GDPUK publishes its 1000th news story

1000th News Story on GDPUK

GDPUK proudly published its 1000th news story this week since the online group moved to its' present site in 2008. GDPUK is proud of its' place in the UK dental media world, and has published many exclusives in this time. We have our finger on the pulse of the thoughts and concerns of the general dentist in the UK.

Before then news would be published to the GDPUK mailing list, a service for dentists which goes out three times per day and is read by an average of 4600 colleagues per day, every day. You can read our latest news and an archive of dental news articles at 

GDPUK was founded in 1997 by Tony Jacobs, a dentist in Manchester, and is mainly known for its forum which evolved from the mailing list function, but news and blogs are amongst the widest read on the GDPUK site, which is visited by thousands of dental colleagues every single day.

GDPUK also publishes classified ads and a UK Dental Calendar, and remains free to dental colleagues and their teams, supported by the UK dental industry.


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