By Enamel Prism on Thursday, 11 June 2015
Category: Enamel Prism

What’s in a “C” , Oh GDC

That third letter has a lot to answer for. What DOES it stand for I wonder?


Well, the GDC are adamant. In their role as a “Council” They are improving immensely, and have refuted the FGDP’s assertion [1] that they have not "learnt any lessons" after their 2014 ‘Annus Horribilus” [2]

Given that when you are bumping along the bottom, the only way is up, I guess we should on the one hand be grateful for small changes and perhaps acknowledge that internally , the GDC are attempting to re-configure the disaster that is FtP.

Speaking with the Dento-Legal teams, there is a sense that the peak, the height of the tide of FtP, if you will, has either passed is passing.


The GDC in their latest report state [3]

Add to that the pilot schemes to require that the NHS get its own house in order with matters of performance and one can see that the steam pressure in Wimpole Street is indeed reducing.

Perhaps it is wrong to regard the GDC as a Great Day for Complacency?  Internally, it appears we have an organisation finally “getting it!”

On an annual basis, it appears that FtP cases may reduce by some 300 to 350.

So we can expect at the very least a static ARF in December … can’t we?  Too much to hope that the GDC’s success might result in an ARF reduction!!

Talking of which, I wonder what the HoC Health Select Committee report will state. It all seems so long ago now.  In fact, I can even see the GDC Press release batting it away like an annoying fly in an arrogant, even corrupt sort of way. The FGDP pulled no punches for sure. [4]


We could discuss whether the GDC are a corrupt body [5] – not in the fiscal sense, but in the aggressive occupation of the moral high ground. The FGDP have a point really – the GDC have utterly lost the confidence of the profession.  It is a measure of their arrogance that they fail to see this.  It is a measure of their insularity that they see dentists as a minority Registrant group.

I wonder what it will take for all those dentists and DCPs who partake in the FtP Process and indeed sit on the Council to withdraw their support.

Well, they might wish to consider their position on the matter of the GDC being in discussions with the Dept of Health to see how to amend the regulations to allow the new Oral Health Assessment to be undertaken by Therapists.

The well-worn phrase of Lord Acton suggests that while all power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I put it to you that the GDC is indeed corrupt, by throwing away its independence in its dealings with Government.

It is not acting in the best interest of the patient, it is acting in the best interest of the Minister of the day.

Correct, Competent, Campaigning

The FGDP and BDA are suddenly standing up; their heads are above the political parapets and dentists, as a profession are starting to demand to be heard, to be counted. Join one, join both, but do sit idly by.

What’s in the letter “C”?  Quite a lot as you can see

Enjoy flaming June, the Cricket looks as if it could be exciting  .







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