COVID-19: Update – week ending April 24, 2020

COVID-19: Update – week ending April 24, 2020

In the past week the BDA has published advice on associates following a meeting to the GDPC group.  In addition, there is advice on COVID-19 testing for essential workers and the BDA Benevolent Fund. The Association continues to put pressure on NHS England in respect of getting appropriate PPE to be available to dentists.

Addressing the current situation for associates

The GDPC associates’ group has met and addressed concerns regarding the financial circumstances associates are facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The issue of associates’ NHS pay and how it is being determined was raised, as was the uncertainty around the NHS contractual situation for the rest of the financial year. Solely or mostly private associates find themselves in a very challenging position. We are encouraged by the recent support from MPs and hope that the Chancellor will be pressed to act to safeguard incomes and the future of many practices. Urgent dental centres were also addressed as was the clear issues regarding appropriate PPE supply - particularly the high failure rates for FFP3 masks, where they are available.

There was lengthy discussion of the future for dentistry and associateships. While much is still unclear, it is likely that there will be significant changes to dentists’ professional lives, both in terms of clinical practice and finances. This crisis and the slow return to a new normal have only underscored the inappropriateness of UDAs and the need for an NHS contract that prioritises patient and dentist safety and care, not activity. There is likely to be a debate within the profession about the relative benefits of employment and self-employment and we intend to lead that conversation.

COVID-19 testing for essential workers

The government has confirmed that it is rolling out testing to all essential workers in England who have virus symptoms. Tests can be booked via an online portal. The government website confirms that “all NHS and social care staff” are included within the definition of essential worker and can access the system. Dentists and their teams are included, as confirmed to us today during our meeting with Health Minister, Jo Churchill. We have asked that those groups are explicitly included on the list to avoid any chance of uncertainty.

BDA Benevolent Fund supporting dentists in crisis

Ros Keeton, Chair of the BDA Benevolent Fund, has written to members reflecting on the impact of the pandemic. "For some dentists, practical issues around personal finance have been the greatest worry," she says. "In three weeks we received the same number of applications as we normally see in six months. We’ve been working non‐stop to help dental students, dentists and their families as quickly as possible."

Campaign for PPE continues

The BDA continues to lobby for appropriate PPE to be available to dentists and are getting the message out across national and local media. Chair of the BDA’s England Community Dental Services Committee, Charlotte Waite, has highlighted the levels of frustration dentists feel in not being able to treat patients at the new urgent dental centres (UDCs) due to the lack of PPE. Charlotte said: "It’s been difficult for the last few weeks, we are frustrated that we haven’t been able to get [UDCs] up and off the ground, individuals across our networks have been trying hard... but without appropriate levels of PPE, we cannot treat patients."

To keep up to date with developments from the BDA, dentists should visit their Coronavirus update page[i], which is available to all whether or not they are members and is continuously revised.



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