GDC Pledges to Streamline the Journey Upstream

GDC Pledges to Streamline the Journey Upstream

The GDC is proposing major changes that will update the way it operates. This may be as a response to complaints that it has failed to keep up with developments in technology that other organisations have embraced.

One example is that Freedom of Information (FOI) requests are routinely rejected at present, on the basis that the cost of finding the information sought would be excessive, due to a heavy reliance on manual systems.

While the GDC has an embargo on direct communication with GDPUK, some details of their ambitious plans have come into our possession.

The GDC will now make full use of the recent rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The GDC has employed artificial intelligence previously, many lay members of the council have been trained to be compliant and artificially intelligent.

This article was first published on 1st April 2024

Streamlining the registration of overseas dental professionals will be one of the first areas to benefit. Currently this is a bottleneck making it harder to enlarge the workforce and ease the access crisis. The new system will require aspiring registrants to submit a 600 word essay about the need for new legislation for regulators, which AI will then analyse, and on this basis decide if they are suitable to join the register. An alternative initiative test asking would-be registrants to complete a submission of CPD hours via the current system was considered, but abandoned because it is too complicated even for experienced UK dentists.

The Communications and Engagement department will be largely replaced by another AI based system. All future press releases, news items and blogs, will be quality controlled via a new industry leading architecture provided by a Distribution Access Relatability Verification Operator (DARVO) (1)

The GDC’s Information Governance section though will not be benefitting from the application of new technology. According to our source, time and motion experts were bought into the department: “They found that it only takes 20 seconds to type ‘information not held,’ so they decided to keep the current set-up.”

There had been some consideration of developing an AI replacement for the GDC’s expert witnesses. Our informant revealed that this was dropped as it was not felt to offer significant operational benefits. They told GDPUK, “We realised that most of them already said what we wanted them to, and Disney charge an arm and a leg for realistic animatronics.”

The Fitness to Practice operation will also benefit from the application of cutting edge 1960’s technology. The decision on whether to formally pursue registrants will now be automated and decided by a retired ERNIE (Electronic Random Number Indicator Equipment) computer previously used to choose premium Bond numbers. The computer has been renamed MOYES  (Malicious Operation Yields Enhanced Suffering) in honour of the past GDC Chair & serial committee member.  The lucky winners whose GDC numbers are chosen at random for their day before the Fitness to Practice will no doubt be relieved to get that inevitable event out of the way.  Draws will take place on the third of each month, because the valves in the pioneering computer take two days to warm up.

The GDC have also made major advances in delivering their promised improvements in wellbeing for registrants under investigation, including new Artificial Compassion Services which will be under the control of Deidre who is also in charge of the stationery cupboard. The new system will now automatically provide in all communications a list of vacant Home & Bargain posts to those under investigation to help with future career planning.

To ensure registrant’s annual fees are used effectively, a competitive tendering process for the contract to develop the new systems took place. It has now been awarded to Fujitsu and the GDC were gratified that they are also the company that best expresses the regulator’s values. The systems will make considerable use of a new AI based development, Technical Heavy Use Gateway Systems (THUGS), which the GDC was particularly impressed by.

After a consultation and review, the new systems, which will not require any legislative changes, are expected to come into operation on April 1st 2025.

1).DARVO - Wikipedia


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