Rotten tooth system letter published

Rotten tooth system letter published

Lead author Dr Tony Kilcoyne of Haworth, West Yorkshire, had a further letter published in the Daily Telegraph on January 2nd, exactly one year to the day after a similar previous one. Some of the contents of the initial letter and the signatories were criticised in the dental media 2014.

The letter raises concerns that the dental system remains unfit for purpose, reminding the public and politicians that action is needed in the opinion of professionals. Should some proper investigation come about in the future, the profession can point back to this document and explain that professional actions were taken, but was anyone really taking note?

Today, the new number one medical reason that any primary school child aged 10 or under is hospitalised in England is rotten teeth. This is 100 per cent preventable. 1,2

In a few days over the holiday period, Dr Kilcoyne sought and gained 100 co-signatories from all parts of the dental profession around the UK.

The letter can be read in full here.





Anthony Kilcoyne
Now we've the WHICH report overlooking The Big Lie
Dear All,

Of course everyone should be clear about prices publicly, including what IS and ISN'T covered for the price paid.

However this SHOULD include Government being CLEAR to the Public that their imposed NHS Dental 'system' is limited and doesn't cover everything needed for everyone Nationally, by a LONG way !!!

Clarity and Transparency works BOTH ways, surely?

It's time to blow the whistle on this National Charade!

Yours also Candouringly,


Anthony Kilcoyne
Time for full HMG honesty about limitations...
It is vital that we insist HMG displays FULL honesty and transparency about the Limitations of NHS Dentistry System in England, towards the Public.

We should expect no less honesty of HMG towards the Public, than is expected of us as Professionals.

It's as simple and as Clear as that!

Yours still Candouringly,


Anthony Kilcoyne
Time to be Honest about NHS Dental system limitati
Dear All,

Please keep spreading and sharing this article and the genuine serious concerns it raises publicly.

The Telegraph article has had over 100 written comments made already and over 500 shares and on GDPUK over 2000 hits, all in just a few days !!!

Don't let Government's continued obfuscation remain, especially 4 months pre-election - it's time to hold those responsible, publicly accountable.

No more Spin, no more excuses for a lack of public clarity.

Yours also clearly,



Anthony Kilcoyne
Time to be Honest about NHS Dental System limitati
Dear All,

As people return to work from the holidays, please share this Telegraph letter widely and ask your MPs to challenge Government to Finally be fully Open and Transparent about NHS Dentistry System continuing failings and to STOP fostering unrealistic expectations publicly.

It is 4 months pre-election time and it's NOW essential to hold Government and their DH servants publicly accountable for THEIR supervised neglect of THEIR imposed high-target driven failing system !!!

No more Spin or false promises or delays; this needs Urgent Action now!

Yours also clearly,

Tony Kilcoyne.


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