Schools offer choice of ‘dental milk’

Schools offer choice of -dental milk-

The issue of offering parents the choice of ‘dental milk’ in schools was raised in the House of Lords. Dental milk is semi-skimmed milk to which the dairy has added a small amount of fluoride. It looks, tastes and smells just like ordinary milk.

Lord Storey a Liberal Democrat peer mentioned the problems of tooth decay, during Lords Questions. He said that in his area, the north-west it had reached ‘worrying levels’, with up to 35% of young people there having tooth decay. He added that, in many schools, pupils are offered ‘dental milk’. Parents had a choice: ordinary milk or dental milk. This option had been very helpful in dealing with tooth decay. Did the Government, he asked, have any plans to further promote the drinking of ‘dental milk’?

Lord Nash a junior education minister said he was aware of a ‘depressing number of children having their teeth removed because they have rotted at a very young age, and of many schools having things such as tooth-brushing schemes, et cetera’. He said he would ‘look more’ at what was being done, with regard to ‘dental milk’.


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