The strength of BOS is its inclusiveness, says new Chair

The strength of BOS is its inclusiveness, says new Chair

Alison Murray has taken over as Chair of the British Orthodontic Society with a pressing agenda. She wants to drive forward the Society’s remit to raise standards in orthodontic education, helping support the aims of the Society, which include promoting the study and practice of orthodontics, maintaining and improving professional standards and encouraging research in the specialty.

Also high on Alison’s agenda for BOS is a commitment to ensure that orthodontics remains within the NHS for Under 18s who qualify for treatment  and that the needs of adult orthognathic patients continue to be served. Alison commented: “We must support the members who provide these treatments. Three years as Chair may seem a long time but there is lots to be achieved.  I am determined to continue to strengthen the Society’s role as the voice of orthodontics in the UK.

“All who aspire to the aims of the Society and are interested in Orthodontics are welcomed and supported within the BOS: trainees, dentists in practice and community, specialists, consultants and academics. It is only necessary to have a commitment to high standards and ongoing professional development,”Alison continued. “The BOS is unusual among orthodontic societies around the world because it is an inclusive organisation: any dentist with an interest in orthodontics can join the Society. We also support Orthodontic Nurses and Therapists and Orthodontic Technicians who can join our affiliated groups. Our inclusiveness is our strength.”

Alison’s agenda embraces the promotion of ethical practice and marketing, so the dental profession is likely to see improved access to guidelines for treatment and more information will be available to patients trying to choose treatment for themselves or their children.

A Derbyshire based consultant, Alison succeeds Professor Nigel Hunt who is the current Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons. She said that Nigel had worked extremely hard for the Society and left a big pair of shoes to fill. “I am passionate about the value of orthodontics to patients. We must ensure it continues to be available to those who need it most.”


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