Heart Your Smile has novel market index

Heart Your Smile has novel market index

Heart Your Smile, the dental charity with a mission to find innovative ways to promote oral health and regular dental visiting, has devised a Market Index which charts the growth of dental activity and patient uptake across the spectrum of dental care in the UK. This is based on industry figures for sales of dental treatment gloves and dental local anesthetics, providing a proxy for the volume of dental visiting actually taking place.

By blending these two figures and plotting the trend over the two years January 2011 – January 2013, growth in the dental industry is shown to have grown from 4.6% to 4.9% over the period. Whilst far from startling, the figures show an encouraging progress over a period when the UK was recovering from its worst fiscal crisis in more than half a century. They reveal that whilst dentistry has not been hit as hard as many industries, there are reasons to be hopeful for a continuing upturn in good oral health habits.



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