Not to be missed – October offers from Wrights

Ending 31st October, the latest flyers from Wrights have countless special offers, deals and promotions available to you right now. With top products at your fingertips, you’re sure to find exactly what you are looking for. At such a steal you might even come away with more!


From ‘buy three get one free’ offers on numerous 3M ESPE products including Filtek Supreme XTE, Imprint 4 and Filtek Bulk Fill to 40% savings on the Cavitron THINsert from DENTSPLY and up to 37% savings on Kerr products such as SonicFill2 Refills, there are great offers available from your favourite brands.

Because Wrights understands your every need, this October there are also exclusive deals on dental pharmaceutical supplies including:

For your flyer and a full list of offers, contact Wrights today.


For more information contact Wrights on 0800 66 88 99 or visit the easy to navigate website