FGDP(UK) opens its doors to more

FGDP(UK) opens its doors to more

From 1st January 2014 anyone possessing a postgraduate diploma in a dental subject from a UK higher education institution is eligible for full membership of the FGDP(UK). The Dean, Trevor Ferguson said this about the change: “By recognising qualifications from other UK higher education institutions, we are opening the doors to many people who may have previously been excluded from full membership.”

From 1st January 2014 anyone possessing a postgraduate diploma (or higher) in a dental subject from a UK Higher Education Institution is eligible for Full membership of the FGDP(UK). This change in the eligibility criteria is a recognition that what matters are the skills and knowledge of the practitioner, irrespective of where in the UK an individual was educated. Previously, applicants were required to possess a qualification from one of the surgical Royal Colleges. This marks a significant change in the 22 year old organisation’s membership criteria. Applicants joining the FGDP(UK) under this new route will be entitled to use the post-nominals ‘MFGDP’ for the duration of their membership, or until they obtain the Faculty Fellowship (FFGDP) award.

Dean of the FGDP(UK), Trevor Ferguson said this about the change: “The FGDP(UK) rightly has to move with the times in order to remain relevant to the profession. By recognising qualifications from other UK higher education institutions, we are opening the doors to many people who may have previously been excluded from full membership. This, in combination with the new route to Fellowship, signifies progressive changes for the Faculty.”

The application process for this ad eundem route is simple. Applicants are required to complete the standard membership application form and submit evidence that they have passed an acceptable qualification, and their application must be sponsored by two existing Full members of the Faculty. With these criteria met, the application is a formality and as a member the full range of benefits and services will be immediately available.


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