FGDP: NHS dentists doing ‘excellent work’

Annual NHS figures show little change

New NHS Dental statistics for England from the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) highlight that NHS dentists are carrying out more preventative treatments than ever and continue to work hard to prevent dental disease. It is, however, clear that there is still more that can be done to improve the oral health of children and adults across the country. FGDP(UK) Dean Dr Mick Horton said: “This report highlights the excellent work NHS dentists are doing in preventing dental disease and promoting good oral health.”

The report highlights the high numbers of extractions and restorations which are carried out on children to treat preventable disease, such as dental caries.  Regular visits to the dentist are essential to maintain good oral hygiene and can aid the early detection of any problems. Dental examinations, fluoride application and a healthy low sugar diet, can help to prevent caries and avoid the need for extractions or restorative procedures.

FGDP(UK) Dean Dr Mick Horton commenting on the HSCIC report, said: “This report highlights the excellent work NHS dentists are doing in preventing dental disease and promoting good oral health. Despite this, it is worrying that almost 1 in 10 of treatments provided to children included extractions. It is clear that adults and children need to visit their dentist regularly to aid in the early detection of any problems and allow the Dental Care Team to give preventative advice and treatment where necessary.  It is important that parents understand they have a responsibility to also improve the Dental Health of their children through regular dental appointments,  good oral hygiene and following a low-sugar diet, recognising that together we can reduce the incidence of tooth decay.”

Professor Nigel Hunt, dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons, also said it is ‘appalling’ that tooth decay remains the most common reason why five-to-nine-year-olds are admitted to hospital.

The Royal College of Surgeons said the nation's poor dental record was a combination of patient complacency with regard to looking after their teeth along with access to dental appointments, both of which need to be addressed by the Government.

Prof Hunt said: "This data reveals a decade of inertia in access to dentistry. In the last two years approximately 50% of adults and almost a third of children haven't seen a dentist. Routine visits to the dentist are vital to maintaining good oral health. It's appalling that tooth decay remains the most common reason why five-to-nine-year-olds are admitted to hospital; in some cases for multiple tooth extractions under general anaesthetic - despite tooth decay being almost entirely preventable. Visiting the dentist regularly is crucial in providing rapid diagnosis and treatment to prevent both children and adults from being hospitalised due to tooth decay. The new Government needs to urgently review why access is not improving and launch a national campaign to stress the importance of seeing a dentist.”

Sara Hurley, chief dental officer at NHS England, said: “NHS England is pleased to see access to an NHS dentist continues to improve. The significant increase in treatment courses, including the provision of fluoride varnish, underlines that the message that 'prevention is better than cure' is getting through. This is encouraging and means that as a nation our oral health should continue to improve as we work across the whole of the health service to improve understanding. The slight decrease in the number of extractions in children is of course widely welcomed. In England young people have the highest consumption of sugary soft drinks across Europe which is why the Five Year Forward View makes it clear that we all need to get serious about prevention.”

The full report can be read at: http://tinyurl.com/pm898oh


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