GDPC Chair on radio about Capita

GDPC Chair on radio about Capita

The chair of the BDA’s General Dental Practice Committee, Henrik Overgaard-Nielsen, was interviewed live on the Radio 4 consumer programme You & Yours which focused on delays in dentists receiving performer list numbers from Capita. He criticised government for outsourcing services to the cheapest provider.

The item started with a pre-recorded interview with a dentist from Blackpool who had trained in Spain and had been waiting since June for his performer number in order to practise. He said the delays he had experienced along with some others were significantly longer than the previous year.

Henrik noted the two-month grace period the BDA had won, following the Capita delays, for the approximately 1,000 dentists foundation dentists who had trained in the UK. He said that it was since the performer list service was outsourced to Capita that the delays had become an issue and criticised government for outsourcing services to the cheapest provider. In response to news that NHS England was sending in a team of experts to deal with the issue, Henrik noted that NHS England had already had to take back some work having a knock-on effect on other services.

In response Capita said, in a statement, that they were ‘making enhancements’ to the performer list process. Programme is available online here:


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