET READY FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY; Women spend 312 hours preparing biggest bash. (n.d.) >The Free Library. (2014). fromhttp://www.thefreelibrary.com/13+DAYS+TO+GET+READY+FOR+CHRISTMAS+PARTY%3b+Women+spend+312+hours...-a0213350488 [Accessed 25thAugust 2015]



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3853 Hits

The immeasurable effects of confidence - CB12

The immeasurable effects of confidence - CB12

How confident a person feels during a particular situation or activity depends upon numerous elements and beliefs. And, everyone is different with varying levels of awareness, as well as divergent and personal areas of importance. Confidence is something that cannot be precisely measured, however, most people are likely to respond favourably to success and accomplishment. Equally, when an individual is involved in the achievements of another it can also boost confidence, particularly if that person is in a familiar situation or has similar values or goals to their own.

Dental professionals will be aware of the importance of building confidence in members of the dental team, nurturing skills and talents and assisting each other. This is an area of familiarity, of mutual benefit, where challenges can be shared and overcome collectively. When this is accomplished well, it extends to the patients visiting the practice, increasing their confidence in the qualities and proficiency of the people that work there.

For many individuals, personal achievement influences their levels of confidence. Some feel self-assured by their level of fitness or sporting prowess, financial position, social status or occupational accomplishment, for others it is their academic ability, knowledge or skills. Conversely, a person’s confidence can be significantly influenced by their appearance or how they believe others perceive them.

Decades of studies have demonstrated that people, in particular women, are bombarded with images of unrealistic beauty that have resulted in unhappiness, anxiety, low self-esteem and low body confidence.[i] The compounding affect of negative body satisfaction has been shown to be a contributory factor in poor mental wellbeing[ii], eating disorders, obesity[iii] and risky behaviour in relation to drugs, smoking and sex.[iv]

Although only 32% of adults[v] agree with the statement: ‘your value depends on how you look’, many individuals become devoted consumers of products, programmes and procedures to improve their appearance and indeed their confidence. Fundamentally, many people overlook the value of more cost effective strategies and the impact and importance of good overall health.

For example it is believed that physical activity can improve self-esteem and self acceptance, indeed when a person enjoys the exercise they engage in, they are more likely to continue, and garner positive psychological effects.[vi]

As we know, the health of the mouth is crucial to overall health and visits to the dental practice can also help people to gain confidence. Patients are able to improve their smile, access safe cosmetic and tooth whitening procedures as well as essential oral health instruction and advice. Certainly, for some patients, conditions requiring orthodontic or cosmetic intervention can impact on issues of self-esteem and confidence. The British Orthodontic Society, in their Guidelines for Referrals for Orthodontic Treatment[vii] note improvement in dental and facial aesthetics often results “in improved self-esteem and other psycho-social aspects of the individual.”

In addition, no matter how healthy or satisfied some people may feel, they still could have feelings of uncertainty or concern about their breath. Interestingly it was recently revealed that nearly 40 per cent of people worry about their mouth once a day[viii]. Believed to affect around 25% of the entire population oral malodour be an exasperating and sometimes debilitating condition. In a seven-year Swiss study, halitosis was found to bring about inhibition, insecurity, withdrawal and reduced social contact to chronic sufferers.[ix]

Maintaining good oral hygiene and having regular dental checks and treatment when necessary will have a significant effect but practitioners can also annul any worries by encouraging patients to use an effective daily oral deodorant such as CB12 mouth rinse.  By recommending CB12, practitioners can offer a reliable way of keeping the breath fresh, as it has been proven to work better than 18 other leading mouthwash brands. CB12 is able to target and neutralise all three odour-causing Volatile Sulphur Compounds (VSCs)[x] that cause oral malodour and continue to ensure first class breath for 12 hours. Not only can patients feel confident about their breath but practitioners can also feel empowered by recommending a clinically proven solution to the problem.

When dental professionals feel appreciated for their skills, advice and contributions they are likely to feel more self-assured about their abilities and enhance their team’s performance. If it is possible to successfully resolve a condition such as unpleasant breath, the rewards are far reaching both physically and psychologically. In turn, this confidence and empowerment has a reciprocal effect that extends positively to colleagues and patients.


For more information about CB12 and how it could benefit your patients, please visit www.cb12.com



[i] YWCA Beauty at any cost. The Consequences of America’s Beauty Obsession on Women & Girls. August 2008. http://www.ywca.org [Accessed 13th May 2015]

[ii] Puhl, R. & Latner, J. D. 2007. Stigma, obesity and the health of a nation’s children. Psychological Bulletin. 133: 557-580.

[iii] Janet Franklin, Gareth DenyerKatharine S. Steinbeck, Ian D. Caterson, Andrew J. Hill, Obesity and Risk of Low Self-esteem: A Statewide Survey of Australian Children. PEDIATRICS Vol. 118 No. 6 December 1, 2006 pp. 2481 -2487 (doi: 10.1542/peds.2006-0511) http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/118/6/2481.short [Accessed 13th May 2015]

[iv] Government Equalities Office May 2013. Body image – a rapid evidence assessment of the literature. www.gov.uk/.../120715_RAE_on_body_image_final.docx [Accessed 13th May 2015]

[v] Government Equalities Office October 2014. Body Confidence – Findings from the British Social Attitudes Survey. www.gov.uk/.../Body_Confidence_Findings_October_2014.docx [Accessed 13th May 2015]

6 Cohen G, Shamus E. Depressed, Low Self-Esteem: What can exercise do for you? The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. April 2009. Volume 7 Number 2. http://ijahsp.nova.edu/articles/Vol7Num2/pdf/cohen.pdf [Accessed 13th May 2015]

[vii] http://www.bos.org.uk - The Justification for Orthodontic Treatment - British Orthodontic Society. [Accessed 13th May 2015]

[viii] Survey by Gorkana January 2015, commissioned by Align Technology

[ix] Andrea Zürcher, Andreas Filippi, Dept of Oral Surgery, University of Basel. 'Findings, Diagnoses and Results of a Halitosis Clinic over a Seven Year Period'. Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed. [Swiss Monthly Journal of Dentistry] 3/2012 Vol. 122 pp. 205-210

[x] Greenman et. al., Oral Diseases, Comparative effects of various commercially available mouthrinse formulations on oral malodour, (2011), 17:180-186.



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