A recently published 10-year clinical study from The Dental Advisor gives RelyX Unicem self-adhesive resin cement five stars and a 98% clinical rating.

Through scientific evaluation protocol, over one thousand three hundred anterior and posterior restorations were examined over six-months for post-operative sensitivity, marginal discolouration and retention.[i]

RelyX Unicem self-adhesive resin cement performed well under all criteria, leading The Dental Advisor to conclude that “RelyX Unicem has proven to be a reliable self-adhesive resin cement over the 10-year recall period.”1

The UK’s leading permanent dental cement[ii] proves itself once again through outstanding clinical performance.1

For more information, call 0845 602 5094 or visit 3Mespe.co.uk

3M ESPE and RelyX are trademarks of the 3M Company.

[i] 3M ESPE RelyX Unicem Self-Adhesive Resin Cement Ten-year Clinical Performance Report. The Dental Advisor. 2013, Dental Consultants Inc.

[ii] SDM 2012, cement categories