Fewer NHS courses of treatment delivered

Fewer NHS courses of treatment delivered

NHS Digital has published its NHS Dental Statistics for the second quarter of 2017/18. They show a 1.3% reduction in courses of treatment compared with the previous year. 22.1 million adults were seen (50.9%) and 6.9 million (58%) of the child population.

Courses of treatment

9.7million NHS Courses of Treatment were delivered in England during the second quarter of 2017-18 (July-September). This is 129,040 fewer than in same quarter of 2016-17. 59.2% of all courses were for paying adults. Children accounted for 29.5% and exempt adults 17.6%.

The North of England region delivered the most Courses of Treatment, 32.0% of the England total. The same region also saw the largest decrease in courses. 1.6% fewer were delivered compared with the same period in 2016-17.


There were 20.1 million Units of Dental Activity carried out in the quarter, a decrease of 570,735 (2.8%) on the same quarter last year.

NHS patients seen

22.1 adult patients were seen in the 24 months ending December 31, 2017 – 50.9% of the adult population.

6.9 million children were seen in the 12 months ending December 31, 2017 – 58.2% of the child population.

These are the number of individual patients who received care from an NHS dentist at least once in the 24 months to 31 December 2017 for adults and at least once in the 12 months to this date for children.


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