Denplan turns spotlight on consumers

Denplan turns spotlight on consumers
A new survey from Denplan/YouGov shows that 78% of the population still have regular check-ups, with women attending more than men. Over three quarters attend as a preventive measure compared with 6% when in pain. As many as 31% of the Welsh brush less than twice a day,

For over a decade Denplan has been looking into consumer attitudes towards dentistry to gain a better understanding of a patient’s perspective on visiting the dentist, their oral hygiene

routines and their view on the importance of their oral health. They have commissioned YouGov to carry out the survey.

  • 78% of the adult population say they visit the dentist regularly for check-ups, visiting at least once every two years (76% men 81% women; 75% 18-24 year olds, 81% 55+ year olds)
  • Over three quarters (76%) visit the dentist more as a preventive measure to keep their teeth and gums healthy rather than just when in pain (6%)
  • Around one in five more payment plan patients strongly agree they have enough time with their dentist compared to NHS patients
  • 31% of the Welsh brush less than the recommended twice a day
  • It’s clear that parents don’t know when to take their child to the dentist, because a significant percentage are taking them over the age of one
  • Around 70% of people source information about oral health from the dentist, with 41% finding information online
  • Overall less than 15% of people limit snacking to protect their teeth
  • Nearly 60% of people don’t smoke in order to keep their teeth and gums in good shape
  • !--There isn’t a strong link between oral health and diet, with only 15% of people limiting snacking to keep their teeth and gums in good shape

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