More dentists working in Scotland

More dentists working in Scotland

The Scottish National Party (SNP) is claiming credit for more dentists and registrations in Scotland. Between 2006 and 2013, there were 793 additional dentists, an increase of 32.6%. The levels of registration with an NHS dentist have also increased since the party took office in May 2007. Scotland has gained 793 additional dentists - an increase of 32.6%, the SNP said.


The levels of registration with an NHS dentist have also increased since the party took office, in May 2007. In March that year, 67% of children and 46% of adults were registered with an NHS dentist. As of 30 September 2013, 91% of children and 82% of adults were registered. More than 4.4 million people are now registered - an increase of 1.8 million since March 2007, the SNP said.

The Scottish National party MSP Bob Doris, who is also deputy convener of the Scottish parliament's health and sport committee, said: "These figures are really something to smile about. In particular it is vitally important that children learn good oral health early as they are much more likely to continue these habits later in life. The new year is the perfect time to register at a dentist and get your teeth checked. These figures show that, after years of neglect under previous administrations, real inroads have been made in ensuring the provision of first-rate dental services for the people of Scotland."


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