Feature in the GDPUK Showcase Guide

Feature in the GDPUK Showcase Guide
Our guide to the BDIA Showcase 2015 is now live. This follows a successful guide that we ran last year for the show which has received over 40,000 views.
If you are exhibiting at the BDIA Showcase and would like delegates to visit your stand to see your new products or services, this is a great chance to do some promotion and exposure of your product or brand before the show. All you need to do is send an article to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will do the rest.
There is a word limit of 600 words but plenty of images are encouraged!
Cost to feature in this guide is absolutely free. GDPUK will then promote the feature over the next few weeks, through social media and the GDPUK main site. Email us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you would like to advertise elsewhere on GDPUK and would like further information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. GDPUK is the largest community in Britain for dentists and dental professionals to discuss news, opinion and share information on UK Dentistry. The site reaches thousands of dental professionals on a daily basis.
If you would like to meet up at Showcase and discuss how we can work together in 2016 please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Look forward to hearing from you. your social media marketing partner
  5627 Hits
5627 Hits

Email Marketing is still alive and more popular than ever!


One of my early posts to my digital dentistry blog was entitled 4 A * Reasons Email Marketing is still Alive! and I looked at the reasons behind why email marketing was still so important.

Nearly 2 years later, this is still seems to be the case. One could argue it is more important than ever. In the recent eConsultancy Census, it was found that revenue from email marketing increased proportionately by 28% in 2014, and was ranked as the number 1 channel in terms of return on investment, with 68% of companies rating the channel as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’.

Email has become part of mobile marketing, it is estimated that mobile can account for up to 70% of all email opens. The banner ads or message on these emails still need to be clear and well positioned, although it’s not just the creative that is important, the sales funnel must also be fully mobile-optimised, with every page working so that they are mobile optimised and keep your customer engaged. A well designed landing page is still always an important part of the process.

We forget that with emails you are often reaching an audience that already knows you, if you have them on your list, they want to hear from you. Email requires a deeper level of engagement and trust. That is the reasons our daily digest emails remain popular. Our members are expecting them.

Therefore advertising on the GDPUK daily digest emails (sent 3 times a day) remains incredibly popular because so many people receive these daily emails to their inboxes and thousands of eyes look at the animated banners on the emails. We use these daily digest emails ourselves as an accidental marketing tool. What started as a way of communicating the latest posts on the forum to our members, has instead become a way for our members to be constantly engaged with the site and what is happening within UK dentistry. We know that not every member reads every thread or email but there is always a subject that appeals to a number of our members and that keeps our site busy and the banners receiving impressions. This means email remains incredibly important for GDPUK plus of course every big business that is online and looking for customers.

So two years after I wrote the blog piece linked above, email marketing remains an important tool for businesses of all sizes and needs to be treated as an integral part of your marketing plans, whether you are looking to reach dentists or members of the public for your practice.

We are all looking to generate leads and gain new customers, is email marketing still something you use to reach these goals or do you find other methods more effective? We look forward to hearing your thoughts, on what works for your business and what doesn’t.

Hope you enjoyed this follow up blog. Thanks! your social media marketing partner
  6985 Hits
6985 Hits

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