First students for medicine and dentistry at Plymouth

First students for medicine and dentistry at Plymouth

Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry welcomed its first cohorts of medical and dental students on 16th September. In all, 64 students have enrolled for dentistry. The Bachelor of Dental Surgery is now a five-year A-level entry course. Students will experience training which will see them treating NHS patients from a very stage.

Dental students will begin their clinical training in the University’s Simulated Dental Learning Environment before treating NHS patients under the supervision of qualified dentists and other dental professionals and Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry’s Dental Education Facilities (DEFs) in Exeter, Plymouth and Truro.
The DEF programme has already made a significant and positive impact on oral health improvement in the region, giving more than 13,000 patients access to NHS dental care where they may not have received it before. It has blazed a trail in dental clinical education by being the first to train dental students in a primary care environment, and it is fast becoming adopted as the way forward by other dental educators in the UK.
Training for both medical and dental students is supported by teaching from leading academics and clinicians throughout the region


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