Old guard re-elected at BDA

The British Dental Association (BDA) has announced the results of the recent elections to its Principal Executive Committee (PEC). Several of those who were on the old Executive Board have returned. In five constituencies the candidate was returned unopposed. A bye-election will take place in the England, North West constituency as no one stood for election there.

The successful candidates and the geographical constituencies they have been elected to represent are:

  • Dr Martin Fallowfield (England, East)
  • Dr Judith Husband (England, East Midlands)
  • Dr Russ Ladwa (England, London)
  • Dr Paul Blaylock (England, North)
  • Dr Victor Chan ((England, South East)*
  • Dr Nigel Jones (England, South West)
  • Dr Eddie Crouch (England, West Midlands)
  • Dr Mick Armstrong (England, Yorkshire and Humber)*
  • Dr Philip Henderson (Northern Ireland)*
  • Dr Robert Kinloch (Scotland)*
  • Dr Stuart Johnston (Wales)*

In addition three members have been elected for the UK-wide seats. They are:

  • Dr Alison Lockyer 
  • Dr Susie Sanderson
  • Dr Graham Stokes.

The senior officers of the PEC, including the Chair, will be elected in June, ahead of the body formally taking responsibility for the governance of the BDA on 1 July. The results of this election was announced on the BDA website.

Some of the unsuccessful candidates, who proposed a more radical approach for the BDA, included Ross Hobson and Simon Gallier.

Paul Bartley
Looks like a good balance of old and new. Good luck to all and well done
Martin Fallowfield
Old Guard.... not!
Just a touch of bias in the reporting Tony?
In fact 9 out of the 14 will be new to the Board, hardly an 'Old Guard'.

Anthony Kilcoyne
BDA PEC results
Firstly congratulations to those successful candidates and commiserations to those who were not successful on this occasion.

What really matters is that we have a strong BDA that is also perceived to be strong and fair by all.

There will be many battles and challenges ahead, internally and externally, but the Profession AND the Public need the BDA to win those battles for the greater good overall.

I wish every one of you success in that endeavour in these difficult times for Professionalism .

Regards as always,



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