Oklahoma dentist branded a health risk

Oklahoma dentist branded a health risk
The Oklahoma Department of Health is sending letters to patients of Dr Scott Harrington, urging them to have their blood tested for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Investigators said they found numerous health and safety violations at his practice, including nonsterilized and rusty instruments. The unsanitary practices of the dentist may have exposed thousands of patients to HIVand hepatitis forcing him to close his practices while health officials investigate and test about 7,000 people who had visited him since 2007.

So far, only one patient has been confirmed as having been infected, with hepatitis C,  after being treated by Dr. Harrington. While officials stressed how important it was for patients to be tested, they cautioned that it was premature to characterise the situation as a widespread public health crisis. They said the transmission of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C in a setting like a dentist’s office was unusual.

Dr. Harrington, 64, has been a state-licensed dentist since 1974 and an oral surgeon since 1977. He told investigators that he had treated a large number of patients known to be infectious disease carriers. He has voluntarily closed his two offices and surrendered his dental license for 30 days. He faces the possibility of having his license revoked, after a hearing on April 19 at the state Board of Dentistry in Oklahoma City.


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