Details of the ninth Young Dentist Conference announced

Details of the ninth Young Dentist Conference announced

The ninth annual Young Dentist Conference will take place at the Royal College of Physicians, London on Saturday 8 February 2014. The event which is jointly organised by Dental Protection, the BDA and BDJ, is specifically directed to the needs of dentists in the early years of their career. To book your place, please contact 020 7399 2914 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The programme for 2014 will feature four excellent speakers.

  • ‘Are you isolated’ - Chris O’Connor, GDP, will describe his own journey to achieving easy and predictable clinical isolation techniques to facilitate quality adhesive dentistry in NHS primary care.
  • ‘I thought my veneers were permanent?’ - Ken Harris, Clinical Director of Riveredge Cosmetic Dentistry, describes the importance of case selection, consent and managing patients expectations when approaching complex cases particularly when replacement becomes necessary.
  • ‘This is your life’ - Surinder Poonian, GDP, will share insight into the challenges she faced in the immediate years after qualifying, and will provide tips and useful information for recently qualified dentists.
  • ‘Misunderstood’ - Paul Redmond, Director of Employability and Educational Opportunities at the University of Liverpool. There has always been a ‘generation gap’ and problems and risks arising from it. But the picture has become even more complicated as ‘baby boomers’ struggle to understand and communicate with the X and Y (and Z) generations – and vice versa. Technology has accelerated the pace of change and the potential gulf in understanding is widening. This has huge significance in terms of our interactions with patients, colleagues and team members of different ages, not least in our family and personal lives.

The Young Dentist Conference includes five hours verifiable CPD and tickets are now available. Tickets for DPL / BDA members are available for £130, and £190 for non-members. For more information, please visit the Dental Protection website



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