Advice issued on Wuhan novel coronavirus

Advice issued on Wuhan novel coronavirus

The BDA has passed on advice to primary care practitioners from the Chief Medical Officer on the virus from China. He says that the NHS is ’extremely well-prepared and used to managing infections’ and is ’working rapidly to identify any contacts the patients had, to prevent further spread.’ As of 31 January, there were two confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in England.

The risk level to the UK population has been increased from ’low’ to ’moderate’. The authorities have advised this does not mean the risk to individuals in the UK has changed at this stage, but that government should plan for all eventualities. ​

If a patient presents with flu-like symptoms, you should ask whether they have travelled from China recently, or whether they have been in contact with anyone who has. If the answer is yes, follow the interim advice for primary care providers.

The Government has a website (updated at 14:00hrs every day) to keep people up to date with any developments on the situation.

The current evidence is that most cases appear to be mild.


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