John Tiernan to retire from MPS afer 23 years

John Tiernan to retire from MPS afer 23 years

John Tiernan, Executive Director of Member Engagement at MPS will retire in July 2016, after 23 years’ in supporting doctors and dentists in dentolegal and medicolegal issues. He said:The dentolegal and medicolegal environment has changed dramatically over the time I have been at MPS. The number of complaints and the volume, cost and complexity of claims has significantly increased over the years, particularly in the UK.” 

Prior to working at MPS John qualified in dentistry at Trinity College in Ireland and spent 15 years in full time practice in the UK.  He first joined MPS in 1993 and his career has spanned over numerous roles. Including Assistant Dental Director, Director of Educational Services and most recently Executive Director of Member Engagement for the MPS group, where he has been pivotal in changing MPS’s Education programme and helping over 10,000 members improve their interactions with patients. 
John currently leads MPS’s Educational services, Communications and Commercial departments, with a team of over 130 staff, overseeing the delivery of world class support and education services’  for more than 300,000 members around the world. 

He said: “The dentolegal and medicolegal environment has changed dramatically over the time I have been at MPS. What was a traditionally slow-moving environment is now an ever changing world of regulatory and legal challenges.  The number of complaints and the volume, cost and complexity of claims has significantly increased over the years, particularly in the UK.  
“I pioneered the MPS education department as I strongly believe in the preventative value of education. When I joined we had 30 to 40 events per year; we now provide in excess of 1,000 worldwide. In 2015 we delivered over 650 communication skills workshops to members worldwide. This was a key target that I was determined to fulfil, as many complaints arise from poor communication after an adverse outcome.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time MPS and will continue to have close links with education in healthcare. I will be keeping a close eye on developments in dentistry and health care generally and I wish MPS and most importantly the membership, well for the future.” 


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