Clarification needed on implementing direct access

Clarification needed on implementing direct access

Gaps remain in dental professionals’ understanding of the complexities surrounding direct access the BDA has said. The new arrangements which were implemented in May by the GDC have left dental professionals with a number of questions that require clarification, a recent meeting of dental stakeholders said.

There are many areas still requiring further guidance that were common to all groups; NHS regulations and the variations in legislation between the devolved nations, prescribing and reporting on radiographs, consent and referrals within the dental team to ensure efficient and safe care for patients. Uncertainty about how the new arrangements can be implemented efficiently, with patients fully understanding the different roles of the dental professionals caring for them needs to be clearer,  the group said.

Its first meeting, which took place at the British Dental Association recently, agreed that the members would work together to try to resolve lingering uncertainties which stakeholders believe must be addressed for patients and clinicians alike. Members of the group include the British Association of Dental Nurses, the British Association of Dental Therapists, the British Association of Clinical Dental Technology, the British Dental Association, the British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy, and the Faculty of General Dental Practice.

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