By Erica Kilburn on Thursday, 20 March 2014
Category: Product Updates

(For Associates) figurit – helping you keep tabs on your tax calendar

As the beginning of another tax year is upon us, you can make it your resolution to let figurit take care of your tax filing and help maximise your claims and savings.

figurit is a specialist accountancy and tax service exclusively for dental associates – they can help organise your accounts, keep track of important tax deadlines throughout the year, provide you with sound investment advice and help maximise your tax claims so you end up saving the greatest amount in tax money.

figurit also have helpful online tools such as a yearly tax calendar for important deadlines and tips to make filing and paying your taxes an easier and more organised event, year in and year out.

Give your tax affairs an overhaul this new tax year. For the best accountancy and tax advice for dental associates, come to figurit.

For more information on our specialist accountancy and tax package

exclusively for dental associates, visit

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