76 fail to gain dental foundation training places

76 fail to gain dental foundation training places
Of the 1153 eligible candidates who attended assessments for Dental Foundation Training, 76 remain without the offer of a place. The best estimate is that around 60 of these are from England and Wales dental schools.  968 places were offered initially and a further 85 have been offered since July 1.

Newly qualified dentists in the United Kingdom, fully qualified, have to work for 12 months in the NHS system in order to be able to work in the future within the NHS system. However, a new style of interviewing those young people has led to an imbalance of places available and job seekers, leading to unemployment for a minority. The difference in this case is that these young people have spent 5 years at University on a vocational course, and have larger student debts. Their education, which is also very expensive for taxpayers, is at a risk of being wasted.


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