Scottish woman blames amalgam for her symptoms

Scottish woman blames amalgam for her symptoms

The media in Scotland have been running a story about a woman who claims that ‘poisoning from dental fillings’ led to her being diagnosed wrongly with MS. Maria Indermuhle paid £7000 to have the fillings removed and replaced with non-amalgam ones. She also had intensive detox treatment.

Maria Indermuhle, 32, feared she would die during a three-year nightmare illness, which she claimed was caused by her dental fillings. She had the amalgam fillings done in her home city of Inverness a few weeks before her wedding in 2011. But after she moved to Switzerland with new husband Jacques she became so ill, doctors diagnosed her with MS.

She claims that she only began to turn the corner after doctors in Switzerland said it was mercury poisoning, which can mimic MS symptoms. She said: “I could feel my body was breaking down and not working. I thought I was dying.” Maria paid £7000 to have the fillings removed and replaced with non-amalgam ones. She also had an intensive detox treatment.

NHS Highland has said they had investigated Maria’s complaint and she is free to contact the NHS Ombudsman if she is not satisfied with their response.


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