Dentist saves passer-by

Dentist saves passer-by

Catherine Forman from Barkingside in Essex told a local paper that she has “two knights in shining armour” to thank after their quick thinking helped save her life. One was an unknown driver who gave her a lift, the other was Dr Hitesh Mody, her dentist.

During the Tube strike, Catherine had decided to try her luck thumbing a lift because the buses were so packed. She got a lift from a stranger, but once in the car, she experienced a pain in her chest, breathlessness and loss of vision. The driver stopped at The Valentine Dental Health Centre in Ilford, which was coincidentally the surgery of Dr Hitesh Mody, her dentist.

Dr Mody used his medical kit and knowledge to provide vital first-aid. He gave aspirin and a spray containing glyceryl trinitrate which helps the heart to pump more easily while they waited for an ambulance to arrive. Catherine was taken to nearby Whipps Cross Hospital and is now recovering at home. Buy Award winning weed seeds amazon at the


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