76 graduates waiting for FD place

76 graduates waiting for FD place

The UK Committee of Postgraduate Dental Deans and Directors (COPDEND) has announced that 76 UK graduates are still on the waiting list for a Dental Foundation Training (DFT) place, while 968 graduates have confirmed places. The BDA’s Judith Husband has responded to the report by calling for ‘proper investment’ in DFT places.

The BDA said that 2014 was a landmark year for graduates, with the Government ‘finally seeing sense’ and providing sufficient training places for all eligible UK graduates, and u-turning on plans for a blanket £2,000 pay cut after a concerted campaign from the Association.

Judith Husband, chair of the BDA’s Education, Ethics and the Dental Team working group said: “Seventy-six graduates now face the terrible uncertainty on whether they will be able to begin a career in NHS dentistry. To be clear that’s 76 too many.  Each of them will be trying to focus on finals and this added pressure is a damaging and wholly unnecessary distraction.

“The future of Britain’s oral health depends on the next generation. These graduates deserve certainty and investment, not another nerve-wracking wait. It is not acceptable for the Department of Health to have another go at balancing the books off the backs of these young dentists."


Confirmed placements 968

Applications received 1269

Total UK Graduates 1073

Total EEA graduates 101

Total ROW graduates 95

Applications longlisted out 1

Applicants invited to interview 1268

Applicants declined invitation to interview 24

Applicants interviewed 1189

Applicants 'did not attend interview' 55

Applicants successful at interview 1171

Applicants offered placement 978

Applicants not offered placement 194

Applicants accepted placement 963

Applicants declined/expired/withdrawn placement 14


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