Yorkshire dentist censured for poor hygiene

A South Yorkshire dentist whose practice was shut down for ignoring hygiene rules has had ‘stringent conditions’ placed on him by the GDC. Mohammed Siddiqui, of Rotherham, was told that he will only be able to practise within the NHS and is subject to 21 stringent conditions for three years. He admitted 23 charges of poor dental practice at a conduct committee hearing.

His case followed an unannounced infection control inspection in May 2010 by NHS Rotherham and the Health and Safety Executive, which exposed areas of poor practice. He was found to be using instruments caked in hardened dirt, re-using syringes and failing to use water with his drill – a step one expert suggested could literally ‘fry a tooth in its own juices’.

He was immediately suspended from the NHS Rotherham dental performers’ list and reported to the General Dental Council. An investigation found he failed to maintain ‘adequate standards of infection prevention and control’ and he applied very poor standards of clinical dentistry.

The conditions imposed include working under supervision, regular checks into his standard of dentistry and assistance only by a registered dental nurse. He must engage a professional mentor - all at his own expense.


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