

Luke Barnett says:

‘For a technician working in today’s competitive environment, BACD Accreditation is a fantastic opportunity. The process of doing Accreditation itself is very useful as it applies your mind and focuses your mind on a higher level of work. In doing that you raise the quality of your own work and it changes the way you look at things. It’s a journey, and at the end of the journey you will be a better technician as a result.

‘If you are a technician and you have never been to the BACD Conference before, I really do recommend you come along and see for yourself just what the BACD is all about. On Saturday 9th November I will be holding a Technician Accreditation Workshop, and will be explaining the whole process, and giving tips on selecting the best cases for submission. There will also be plenty of opportunity for networking, and some really fascinating lectures from renowned speakers including Galip Gurel and Chris Orr among others. I look forward to seeing you there!’

This year’s BACD Annual Conference will be held on Thursday 7th, Friday 8th and Saturday 9th November 2013 at the Hilton London Metropole Hotel. For further information call 0207 612 4166, fax 0207 182 7123, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.bacd.com